Matty's Weekend of Lessons

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A young man loses his virginity to three MILFs and learns...
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Matty was never sure whether he liked these weekends or not. His mother -- Kate -- had just told him that they were coming on Friday evening, until Sunday. Every six months or so they had these weekends. Kate's lifelong friends came to stay, and drink, and party. When they were young -- late teens, early twenties, they were a wild threesome. Then Kate got pregnant, and had settled down -- sort of. Matty never knew who his father was, and he wasn't sure Kate knew either. Over the years the two friends -- Mel and Jan -- had got married, had children, got divorced as well. All three were "respectable" - except when they got together. Then they could be outrageous, as they had been as teens, and Matty wasn't sure whether his mother was more loyal to them, or to him; he wasn't sure if things went "wrong" or "funny" - he couldn't put it quite into words - whether she would take his side, or whether the bond between the three women would be much stronger.

Matty was a quiet, sensitive lad. He lacked confidence, but was well liked, and sadly was regularly bullied and teased for being "a softie." He wasn't a softie -- he just lacked confidence, and getting past the lack of confidence was a task he seemed to fail at. At 5 feet 10 with long curly hair he was good looking, but it was that lack of confidence................. The weekends with the three women left him uncertain, and left him sometimes feeling mocked and teased, with his mother joining the teasing.

Mel was loud and could be bawdie. She was also curvy -- Matty found himself often staring at her tits and ass, both full and round, and hoped she didn't notice. She had short blonde hair, was a few inches shorter than Matty -- same height as his mother. The last couple of times the first moment she saw him when visiting she stared at him and cheerily asked him straight out "so, you still a virgin? Got your leg over yet?" Matty didn't know what to say but went bright red. Yes, he was still a virgin. No, he hadn't got his leg over yet. He just didn't have any confidence. The truth is there were several girls who thought he was really cute and he could have, but it was the confidence thing.

Jan was a bit taller than Mel -- same sort of height as Matty, with long black hair. She was slimmer, but Matty thought her ass and tits were cuter. He wasn't impressed by size -- it was shape that mattered!! He hoped she didn't notice him staring....

Kate, Matty's mother made up the three beauties -- now in their early forties. Kate was also attractive -- shoulder length dark hair, "average" shape, but average as a compliment, not an insult. Over the years Kate had several boyfriends, some of whom Matty liked, perhaps more he wasn't keen on, as he was seen by them often as an inconvenience, an attachment to Kate they didn't want. One or two had been really nasty to him, one over several months, including punching and hitting him, until Kate found out and got rid of him straight away. Matty never felt his mother would sacrifice him, that he was always first for her. Except on these weekends..... Matty knew his mother was attractive, but only recently had he begun to fantasize about her, and the truth is -- start to play with her panties when he found them in the wash. He also knew -- she was his mother, nothing would ever happen.

But then the three got together -- Kate's home was the only one really big enough to accommodate all three, plus Matty.

"So Matty, you still a virgin? Got your leg over yet?" Mel smiled broadly at him as she asked her question -- knowing Matty would be really embarrassed.

"Leave him alone," Kate said, laughing. "He's only young."

"Well, if I was a few years younger," continued Mel, "I'd get him into bed right away and spend the whole night shagging him! He wouldn't be any sort of virgin when I'd finished with him!"

Kate laughed with her, as Matty stood with them in hall, totally paralysed with embarrassment. Every time Mel arrived something like this happened, and Kate had to drag her away offering coffee in the kitchen while Matty escaped to his room. As he did he heard Mel say to his mother "I bet he's gone upstairs for a wank! It was always the same, and true. Even that small encounter with Mel made him want to go upstairs, and wank, imagining Mel sucking his cock as he did. He also went to his room with a tear in his eye -- embarrassed and humiliated by the encounter. For the rest of the evening he kept to his room, until the three women had gone off to the show they had booked. After they had gone he made himself a pizza, but was back in his "safe space" well before they returned. He hadn't even seen Jan, although had heard her arrive.

It was next morning when he went and had breakfast that things seemed to change. Jan had greeted him and hugged him, and Matty thought she looked even better than he remembered. To his teenage eyes, stoked by teenage hormones, she was a goddess. So sexy, yet a million miles out of his range. Jan had been in the kitchen before Matty -- a few moments later Mel and Matty's mother had joined them. Jan was asking Matty about college, and how he was doing. Even she had asked whether he had a girlfriend yet, although not in the bawdy way Mel had asked. It's as they ate breakfast together, around the dining table, that things seemed to take an embarrassing turn. Afterwards, Matty guessed they had planned this, maybe the evening before, full of alcohol, but at the moment the embarrassment and humiliation returned. It was Mel who started it.

"The trouble is, with young guys, is that they are always staring at your tits and your bum."

There was a pause. Matty utterly confused, the other three smiling.

It was Jan who broke the silence. "Who are you thinking of?" But she knew...........

Mel smiled. "Matty, here. He is a wonderful lad, really sweet, really cute. But he's always looking at my tits, and my bum, and trying to look up my skirt when he thinks I'm not looking."

Jan laughed. "You're right, he's like that with me. Think he's a bit kinky, maybe like all lads his age."

Matty was transfixed, gripped by the embarrassment of what they were saying, of being found out. A corner of his mind hoped his mother was going to get him out of the mess -- his lack of confidence -- he had no idea how to handle it. But his mother was with her friends, and when the three were together they were unstoppable. It was Katy who replied. "If he is being naughty then maybe he should be taught a lesson. What do you suggest?"

Mel always seemed to be in charge. "Do you remember what we did to your younger brother, Jan, when he keep spying on us?"

Jan smiled. "That must be twenty years ago! Got what he deserved!"

Mel smiled, and nodded at Matty. "Maybe we should do it to him?"

Matty had no idea what they were talking, although the three were smiling in their memories. Matty hoped his mother wouldn't be part of anything bad, but she was colluding.

Before Matty could move, or speak, he found he was being dragged by his mother and Jan to the Sitting room. He would have struggled but Matty was gentle. Couldn't hit a woman. He struggled but he couldn't do it. Before he could even think he found himself sat on the middle of the settee. Jan was on one side, his mother on the other. They had grabbed his arms, stretched them out and put their weight on them so he couldn't escape. He could have lashed out, but he couldn't. He was pinned on the settee, a woman either side lying on his arms.

"Good work girls!" Mel was laughing. "Let's teach him a lesson. Let's see what he's got!"

Matty struggled but couldn't move, trapped between the two women. He struggled a bit harder as Mel moved to him and began to undo his belt. Then undid his jeans, unhooking the loop and lowering his flies. " Lift up, Matty," she said in mock gentleness.

Matty didn't, but then he was shocked by his mother. "Come on Matty, lift your bum off the seat."

Matty paused, then did as his mother told him. She was still holding him tight, as was Jan.

Matty did, and when he did Mel grabbed his waist band and pulled his jeans and boxers to his knees, then to his ankles.

Matty was instantly bright red. They could see his cock. His mother could see his cock. Her friends could see his cock. He wasn't embarrassed by it. It was a good six inches. Hard. At that moment it felt like seven! He had never felt more hard as these three women looked at him. Looked at his cock. He even heard them murmuring their appreciation. Matty closed his eyes firmly, then felt fingers tickling him. Running up and down his cock. Around his balls. He opened his eyes. Mel was kneeling in front of him, her fingers playing along his rod. She moved back. Matty almost felt sad as she stopped ticking him. "Just going to get the gel."

There was a quiet, silent moment, but then Mal was back, Matty watching both frightened and excited. He was puzzled and frightened as he watched Mel rub gel on the finger of her left hand. His mind couldn't put it together. She spoke to him. "Guess where this is going," waving the finger in the air.

It was Jan who answered, speaking words that Matty thought she would never use. Surely she was too much of a lady. But maybe not. She whispered in Matty's ear in a really coarse voice. "It's going right up your ass." She said it, her voice sounding like she was relishing the words.

The shock of Jan's words left Matty startled, but then felt even more startled as he felt Mel's cold finger against his asshole, pushing, pushing until her finger had gone through the ring.

Matty had never experienced anything like that before. It hurt. No it was exciting. It was excruciatingly embarrassing. It felt so tight. Matty struggled for words and the finger was pushed further and further into him, right up to the knuckle. It was Jan who spoke in his ear again. "Bet you like that, don't you. Next time it'll be a strap-on you get up there."

It took Matty moments to get his mind to make out what she meant, but by then Mel had grabbed his cock again, and was slowly running her hand up and down, as her finger slid in an out of his ass.

Matty knew he couldn't hold out much longer. The first time anyone else had ever touched him, and it was all so obscene, and exciting, and wrong. And worse -- his mother was part of it.

As Mel wanked his cock, Matty felt it sliding more and more easily. It was Mel who saw his pre-cum lubricating her fingers. Matty was beginning to moan with the extreme arousal, his cock twitching with the hand playing with him, the finger fucking his asshole. He knew he couldn't last much longer, as his body thrust up and down obscenely.

Suddenly Mel shouted "Now!" She released his cock the same moment that Jan moved away, releasing Matty's arm. Matty was too excited, he had to grab his cock and finish. His hand rubbed up and down almost oblivious of the three women watching and smiling.

Suddenly Matty grunted, moaned out loud as his cum was shooting out of his cock, as he came harder than he had ever come before. Some hit his face. Most on his stomach. So he thought. He seemed to shoot again and again, unstoppable.

As he came down at last from his orgasm and his eyes opened Matty was aware that Jan was leaning over him. He didn't know why. He became more aware that the three women were still there watching him, giggling, having let him go.

At last his embarrassment was at it's highest as he came around, knowing they had watched him wank himself off. Suddenly he was aware what Jan was doing, leaning over. She had been catching his cum in her hands. Suddenly she was rubbing her hands all over Matty's face and hair, rubbing his own cum all over him. He was even more embarrassed as Mel and Jan laughed again.

After a few moments Matty's mother stopped them. "I think he has had enough for now. Let's let him go and have a shower, and have a bit of peace and quiet."

Mel giggled. "I reckon it has taught him a lesson..............."

Seconds later Matty was in the shower, and then after drying himself escaped to the sanctuary of his bedroom. It was awful. Wonderful. Exciting. The most amazing experience. Within minutes he was hard, and thinking, and remembering as he turned on his computer to play some game to distract himself from what had just happened. Three women had watched him wank off...........

Matty's mother Kate watched him flee to the shower, feeling really guilty. They had gone too far. This was her son. They had got carried away. They surely had hurt Matty. How would Matty feel? The truth was they were all thinking that. In the time before he had cum, they had egged each other on, and hadn't thought how it would affect Matty. He was sensitive, lacking in confidence. After Matty had fled, the three friends had made a cup of coffee, and no-one was feeling too good. They had heard the shower upstairs, and the doors slam as Matty had disappeared to his bedroom. They talked, not sure what to do. Would Matty be able to face them again? What should they do............?

It was late in the morning when Matty heard a gentle knock on his door and turning, saw the door open. He was horrified he hadn't been able to lock the door for privacy. Mel walked cautiously in to his room and closed the door behind her.

Matty was horrified. "Please, please go away," was all he could manage.

"I'm sorry for what we did Matty." For the first time ever Matty heard a gentle edge to Mel's voice. He wasn't sure whether she was just mocking him again.

"Matty, I am sorry, and want to show you how sorry I am."

Matty continued to sit on his computer chair, unsure, uncertain of what to do. Mel continued. "As a way of showing how sorry I am, I want to give you a lesson."

It was the word "lesson" which jerked Matty out of his paralysis. "Lesson. That's what you said you gave me earlier. I don't want another lesson like that. Please go away." Matty wasn't shouting, just anguished.

Mel paused. "No, not that sort of lesson. A lesson to help you, you know............."

Matty Didn't know.

Matty was once more stuck to his chair as he watched Mel begin to undo her blouse, pull it down her shoulders, revealing her wonderfully shaped breasts just about held by her bra. After she dropped her blouse on the floor, she reached behind -- her breasts weren't held in the bra any more.

Matty was transfixed. They were round, and big, with brown nipples on top. He had never seen real breasts before -- only on the internet.

Mel began to undo her jeans, undoing the zip, lowering them to her knees, to her ankles, then stepping out of them. All she had left was a white pair of panties, frilly, sexy. She looped her fingers in the waistband on her panties, lowering them to the floor, stepping out of them. Matty was staring at this woman, naked, standing in his bedroom, her boobs gorgeous, the black pubic hair leading down between her legs. Matty had never been in the presence of a naked woman.

"Matty -- I'm going to give you a lesson in pleasing a woman. Come over to the bed."

Mel moved to Matty's bed and lay herself on it, lying on her back. She allowed her legs to slowly spread, revealing her pussy to Matty. He thought he had never seen anything so wonderful, beautiful.

"Come over here and suck my tits." Mel said it quietly but persuasively but she saw Matty's hesitation. "Now. I'll tell you if you are doing it wrong."

Matty moved to the bed, hesitantly lay next to Mel then took a nipple in his mouth and began to suck, gently. As he did, he heard Mel moan gently. Perhaps he was doing it right! The nipple seemed to agree -- it had gone rock hard. After a minute or so, Matty felt he had to move -- he let go of the first nipple and headed for her other tit, and took the other nipple in his mouth and began to suck. He heard Mel whisper "mmmm, so nice........"

Matty sucked for a minute or so, then heard a voice whisper in his ear "Now my pussy, suck my pussy, then my clit......" Matty was hesitant but moved down Mel's body, and saw that her pussy was already glistening, and he could smell the wonderful odour of a woman in heat. That was a phrase he read in porn story!

At first Matty wasn't sure, but began to run his tongue around the lips of Mel's pussy, then thrust his tongue as far into her as he could. She tasted amazing. He remembered some of the things he had read on the internet, and began to nibble the lips, then thrust his tongue in and out of Mel's pussy. He heard Mel moaning as he did, so thought he was doing okay. He felt Mel's body begin to squirm under him, so went in search of the clit. Whether he was lucky or his instincts were good, his tongue was soon on the button, licking.

It was clear Mel was loving what he was doing to her. Her body was wrything in pleasure as Mel moaned out loud. Matty played with the clit, sometimes going slowly, then speeding up. Suddenly he heard Mel cry out "Make me cum, please......"

Matty needed no further invitation, he let his tongue swirl around the clit until Mel was crying out in pleasure, her body thrusting up and down obscenely in orgasm. Matty held on, his tongue working the clit until at last Mel's orgasm subsided, and she was lying on the bed gasping for breath. It had been amazing. Matty was such a natural.

At last Mel was breathing normally, and turned to Matty. "Take off your clothes. Lie on your back."

Matty hadn't quite known what to do after Mel's orgasm, and had been standing by the bed. Without thinking he removed his shorts, his t-shirt. Lastly, coyly, he removed his boxers and lay on the bed, his cock obscenely hard, sticking up. Mel climbed on top of him, held his cock, pointed it to her pussy and dropped onto it, the full length of his cock buried deep inside her.

Mel looked down and smirked. "Not a virgin any more, are you? Now fill my cunt." For Matty it was so hot, and Mel just using such a crude word -- he had never heard a woman say the "C" word before. It was so hot.....

Matty didn't have a choice in what was happening. Mel had lifted herself and dropped onto his cock again and again, his cock sliding easily in and out of her sopping wet cunt. Faster and faster she fucked him, and Matty found his body thrusting up to meet hers. It was only a few moments later that Matty cried out, thrust upwards and was pumping cum deep into Mel's pussy. No -- into Mel's cunt.

It seemed endless, but after a few moments Matty slowed down, his now softening cock slipping out of Mel's pussy. Mel climbed off Matty and sat by him on the bed. "That's the end of your lesson for today, naughty boy. Let's go and tell the others what you did."

Matty looked back later asking himself why he had got dressed and went downstairs to where his mother and Jan were preparing lunch. He found himself both embarrassed and proud as Mel announced to the others: "You'll be pleased to know Matty's not a virgin any more. Actually he was a real natural, best shag I've had for a long time. He is one hot boy............"

Matty was embarrassed, put his head down and ate lunch, before disappearing to a friend's house where he spent the rest of the day playing computer games. When he got home that evening the three women were still out -- probably gone out for a meal, or to a bar. Matty got himself something to eat and disappeared to his bedroom. The day had been long, exciting. Confusing. His cock was hard as rock. Another wank seemed to sort out the hard-on, and he was quickly sound asleep.

The next morning Matty woke slowly. Before his eyes were even open he was remembering the previous day. Humiliated in front of three hot milfs. Losing his virginity to one of them. Part of him thought it was a dream. The other part of him dreamt about it all happening again. He was instantly hard, but as his cock hardened something felt different. His cock was pressed in on............