Melanie - Again


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Tim stood up and Mel put her arms around his neck in order to prevent herself from falling. They kissed passionately. He only vaguely registered that he could taste his own excretions upon her lips. She looked down at the thick rod of flesh that was poking into her stomach. She looked back up at him and smiled. "Not yet," she said. "But soon." She wanted it to be special, not like this. "But I guess we'd better do something about that or you'll never be able to get it back into your trousers."

She bent double and took him into her mouth once more. His eyes wandered along her spine, marvelling at the beauty of her body. She had said 'anything you like', so he placed his hands gently on her shoulder blades and began stroking the soft flesh. He moved gradually along her back, his thumbs tracing her spine. When he reached her cheeks, he dug his fingers into the soft flesh and began to knead her buttocks.

She so wanted him to probe her anus, but she was worried that she might frighten him. She (figuratively) bit her tongue and didn't say anything. Not that she could, of course – she had her mouth full. Tim, being a gentleman, let her know when he was close. This time she took his dick out of her mouth and continued to masturbate him until he came. She let his sperm shoot over her stomach. It felt hot.

The couple dressed quickly afterwards. The sun was getting lower in the sky and the temperature was starting to drop.

They drove home, continually stealing glances at each other and smiling. They arrived well before Mrs James' deadline. She was impressed. They all sat and talked for a while, before Tim explained that he had to leave as he was getting up early in the morning to head off to his new posting. The fact that he avoided explaining any more seemed to underline the suspicion that Melanie's father had voiced; Tim was now involved with intelligence.

Melanie walked Tim to his car. They said goodbye with a long, embracing kiss. From her unlit bedroom window upstairs, Joanna James watched with a tinge of jealousy. Her hands squeezed her breasts hard as she pushed her legs together in an attempt to prevent the burning sensations that she felt there. She hadn't experienced them for so, so long.


Chapter 3

The days at college seemed to drag on and on. The only relief was when Melanie received letters from Timothy. He wasn't even allowed to tell her where he was based, so she didn't know if he was near or far. He hinted that he was going to be given leave around Christmas time. But she expected that he would want to spend the time with his parents.

When she arrived home, her mother informed her that she was going to spend Christmas Day with her and then Boxing Day with her father. She was 18 years old, but it didn't look like she was going to get a say in the matter. She had always looked forward to the celebrations in the past, but the outlook seemed pretty bleak this year.

Christmas Eve arrived. It was a cold, grey but dry day. Around lunchtime it suddenly seemed to get much brighter and warmer. But the weather hadn't changed. The brightness in Melanie's day was brought about by the surprise arrival of Timothy.

He was still in uniform. Melanie thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. They stood kissing in the doorway for a long time until Mrs James said, "For goodness sake Melanie. Put him down and shut the door. You're letting all the cold air in!"

Joanna began fussing around Timothy, kissing him on the cheek and asking how he was. "I'm fine," he said. "I've got a week's leave."

"You'll be going home to your parents I expect?"

"Well, no. I didn't find out about my leave until last night and when I rang them I found out that they had gone on a cruise. They didn't think I'd be home."

"So, where are you going to stay?"

He looked a little sheepish, "I hadn't thought that far ahead yet. All I could think of was coming to see Mel."

Joanna felt a lump rising in her throat.

"Mummy, can't Timothy stay with us? We've got a spare room."

Mrs James was about to object, to tell her daughter it simply wasn't possible. But then she looked at the pleading eyes and then at the way that Timothy was gazing at her. "Well, OK. I guess that as Timothy hasn't got anywhere else to go he'd better stay with us."

Melanie said she would show Tim to his room and took him upstairs. She almost dragged him down to the spare room, pulled him in and shut the door.

"Have you any idea just how sexy you look in that uniform?" she asked.

Timothy just smiled. He put his arms around her and pulled her to him. "And have you any idea how much I've missed you?"

She gasped in mock horror and then laughed, "If that lump that's pushing between us is any indication, I'd have to say you seem very pleased to see me."

His hands began to roam across her body, caressing her through her clothes. Even with the material between them his touch sent tingles up and down her spine and a warm feeling began to grow between her legs.

"Stop, stop, stop. We can't. Not here, my mother's downstairs. She'll be wondering where we've got to."

Tim had a twinkle in his eye as he said, "Well I can hardly go downstairs looking like this now, can I?" He stepped away from her and looked down at the erection that was clearly visible through the cloth of his uniform trousers.

"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?"

Timothy merely answered with an arched eyebrow.

"You can't be serious?" She stood with her mouth open.

"Can you think of a better way to get it under control? Come on, it won't take long I promise. I'm desperate."

"Three minutes," she said. "Not a second longer, or you'll just have to go to the bathroom and deal with it yourself."

She knelt down and undid his flies. She reached in and found the gap in his boxer shorts. She eased his penis out and began to stroke it up and down. It looked as good as she remembered, so she bent forward to see if it tasted as good. It did, and soon she was pushing her mouth down until his helmet was nudging the back of her throat.

As Timothy had promised, it didn't take long. Melanie didn't actually time it, but he began pumping the contents of his testicles well within the three minutes deadline. She swallowed every drop, being careful not to get any on his uniform. When she had finished, she tucked his dick away in his pants, re-fastened his flies and then stood up.

"Come on, Mummy will be getting all sorts of ideas about us."

"Mmm. Maybe some of them will be right," he said with a grin.

"Don't be silly Tim. Mummy isn't like that."


Chapter 4

There was never any question of one or other leaving their own room during the night. Melanie's mother had left her bedroom door partly ajar, just in case.

But neither of them could sleep.

In the morning, Christmas Day, Tim surprised Melanie with a present. She was still in bed, so he knocked and waited for her to invite him in. She sat up in bed, aware that she was only wearing a thin nightdress under the duvet. He on the other hand was fully dressed, being used to the regimented hours he was forced to keep.

Melanie hadn't expected anything and was upset that she hadn't bought him anything in return. She unwrapped the gift and opened the box inside to reveal a gold necklace with a cute teddy bear charm. "Oh Tim. It's beautiful. Thank you."

Tim had sat on the edge of the bed, so Melanie reached up and put her arms around his neck and kissed him. His hands held her sides, but naturally gravitated towards her breasts. His caress made her shiver and her nipples immediately responded.

The door remained open; both to warn them if Joanna was approaching and also to make it obvious that nothing could be going on, which it clearly was. Tim had found the hardened nipples and was concentrating his attention on them. Melanie lay back against the pillow.

The bedding only needed to be pulled back slightly before Melanie's legs came into view. Tim took her completely by surprise when he gripped the bottom of her nightdress and shoved it quickly up above her breasts. He immediately dropped his mouth to her nipples and began suckling on them.

"Timmy, no! Mummy will see us!" she whispered urgently. But she didn't really want him to stop. Her breathing became heavier. His hands took over from his lips and his head moved down between her legs. When his tongue flicked across her clitoris she gasped and closed her eyes. Which is why she didn't see her mother.

Joanna James had heard Tim knock and go into Melanie's room. She looked out of her doorway and was relieved to see that Melanie's was ajar. She heard them talking and so went back into her room. After a while, she realised that she could no longer hear their voices. She walked out of her room and headed towards the other bedroom. As she approached, she could hear Melanie making small noises. She simply had to know if her daughter was all right.

She froze on the threshold. Joanna hadn't seen her daughter's breasts for quite a few years and they seemed larger than she remembered. This was her initial thought process. Her mind could not, for a few seconds, interpret what else she was seeing.

Timothy's head was down on Melanie's lap. No, in Melanie's lap. In fact it was moving between her spread legs. Her daughter's head was rolling from side to side and she was biting on her fist in an attempt to muffle the sounds she was making. Joanna vaguely recognised that her daughter was showing the signs of an approaching orgasm. She should walk away, but she couldn't. She was frozen to the spot. It was only when Tim sat back up after finishing his tonguing that she was able to drag herself away.

Joanna busied herself with preparations for the Christmas lunch. Keeping busy was a way of avoiding thinking about what she had seen.

Melanie asked Tim to open the bottle of wine. As none of them were driving, it quickly turned into a second bottle. Tongues loosened and all three began talking about subjects they probably would have avoided if they had been completely sober.

Joanna was speaking, "I agree, Tim. A woman's legs look much better when clad in nylon, but tights? No, for most real men that's a complete turn off."

Melanie was amazed at her mother. She had never heard her talk like this before.

"Nothing can beat stockings." She abruptly stood up, lifted her skirt to reveal the darker black bands at the top of her nylons. The white silk of her suspenders was just visible. "Now, be honest Tim, don't you think this looks much sexier than if I was wearing tights?"

"Mummy! What are you doing?"

"Do be quiet Melanie. Come on Tim, what do you think?" she pressed.

Tim had also drunk a little more than he should. The session with Melanie last night was still playing in his mind and although his dick was only slightly enlarged, mentally he was very aroused. With a well-acted air of indecision he said, "I'm not really sure. I can only see so much of your legs. Perhaps I could see a bit more?"

Joanna immediately obliged, raising the skirt another six inches to show an expanse of creamy thigh that led up to white silk panties. Her French knickers were edged with lace and hung loosely between her legs. Dark pubic hair was clearly visible behind the lace. Tim's penis was no longer at half-mast. He wanted to push the material aside so that he could see her pussy. He wanted to play with it, finger it, and taste it.

Melanie jumped up out of her chair and rushed to pull her mother's skirt down. "Mother! You must be drunk. What on earth do you think you're doing?"

"I need to know. You're father didn't find me attractive. I need to know if all men feel that way about me."

Tim sobered very quickly, realising that the situation was very different to his original interpretation. He spoke quickly, "Mrs James… Joanna, I think your husband must be the biggest asshole in the world. If your daughter is going to look like you in the future, then I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Joanna looked at Timothy and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say something that would upset you."

"Darling boy," Joanna sniffed. "Not only have you paid me the most wonderful compliment, you've also made it clear how you feel about my precious daughter. You've made me happier than you can know."

She dabbed at her eyes with her serviette. "Why don't you two run along? Give me some time to put the dishes in the washer and tidy up."

They went upstairs to Melanie's bedroom. Once again they left the door open, but this time they sat looking at her CD and DVD collection and talked about the books that they had both read.

Some time later, their conversation had begun to make them thirsty. Melanie suggested that they go down and get some fruit juice. Tim told her to stay where she was and he would go.

It was very quiet downstairs. There was the background hum of the dishwasher in the kitchen, but that was all. He pulled a carton of orange juice from the fridge and picked up two glasses from the shelf.

On the way back he decided to check if Joanna was OK. He walked into the lounge and found her lying, asleep on the sofa. Her skirt was up around her waist, with her knees raised in a foetal position. She was facing away from him. He felt like a pervert, but he couldn't prevent himself from kneeling down to look up the leg of her knickers. Sure enough, there was her pussy and it looked wet!

He almost screamed in panic when Joanna moved. He thought he was going to get caught. About to get up again, he chanced one more peek. His mouth went dry and his blood began to pump. Two of Joanna's fingers were resting on her pussy lips. They were covered with the juices that had begun to flow as she had masturbated earlier. More than ever, Tim wanted release.

He raced back upstairs and into Melanie's room.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

Tim shut the door behind him and stood, breathing heavily and looking lustfully at Mel. He kicked off his shoes and quickly undressed. Melanie's eyes opened wider and wider.

Naked, he advanced towards the bed. He pushed Melanie's dress up, grabbed hold of her tights and panties together and simply dragged them off of her.


He sat her up, unzipped the back of her dress and pulled it over her head. Melanie watched as the dress flew across the room. It hadn't even landed, when Tim reached around her and unfastened her bra. This garment followed the dress.

Melanie had no doubt what Timothy wanted now. "What if my mother comes in?"

"If she does, I'll fuck her as well!"

Melanie hadn't seen this animalistic side of Tim before and was just a little frightened. Now he took her in his arms and kissed her. He lay her back down on the bed and continued to kiss her gently and lightly all over her body, gradually moving down. He spent time on her breasts and nipples, before moving further down towards his goal.

Once Tim had passed Melanie's navel, he sat up, raised her knees and parted her legs. He began to use his tongue in the way that he knew she liked. She responded as predicted and her vagina quickly became lubricated. When he felt she was ready, he knelt forward and took his weight on his arms.

Melanie looked down at Tim's rock hard penis. It looked big, but she knew it was what she wanted. She reached down and took hold of it as Tim repositioned himself. "Gently," she breathed.

She guided him to the entrance to her vagina. Tim nudged the head against Melanie's pussy lips, gently pressing forward. They could both feel the resistance. For Mel, the resistance ended and was replaced by a sharp pain. For Tim it was as though he was falling into a warm, wet ocean. Movement seemed unnecessary. Waves of pleasure washed over both of them; Melanie's momentary discomfort was forgotten.

Tim began to thrust in and out of Melanie. She held on tight to him and wrapped her legs around his back, forcing his dick deeper inside of her. He was desperately trying to hold out as long as could. He wanted her to orgasm first, but for all his mental efforts his physical side couldn't oblige. He felt the sperm surging up and out through the head of his cock.

To Melanie, this additional sensation was all that she needed to reach orgasm. She hugged Tim even tighter as she did and he managed to keep going until she too had arrived.

They lay wrapped in each other's arms for some time after. Melanie smiled, looked into Tim's eyes and said, "So much for safe sex!"

"Oh shit!" said Tim. "I completely forgot!"

With a twinkle in her eye, she said, "Don't worry, I'm on the pill. My aunt sorted it out for me back in the summer – but don't tell Mummy, she doesn't know! Amanda said that she thought I might need it. And she was right!"


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apeearsapeearsalmost 3 years ago

It was a good story with the right mix of the story line and sex

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

omg this story was one of the best that i read so far it had me going to the part i got horny!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

i was blown away by your illustaration. you have mad skills: you should do more! I haven't even read the story yet, but now i'll go back and do that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Wouldn't Wait

I can tell you that I would have fucked Tim well before the end. My juices were runnimg and fingers going fast as hell.

More please.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

ONE picture? Was that REALLY an illistrated story? What a waste of time

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