Mary's Challenge, Day 01


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Mary was silent though. She was still running through her head what she had just done. She had sat naked in the car, and even flashed the woman working there! Her entire nude body had been seen by a total stranger!

Mary tilted her head down and looked at herself. Not a single thread of clothing to hide any part of her. She had just been seen that same way. Mary knew she was blushing a deep red. She could still feel the warmth in her cheeks, and even saw a red coloring spread across the top of her chest.

Her sitting exposed in the car was a thought that was lost on Mary at this point. Mary couldn't get her mind off of what happened, and how it was making her feel.

Her nipples never once softened; they were still extending from each breast. She didn't need to see between her pressed legs to know she was wet. She felt warm, and a constant tingle was running up and down her body.

Mary didn't move. The embarrassment was paralyzing. The adrenaline was heart pounding. The arousal was breathtaking. She didn't know what to do, or how to feel.

She honestly was very embarrassed. She didn't want to show her body off. She didn't want to have a stranger see her naked in public, flaunting her body. The woman may have encouraged her, and it didn't make Mary feel guilty, but that didn't lessen her blush.

She couldn't relax for a moment. With thoughts of what happened still swirling, she couldn't help but relive it in her mind. She couldn't help but wonder if things would have been better if she didn't do it, or if she had somehow did more.

She could hardly keep herself from touching herself either. She knew if she was alone in the car she wouldn't have been able to stop herself from masturbating.

Mary's friends decided to not disturb her for awhile. They figure a few moments to think to herself would do her some good.

Mary was starting to wonder if she was Ok with how things were going. Could she take more of this type of stress? She didn't want to show her body off, the embarrassment was a lot. Yet the thrill was undeniable. She wasn't sure if she kept doing this stuff if she'd be able to handle it.

Eventually she became aware of her surroundings. She worried that while riding naked she might have risked someone seeing her still sitting naked in the front seat. She was also concerned with where they were going. She vaguely recognized where they were. They were a couple of blocks away from Jenny's.

"Are we done yet?" Mary asked, finally speaking for the first time in awhile.

"Well, we were actually thinking, once you sort of woke up, we'd stop and let you out. Let you take a little walk home," Jenny explained.

Mary thought about it. It was late, but not too late. She knew that the neighborhood wouldn't be dead at this time. People weren't going to be going to bed quite yet. She also only just got done being exposed; this was a very sudden extra task for the night.

Mary knew she wanted to though. She knew it would be fun to sneak around. She hated to admit it, but it did sound fun.

Mary knew though it was risky. She didn't want to be seen again. She wanted to be able to stay hidden, and the distance seemed too far this early in the evening.

"I don't think I want to do that... I'd rather stay in the car till we're back," Mary admitted. She knew this was going to lose her a point, but she didn't care for now.

"Ok, if that's what you feel is right, we'll go home for now," Jenny said, and without another word they continued towards Jenny's. Mary was shocked. They didn't threaten or penalize her! Were they just going easy on her because of what she had just done?

Mary didn't want to push her luck though. She'd just leave the topic alone. She was relieved she'd be able to just go inside and relax a little.

The three got back to Jenny's, and besides the short run to the door, Mary was finally safely inside.

"Wow, that was lots of fun!" Julie said, sitting on the couch. Mary couldn't stop blushing as she sat in one of the chairs. Jenny sat next to Julie, and the two seemed to have their eyes on Mary.

"I don't know... that was so embarrassing," Mary said as the memories were already flooding back.

"Probably, but you did good! So, on a scale of 1-10, just how aroused are you?" Julie asked.

"What!?" Mary shouted, startled by the suddenly personal question. "Where'd that come from?"

"Oh, well it's no secret the way you enjoy these things. We all do. Also, your nipples haven't stopped being hard!" Mary instantly wrapped her arms around her breast. Her heart began to race as she felt blood flowing quickly to her face. She didn't know she could become so embarrassed so quickly.

"Don't mind too much Mary, she's right. We all enjoy it," Jenny said trying to console her.

"That was not enjoyable! I did not like flashing my body to that stranger!" Mary tried defending herself.

"Like hell you didn't, or are you aroused for a different reason?"

"What! No! I'm not aroused; the nipples are because of the cold!"

"Oh really?" Julie asked as she let a hand drift down to Mary's thigh. Mary's legs were tightly shut, but Julie was starting to slowly try and pry them open. "We could always check between here!"

"Stop it!" Mary said as she tried to move around in her seat. She couldn't shake Julie's hand loose. Mary then pushed Julie's hand away and let her own hand sit on her lap over the front of her pelvis.

"Hiding something?"

"Yes! My..." Mary didn't even want to say it, but it was better than Julie discovering the truth, "my pussy!"

Julie smirked. "Oh, so you're hiding how wet you are?"

"No! That's not it! It just isn't, well I'm not suppose to show my, well my umm, lady parts around like that."

"Oh, but what about before? You let that girl at the fast food place see." Jenny asked.

"That was, that was different!" Mary argued.

"Oh, because that girl was too far away to see how wet you were?" Julie asked.


"Then it's because you're hornier now?"

"No! It's because before you made me!"

"We didn't make you, you had other options. Like right now you're refusing to let us look."

"She's right. Besides, we've seen you naked plenty of times, and plenty aroused," Jenny added.

"Those times were different too!" Mary was really becoming flustered. She always felt naked when she was naked, but with the two grilling her like this, it was a lot more intense. "This is just so much more intimate..."

"So you are really wet down there? You're admitting it?" Julie asked, pointing a finger towards Julie's legs.

"NO!" Mary shouted as she let her hand slip between her legs. She felt if it was more securely against her lips, it would better hide them.

At this moment, Mary knew how the two of them were right. She was wet, soaking even. The whole day she'd be naked and convinced to do some pretty risky and embarrassing things. It had been having its effect on her for hours now.

Mary's Challenge, Day 1 By Jappio

Part 5

Now that she was the center of attention, and Jenny and Julie were really embarrassing her, she was lost in emotions. She was so embarrassed, but pent up arousal was also washing through her. She wasn't about to admit it, but she really wanted to relieve herself. She couldn't do that though, not with Jenny and Julie there. She would die of embarrassment if they knew she was that aroused.

Julie slowly moved forward and whispered in Mary's ear, "feels good, doesn't it, to have your hand between your legs?"

Mary almost screamed. She first wasn't sure how Julie could possibly know that. She realized though she couldn't just admit to that. "No! It's there to keep it safe from you perverts!"

"Oh, so we're the perverts, even though you're the one who is sitting naked on the chair in my living room, masturbating in front of us?" Jenny mocked.

"No! It's not like that! You guys made me be like this, and I'm not masturbating!"

"Oh, but you want to, don't you? You really want to right now, right?" Julie asked, her huge grin making it obvious how much the two girls were enjoying this.

"What? No!"

"Hm, you don't? You're so flushed though, and your nipples are so pointy and hard, and I could swear I see that hand between your legs keep shifting around."

Mary was speechless. She didn't know what to do or say. It was true; she really did want to relieve some tension. She wanted to let her hand bring herself off. She wasn't far from just doing it there in front of her friends. She wasn't even able to keep her hand still, constantly applying a little more pressure to her aching lips.

"Running about nude has got you all hot and bothered, hasn't it? I bet you can't wait to be back out there, naked in public," Julie continued to tease.

Mary knew she was right. She was afraid of what could happen, but she also knew it would be really thrilling too.

"Let's move your hand, and have a look to see what all this thrill, embarrassment, and excitement has done to you?" Julie slowly moved Mary's hands out from between her legs. She then had a hand on each thigh as she attempted to pry open Mary's legs. Mary didn't fight it. She knew that if she had kept it there, it would be too obvious she was trying to hide something.

Mary was hiding something though of course. She pictured her wet pussy sitting out for the two to look at, completely confirming just how much these crazy games of theirs affected her. She couldn't let that happen either.

She was again thinking about being outside. She actually started to think she would be safer out there than inside.

That's when she thought about it. She had a way to find some privacy!

"Wait!" Mary said as she suddenly snapped her legs shut before Julie could see much. "I umm, I think I need some air!"

"Hm, you do now?" Julie asked.

"Yeah... uh, I think I'll go take that walk..." Mary said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Oh, so you want some more thrill, really work yourself up?"

"No!" Mary had to think fast. "I uhh... just don't want to lose a point from before. I want to make up for denying a request."

"Oh, well let us get our shoes so we can go with you."

"No! That won't be necessary." Mary really did want to be alone. "I um, the one before I was supposed to be alone, so I'll be alone for this too, to make it fair."

"Well..." Jenny started to think. "I guess that's fair, but first," she began to dig through a drawer until she took out a marker, "use this to mark a sign in the park. You'll show us it later, to prove you had gone far enough." Mary took the marker, worrying she couldn't just hide now; she did have to actually go somewhere.

Mary waved goodbye, and stepped out the front door, quickly running to the side where she could hide behind Jenny's car.

Mary took a deep breath. She couldn't believe she managed to escape. Her heart was racing, and she could still feel the heat emanating from the blush on her face.

She then began to look around and realized her mistake. Mary was now crouching naked outside! She hadn't even fully thought the plan through; she just rushed out before having to be embarrassed any longer.

Now she had to make it to the park and back. It wasn't that far, just a couple of blocks, but she was naked, and it wasn't as late as she hoped it was. The time in the living room felt like an hour, but only a couple of minutes had passed. Mary saw lights on at a few houses, people were still awake!

Going inside would mean more teasing though, so Mary looked out from behind the car to make sure the coast was clear, and was soon dashing from cover to cover on her way to the park. She had to at least finish this task, or she would face so many more embarrassments.

Crouching behind bushes and parked cars kept her safe from the road and houses on the other side of the street, but Mary soon realized it wasn't always the best choice. The yards she'd be in had houses too of course, and she couldn't stand to wait in one that had a light on. She'd be crouching vulnerable in view of their windows!

Mary had to zigzag between yards and the street to find the best spots to hide. Her heart was pounding as she tried to find the best path down the road. She wanted this over with as fast as possible. Mary's adrenaline was rushing, and the earlier teasing had her impatient.

The naked girl held her breast in one arm, and had a hand between her legs as she dashed down the street. She stayed crouched over, trying to stay low and out of sight. When she got to the first intersection, she hid a few feet away behind a parked car. She tried listening for cars driving around. She could definitely hear some, but couldn't tell if they were close or approaching where she was.

Mary would have to get to the street corner, pass under a light, then cross the street and be out in the open with no form of cover to hide behind.

Mary felt a familiar tingle shoot through her body. She couldn't believe just how worked up she had become. "Is it from the teasing... or from being out here," Mary mumbled to herself.

Mary knew she couldn't think of that right now. She was naked outside; she had to concentrate on the goal at hand. She slowly stood so she could get a look around her. Since no cars or people were around, Mary made her dash. She even let her hands fall to her sides so she could run as fast as she could.

The naked girl moved fast under the light, her bare skin illuminated from over head. In a brief moment her bare breast, bouncy butt, and brown curls were completely revealed all around her. Soon Mary was running across the street and to the other curb. She then quickly took cover behind a small bush, she was exposed on a few sides, but at least had a chance to stop and catch her breath.

Now that she had come to a stop, she gripped her body again, but was shocked to find just how much more sensitive it had become. As her arms pressed against her rock hard nipples, a jolt of energy shot through her. Her hand resting against her lips was met with more moisture.

For a moment she is lost in these feelings. Mary can still hardly admit to herself just how much these thrills effect her. She couldn't argue with the state her body was in though. She'd been turned on for most of the day too. She began to blush deeper at the thought of finding relief. Mary knew her body wanted it, but she was outside and in public. She also knew she couldn't find it when she got back to Jenny's. "Who masturbates at a sleepover?"Mary thought. "Then again, who is kept away from her clothing at a sleep over too..." she countered back.

Mary convinced herself to get off the subject and continue her sneak to the park. She looked forward, and started off once more.

Down the road, Mary encountered fewer houses with lights on. More and more it got darker, and Mary knew that things would hopefully only get easier. It made her uneasy to be moving away from Jenny's, but it at least helped calm her some that she had no close calls yet.

She was gaining confidence as she went. She tried to keep a level head, not take unnecessary risk, but more and more she thought how possible this would be.

Once within eye's sight of the park, Mary was sure she could do this. She didn't fully know why, but she was feeling great. She'd make it there, leave the mark, and go back to Jenny's, the two girls proud of her.

Mary was also feeling good in other ways. Although her hands still held tight to her private areas, it wasn't purely out of modesty any longer. Mary knew she was turned on, and was enjoying the touch to those sensitive areas. She did her best to control herself, and she did well enough, but a naughty thrill still ran through her body.

Finally getting to the park entrance, Mary looked around and made sure no one was around. At least once she made it into the park some; she'd be out of sight from the road and houses. Mary still had to find a sign somewhere in the park to mark, but she hoped that'd be the easy part. Mary quickly jogged in, knowing she was only a little less than half way done with this.

The park was different at night. It was of course very dark, and it being so empty was new to Mary. The other parks she'd been in at night had street lights, but this one had none. She looked around, both to watch out for people, and also to look for a sign.

When Mary finally saw one in the distance, she rushed over to it. She was finally going to be able to head back and get inside. After she left her mark, she looked back towards the exit of the park. Mary still had a whole walk back, and she thought she could at least use a break.

Mary found a nearby bench and took a seat. She finally for once let her arms drop away from her body as she tried to relax. She'd be jogging and running again soon, she wanted to be rested, and the park seemed safe enough.

Mary tilted her head up and looked at the night sky. She was surely outside. She looked back down at her body. Her heavy breathing made her chest rise and sink. Her breast were topped with hard nipples. She knew it wasn't nearly cold enough to have caused that effect.

She parted her legs slightly and saw that she was even starting to show signs of arousal down there. The nearby light helped Mary see her lips were starting to change color and she could tell by the faint glistening that they were indeed becoming noticeably moist.

Mary looked left and right. It was very quiet; she was actually feeling like she was alone. Yet she also recalled the last time she thought she'd been alone in the park. She could feel herself nearly flinch, about to cover and hide, but she kept still as she could.

Mary placed a palm on each knee, trying to just force herself to sit still and relax, yet the fact she was without any clothing was not easy to ignore.

She tried to sit back more and look away from her body, but as she did her hands moved up her legs and to her thighs. She took in a deep breath; she was fighting back the urge to bring her hands closer to between her legs. It was like a pulsating want that kept growing.

Inch by inch they moved up her thighs. She let her legs open just a bit more. She was now fighting back the urge to look down, both not wanting to be reminded of her nudity, or for her to realize just what she was about to do.

She knew how wrong it would be. She was out in the park naked. If someone came up to her, and saw what she was going to do, she'd be totally humiliated. Yet the risk of that happening didn't seem to stop her.

Really that's all Mary could think about, was the risk and embarrassment. She didn't want to be seen, she could sort of tell that. It would be so embarrassing, but she couldn't deny there was something to the risk that was intoxicating.

The more and more risky Mary got, the more and more her emotions swelled. It wasn't even just arousal and fear. There was hope, embarrassment, pride, freedom, worry, and other feelings that Mary was subjected to.

Mary thought about her past experiences. How alive she would feel when really taken to the limit, past that point where she is no longer doing what she thought she could do, and doing more than that.

The walk to the park had been risky and worrisome. It had also been thrilling and exciting. Yet Mary knew if Jenny and Julie were there, they'd ask her to go farther.

Mary thought about going farther. She thought about it literally. To take more steps away from Jenny's house. To go farther from her clothes and cover. To be more and more naked.

Mary forced her hands away from her body. In her moment of self reflection, they'd been all over her body. She missed the feel of her hand at her breast and nipples. She wanted her hand to further touch between her legs, to her wanting lips. Yet right now Mary wanted something more.

It was a compulsion more than anything. She felt she had to prove it to herself. She almost felt like she got to the park too easily. She thought about going farther, and thought she could manage it.