Matty Meets Kimmy Ch. 04


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I sat up and dealt another hand. An ace and a jack for me had me delighted. I curled my index finger and called Kim over to me. She positioned herself right infront of me. I reached for Kim's hips and pulled her close. She wrapped her legs around my waist.

"I want my kiss here," I whispered, pointing to my neck.

"There?" Kim asked.

"Yup," I replied.

"Okay sweetie," she cooed before leaning in. Kim began to lick and kiss my neck. I returned my hands to Kim's hips, gently lifting her onto me. Still kissing me, Kim raised her body, helping me position her till my cock was pressing against the lips of her pussy. I pushed up, driving my shaft into Kim's slick warmness. I felt her bite the skin on my neck as she moaned in delight. With her legs wrapped around my waist, and my hands wrapped around her back, I began sliding my cock back and forth into her splendid tightness.

"Mhmmm, I wished we had hurricanes more often," Kim moaned as she bit down on my ear lobe.

I continued thrusting into her, as she rocked her hips back and forth.

"Ohh god Kimmy, I love you so much," I groaned.

"Mhmmm mhmm ahhhh mhmmmm, I love you to Matty," she whimpered.

After a few minutes, I laid Kim down on the carpet, holding her legs apart as I continued to plunge into her.

"Ohh fuck Matty," she moaned.

Kim pulled my face to hers and we pressed our lips together. I could feel Kim raising her hips off the carpet to meet my thrusts; her cunt was so slick and tight. I lowered a hand to one of Kim's breasts, squeezing her hard, feeling her erect nipple press against my palm.

"Ohh fuck baby, I'm gonna cumm," Kim moaned.

Seconds later I felt her pussy clamp down on my pistoning cock, as her moans grew higher in pitch. Kim wrapped her legs around me, pulling me deep inside her. I felt a rush of Kim's warm fluid as her fingernails clawed into my back. I continued to pump my cock into Kimberly, lost in the blissfulness of her tight pussy. Kim was still whimpering as her orgasm continued to course through her body, I had held off as long as I could but I could feel myself about to explode. After a few more deep thrusts, I took a final hard plunge and I felt my muscles tense up. I groaned aloud as my cock spasmed deep inside Kim, spewing my cum in her convulsing pussy. Kim's tight grip on me with her legs eventually loosened as she raised her head and kissed me hard. I pulled my softening penis from her sopping cunt and rolled over onto my back. Kim and I were breathing pretty heavily, when there was a loud boom of thunder outside. Kim shrieked and rolled onto me, clutching me tightly.

We both giggled,

"It's okay baby, it's just thunder," I said, brushing her hair from infront her face.

We laid there for a moment,

"I think I might be leaking on you," Kim chuckled.

"Yup, I can feel it on my leg," I replied as I felt warm droplets of mine and Kim's cum seeping from her pussy onto my thigh.

"I'm sorry baby," Kim apologized as she rolled off of me.

"I don't mind," I replied.

Kim pressed her finger on the inside of my thigh, wiping up a glob of cum. I watched as she licked her fingers clean,

"Mmmm, you're so yummy," she cooed.

I chuckled and reached up, giving her a peck on the lips.

"I better go get cleaned up," Kim stated as she got up. She picked up a candle and walked towards the bathroom.

"Babe," I called still lying on the floor. Kim stood in the doorway of the bathroom and turn to me.

"There's a Jack of hearts stuck to your butt," I informed her, "But then again, who can blame him, it's such a cute butt," I added.

Kim giggled as she reached behind her and peeled the card from her skin. She threw it in my direction then disappeared into the darkness of her bathroom.

When Kim returned I was packing up the deck of cards that were spread around the floor. She picked up her tanktop off the floor and put it on.

"Hey have you seen my panties?" she asked, looking around in the darkness.

"I think I threw them on the bed," I replied.

Kim got her panties from the bed and slipped them on. I put the deck of cards on the table and slid on my boxers.

"Do you want something to drink, I'm kinda thirsty," I asked.

"No thanks babe," Kim replied as she crawled into bed and under the covers. I took a candle and made my way to the kitchen. After a glass of water I returned to Kim's bedroom where I began to blow out the numerous candles. When I was done, I walked over to the bed and was about to climb in. There was another loud burst of thunder,

"Quick, under the covers," Kim childishly squealed as she pulled me into bed and under the covers with her. Her skittishness had me cracking up with laughter,

"You're such a baby," I teased.

Kim joined in my laughter and snuggled up close to me,

"Yeah, but I'm your baby," she replied.

"That's for sure," I affirmed as I turned Kim around, holding her back against my chest and draping my arm over her body.

"Do you think the power will be back by morning?" Kim whispered.

"I sure hope so," I replied.

I was awoken the next morning by Kim gently brushing her palm against my cheek,

"Maattyy," she softly whispering in a sing song tone.

I struggled to open my still tired eyes,

"The power's back on, the storm has passed," she informed.

After taking a few minutes to properly wake up, Kim and I joined Summer and Adam in the kitchen for breakfast.

After breakfast, Adam and I headed home to check on any damage that might have befallen our apartment building, luckily there was none.


Later that week, Adam and I were at the girls' apartment removing the boards from their windows.

"Finally some sunlight," Summer commented she walked into the living room.

"Thanks guys," Kim yelled from the couch.

After Adam and I packed up our tools, Kim and I went out for a quick bite to eat.

"Hey Kimmy, I need to talk to you about next week."

"Spring break?" Kim asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well what is it?"

"Umm, Maggie called me up last night. She and her husband have to take a trip next weekend. He has some family business to clear up. She wanted to know if I could fly in for the weekend to babysit Kelsey, so I told her no problem."

"That's nice of you," Kim commented.

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me, spend the weekend in LA helping me babysit?"

"Really, you're inviting me to meet your sister and her family?"

"Yes, it's good as time as any I guess."

"I'd love to Matt," Kim beamed.

The next Friday found Kim clutching my hand as our plane descended into LAX.

"Excited?" I asked.

"A little nervous actually," she replied.

"Don't be, they'll love you," I assured her.

Jeff, Maggie's husband, was waiting for us at the gate. We walked up to him dragging our pullalongs,

"Hey Jeff," I greeted, shaking my brother in law's hand.

"Hey Matty, thanks for coming out this weekend, you're a life saver," he greeted. Jeff then turned to Kim,

"And you must be Kimberly," he greeted, giving Kim a brief hug, "Really sorry for messing up any spring break plans," he added.

"Not at all, it's really a pleasure to meet Matt's family."

"Okay then, we better get a move on, Maggie's on her way to pick up Kels from ballet and the taxi is picking us up in a couple hours," Jeff explained.

We drove through the hills to a winding road that led to a suburban neighborhood.

"Ohh good, Mags is already home," Jeff commented as he pulled into the driveway of a quaint twostory house.

We made our way into the house and into the livingroom,

"Matty!" my sister exclaimed as she rushed over from the kitchen to hug me.

"Ohh it's been too long Matt," she commented as she held me tight.

Maggie eventually let me go and looked me up and down,

"Well you seem to be eating okay," she joked, "And you must be the girl who's stolen my brother's heart," Maggie added turning to Kim.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Kim stated as the two women embraced.

"You too Kim, I just wish we had more time to spend together," Maggie replied.

"Kels! Come see who's here," Maggie yelled.

A few seconds later we heard rumbling from upstairs, then saw Kelsey running down the stairs. Minute in stature, the curly haired strawberry blonde rushed towards me dressed in her black leotard and pink leggings.

"Uncle Matty!" she screamed as I reached down and picked her up.

"Hi Kels!" I responded, giving her a big hug.

When she let go of her vice grip around my neck, I whispered into her ear,

"Hey Kels, I have someone I want you to meet."

I held her infront of Kim,

"This is Kimberly."

"Hi Kelsey, really nice to meet you," Kim greeted.

Kelsey smiled at Kim then whispered back into my ear.

I chuckled at her soft voice,

"Yes Kelsey, she is very pretty isn't she."

Kimberly blushed and extended her hand,

"Well I think you're pretty, and how old are you?"

Kelsey reached out and the two shook hands.

"Six," Kelsey replied.

"Wow, you're a big girl huh?" Kim commented and the two giggled.

We spent a few minutes in the living room catching up when we heard a car horn from outside.

"That's the taxi honey," Jeff announced turning to Maggie.

" Okay, well Kelsey's already had dinner, there's pizza in the kitchen for you guys, she just needs a bath and then bedtime, nine for the latest. Our numbers are on the fridge. We get back in Monday morning, nine thirty," Maggie rattled off as she gave me a hug.

"We'll be fine Mags," I replied, trying to assure my sister.

She hugged her daughter then grabbed her bag,

"Thanks so much for coming down," she said while hugging Kim.

"Not a problem, glad we could help out," Kimberly replied.

Jeff bent down and hugged Kelsey,

"Okay sweetie, you be a good girl for your uncle Matt and Kimberly. They're the boss so listen to everything they say. Mommy and Daddy will be back in two days."

After Maggie hugged Kelsey a second time, they eventually went outside and took off in the taxi.

I turned and look down to Kelsey,

"Okay missy. . .bathtime!" I announced.

"Do you need any help or are you okay on your own?"

"I'm fine by myself," Kelsey replied.

"Okay big girl, well give a shout if you need anything." I instructed as I watched her walk upstairs.

Kim and I made our way into the kitchen and had the couple slices of pizza for dinner. Afterwards we made our way upstairs, dragging our suitcases to the guestroom. A tired Kim sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. I walked over to her and cradled her face in my hands,

"I'm really glad you came with me this weekend," I told her.

"I'm really glad you invited me," she replied.

I gave her a quick peck on the lips then heard Kelsey exiting the bathroom.

We walked out into the hallway and over to Kelsey's room,

"Hey Kels, ready for bed?" I asked.

"No," the tiny tot protested.

"Okay then. . .wanna watch a movie with Kimberly and I?

"Yeahh!" she screamed gleefully.

The three of us made our way down to the living room. Kim and I sat on the couch and Kelsey crawled her way between us. I skimmed through Netflix till Kelsey found something she wanted to watch; a kids movie about a princess and dragons, nail-biting stuff.

About an hour later, Kim and I looked at each other then down to Kelsey, she was sound asleep. We looked at the digital clock on the cablebox above the television, it was ten thirty.

"You're such a bad babysitter," she whispered jokingly.

"I better put her to bed," I replied, getting up from the couch and gently picking Kelsey up into my arms.

Kim switched off the television,

"I'm gonna take a shower," she whispered.

I pushed Kelsey's door open with my foot and made my way over to her bed. I gently laid her down and covered her up with her blanket. I ran my hand through her hair, staring down at her affectionately. After a few seconds, I turned on her nightlight and exited, making sure to leave her door slightly ajar.

I made my way over to the guest room and waited for Kim to finish with her shower. I showered after Kim and joined her in bed.

"How did it go?" she asked.

"She's out like a light?" I replied.

The next morning, Kim and I were up early, after using the bathroom we made our way downstairs. Walking past Kelsey's bathroom, I saw her standing on her stool brushing her teeth at the sink. I poked my head in,

"Morning Kels."

She turned to me and smiled.

"Would you like pancakes or waffles for breakfast?" I asked.

"Pancakes," she mumbled, toothpaste running down her chin.

"Okay, see you downstairs," I replied.

I joined Kim in the kitchen and helped her prepare breakfast. Kelsey joined us a short time later and we sat around the table and had breakfast.

"So Kelsey what do you want to do today?" I asked.

She looked at me a shrugged her shoulders.

"It's a beautiful day outside, how about we go to the zoo?" Kim asked.

Kelsey's face immediately lit up,

"Okay!" she excitedly replied.

Kim and I washed up after breakfast and set about getting ready for our trip to the zoo. Kim helped Kelsey get ready and they both met me in the car. I buckled Kelsey into her booster seat and we took off. Jeff's gps made the zoo a breeze to find and we were there within forty minutes. Once in the zoo, we began our trek on our animal adventure.

Kelsey's innocent laughter filled the air as we stood in awe of the elephant exhibit. She kept pointing out every time they moved and Kimberly and I were more than happy to join in her amazement.

We stopped for a quick lunch, hot dogs from a zoo vendor, then continued exploring the attractions. As we walked towards the gorilla enclosure, I felt Kelsey tugging on my hand. I turned and knelt down beside her,

"I need to go number one," she whispered into my ear.

I looked around and spotted the restrooms,

"I'll take her, I kinda have to go too," Kim interjected, "Come on sweetie," she added, holding out her hand to Kelsey.

Kelsey grabbed Kim's hand and they took off towards the restrooms.

At the end of the day, the three of us sluggishly made our way through the parking lot and to the car. I picked up some chinese food on the way home. After dinner, Kelsey took her bath. Walking around all day had really drained her; she didn't put up a protest when I told her it was bed time. I tucked her in and stayed with her until she fell asleep. Standing in her doorway I turned and took a final glance at Kelsey, she was clutching giant plush elephant toy that Kim insisted on buying for her. I smiled to myself and switched off her lights before heading downstairs.

I joined Kim in the living room, collapsing in a heap on the couch. I laid my head on her tummy and she ran her fingers through my hair. I was exhausted.

"Babe, you take your pill regularly right?"

My head moved up and down as Kim's stomach shook with her laughter.

"Oh god yes baby, don't even joke about that," she giggled.

"I do love watching you two together though, you're so sweet to her," I commented.

"Well she's a sweet little girl," Kim replied.

"On a serious note, I think you'd make a great mom."

I was surprised that I had spoken those words, I was really just thinking out loud. I hoped to god I hadn't scared Kim, I knew as well as she did that this conversation was years and years away.

I remained still and silent. Kim leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I looked up at her as she pulled her face away,

"What was that for?" I asked.

"For being the sweetest boyfriend ever," Kim replied.

"Mhmm, I can be a lot sweeter than that," I slyly stated as I sat up and kissed Kim.

"Oh really, I thought you were exhausted?" she asked.

"I can never be too tired for you baby," I retorted as I planted kisses down Kim's neck. I took Kim's hand and we made our way upstairs to our room.

The next morning I let Kim sleep in a little. I was up early with Kelsey and we ate cereal and watched cartoons. Later in the day, Kim and I took Kelsey to the park and we had a picnic. On the way back, I looked at Kelsey in the rearview mirror,

"So Kels, are you excited to see your mom and dad tomorrow?"

"Uh huh," she replied as she sipped on her juice box.

Back at home, we played some board games then we all changed into our pjs and gathered on the couch for a movie, another of Kelsey's choice. This time she stayed up for the whole movie. When the credits began to roll, I switched off the television,

"Okay Kels, bedtime," I announced as I took her hand.

"Actually," Kim interrupted, "Do you mind if I tuck her into bed?"

"No, of course not, would you like that Kelsey?" I asked.

Kelsey nodded and crawled into Kim's arms.

Kim lifted her up and carried her up to her room.

The next morning we all got dressed and drove to the airport. We were sat at the airport gate; Kim and I were sipping on our starbucks coffee, when Kelsey ran off,

"Mama!" she yelled as she ran into Maggie's arms.

Kim and I walked up to Jeff and Maggie and we exchanged hugs. Kelsey was so excited on the drive home; she was an absolute chatterbox,

"We went to the zoo, and watched movies and played games, and had a picnic," the toddler rattled off.

"Wow, all that in two days," her dad replied in amazement.

"So what time is your flight?" Maggie asked, turning to the backseat to face Kim and me.

"Umm, two thirty," I stammered, looking to Kim for confirmation.

"Okay, well Jeff is going out to work but I took the day off so I can drop you guys. Gives us enough time for me to take you guys to lunch," Maggie replied.

"That's really not necessary Mags," I objected.

"I insist Matty, it's the least we can do," Maggie replied.

When we got back home, Jeff took a shower and left for work. Kim and I packed up our bags and made our way downstairs.

"Is this you?" Kim asked, staring at a picture on the far end of the hallway.

"Yep," I replied.

"I hadn't recognized it before, and is that your mom and dad?"

"Uh huh."

"You were such a cute baby," Kim giggled.

"I know right, somewhere along the line it all went wrong huh?" I joked.

Kim and I chuckled as we met Maggie in the living room then left for lunch.

Maggie took us to a lovely seafood restaurant not too far from the airport. We were sat at the table having just given our orders to the waiter. Kelsey climbed down from her seat and walked over to Kim and took her hand in hers,

"Come on Kimmy, we have to go wash our hands," she chirped.

We all exchanged looks and smiled.

"You're absolutely right Kelsey, come on let's go," Kim replied and walked off with Kelsey.

"She's really nice," Maggie commented.

"Yeah, she is." I replied.

"So, you two seem pretty serious huh?"

"Yeah, I really think we are."

"Well for what it's worth, I think she's great, and I think mom and dad would've really liked her," Maggie somberly stated as she rubbed my hand with hers.

"Thanks Mags, that really means a lot," I replied.

Shortly after Kim and Kelsey returned from the rest room, the waiter arrived with our food. We ate then headed to the airport.

We exchanged hugs at the airport.

"I hope you had a nice time this weekend Kelsey, I had a blast and really enjoyed meeting you," Kim said as she knelt down infront of Kelsey.

"Me too Kimmy," she replied as she wrapped her arms around Kim.

"Jeff and I can't thank you two enough," Maggie gushed.

"Don't mention it sis, it was our pleasure . . . really."

"You be sure and take care of my baby bro," Maggie instructed Kim, almost teary eyed.

"I will," Kim replied.

A couple hours later, I was kissing Kim goodbye at her apartment and heading home to get ready for class the next day.


It was Friday night and Kim and I were taking a stroll along the pier after having a romantic dinner. It was a bit chilly and I felt Kim cling onto me tightly. We were walking back to the car when Kim let go of me and covered her mouth as she sneezed.