Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 04


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April had left her Facebook page open and Red had obviously been reading her messages. One particular post was highlighted.

"Would you mind reading that message for me piggy?"

"Please Red, don't make me."

"Okay, I'll be honest with you April. I can't make up my mind about your fat ass and I'm honestly torn between having my friend Leslie come in here with that baseball bat and shoving it up your diseased cooter or making you stand on your head while I pour that hot coffee into your gaped pussy after I fist you for an hour."

Red punctuated her statement by closing her fingers around the girl's throat and squeezing.

"Okay, I'll read it." April sobbed.

"Good idea piggy." She returned her hands to the crying girl's tits kneading and rubbing them as April pulled the computer closer to read the message on the screen.

"Brad-Why won't you talk to me? I know you're still scared about what happened between us, but I just want to see you. Don't worry, I won't ever tell anybody about that morning. I know how you get when it comes to my tits and well, I have to take some responsibility for "teasing" you into what you did. I just-I just want to talk and work something out. I should have been honest with you about my feelings from the beginning. Even after what happened to me at school, I, I want to be with you I guess. But I guess you're worried about Red finding out. It would be worth that humiliation I received if we could be "together" at least one more time and see where it goes from there." The chubby teen's voice faltered as she read the message aloud.

"Wow April that was heart wrenching to say the least." April suddenly realized that the redhead's fingers were between her legs rubbing on her sex in a measured circular motion. She didn't know how to react to the slow building stimulation.

"So tell me piggy, what'd my asshole boyfriend write back?"

"Uh, nothing Red. It's been over a week."

"How do you feel about that April?" The teen felt the cheerleader's fingers breach the interior of her panties and caress and tug on her pubic hairs.

April didn't answer.

"I asked you a question whore."

The chubby teen suddenly felt a swell of anger and defiance in her body that burst deep from within.

"FUCK IT RED!! You can fucking do whatever to me, I don't fucking care anymore!! I already fucking apologized for GETTING RAPED!! I WAS IN BRAD'S LIFE FIRST OKAY?!!"

BANG!!-Red immediately shoved the chubby teens head into the table with enough force to bounce it and send the girl to the tiled floor on her back. April struggled to get up and received a swift kick in the ass for her efforts.

"You don't know shit baby. I'll see you later April, I promise you whore." Red then quietly turned and walked out of the break room.


"Fucking cunt!" Brad slammed his razor down on his bedside table nearly smashing the thin phone into oblivion.

It had been a week since what was being known as "The Pussy Embargo" had gone into effect and true to her word; Red had effectively cut off his so-called pussy privileges amongst the young and hot social scene at Maplewood High. Whenever he would approach one of the other cheerleaders or the majorettes, they would scream Red's name at him laughing and jeering the star jock away.

He had nearly laughed in the coach's face when told of the deal made with his girlfriend and a small part of him wondered what had actually passed between them. He had more than once noticed the coach's errant glances whenever Red and the squad launched into one of their meticulously choreographed routines during games.

It was true that Red was the greatest fuck he'd ever had but he was determined to defy his dominant girlfriend and rail the snot out of some unsuspecting coed. He loved the shocked expression on girl's faces when he pulled his monster sized cock out before their saucer sized eyes. Loved the sudden gasp each one of them emitted when he rammed it home into either their too small pussy or assholes. Red had been his first, teaching him how to use his size and power, teaching the inexperienced teen to touch with the softness of a female, and the most sensitive areas of a woman's body. hadn't been easy.

He had recently arrived in town and made a few friends during a pick-up game in the park. One of the guys named Todd had invited Brad to the local community center for a battle of the bands and it was there that she had approached him. How could he forget the drop dead gorgeous redhead with the alabaster skin, piercing green eyes and stunning dancer's figure.

Her name was Melissa Reed and she was the sheriff's daughter. She was known for having a really bad temper and that she ruled the cheerleading squad with an iron fist. She liked to go by her nickname...Red.

He remembered how she'd danced around him as he stared in awe in the middle of that community center rec room rubbing her curvy ass shamelessly all over his crotch. She was wearing a orange baby t-shirt with some weird cartoon character called a schmoo on the chest and a pair of daisy dukes jean shorts that damn near resembled a thong showed off her juicy curvy bubble butt.

He'd been plied with beer until he was barely able to stand and ushered into the redhead's sports car. He hadn't even got comfortable in his seat before she was speeding down the highway to a secluded spot just outside of Maplewood where the young lovers would spoon and grope each other for what seemed like hours.

He remembered how Red's eyes had widened after she pulled his huge cock out of his too tight skinny jeans and how she's played with his member tugging and jerking on it making him shoot wad after wad of cum all over the front seat while she laughed. She'd followed up by wrapping her full lips around the fat head of his cock and sucking and teasing it for all she was worth nearly making him scream.

Red would then ask him point blank if he wanted to fuck her brains out with what she called his third leg and after he'd nodded his agreement, she'd coaxed him out of the car into the nearby wood.

She'd ask him if he had condoms and virgin that he was Brad would admit that he didn't. She'd run back to her car telling him that she had one and would drive off leaving him in the middle of nowhere.

He'd have been pissed if he wasn't so horny.

Red would act as if the whole thing didn't happen ignoring him at school while his buddies laughed at how he'd been played. It drove him to distraction until he sought to have it out with Red finding her lounging in her car smoking a joint in the school parking lot.

She'd smiled and welcomed him into her car offering him her joint. He was confused taking a virgin puff on the joint and coughing profusely while Red laughed.

...unfortunately her father would pull up beside his daughter's car and give the scared jock a stern talking to with his hand on his weapon for emphasis.

The Sheriff actually believed that Brad had given his daughter the joint.

He still trembled remembering the not so subtle threat from the angry father and the click of the hammer on his service revolver as Red bounced over taking blame for the joint. The sheriff of course didn't believe a word and parted pointing a finger at the terrified jock while his daughter giggled.

She offered him a ride home after her father had drove off, but he declined.

"Pussy." She laughed before speeding off in her Camaro.

He'd decided to find greener pastures and was chatting up a thin blonde named Sally when that alluring Redhead decided to force her way into his life again. She simply walked up to the budding couple in the school cafeteria and poured his carton of milk over the blonde's head causing the frightened girl to run off crying.

Less than thirty minutes later, he found himself in her bed room scared to death that her father was lurking in the closet with a shotgun at the ready. Red had eased his fears with a beer and a tour of her rustic styled ranch house. Seems she was somewhat of an adrenaline junkie and was involved in a number of sports as well as some mixed martial arts. She even tried to get the enthralled jock to engage in an impromptu wrestling match which he begged off as she tickled him.

She just seemed to overwhelm him her personality and aggressive demeanor that just bordered on threatening. So much so that when she asked him if he was a virgin, he'd answered truthfully. After hearing his answer she'd dug her claws even further into the jock coveting his "cherry" as she ushered him into her bedroom and made him strip nude.

He felt like her play thing as she rubbed and fondled every inch of his body even measuring his cock at a healthy eleven inches. She had remained clothed as she gave her new boyfriend an extremely sloppy blowjob culminating in an explosive facial that left him drained.

He was beyond excited as Red showered while he waited on her futon hard as a rock. Brad would never forget the sight of Red walking into the bedroom fully nude in all of her glory marveling at her sculpted figure so much that he nearly jizzed himself.

Then he had to go and ruin it all.

In short order he'd lost his shit and tossed Red on the bed forcing his cock into her extremely tight pussy and royally fucking her ...for all of two minutes. He would shoot a massive load all over her taut stomach. He'd been in a frenzy and lost control not even realizing that the entire time he been fucking her, the cheerleader had been casually lying on her back watching his prick pump in and out of her with a bored detached look on her face.

"Are you finished asshole?" She'd asked before launching her foot into his chin. She'd had a twenty-two pistol under her pillow and used it to escort him from her home.

He spent a number of days worrying that the sheriff would be coming for him before stupidly seeking Red out again to apologize.

The angry cheerleader would coerce him into licking her cunt as she leaned against her vehicle until she experienced a violent orgasm while the other girls on the squad looked on making comments such as "He's all cock and no brain" and referring to him as a mongoloid. After she'd squirted in his mouth she and her friends packed into her vehicle.

"You know, I used the toilet before you licked me and I didn't wipe or nothing."

He watched the car full of laughing teens drive off and figured it was finally over between Red and him. He'd recently made the football team right before all the drama had begun and figured he would throw himself into his work to forget the stunning redhead. The team would go on to win the first ten games in blow-outs that were almost cartoonish. Brad's popularity seemed to be on the rise almost overnight and he would suddenly find himself back in Red's good graces as she appeared at his home and literally fucked him silly while telling him that she "forgave" him. A week later they would officially consummate their relationship making it official.

The redhead had attached herself to him almost from the moment he'd arrived at Maplewood High. He barely had room to breathe under the smothering, stifling attention of his socially powerful girlfriend. Yeah, she may have found out about April, but there had been others who were lucky enough to be impaled by his legendary schlong.

He was determined to get himself laid despite what had been told to him and chaffed under the assumption that some cunt could effectively "bench" him.

He flipped open his laptop and began surfing the net for some porn to jerk off to when he spotted the message from his former childhood friend and crush April. He hesitantly opened the message and read it before deleting it.

"Fucking tease." He thought under his breath as his cock stirred in memory of the chubby girl's huge breasts and how he hard he had fucked her while she screamed for mercy.

His mind wandered back to that fateful morning when he had finally nailed the chubby teen and got his fill of her monstrous breasts. It had been a constant unfulfilled itch that had plagued him for over a year and he relished the fact that he'd gotten away with it for the most part. April had been sending him these pleading type emails for weeks now trying to get him to meet up with her so they could "talk things out." At first he had been afraid to respond figuring it was some sort of sting to entrap him with the cops, but later when nothing happened he began to think she wanted more of his cock.

"Fuck it. The answer is right in front of my face." He laughed as he began typing a short message to April.


April had finally mustered up enough courage to come out of the break room. The thrift store was empty and the doors wide open. A few customers had wandered in off the streets. Some of the people were bewildered at the state of the store.

The cheerleaders had trashed a couple of aisles where the women's items and accessories were kept. Leslie had helped herself to some trendy bracelets and rings while Red had simply knocked over everything in her path as she left the store.

She counted her lucky stars that she'd only received a minor beating and considered turning in her resignation at the end of the day to avoid any further incidents. She would have felt relieved if she didn't have this nagging illness, this nausea lingering about since Red slammed her head against the table. She excused herself to the few customers in the store and went back into the break room to get some aspirin and that's when she noticed it for the first time.

The laptop was gone.

"FUCK ME!!" April screamed at the top of her lungs.


"I'm sorry about what happened. I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you." Brad typed while watching a game on the television.

There was no response in the message box even though it appeared that she was online.

"I wish I could take it all back. I really wish we could just be friends again." Of course he didn't mean any of the things he wrote and was trying to get a dialogue going so that he could eventually get into the chubby teen's pants again.

Still no response as the jock sat pensively waiting. He watched the game with the same vested interest figuring that he would be drafted into one off the college teams playing on the screen. He had calmed down a bit but still had a simmering anger towards his girlfriend. He had some pics on his computer that he had transferred from his camera phone of Red's bubble butt. He'd considered making the photos public to get payback on the redhead for humiliating him.

Suddenly the sound of an incoming message alerted the jock.

"What about Red?" Was April's written response and Brad scratched his head wondering why she would bring up his girlfriend.

"What about her? I don't want to talk about that bitch. I'm pretty pissed about what she did to you." He typed back hoping to score some brownie points.

"Wanna hook up?" He was shocked at the quick turn around and couldn't believe his dumb luck.

Couldn't believe he'd get a chance to get his hands on her luscious hooters once again. This time he would take his time and fuck her right. Some dumb ass bet wouldn't hinder his time as he royally railed the snot out of his childhood friend.

"You want to come over here?" He typed back anxiously.

"No, I'm scared Red will find out and hurt my again Brad." He felt a flush of emotion wash over him as he continued typing.

"Don't worry about that skank. I'll never let her touch you again April." He typed back trying to get the chubby teen to close the deal. Sweat started to run down his brow as he typed and he cursed April under his breath for making him think too much.

"Can you protect me?"

"Yeah, don't worry about a thing. Where do you want to meet?" He hoped he didn't seem overanxious.

"How about the school? Tonight at say, about nine?"

"Why the school?" He typed genuinely confused.

"Why not?"


Red and Leslie sat in their favorite booth at Ms.Piggies (A local restaurant chain of just one in Maplewood. Just think Norms or Denny's). Red had spent the last thirty minutes tapping away on the laptop she'd stolen from April after slamming her head into the break room table.

"See you at nine...I'm really looking forward to seeing you again April." Both girls watched the response on the screen.

"My god he's so fuckin' dense, what'd you ever see in him?" Leslie laughed as she stuffed an onion ring in her mouth.

"It's a big cock thing, but you wouldn't know shit about that would you Leslie?" Red sounded annoyed as she closed the laptop.

"Fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Now, now don't be coy with me bitch. I'm referring to the Humbert situation we have on our hands." Red took a deep bite of her B.L.T sandwich as she looked over at her friend sharing her side of the booth.

"Don't worry about that Red, I got it under control." Leslie was visibly nervous.

"Oh yeah?!! Don't fuck with me you stupid cunt." The words rolled off the redhead's tongue with a serpentine grace that accentuated her building anger with her best friend.

"I don't care if you wanna fuck your own shit up, but bitch you involved me. What am I supposed to do when that fucking geek tricks on us to the cops, huh?!!" Red tossed the sandwich onto the table as some patron watched disturbed by her language.

"I know Humbert and he ain't saying shit Red. He's probably jizzing himself to me right now. As long as he thinks there's a chance he's getting into my panties, he's down for whatever. Now eat your sandwich bitch." There was a frenzied cadence to Leslie's words that suggested that she was trying to make herself believe her words more than anybody else.

"Down for whatever? ...oh, you're gonna try to fuck him again?" Red asked as she stuffed an onion ring into her mouth. The girls were sharing a plate.

"He knows he's down with getting that ass fucked hard. Oh Red you just don't know what it's like being in control and pushing into that little pussy of his." The buxom cheerleader's panties were starting to become damp at the thought.

"Girlfriend, you're seriously fucked up. Anybody tell you that lately."

"Only the whore that's supposed to be my best friend." Leslie suddenly felt self-conscious and worried that she'd shared too much. She felt a twinge of fear as Red leaned forward with an angry smile on her face.

"Tell you what Leslie, would you bet your ass on Humbert keeping quiet?"

"Yeah, yeah he ain't saying a fucking thing about us. What's on your mind?" Leslie didn't know where her friend was going with the conversation but had to follow the redhead's lead anyway.

"I was up late last night actually studying for the fucking constitution test and watching the tube. I was watching one of those shitty Star Wars prequels and it just came to me... serious epiphany."


"Don't strain your brain girlfriend, I'm gonna spell it out for you. I was watching the one where the shitty actor turns fully evil and the old emperor fuck-like makes him into a total badass...uhm, Darth Vader."

"Darth Vader? What the hell are you talking about bitch?" Leslie was confused running her fingers through her dark tresses.

"I want an apprentice."

"I don't get it Red. What do you mean?" Leslie was genuinely interested.

"I want to make our little duo...a trio. I'm proposing a bet."

"Yeah, what kind of bet?"

"I'm betting that I can turn somebody into one of us Leslie. Make her embrace our ways and I want to bet that you can't do the same with Humbert." Red smiled as she watched her friend realize what was being proposed.

"What's in it for me?"

Red tossed her car keys to her stacked friend. She knew that Leslie hated her less-than-stellar vehicle and secretly coveted her wheels. Leslie held the keychain in front of her flawless features pondering the proposal.