Masturbation Club


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Wow! David mused to himself, though still a little unsure where Rob was heading with all this.

But the really funny part, she has this friend that she met at one of those celebrity look-alike conventions. And because of the "obvious" connection, they've made appearances, and toured places for fun.

You don't mean? Anna suddenly said, now getting interested in the conversation as well.

Yep! Judy joined in. Her friend looks exactly like Michael Douglas!

I still don't see where it is your going with all this. David finally pressed. I was talking specifically about "real" celebrity's that participate in the Club...not look a.......... And then it hit him. And he saw the knowing smile on Rob's face.

Can you imagine it? Rob said. Scheduling a "fantasy" encounter, say in a limousine, like the one you described. You get in, blindfolded perhaps, and then as soon as your on the way, the blindfold's removed, and presto! There you are sitting across from Kathryn and Michael!

You know Rob, that's not a really bad idea. I think its something I could approach the "Club" about, if they were interested in pursuing it that is. But we'd certainly need at least a few more celebrity types to make it work don't you think?

I've already approached Carla/Kathryn about it, and she's all for it. She even indicated that it would take much persuasion to get her counterpart to go along with it either.

And she also mentioned, that through her affiliation with other celebrity look-a-likes, that there may be more than just a few others who might get a kick out of doing it too. Especially if it was just for fun! I mean, can you imagine it? Special "anniversary" occasions, birthday's, not to mention bachelor parties and the like.

Didn't she also tell you about another friend of hers? Someone that looks an awful lot like another Catherine, only spelled with a C instead of a K?

Oh yea. Someone named Catherine Bell or something like that.

Oh my God. David thought.

And Anna laughed. David's top two! He'd be the first one to book them!

Well anyway, just an idea. Rob said. But I think its certainly got some interesting possibilities. We could run another form of Masturbation Club from here, perhaps affiliated with that group in San Diego. Hell, before too long, we'd probably have groups popping up all across the country.

And once again, David had a fleeting memory of a similarly Federally Funded Program being introduced.

Well ...I will take it up with the Club, see what they think about the idea. And who knows? If they aren't supportive, maybe we'll just strike out on our own!

They had a toast to that one with their wine glasses.

Mel Gibson. Anna said, half under her breath and leaning over towards Judy who was still sitting between the "boys" as she did.

Definitely! Judy agreed. And the two girls clinked their glasses together over that one as well.

Now....down to more important matters in hand however. Rob teasingly stated. Judy's been sitting here stroking my cock ever since we got in here. And I happen to know that David's been curious as hell to see it.

Why David! Anna laughed nearly hysterically. I had no idea!

It's not what you think! David responded defensively. I was telling him about remember him? You saw him at the party.

Oh yea.......Anna said, somewhat dreamily as she pictured his huge swollen cock firmly in her mind. I remember that "bad-boy" very, very clearly. You have no idea how many times I've imagined.........

Anna stopped then. She'd been rambling. And everyone was smiling...and looking at her.

Go on girl. It was just starting to get interesting! Judy coaxed her.

Never mind. Anna blushed. And she took a healthy swig of her wine draining the glass. And speaking of cock's...she stated then taking the discussion back away from her, and back once again onto Rob. Lets see this cock that Judy's been telling me about anyway!

Without any hesitation, and certainly not without a great deal of self-confidence and total inhibition, Rob stood up from the swirling frothy water of the tub. His erection was indeed massive. And like John's it was enormous. It even seemed to be a little "firmer" than John's had been, which was a difficult thing to accomplish for so giant a cock.

I have to admit it Rob. You've got one mother-fucking big cock their buddy! I can't say you're bigger than John's was, but I'd hate to live in the difference!

And Rob also felt the same "shrinking" lack of male prowess from poor old Mr. Ever-ready. Old Mr. Slightly above average still didn't compare in girth, length and overall appearance of Rob's magnificent fuck tool.

He felt a hand clasp and surround him then beneath the water. Obviously it was Judy's. And obviously, she was sensing his "slight" discomfort at being forced, and compared to something quite so out of his league.

And as though reading his mind, Judy offered up, more for his self esteem perhaps more than anything else.

Well, he might have a BIG one alright, but he's a "One-Cum" kind of a guy. One nice hard orgasm, and old Robbie here's done for the night!

David looked over at Judy. He wasn't sure that her use of the "younger" version of "Robbie" for "Rob" was intentional or not. But she did wink at him then, and he was almost sure she was in a very subtle way, reminding him of how the "other" Robbie, the young man-boy, had in fact shot his wad so quickly and so totally succumbed to the excitement of that wild little group-sex thing they'd shared the day previous. And to him, it was a reminder that BIG wasn't always better. At least not in all things.

But damn. The "visual" still had its advantages!

Once again the hand beneath the water began to stroke and tease him back to a much stiffer and firmer state of mind. Both his, as well as Mr. Ever Ready, Mr. Getting harder and hornier by the moment.

Come on Anna. Judy indicated to her friend, now holding Rob's cock up through the surface of the water as he sat there. Come play with this for me while I enjoy playing with your husbands.

This was something they had already discussed earlier inside the kitchen. That, and a whole lot more as well. Anna had been excited, and anxious to finally get to play with and explore this cock that Judy had been telling her about. But Judy was enjoying herself too. And although David's still nice sized prick, though certainly still much smaller one, was a nice change of pace for her as well. So there was something about "variety" and enough differences between hard pricks to keep the stimulation going regardless.

David didn't mind much now either. His cock was fully erect, had a nice purplish swollen cock head that was feeling better and better all the time. And he had to admit to himself too, watching Anna busily stroking Rob's prick in long almost exaggerated movements was actually quite erotically stimulating to watch her do.

Though David was certainly far from reaching an orgasm, he was certainly well on the way towards building a nice hard cum. And Anna had obviously been doing her level best to produce the same amount of sexual tension and excitement in her stroking and masturbating of Rob's cock too. boys have been anxious to see the two of us have a little girl-girl action for your enjoyment huh? Judy unashamedly teased. She stood up in the middle of the tub then, cupping her breasts and offering them to Anna. She also stood then, cupping her own firm wet tits in a similar fashion. Standing before one another, as though a "planned" event, which in fact it was, though David and Rob certainly didn't know that for sure, the girls then reached for one another, and began playing with each other's breasts.

Oh yea baby. Rob near moaned. And David could see him sitting on one of the underwater seats in the hot-tub, his cock easily sticking out of the top of the water while he sat, stroking his own thick massive member. That's with each other a little for us. I "love" watching two women doing that....especially "you" two. He quickly added.

So, you like what your seeing then? Judy questioned. But there was obviously a lot more to the question that met the eye here.

How about you David? Anna asked him as well. You like watching us touching one another, playing with each other's boobies? How about if I were to sit here on the edge of the tub, and Judy was to kneel down and lick my pussy a little? Would you guys like watching that too?

Rob was the first one to respond. Fuckin - A! Rob exclaimed.

And David did have to stifle a snicker then. Maybe all Rob-Robbie's said Fuckin-A. The girls didn't seem to catch that however. Or maybe if they did, they were too excited, too lusty at that moment to care. They continued to touch and fondle one another, standing there in the middle of the hot-tub just mere inches from where both David and Rob sat stroking themselves, and watching the girls.

Yea baby....Rob continued then. We want to see you lick one another's pussy's, don't we David? The tone in Rob's voice was definitely a pleading one. Obviously this was something he'd wanted to see his wife do for quite some time, and obviously hadn't yet. And truthfully, David was excited to see it too. He couldn't imagine anything more erotic at the "moment" than seeing his wife licking Judy's pussy and visa versa.

We're ready whenever you are! David finally added, now wanting and needing to see the two women together as well.

And this "obviously" had been the very moment that the girls had been waiting for.

OK....they both said in complete and total unison. But all's fair now.....

They let that "hang" in the air for a moment, letting it sink in a little before explaining further. You want to see us? Well we want to see you guys too!

David cast a worried look over in Rob's direction. His face did have a puzzled frown on it as he pondered what exactly it was that the girls had in mind.

Come on guys! Judy somewhat exasperatedly stated. Your already playing with your own cock's while watching us now right?

Yea.......Rob clipped, a bit of uncertainty still edged in his questioning tone.

Well, what we want in a little exciting action from you too as well. I'm not asking for anything "major" Judy intoned. Just something a little "spicy" a little "naughtier" than usual.

What we "want".........Anna chimed in. Is to watch the two of you jerking each other off while you watch us is all. Think you can do that for us? She asked.

For David, it wasn't that big of deal. But he didn't know Rob, and certainly didn't know how he would take a proposition like that, especially from his wife.

And then to everyone's relief.

Fuckin-A! Why the hell not?

Anna had by then done exactly as the girls had intimated that they would do. Sitting on the side edge of the tub, feet still dangling easily in the water, though wide spread so that Judy would have clear and easy access to her wide-open pussy. Judy knelt down between her then, positioning herself over one of the softly pulsating jets of water beneath the surface.

Damn! David stated then. Have you guys practiced this out here before?

Judy laughed, somewhat "muzzled" in a face full of cunt, tongue protruding inside Anna's slick glistening pussy.

No...but the idea sorta did "come" to me, she punned on purpose, slanging the word "cum" drawing it out when she said it the way she had.

I fewlt da waater on ma puzzy, fought it wud be a nice fee-wing.

Judy had responded, replied, still mouthing, still licking, and still sucking Anna's cunt the whole time. As near funny as it initially sounded. What she was doing however as she said it was suddenly extremely sensual instead.

Speaking far more clearly, yet still with an almost dreamy-soft "lilt" to her speech, the obvious effects of Judy's tongue lapping working its magic on her swollen clit, Anna looked up then and reminded Rob and David what it was they had promised to do for them.

Come on now guy's....a promise is a promise. Or would you prefer Judy and I take this inside the house. By ourselves!

Standing slightly off to one side, although it was understood the girls would soon switch positions as well, David and Rob stood there then, watching the incredible sexy wives, enjoying the sensations they were sharing with one another. Likewise, David had been the first to reach over, perhaps his more "experienced" involvement in the Club freeing him of any such inhibitions, even on that count he wasn't sure, but never the less, reached over and grasped Rob's thick swollen cock in his fist and began to slowly move the soft smooth flesh up and down, back and forth, and even slightly twisting it from side to side as he pumped Rob's massive shaft.

Though Rob's initial inclination was far more tentative, he too eventually got into the "moment" and began touching and toying with David's nice hard, but obviously smaller prick. Interestingly enough, David somehow sensed that Rob found actually touching David, noticing the obvious differences, still had an exciting, and suddenly new found appreciation for the similarities, no matter how small, how large, or how different. He was soon after stroking David's prick in much the same way he obviously enjoyed and more than likely quite often, stroked himself.

Oh yes. That's it. Anna urged David and Rob both on. Oh Judy, you really should see this. Judy stopped eating Anna's pussy momentarily, long enough to get a nice long look as the guys stood there jacking one another off for them.

You wanna cum like this? Judy asked her then. Because I do when I come. I want to sit here with you licking my cunt, while I'm watching these two handsome guys wanking each other off for me.

Lets trade places then. Anna offered. I'm not ready to cum just "yet", and I have something in mind I want to do when I do cum anyway. So yes.....lets trade then.

Quick as a flash, she and Judy exchanged places. Anna positioned herself over the top of the nice vibrating pulsating spray of the water as well.

Ah oh! She said suddenly.

What? Judy asked.

And David smiled knowingly. She's gonna have a "quickie" cum.

You really got to teach me how to do that one of these day's kiddo! Judy laughed then.

Anna reached out, held onto one of Judy's magnificent fat fleshy breasts, closed her eyes, her cunt obviously being pounded against beneath the surface of the water, and grimaced slightly in an intensely pleasurable way and let out a soft rolling moan. Judy felt Anna's hands and fingers digging into her flesh momentarily, felt the slightest of shudders from her friend, and then watched as her eyes popped open.

Wow! Anna sat there smiling. It wasn't "exactly" one of my quickie cums, definitely harder than that. But it will do....for now. She turned smiling more lustfully so than David had seen in a while anyway. The look she gave both the guys enough to harden their still pumped cocks even more so if that were possible.

Once again Anna repositioned herself. Now, the water will still feel good, but it will take a while to get me there again. She explained. And having said that, now bent over, as Judy spread her own legs comfortably to allow her friend to begin cunnilinging her clitty in much the same way she'd been doing moments ago.

The sight of watching Anna licking Judy's sweet pink pussy was erotic as hell. The feel of Rob's stiff dick in his hand was an abstract sensation, as though he were indeed stroking his own prick, albeit one that had suddenly grown to immense proportions. Those same similar strokes, twists, and pumpings that he was feeling, were of course being created by what Rob was doing to his own juicing prick as well. And David was a little surprised when he felt Rob squeeze it, gather up a nice fat cum-drop of lubrication, and begin smearing it around the swollen velvety head of his cockstaff.

All the while, Anna's slightly bobbing head and lip smacking tonguing of Judy's cunt was having a pronounced effect on her. She looked towards David and Rob, still slowly and almost softly playing with one another. A "glazed" look on her face, a continence of supreme bliss and combined mixture of lust and near crazed wantonness. She stared at them, slightly humping herself upwards now against Anna's tongue. And David noticed as well, that his wife had also managed to slip a long slender finger up inside her friends up thrusting cunt.

She's getting close. Rob sluridly spoke. He was obviously in tune to his wife's approaching orgasm. I can tell...that look. That wonderful fucking look she gets just before she "hits" it.

And Judy reached over then, one hand behind her, bracing herself. The other, planted firmly atop Anna's head, holding her there, feeling the sensation building inside her...almost there, just as her husband knew she was.

Right there you beautiful cunt....keep doing that. Oh fuck yes, that's perfect....just like that...just like that...oh fuck yes, right there, right there....ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh....agggggggg oh Fuck Meeeeeeeeeeeee! Judy wailed then, screaming into the night as her climax tore her apart.

She bucked wildly against Anna's face, thrashing and splaying her arms in the process, nearly losing her balance, but holding onto her dear friends head, still mashing it against herself, and using it at the same time to steady herself from falling over backwards.

Oh fuck...offfff fuck.........offfff fuck meeeeeeee againnnnnnnnnnnn! And once again, Judy continued to spasmodically bounce around as yet again, a second, even more intensely felt orgasm lifted her into incredible heights of unbridled lusty cum-fucked passion.

Ho-lee Shit! Rob finally allowed himself to expel. He'd actually been holding his own breath watching his wife as she came against the tongue flicking lips and mouth of David's wife.

Fuck Me man! I am more than fuckin ready to cum now.

And once again, Anna looked up, her face smeared in a thin sheening layer of Judy's pussy juices. She didn't even bother wiping them off, just licked around her lips with her tongue, looking over at David and Rob with those maddened lust filled eyes. ready to give me what I want now? She asked them both.

And like two small boys caught in the act of some unspeakable form of perversion, they both nodded their heads in agreement and submission of whatever the fuck it was that she wanted from them.

Come here. She ordered. And David knew that tone, knew that look, and knew that Anna was in a particularly "naughty" frame of mind just now. And when she got like that, anything was possible.

Judy moved away, just slightly off to one side, watching as well. David didn't think this was anything the two of them had previously discussed before. Knowing Anna, this was spur of the moment, "needful" naughty stuff that she'd suddenly come up with. Some little form of her own little nasty perverted fantasy, and if she was going to experience was now, not later perhaps when she'd had time to think about it, even feel guilty about it. No. This was hot. This was now. And this was going to be good.

She sat herself in the same position that Judy had been in moments ago, and similarly so when Judy was busily going down on her.

David....I want you to masturbate my cunt with Rob's prick. Rob....I want you to fucking squirt all over my clit, my cunt lips, my pussy. I want lots of thick creamy white spunk squirting all over me! And I want it now!

Almost immediately, and without question, both men did exactly as they were asked. David positioned himself so that he could reach over his wife's spread legs. Rob of course was nestled up against her recently shaved, very bare, very wet pink slit. They both saw her lips were puffy and swollen, a combination of one of her "quickie" cums and the fact that she was in a sort of orgasmic, cum-cosmic state of mind.
