Megan & Jessie #02


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I wish I could have relaxed more too. It seemed the only way to make it so I wasn't worrying about people looking at my breast was worrying about Jessie. It would have been nice to just be care free and lay there and enjoy the rays of the sun on my body.

I probably looked like I was getting sunburn on my face with my blushing I thought. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks. I know I say this a lot, but I don't get how Jessie does it. She must be impervious to embarrassment or something. I guess when you look as great as she does, you don't worry too much about what people see.

We didn't spend the whole day toasting in the sun though. Jessie of course wouldn't want to just sit still for that long. I wasn't surprised in the least when she sat up and said we had enough of that.

"What do you have in mind, a dip maybe?" I ask, thinking it'd be nice to swim and get even more of my body hidden in the water.

"Actually I could use something a little faster paced. Up for some volleyball?" she recommended. She had gotten up and was stretching her body, which was putting me into my usual daze. "Let's get a move on." She said pulling me by my wrist to my feet.

"Wait, just play like this? Won't we put on a bit of scene?" I asked looking back at our stuff, eyeing up my top.

"Of course there'll be a scene. People will be awed as I show you how I've improved my spike," Jessie said with a confident grin. I really wasn't sure if she was purposely avoiding the nudity issue or if our nakedness just didn't register to her.

She switched her grip on my wrist to my hand as she pulled me along. The first thing through my head was panic. Here we were, strolling down the beach, me topless and her naked. I didn't even know what to do about it. Then on top of it we were going to be running and jumping our bodies around a volleyball net? I could swear she was going to drive me to death by shame by the end of the day!

Then the fact that our hands were locked came to my mind. It actually felt for a moment that we were a sweet couple just enjoying a beach stroll. It felt so close and personal. Of course to Jessie she was just acting like her usual grade school self and this was probably just innocent best friend hand holding to her.

She marched on without cover as I've come to expect from her. I however didn't feel comfortable with my nipples sticking out for the other beach goers to see. I didn't want to make it look obvious, but I just felt I had to have something over them. I tried to keep a hand over one by using the excuse of playing with the end of one of my hairs. I knew the other was out, but I didn't know how to cover it without looking like some kind of flake. I know it's silly, but covering one is at least better than none, right?

I also noticed there were a lot of stares. Unlike when we were tanning, we passed more and more people. It seemed most that would look our way were looking us up and down. I knew they probably had their sites on Jessie, but I could tell they were checking me out too. My skin crawled as I could swear I felt every eye survey my body.

Even though I did put my bottoms on, they worried me too. As a full suit I was worried enough to be in that too. I'd never warn a bottom that skimpy, and with my mind thinking about exposed skin, that tight little thing hugging my bottom, and seemingly little more, worried me.

I almost felt we were lucky as I saw that two other girls were using the net at the beach. Looked like we wouldn't be able to play, after all. Maybe that peaceful swim would become a reality. Jessie wasn't shy though, and quickly got their attention.

"Hey, mind if we join you? We could play some two vs two?" She asked them.

They paused as they looked at us. Even though it was clothing optional, it was obvious most people here weren't totally accustomed to seeing naked girls wandering around. They did eventually speak up, "Sure, that sounds like a great idea."

The girl on our side ran over to her friend as Jessie and I were left on one side. Oh my god, not only was I going to be stuck playing in front of the people nearby, but we also had people not far away right on the other side of the net.

The two girls tossed the ball over and told Jessie she could serve. "I guess then this will be a match of tops versus skins," Jessie joked as the two girls giggled with her. I only blushed knowing how obvious our exposure was. I really wish I could go hide on the side lines than stand out in the open.

Jessie sent the ball over and the game began. At first I just watch it go back and forth. I felt stiff. It was like if I moved, I'd be somehow more noticeable. Of course when the ball came my way it just plopped in the sand. Jessie told me to get my head in the game. Playing a silly game of volleyball was the last thing on my mind though.

When I wasn't thinking about how embarrassing it was to be standing topless, I was busy looking at Jessie's naked body bouncing around. She really didn't have any modesty, because she didn't hinder herself at all as she played. You should have seen the way her various naughty bits bounced for all of us to see.

Those two distractions were causing us to lose the game sort of fast. Once when I was staring to the side the ball even hit me on the head. If the nudity wasn't enough to make me want to crawl into a hole, the fact I was acting like such a goof was plenty more reason.

"Come on, you play better than this Megs, let's try and catch up," Jessie said, as she passed the other two girls the ball. I do usually play better, and it was unfair to Jessie that I'd be letting her down like this.

I told myself I needed to pay attention to the ball. As much as I wanted to hide my body and I wanted to watch Jessie's, Jessie wanted to play this game right. I wanted to make her happy, so what she wanted was more important to me I told myself.

Of course my blush didn't' go away, but I didn't stand still either. I could feel my breast wobble and bobble as I ran. I knew my butt probably gave a jiggle to onlookers. It would have normally been far too much for me to play this game in just a small bikini bottom, but Jessie was there with me, so I was able to push on.

We were making progress too. I was still not playing my best, but I guess Jessie and I make a good team. We were evening the total score by the time we decided to take a break.

Part 3

Even though I was tired, and the bouncing around was embarrassing, stopping to chat and stuff was even worse. Now I didn't have the game to take my mind off of my nudity. We met at the net as we complimented each other. I was doing my best to keep confident. Jessie wouldn't be proud of a girl who just clammed up and hid the whole time, right?

"It's pretty cool you two are willing to be so, well you know, undressed," one of the girls brought up. I could swear I felt the heat in my cheeks increase after hearing one of them bring attention to our exposed skin.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just more comfortable and fun this way," Jessie said as if she was talking about something as simple as the weather. I wanted to say something like "speak for yourself!"

"Why aren't you naked too? Your teams uniform would match better!" one of the girls joked.

Before I could even say no to the silly idea, Jessie rang in, "You're right. Megs, let's get those things off you so we can match. Then it can be Suits versus total skins."

"I'm not so sure, I mean fully naked out here on the beach..." it tried saying.

"Nonsense, you'll be fine. Get a little extra tan on that body of yours," she said as she tugged at the side of my suit. She actually notices my body? She knows it needs a tan? Does that mean she actually looks there?

What am I thinking? She's about to strip me naked right on the beach!

As panicked and scared as I was though, I didn't really move. I just let her take my bottoms away. Even though I knew it was coming too I was still shocked.

Jessie and I were now both equally naked, side by side on the beach. People all around and we were wearing the least by what seemed like a lot. I know mostly everyone was only a few threads away from being naked too, but to me the skimpiest suit around would probably feel like enough for Sunday morning at church at this point.

"Round two then?" Jessie asked, unfazed by my sudden nakedness. The other two girls slowly looked away from me and agreed as they took their spots. It took me a moment, but I moved too. I don't even know if I was thinking on my own anymore. It's like Jessie said it was time for round two, and I followed the order.

I pulled my hands out from between my legs. I don't even remember putting them there to cover up. I really was on auto pilot.

Again I started playing pretty bad. Now I didn't even remember my breast being on show. All I could think about was my bare ass and lower hairs being out in the sun now. I was more concerned with looking around to see who was staring. It really didn't look like anyone was; at least not long enough to look like they were watching. I guess Jessie already gave them enough of a show.

Then of course my mind wandered to thinking about Jessie again. I really did like watching her play. It wasn't even because of her body. She's a pretty good athlete, better than me at least. Just seeing her hit the ball over the net and run around so well. She was so into the game, but at the same time smiled and enjoyed it.

Another score for our opponents thanks to my air-headedness though was insuring another round would go to them. I had to pay attention I told myself. That was hard when you're naked on the beach.

It's also hard to keep your mind off of Jessie's body when suddenly it's running into yours! As I tried to pay attention to the ball and volley it back, Jessie too had gone for it. I was trying so hard to ignore her that we ran right into each other. In a flash the two of us were on the ground.

"You two ok?" one of the two girls asked as they came over to us. I didn't even realize what happened right away. I felt I was on top of something warm. I could feel my breast against something equally soft and squishy. I could feel something move against my legs. That's when I looked down and realized I was right on top of Jessie!

Our breasts were against each other, our legs shifting and tangled with each other. Our faces were only mere inches away from each other. I just sort of froze like that for awhile.

After a moment Jessie moaned a little and looked up at me. "You ok, need help getting up?" That got me to scurry off her. My blush was to the max again too. I don't think I've had our bodies up close like that. At least not when so naked.

"Ok guys, I think the two of us just aren't in the right mind set to play. I can't imagine how bad we would play if we tried again after a fall like that," Jessie said getting up and brushing herself off. I was able to continue, but I was still very naked and would prefer to get dressed again, so I stayed quiet.

"That's fine. It was a good game. Nice meeting you two," The two girls got their volley ball and headed off in the opposite direction to their stuff. I got my bottoms on while Jessie was distracted, knowing that would probably be my only chance.

I felt sort of bad as we walked off to our stuff. I messed up the game, and then I made myself look so stupid for running into her. God she probably thought I was pathetic.

Back at our stuff Jessie decided to start packing. The day was getting late, and the sun was disappearing.

"Oh and about that game Megs," Jessie began to say as we were putting the last bits of things into our bags. I knew it. Here it comes. She's probably about to mock me for how bad I play or question what was up. "Sorry for the way I was. It was unfair."

"What, what do you mean?" I asked, confused as to why she was apologizing.

"I shouldn't have been pushing you so hard. I know you were just trying to have fun. I too was off my game, and had I been doing better, you wouldn't have had to push so hard," she was apologizing for that?

"Oh no, I should apologize. I should have played better," I said, trying to defend her. I couldn't let her blame herself for all that.

"It took you awhile to get into the swing of things, but once you got going you were on fire girl. I started off strong, but I really didn't keep it up for the rest of the time. I'm jealous if anything."

I didn't even know what to say anymore. She actually thought I was good?

"Next time, we'll win for sure," she said as she gave me a little hug.

"Thanks, and yeah!" I said, happy to feel her body against mine again. I had gotten my full bikini back on, but she was still completely naked.

On the way out I had to remind her to get dressed before we got on the road again. I figured it was a fifty-fifty chance if she did or didn't, but she was back in her bikini and we were heading home.

Wow, looking back on the day, I feel mortified. Just thinking about how many people saw me. I'm just glad it was so far out of town no one would recognize me. Yet still, knowing that people saw me just naked, laying and playing around in the sunlight at the beach.

The day wasn't all bad. The time I spent with Jessie was good too. In fact, it made up for the bad points I think. I think I'd expose myself to the world for her at this point...

What am I saying! I couldn't do that! I must be going nuts.

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2275jr2275jralmost 13 years ago
awesome love it

another master story more please more. i could read your stories all day long

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