Mean Girls Reunion Finale


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It really was anyone's guess who would cum first. Yet my finger rubbed Tina extra hard inside, to go along with my tongue's thorough work. Combined with my thumb's final effort, and Tina's muffled, "Fuck, here I come," the race was decided.

Lizzy helped -- somewhat -- by popping off me right as Tina came on my lips. The taste and the sense of triumph helped as much as it could.

When she was done, I put her dress down and sat back, although I had just a few seconds before Tina bent down and kissed me. She tasted herself on my mouth like she promised, and I was content to let her have her meal.

I was almost over Lizzy not blowing me by then. Until Lizzy sat on my lap.

Tina backed off as Lizzy lifted her hips and sunk onto my cock. She wasn't sucking it, so this was a mixed blessing -- despite the skills of what was sucking me down now. "My turn," Lizzy broke my thoughts, bending down to kiss me too.

She got the last of Tina's taste off, while I savored some of Lizzy's as well. Before long, it balanced out.

Though my fingers were exhausted, I had to finally use them on Lizzy. So I rubbed her pussy while it rode me hard, all as Lizzy kissed me to keep us both quiet. Yet with the way we were both worked up, it wouldn't be necessary much longer.

"Cum in me. I missed out on that last time," Lizzy got out, in Tina's earshot -- whether that mattered or not. Regardless, it made a much bigger impact on me.

My cock and finger worked faster, leaving Lizzy to drop her head on my shoulder and bury her moans there. But she had better luck controlling herself than I did. They'd just done too much of a number on me.

I couldn't hold myself before Lizzy came. Yet when I shot into her, Lizzy didn't sound disappointed, even while muffled. In fact, she tightened on me and rode me harder, leaving me to just hang onto her and ride my orgasm out. Just as I finished it, she began to ride her own.

My left hand stayed between us while my right held onto her ass, with both of us catching our breath. Lizzy eventually stopped breathing into my ear, lifting her head up to see me. She didn't look for long, as she got off my lap despite her exhaustion.

Nevertheless, she got back on her knees to see my wet cock start deflating. Despite its sensitivity, she licked and kissed it clean one more time before tucking it back in my pants. Once she zipped me back up, Lizzy got on her feet and kissed my lips once more too -- letting me taste everything on her lips too.

Lizzy straightened herself up while I noticed Tina was already right as rain. "You think that covers it?" Tina asked -- but not to me.

"Yep. I'd like to think we set the bar high. Probably not enough, though," Lizzy confused me, but not Tina.

"Won't know till next time, I guess," Tina said. She then bothered to notice me, adding, "I'll be reading, watching and illegally downloading all your stuff till then. It'll spare me from needing a.....more private icebreaker at parties."

Tina kissed my left cheek, apparently as some kind of closure. Lizzy followed suit by saying, "Well, I don't need any extra....motivation for fake TV sex. Not till Season Three, anyway. Until then...." she left hanging by kissing my right cheek, then walking out with Tina.

I just stayed in the chair, both to avoid suspicion and to get my head back in order. The sex throwing it out of wack was one thing, but some of those odd comments at the end was something else. In any case, I could only ponder them in here for five more minutes, before more people noticed my absence.

I walked out then, acting normal enough for goodbyes with some of the crew. Still, I was more than ready to get to the elevator and head home. Once I got to the elevator, I pushed the button to the ground floor, leaned back and closed my eyes.

I heard two sets of footsteps coming in, but I waited until the doors closed to see my company. On my left was Lacey Chabert -- in a blue top with the top two buttons off. On my right was Lindsay Lohan, back in her typical loose ensemble. Didn't that beat all.

"Fancy seeing you here," Lacey started.

"We saw him all day, it's not so fancy anymore," Lindsay nitpicked. "But you're not the one who had to pose and talk all day. How come you look more tired than us?"

"Weight of it being over, I guess," I guessed as an excuse.

"I get that. Look at us now," Lacey stated. "You started with me, and you ended with Lindsay. If you don't count Rachel." I couldn't....not in a certain way.

"And now it's over," I reminded myself as the elevator reached the ground floor. Yet when I walked out, they followed me into the parking garage anyway.

"Makes you think, though," Lacey continued. "If I'd turned you down after Rachel did, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. But I got the ball rolling for you."

"And that ball would have been useless if I didn't catch it," Lindsay argued. "You know exactly why that is," she stressed to me.

"But you never could have caught it if I didn't start throwing it," Lacey came back.

"Tina, Lizzy and Amanda took turns throwing it to me too," Lindsay retorted. "It was by luck of the draw that you got it first. Or the luck of having nothing better or bigger to do."

"Not bigger in one way, maybe," Lacey snarked. "In other ways...I've stayed pretty firm. Unlike some people."

"Or so you made Maxim think. Playboy knows better, trust me," Lindsay said, as I realized what they were really talking about. And how convenient it was for them that Amanda wasn't part of this....ample argument. And how I really didn't need to end this with a brawl on my watch.

"Ladies, come on," I tried to break up. "None of you have a single thing to be jealous about. At least not enough to fight about here. Or now. If you're still mad about it in June or something, that's a different story. But for now, let's just let....the story speak for itself."

When they didn't say anything, I felt safe to leave and let that be the end of it. But as I got to my car, I heard Lindsay say anew, "A story that wouldn't exist if you didn't go all out for me."

"Oh, you were doing it anyway, and you know it," Lacey said behind me. "You don't need theatrics to get the job done every time." Technically, those theatrics were blackmail/a lesson to me, but....wait.

"He was too drained to complain, so what does that tell you?" Lindsay argued. It was probably well past time to beat my retreat now. So I unlocked the car and made my way into the driver's seat -- only to see Lindsay and Lacey jump in the back before I turned the key.

"Okay, where is this going?" I cut to the chase.

"Clearly we have different....tactics," Lacey alluded to. "They both played their part in making this happen. But there's at least one area we're both equal in. Supposedly. That's a good tiebreaker."

"Right, like that really disqualifies me. My areas have been through hell and they're still here. You just take yours out of the box every 10 years. That barely counts," Lindsay complained.

"All right, hold on! Are you arguing about....who inspired me more, or your areas? Those are two different fights," I nitpicked.

"We can settle them both," Lacey insisted.

"Well, I can't see it happening in this car," I decided, getting out and opening the back seat. Lacey came out first -- then pushed me back in before going back herself. She closed the door and left me sitting in between her and Lindsay.

"Lindsay, since you're so confident, you won't mind me going first," Lacey said. I didn't hear Lindsay object -- all I saw was Lacey removing her top, leaving her chest bare except for one of her pink bras. Her pink, cleavage enhancing bras. "Go on," she softly added.

"Uh, I...." I stumbled, from my predicament and her boobs. "I just....peed," I coded the truth. "I can't....approve of anyone right now."

"All the better," Lacey still approved. She reached for my zipper, pulled it down and took out my cock, proving it wasn't ready to get erect. Yet.

Her hand went to mine, bringing it onto her covered tits. "Go ahead," Lacey gave permission. This helped me bring my other hand over there, as both of them cupped her breasts and pushed them up further. At that point, my head dropped into her cleavage and started kissing.

Since my cock was still spent, I figured I could afford to take my time. And taking my time with Lacey's breasts wasn't a bad idea for any reason. I went back and forth between kissing her bare skin and her bra cups, my hands stroking her along the way.

"Mmmmhmmm," Lacey moaned as my tongue dove deep into her cleavage. But it might have been because I felt myself growing. When Lacey took my head off her and removed her bra, I was pretty much throbbing. So point for Lacey.

Not much could take my eyes off Lacey's chest. Yet I felt hands on my legs and remembered Lindsay was still there. When I turned and saw Lindsay was bare chested herself, I knew I wouldn't forget again.

Especially not when Lindsay got on her knees on the car floor, put her chest over my cock and started smothering it. "You knew I was taking a turn at some point," Lindsay taunted Lacey, before turning her attention to my cock.

Lindsay only did this to my face last month, so I couldn't compare her tit fucking my cock to how it was 11 years ago. However, it soon became too hard to care. Lindsay's breasts still felt soft and inviting, even if the woman who owned them wasn't, and her nipples were ripe for the pinching. Once I proved it, Lindsay bent down to lick my full head as a bonus.

"Hey, you're only supposed to use the boobs!" Lacey interrupted. "You just lost your turn."

Lacey shooed Lindsay away from me, to my deep regret. At least until Lacey made me turn back to her and she dropped to her knees too.

Instead of putting me between her breasts, Lacey put my shaft against her left tit and started rubbing. Like last time, she wanted to do more than just tit-fuck my cock, although her extra tactics weren't as wild as Lindsay. She let the softness of her chest against my dick, and how she was letting me feel all of it, speak for itself.

Lacey put her right nipple against my slit, teasing it enticingly. She then rubbed the head under her breast, only to finally put my whole cock into her chest. The suddenness of it, and her fast paced fucking, made me feel like I could blow at any time again. Yet Lacey knew that was the right time to back off.

But to her, backing off meant batting my shaft against her left breast. I liked that interpretation.

"Come on, you can't run out the clock. It's my turn," Lindsay argued. Lacey sighed, then quickly put me back between her tits for two final pumps. At that, she smiled and let me turn back to Lindsay.

Lindsay was sitting on the car seat again, her hands holding her tits up. "Put your hand on your cock. I can't do it, but she didn't say you couldn't. And it's too late now," Lindsay pointed out.

I heard Lacey huff behind me, but I dared to put my hand on my shaft anyway. "It counts if you're jacking off to my tits. And I know you're real good at that. Aren't you?" Lindsay saw right through me.

"Do you have me doing this?" Lindsay asked before rubbing her tits together. "Or this?" she asked before bouncing them. "Or this?" she asked before bending down and licking her own chest and nipples. "Or did you want to do that yourself?"

I hadn't actually suckled Lacey's bare chest yet, so this was overdue. I slid over to her, but Lindsay stopped me before I put both hands on her breasts. "You keep jacking off, or you get nothing," Lindsay laid down the law for me anew.

This was weird -- but jacking off to sucking Lindsay's breasts was something I was familiar with. Only difference was that they were right here. Some of that had to be a good difference, by....well, law, really.

My right hand went back on my shaft, leaving my left to push up Lindsay's left breast before I took it in my mouth. I pumped myself and suckled Lindsay with equal speed, but I went faster on her nipple once my tongue got involved. I took more of her in my mouth as I stroked harder, then I moved over and did the same to her right breast as she pushed it up for me.

"Mmm, that's it. No matter what I do, you can't turn away from these, can you?" Lindsay purred. "I get that. That's why they make things happen."

I tried to ignore her sales pitch and just focus on my two tasks. Yet Lindsay went on with, "You just wanna be smothered by these big, powerful tits, huh? Smother that cute face and that big, throbbing cock....mmmm, you knew you wanted to save the best for last."

I wondered if Lacey would say that her voice violated the rules of....whatever this was. It was still sultry and smokey enough to get me pumping and sucking faster, after all. But the actual words from that husky voice were still questionable, so maybe that balanced it out.

"Hey, I gotta take another turn soon too," Lacey interrupted. Lindsay was the only one with a real problem over that -- but she wasn't me.

I scooted back over to Lacey and laid my head on her chest. I left my left hand there and brought my right down to touch myself, yet Lacey's hand got there first. "If hand stuff's allowed, I should take care of it," Lacey reasoned.

"Come on! Then it's not really your boobs doing the job, is it?" Lindsay argued.

"It is if he's got more room to play with them," Lacey replied. Indeed, I had both hands at my disposal for both breasts. That was quite a benefit. So I pushed them up and started feasting, barely noticing that Lacey wasn't stroking me. She just held my shaft as it throbbed from tasting her tits.

When I squeezed her breasts against my face, my hips shot up unconsciously. "That's it," Lacey brought it to my attention. "Fuck me like you want to fuck them....picture it and taste it and let it make you cum."

It sounded like good advice, so I went right to it. I licked between her breasts as I fucked her frozen hand, then nibbled each of her nipples. I even took her breasts and rubbed them up and down on my face, as I pumped her hand in unison.

"Come fucking on, copycat!" Lindsay yelled, but I barely noticed. However, Lindsay did what she always did, in those rare moments when no one paid attention to her. Force her way back into the spotlight.

In my case, she did it by getting back on her knees in front of me. There, she took my cock from Lacey's hand and put it right between her tits, while my face was still buried in Lacey's.

"You let him enjoy those all you want. But he'll be cumming on mine. He'll have the time of his life because I made it possible," Lindsay got less than subtle, even before she worked her tits on me.

Lacey didn't have an answer, and I wished I had one for her. Thinking wasn't a high priority at the moment, though. All I could do was put my hand on Lacey's left breast and suckle her right to help her feel better. To make it somewhat even, my free hand went onto Lindsay's chest as it fucked me.

I was fondling, sucking and getting fucked by all these breasts. Yet it looked like Lindsay's would get credit for my cum. I kept burying my head in Lacey's chest, hoping it would help. I moaned harder on her breasts, but that was as much due to Lindsay's effort as anything else.

"It's okay," Lacey broke my concentration. "Go on and cum for her. Let me see all that cum on one set of tits, at least."

"Gladly," Lindsay answered for me, bouncing her breasts on me and bringing me to the edge. I couldn't hold out much longer, so I reached over and gave Lacey's breasts a final kiss, suckle and nibble. With that holding my guilt over for now, I sat back and watched Lindsay finish the job.

"I'm gonna cum," I warned Lindsay. With that, she tit-fucked me with a few final strokes, then took her chest off me. She grabbed my cock and aimed it at her breasts, waiting for me to cum on them. A few pumps of her hand would pretty much do it.

Yet as I boiled over, I failed to notice Lacey sitting next to me. Until the final moment when I was ready to cum.

By then, Lacey had suddenly bent down and grabbed my cock right out of Lindsay's hand. She was too surprised to stop her, and I was too paralyzed to do anything but cum. Only now, I was cumming right into Lacey's mouth.

"Hey! Give me that, you bitch!" Lindsay yelled. But Lacey tightened her grip on my shaft as it shot into her. Yet she then took her mouth off, only to aim it at Lindsay's chest after all. The last half of my orgasm shot onto Lindsay's tits, while Lacey was swallowing the first half.

Lindsay and I watched my cum ooze down her chest, while Lacey was less distracted. "Yep, you made him cum. But I could have taken all of it. You earned that cum, but you never would have had any in the first place without me. Funny how that works."

She licked her lips and concluded, "But we both got some, and a lot more out of it too. So who the fuck cares?"

Lindsay's face stayed frozen, as did mine. If she was gonna start a fight anyway, I should have probably tucked my cock back in. Immediately. But it still deflated right in the open air, while my cum slid down Lindsay's open chest.

Finally, Lindsay had the foresight to wipe my cum on herself, licking it up along the way. When she was done tasting it, she still didn't change her blank expression. This put me on edge -- enough so when she finally smiled, I almost jumped.

When I saw her laugh, I leaned back and groaned at how she toyed with me yet again. This time, she even got Lacey in on it to some extent. How much, I probably didn't want to know. At the least, they weren't explaining as they sat back next to me and put their bras and shirts on.

I was at a loss for words myself, and a loss for energy, all things considered. Granted, I didn't really move much this time, but that kind of orgasm -- so soon after Tina and Lizzy's, at that -- could keep any man a pile of goo for a while.

That made me less than verbal when Lacey and Lindsay kissed each side of my face and left, without any words of their own. It took me another three minutes to get out of the back seat myself.

Another minute went by before I snapped out of it and started my engine. I drove out of the lot and headed home, without even bothering to turn on my radio. I had enough music and loud seductive noises in my head already.

Just when they cleared up and I reached my house, I realized there was one giant loose end I hadn't accounted for. Two of them, really. And they were sitting at my doorstep.

Once I parked the car and walked over to face Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried, I blurted out, "Okay, which one blabbed?"

To my credit, I opened the door and got them inside after that, since this wasn't a conversation for public eyes and ears. It was lucky enough that the paparazzi weren't here already -- or at least weren't visible.

When we were settled in, Rachel actually answered my question. "I wasn't trying to make them blab. All I did was tell them about my blowjob joke. They looked too suspicious after that, not me." But she added, "Although she looked more suspicious," pointing to Amanda.

"For the record, I never said anything!" Amanda protested. "I just....didn't argue well enough when she guessed."

"Then Lindsay had her fun mocking how 'high and mighty' we looked now, of course," Rachel rolled her eyes. "When she mentioned the whole bondage/blackmail stuff, the rest of it came out too." She frowned and asked, "Lacey didn't let her tie you to your car seat, right?"

"I don't see how that would.....hey, wait," I backed up. "Did they already blab to you again?"

"Blabbed, followed the plan, stuff like that," Amanda brushed through. She got more apologetic, excusing, "I mean....well, she's Regina George for a reason, you know?"

I looked to Rachel as she explained, "It wasn't like that. I didn't have to blackmail them like Regina would. Not even with Tina. I just....convinced them to do something they weren't planning to do. Like Regina."