Masturbation Club


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Many Feathers
Many Feathers

I was now caressing one of Jackie's magnificent breasts; she in turn was continuing to play with my more than aroused penis. I was playing a game of my own at that point, and though not an official entrant into the game being played on the floor, I was endeavoring to see how long it would be that I could hold out before cumming myself, though in fairness, Jackie wasn't exactly working hard at making me do so either.

Someone else came, and an older gentleman to whom I'd been introduced earlier now took up position on my wife. He immediately began licking her pussy with the widest tongue I'd ever seen. I saw Anna shiver at his tongue-fuck onslaught, and felt that she was definitely hanging by a thread as I gave the guy credit for his cunniligual expertise.

To my greatest surprise however, I heard Jerry's deep throated near growling groan and looked up just in time to see Samantha quickly spin both of her hands in opposite twists and directions on that massive prick of his. Obviously that last little maneuver had done the trick for her, and he once again erupted in a showering geyser of spunk. I noticed it wasn't nearly as voluminous as it had been the first time, but was certainly note worthy.

Only seconds after that, Carol's pussy erupted and she was gone. It was down to three now, my wife, Samantha, and the older guy with the fucking wide tongue. I couldn't see how Anna could possibly survive the next round sandwiched between too obvious 'professionals' in this particular game.

I glanced briefly around the room at that point as the three of them repositioned themselves once again. Nearly everyone was busily playing with or fondling one another in some way, including those who had been eliminated earlier. It was just too damn erotic not to get stimulated all over again. Only Jerry seemed to be incapable of sporting any kind of a firm erect cock, but after what he'd been through with Samantha's talented and skillful hands, I wasn't too terribly surprised.

I watched as Sam began applying the same techniques she'd used on 'The Hulk' and began to wonder if Anna might actually have half a chance. Mr. Fuck Tongue was starting to lose his concentration, and if anything, that was allowing my wife to re-gather herself.

"Anna's doing pretty damn good!" Jackie commented, you should be proud of her," she added.

"Oh hell, I am," I said not daring to take my eyes off what was taking place. "More than you'll ever know," I added as an afterthought.

I was glad I didn't. A split second after that, and Mr. Tongue lost it. "Fuck!" he said squirting a quart of fuck-butter down Sam's throat.

And then, there were two.

"There will be a two minute break while we prepare for the final contest!" Samantha indicated.

Anna quickly made her way over towards Jackie and I. "Shit! I damn near lost it," she admitted to us both. "There's no way I'm going to outlast her," she said looking back over her shoulder. "Tell me Jackie, you know her a lot better than I do, IS there anything I can do that will get her off quickly?"

Jackie grinned wickedly. "Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but yes...there is one thing. She does have an Achilles heal so to speak. But it will be a matter of a little luck and timing to bring it off," she added.

"Tell me, we don't have much time before we start," Anna asked excitedly.

"Well, there's no way you'll beat her in a strictly finger-fucking contest. She can hold out forever if you only do that. And, you can rub her clit as hard as you want, forever...that won't do it either. But she will enjoy it, and actually let herself get up close to the edge whenever anyone does that to her. When you hear her breathing get rapid and excited, that's when you shove one of your fingers back inside her pussy, and another one in her ass. Finger-fuck her for all your worth then, with luck, she will have allowed herself to get too close with the clitty-thing. If she has, then as long as you keep at it, before cumming yourself, you have a chance. But like I said, no guarantee's and you have to lead her into a false sense of security. Perhaps if you fake being close yourself, she might let her self go a little."

"I'm not sure I can fake anything. Like I said earlier, I was pretty fucking close to losing it myself!"

Hearing the two women discuss strategy, and particularly in such erotic terms had me ready to squirt all over the two of them.

"Good luck honey!" I said kissing my wife. "Hang it there!"

Jackie believe it or not, was still holding onto my cock. Anna glanced down and laughed. "You'd have lost it the first round," she teased. "Samantha's damn good!"

"I know, I've been watching everything from up here," I reminded her.

"Masturbation only now," Samantha told Anna, as they took up their respective positions side by side on the floor. Curling up into a semi-sixty nine, each woman lay facing the others cunt.

"God this is going to be interesting," I said unnecessarily.

Jackie knew I was in a highly excited and aroused state.

"You really would have lost a long time ago," she whispered, as the room had grown stone-cold silent. And she clasped my prick in such a way that she nearly caused me to jettison a load right then and there. "Don't worry, I'll time it for you," she said. Then went back to a perfect rhythm, keeping me in check for the time being.

Samantha was doing something to Anna's hot quim, that much was for sure. She was writhing and squirming all over the floor. I was sure she wouldn't last much longer when I watched as she suddenly began to palm that wide-open displayed pussy of Sam's. She cupped it, palmed it in an ever-increasing slapping type of fashion, not painfully so, but damn close.

The look on Samantha's surprised face was evident, she was really enjoying what it was my wife was doing to her. With renewed vigor, she attacked my own wife's cunt like a woman possessed. She twirled her fingers inside Anna's cunt, tickled and teased her clitoris with her other hand, alternating strokes, speed, pressure. Whatever it took to try and finally bring her over the edge.

The ebb and flow of the masturbatory contest was draining. One moment Samantha seemed to be teetering over the edge, in the next, Anna was. Even the crowd who were still sitting around watching seemed to be mesmerized by the near titantic struggle that was taking place.

I'd nearly cum twice myself just seeing all this. But each time, Jackie had squeezed off the impending climax just moments from eruption.

"This is the most intense contest I've ever witnessed!" she whispered to me. "Sam's definitely got her hands full!"

I laughed at the non-intended pun. "You might could say that. Oh my God! Look!" I exclaimed drawing Jackie's attention back towards the two female combatants.

Anna was making her move. She'd gone from palm rubbing, finger tickling Sam's blood engorged clit. Jackie and I both saw Anna's finger slip inside Sam's pussy, and another probing the entry at Sam's ass. The woman's eyes actually widened in surprise as she did that, her movements on my wife's pussy momentarily ceasing.

Anna began working both fingers now, one in Sam's pussy, the other in her ass, fucking her furiously in this fashion.

We weren't the only ones who were realizing that the momentum had changed in favor of my wife either. Several hushed, surprised voices began chattering as the erotic battle neared a dramatic climax. All about the room, people were busily engaged in their own sexual pleasures while continuing to watch the spectacle before them. Even Jerry's prick was back at full mast, Carol hungrily sucking it while another woman, fed it to her, jerking him off simultaneously. Ted was standing behind another woman fucking her doggy style, his eyes glued to Samantha and Anna as they fingered one another in a contest of will and endurance.

Then suddenly it was all over, which is when I learned, Sam was a squirter.

Obviously victorious, Anna rolled Samantha onto her back, fingers still working furiously in both of Sam's openings. Giving in to the onslaught, Sam cried out in surprised ecstasy. Amazed, stunned, delighted, I watched as Sam's cunt suddenly expelled a silvery thin stream of effervescent female nectar. It caught the shimmering red glow of the lights as it arched high into the air. The effect of which startled me. It was like watching one of those water shows where dancing fountains are backlit in colorful lights. Her cum streams were clear, and easily attracted the deep rich red hues of refracted light, turning each pulsating expulsion of her fluid into a wildly exotic laser light show of sorts.

I had been so caught up in the weirdly bizarre scene before me, that only then did I realize that Jackie was busily wiping cum off my dick, rubbing it into her breasts.

The room exploded into wild appreciative applause. Anna sheepishly stood, took an informal bow turning to the crowd in the room like an Olympic athlete, acknowledging everyone there separately, all the while grinning from ear to ear.

Samantha stood as only Samantha could. She moved over to where Anna was standing and gave my wife's pussy an affectionate kiss of congratulations for having actually bested her. For few ever did.

One by one, couples began to finally drift off towards other portions of the house together. Some obviously heading towards the showers.

Anna soon joined Jackie and I looking a bit frazzled, but none the worse for ware.

"However in the world did you manage to last so long?" I had to ask. "Several times I thought you were a gonner!"

Anna blushed, "Simple, really. I had a quickie cum just before we got started."

"A quickie cum? How'd you manage to get away with doing that? I never saw you do anything!"

"No. And you wouldn't have either. Ever since I was a little girl, I learned that I could stand in a certain position, squeeze my legs together just right, hold it there for a moment...and wham. Quickie cum. I used to do it sometimes when I was bored, especially if I was standing around a bunch of grownups trying to look all cute and pretty for them. Little did they have any idea what I was busy doing to myself. So, just before I went back to face Sam down while standing here talking to you two, I had a quickie cum!"

I laughed, " cheated!"

"I didn't cheat. No one said anything about cumming before the game got underway!"

I guess that was true.

"So, how often have you cum like that when you've been around me?" I asked her.

Anna smiled, her eyes twinkled mischievously, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes. Yes I would like to know," I reiterated feeling my cock twitch with curiosity.

But she simply turned, the same naughty smile etched into her face. "We'll discuss that another time. Right now, I really could use a nice shower."

Anna took my hand and we strolled side by side down the hallway towards the baths.

"Wait up you two!"

I turned, and there was Emily swiftly coming up from behind us. "You guys having a good time?" she asked.

"You have no Idea Em," I said grinning at her. She really was beautiful. "We're off to the showers to freshen up a bit."

"Wonderful. I'll join you," she said grinning back at me.

And Mr. Insatiable nodded his head in approval.

We soon found and entered the baths. A number of people were in attendance by this time, and Emily guided us over towards an enormous public bath, much like the Roman's of old had used.

"Isn't this wild?" Emily asked us as well all stepped down into the steamy hot water together. Several other couples were already there, sitting, soaking, though some were also otherwise engaged.

As we stepped down into the enormous waist deep tub, I noticed several bars of fresh soap conveniently situated in tiny little cubbyholes all about the enclosure. Picking one up, Emily approached Anna.

"It's proper etiquette to bathe one another upon entering," she announced, already working up a frothy lather of scented soap, applying it first to my wife's back, and then to her breasts. Watching her do so was extremely arousing. Especially when Anna soon returned the favor. Seeing my wife's hands easily gliding over Emily's full breasts was a major turn on for me.

"Ok, your turn David!"

Emily soaped both my back as well as my chest, "Now...sit up on the edge of the tub so I can finish washing you," she told me. Mr. Ever-Ready perked up at that one, contentedly enjoying the feel of her soapy-slick hands as she patted him down lovingly, caressing him until he stood shiny-clean proud.

Then it was my wife's turn again, and as she sat on the bank, Emily soaped down her legs, paying particular attention to her pussy of course.

I leered at her wondering aloud, "So dear, you having one?"

Emily cast me a curious glance while Anna shot me another one entirely. "Like I said before, wouldn't you like to know?"

Emily smiled catching on immediately. "Speaking of which, now the two of you can finish washing me. And take your time, I think I'm several orgasms behind if I know you two!" she said with a lusty smile on her face.

"Go ahead dear, you've been dying to be with Emily all evening, now's your chance!"

I gave Anna an appreciative look, stepping in-between Emily's outstretched legs. "Here, I'll even help you," she offered. Coming in from behind me, Anna took each of Emily's long tapered legs, resting them on her shoulders. In doing that, Emily's beautiful pink-lipped pussy winked at me invitingly. I applied some soap, lathering up that near-perfect split, then enjoyed the feel as my fingers slid smoothly, easily up her surprisingly well-lubricated furrow.

"Oh yeah, that feels good!" Emily moaned reaching up to begin caressing her breasts. "Keep doing that, trust won't take long!"

Alternating between dipping a finger or two inside her, and simply stroking her rather large clit with the tip of my finger, I soon had Emily squirming about on the edge of the tub moaning in ecstasy.

"Suck my clit!" she announced suddenly. "I'm almost there David, please...lick my pussy, suck my clit and get me off!" she pleaded. Happy to oblige, I leaned over quickly locating her over-sized clit, drawing it into my mouth where I began sucking it as though it were a miniature penis. Emily's soft moans soon turned into far louder groans of pure pleasure as she continued pulling her nipples, cupping and massaging her breasts, all the while literally grinding her pussy against my face.

I was still smiling when Emily finally forced my head away from her now over-sensitized clit. Still trying to catch her breath, she cupped her mound, soothing it with her hand.

"Damn! You're good!" she stated sincerely.

"Yes, he is isn't he?" Anna said stepping around us. Emily slid down into the pool, immediately positioning herself between my wife's legs.

"You have any problem if David fucks me from behind while I eat you?" she asked my wife.

Mr. Insatiable was suddenly alert, curious as to how she would answer. "Be my guest. He's a pretty good fuck too!" she added. Seeing another woman licking your wife's pussy while you fucked her would make anyone a good fuck in my book. Slipping in to Emily's velvet-soft pussy while she in turn began lapping at my wife's cunt was more stimulation than any man would ever need.

I might have enjoyed eating pussy, and even considered myself somewhat of an expert doing it, but by the look on my wife's face as Emily licked her, I'd have been hard-pressed to be doing it any better.

"Oh my God! Oh fuck Em, that feels nice!" Anna moaned, her eyes closed, leaning back resting herself on her elbows. "Damn that tongue of yours feels good!"

Gripping Emily's firm, tight ass while I slowly slid in and out of her tight pussy was exquisite. I dug my fingers deeply into her ass-cheeks, hanging on while fucking her pussy in long, deep, full strokes.

"Harder now David! Fuck me harder, faster!" Emily said taking a moment before returning back to my wife's slit.

Doing as I'd been asked, I began slamming into Emily from behind, the water inside the pool now violently splashing against the rim as each thrust of my prick inside her, caused tidal-waves that began crashing up and over the edge. It was then, that I noticed we'd gathered a small audience as two or three couples had come over to watch, enjoying the show.

"Now! Now! Now!" Anna was screaming, obviously well into the throes of orgasm. Whatever Emily was doing to Anna, she was cumming as hard as I'd ever seen her, throwing caution to the wind, crying out as she came.

Likewise, I felt Emily's pussy contract around Mr. Insatiable, felt her squeezing the life out of him which in turn caused him to fill the inside of her pussy with a shower of hot sticky spunk.

"Fuck!" I bellowed much to the delight of our audience, some of which had actually begun clapping.

"Well I'll be go to hell," I said embarrassedly, stepping away from Emily's cunt, but inwardly feeling pretty good about my performance.

We soon after toweled off, making our way out of the bathing area.

Passing a side room my curiosity got the best of me, especially as the door was open. "What's going on in there?" I asked. We stopped, and I quickly ducked my head inside.

"That's what we call the 'wet-room'" Emily informed us.

"Wet room?" As I looked, I suddenly discovered why it was called that. On the floor lay two women and one man. Standing above them, two men stood urinating on the females, while the single woman squatted over the guy's dick, releasing a torrent of hot warm piss over him.

"Come on David," Anna said taking my arm. "This is one I think we can pass on. Besides, I just finished taking a bath."

"I was just curious," I pleaded allowing her to lead me away.

Anna grinned, winking at me. "Maybe later," she added shocking the shit out of me.

"Holy shit honey!" I exclaimed. "Really? You serious?" Now that was something I could have never imagined she'd ever be interested in. But then again, she'd never shown signs of being interested in another woman either.

"I'm just full of surprises aren't I?" she said teasingly.

"Shit! I'll say," following her and Emily out of the baths.

We eventually made our way back to the main room where both Anna and I made our way over towards the bar for fresh drinks. I noticed that some sort of preparations were being made, and much of the furniture was now being rearranged from the way we'd first seen it upon our arrival.

"What time is it?" Emily asked.

I looked at my watch surprised to see it was already nearing eleven-thirty, giving Emily the time.

"We've got about a half hour then before the Grande-finale, trust're not going to want to miss this either. I assure you, what you'll see here tonight is something you will never see anywhere else. It's truly quite unbelievable!" Emily informed us both.

"Well, after everything I've seen here tonight, not much more could surprise me," I stated confidently.

"Just wait," Emily quipped. "You aint seen nothin' yet!"

After everything we had seen and experienced, combined with the drinks perhaps, I yawned, actually beginning to feel tired.

"Don't tell me your beginning to peter out," Emily teased giving Mr. Limp dick an affectionate squeeze.

"I don't think I could get another cock-stand if my life depended on it," I replied contentedly.

"Oh you will. I promise you will again before the nights out," Emily assured me.

I smiled at her, though thinking to myself, "No possible way." My cock was totally limp and flaccid now. Mr. Ever-ready, Mr. Insatiable cock had finally died and gone to heaven.

"Samantha is the closing act for the evening...wait until you see what she does!" Emily finalized placing her arm around my wife. "And not to mention the orgy afterwards," she added.

Many Feathers
Many Feathers