Mel's Wedding: More Extended Family Ch. 04


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Mel spoke to our limo driver and then pulled me into the long car. The driver looked back and grinned, then shut the blackened interior window between us. He pulled away slowly. The darkened windows prevented anyone on the outside from seeing in. Mel and I were in our own private compartment.

Mel melted into my arms. "Hold me tight," she said. I did.

She went further, "I'm going to do something very naughty that I've wanted to do for years." With that she reached down and unzipped me and pulled my cock from its resting place. In seconds she had me hard and was mouth fucking me with all her consummate skill. I rapidly undid my pants and slid them down my legs.

When she judged me ready, she pulled up her wedding dress. I was surprised to find she wasn't wearing any lacy underwear. Beneath the white petticoats and all, there was just Mel.

Mel moved in front of me and straddled me on the luxurious leather seat. She positioned me at her opening and I slid right in to her. "Are you sure?" I asked.

Mel nodded. "Oh yes! I've wanted a 'limousine fuck' all my life and I'm not going to miss this opportunity. In case you didn't notice, I planned ahead -- that's why I'm not wearing underwear. Besides neither of us can cum. Sorry. This is just a tease. It's still fucking even if we don't cum." She leaned in and kissed me. We fucked, on her terms, for a couple of miles, the driver taking a long, circuitous route to the pavilion. When we got near, Mel stopped, kissed me one more time then rolled onto the seat beside me. She began fluffing up her gown and making sure she was presentable.

"Zip up," she said as she kissed me one last time. "Just remember to think of my wet pussy the rest of the day." She gave me a lecherous grin then pulled out her make-up kit and started to touch up her lipstick and make-up where I'd smeared it somewhat. At least there were no slippery juices emitting sexual odors to add to the occasion; at least I didn't think so.

I struggled getting my erect penis back in my pants without doing damage on the zipper. I noticed a ring of fresh lipstick around my rod about four inches down from the tip. Mel's, of course! I got my self back together soon enough, being sure to zip and do my own check of how presentable I would be to everyone. I was fairly presentable except for the large bulge in my pants. I hoped every eye would be on Mel.

The limo finally stopped by the large Lido Beach pavilion. I could see the arbor and flowers set up near the shoreline as well as over a hundred-and-fifty chairs arranged in a concentric quarter-circles with an aisle splitting the two sides. A large contingent of wedding party was already seated and obviously in animated conversation with each other. Two folk singers were providing some light entertainment for the occasion and I could hear their melodies waxing on the light breeze as we got out of the car. The weather was hot and humid, but the promised rain had stayed inland that day.

Sarah and Holly, Mel's other housemates from Ohio came and hugged and kissed me with great abandon. Nick was standing there watching me with continued amazement on his face as all these beautiful young women kissed me passionately. Ray was there to greet us too looking buff and trim in his tuxedo even though he was barefoot.

I had my "to do" list and started by getting the procession arranged. After some prodding and nudging I got the order right. Rachel's two youngest kids were the flower children. Both had baskets of rose petals that they were to scatter across the sand as they walked down to the arbor. Rachel gave them a nudge and then fell in behind them with Carl, her husband, to keep giving the youngsters encouraging words and instructions about the flowers. Rachel had also given me a toe-curling kiss; I felt very loved.

Next were Chris and Holly followed every twenty feet or so by Ray and Sarah, Bev and Nick, and Karen and Lynn. As the bride's procession got near the arbor they were not seated. Instead they all formed a quarter-circle around the arbor on one side facing the other guests. Robbie, his parents, several cousins and an aunt and uncle, and some of his college and work buddies had already formed a quarter-circle on the other side of the arbor also facing the guests.

Mel and I hugged and I got really choked up at the whole event. She was too. She said, "Don't you dare start crying on me. I'll dissolve completely." We laughed at each other. I told her I thought she was the prettiest girl in the whole damn country and that I'd really enjoyed my 'limousine fuck'. She gave me that lecherous grin, took my arm and together we started down the sandy aisle -- both of us bare foot as were most of the other wedding party members.

All the guests stood and applauded as we came forward. The folk singers were singing some love song that I was having trouble hearing the words to over the applause and the sound of the surf. We were all grins and smiles at everyone. As expected, Jeremy was there taking pictures with great abandon. I saw a beautiful photographer I guessed to be Alex also taking pictures from the side of the arbor to get another angle on our procession.

As we arrived at the arbor Robbie stepped forward and took Mel's hand. I went and stood between Lynn and Karen. The New Thought minister appeared from behind the arbor. Much to my pleasure, he had a small microphone on that was amplified so that the guests could hear him as well as Robbie and Mel over the sound of the surf. He gave a short meditation then the folk singers sang a mushy song as Robbie and Mel faced each other holding hands.

Then the minister got serious. He talked of love with patience, forgiveness, commitment, intimacy and understanding. He talked of harmony, freedom and growth. Lastly, he urged them to be spiritual and not religious, to give all the love they could to the world because it was in such short supply. He then turned to all the guests and asked if we were all willing to make the same commitment to this couple that they were making to each other. We all said, "We do." He then launched into some of the traditional wedding ceremony. Notably absent were promises to "obey" or the phrase "forsaking all others" -- I could see Mel's strong touch there but I doubt anyone noticed since there were so many other added portions that were not part of the traditional ceremony.

Suddenly, he was asking the question and I heard Mel firmly state "I do" and then Robbie's equally bold "I do". The minister then gave the magic phrase, "then by authority granted to me by the State of Florida, and with these witnesses present, I now pronounce you man and wife." He turned to the couple, "You may now kiss each other. Go with Grace, Love and the God within you."

Everyone cheered as they kissed and then we applauded. I kissed Lynn and Karen. The folk singers launched into a gay Irish marriage song, the words to which I again could not understand but everyone seemed to think it was appropriate. Jeremy and Alex were taking a thousand photos as we milled around by the arbor, then they pulled us into logical groups and took the requisite family shots. Somewhere along the line I actually got to say hello to him and to officially meet Alex. We promised more time later that evening as well as the following day or two.

Eventually, Jeremy dismissed us all, declaring that he had all the pro formas completed. We all walked barefoot up to the limo and the parking lot and found our shoes and cars and headed off to the Sara-Key Yacht Club only a mile back up the road. The club had a beautiful view of the City across the bay and that afternoon a spectacular view of several towering thunderheads about ten or fifteen miles inland. The sun was promoting their build up as well as providing unusual light to emphasize their beauty, power and mass.


I could write pages about the wedding reception but I won't do it here. It was fabulous and everything we hoped would happen did. My cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling so much.

At one point Bev, Nick and I took the stage asking that the Winters (who I'd talked with during the reception), Mel and Robbie join us. Lynn and Karen stood close by the small stage wondering what was happening. I announced, "Young couples don't always have a lot of money to take a great honeymoon and without some help that would be the case here. Robbie's parents, Karen, Lynn and I have all pooled some funds for a nice resort down in the Virgin Islands for the rest of the week. I think there's probably a joke there but I'll let it pass." Everyone laughed.

I went on, "The reservations are made at the best resort down there. All you have to do is get there." Mel looked worried. "Oh, wait!" I said with great theatrical a do. "Mel's close friends Nick and Bev Price happen to have a jet at the Sarasota airport." I passed the microphone over to Nick.

Nick spoke with his beautiful European accent, "Mel and Robbie, we love you. Tomorrow morning you both will take my Grumman Gulfstream Five to St. Croix. The plane will be at your disposal for the week. It will bring you back here next Sunday morning. Oh, so many newly weds also visit Cancun, we sort of made an arbitrary division of your time -- so your last two days of your honeymoon you'll fly in the plane to Cancun and stay at Sandals. We hope this all meets with your approval and that all this gives you a lifetime of great memories."

Mel was jumping up and down she was so excited. Robbie had sort of been clued in so we could make sure that it was OK with at least one of them. All the guests stood and applauded the new couple. We did yet another champagne toast to them.

We didn't close the place and we weren't the last to leave, but we did have a good time. I got to spend a few minutes of quality time with Jeremy and Alex. I invited them to come by over the following days and to 'hang out' with us. They readily accepted.

I also spent some time with Sarah and Holly. I danced with each of them and they each told me they would love to have a 'limousine fuck'; now I knew for sure - Mel was the kind to kiss and tell. Holly was especially teary recalling the time less than a year earlier when she'd given me her virginity. Ray came and danced with the two of them too. I could tell by his behavior he was especially enamored with the two of them. I was happy they'd all found someone they cared about and that obviously cared about them.

I danced with Lynn, Karen and Chris too, and of course Mel. Mel thanked me so much for the honeymoon. She and Robbie had been going to spend three days at a Holiday Inn on Fort Meyers Beach; it would have been OK but not nearly as memorable as having a private jet at your disposal for a week and guaranteed rooms at St. Croix and Cancun.

Robbie came up to me at one point and thanked me for organizing the honeymoon. He gave me a big hug. Then he gave me a serious look right in the eye and said, "Next time you make love to my wife you'd better finish the job. She tells me she's been horny ever since her limo ride over to the beach with you." He burst out laughing, apparently over the look on my face. We hugged again and he was off to the party again. I like girls that kiss and tell.

Eventually Mel and Robbie slipped away. Lynn slid out the back too to go help Mel get the last of her things from the house. They rode away in the limo.

Karen and I danced as lovers do, cuddled close to one another. I told her I loved her and she returned the favor. Chris and I repeated the performance. Several people that didn't know about my relationships appeared curious at all the sequential displays of love I experienced. The limo came back to the Yacht Club and the three of us rode home cuddled in back of the limo. By the time we got there Mel was packed. She and Robbie bid us goodbye and took the limo up to his apartment.

Lynn, Karen, Chris and I stripped down and went skinny-dipping in the pool. At one point we all cheered the great wedding and what a success it had been for everyone. Lynn thanked me for taking over so many of the prep duties. As we talked on that starlit night, there was a significant sexual tone to the night. I wasn't sure what to start with whom and so I hesitated a moment.

In that brief time, Karen went to Chris and kissed her tenderly on the lips. This was a 'knock your socks off, make your blood boil' kiss. Lynn came and did the same to me, reaching under the water and fondling my cock as she kissed me. I was enthralled watching Karen and the younger Chris embrace.

Then, to my surprise, Karen and Lynn changed places. Lynn moved into Chris, cupping her bare breasts and sucking on each before moving up and in her own way passionately kissing Chris. I could hear the heavy breathing. Karen moved into me, rubbing her breasts across my chest and stroking my hardening rod.

Karen whispered to me, "You take Chris again tonight. Lynn and I want to be together if that's OK with you." I nodded. "We just want everyone stoked up -- that's what this is all about. Stress relief, so to speak. Someday, real, real soon, however, we both want Chris all alone to ourselves -- like tomorrow." She grinned at me. She sank down in the water wrapping her legs around my back. My erect cock penetrated her pussy and I sank in to the hilt. Then, all too suddenly, she pulled away and floated back to Lynn and Chris. I heard her say to Lynn, "Come and let's make love. Leave these two to the other chaise."

I floated over and rescued the panting Chris. She turned to me, "Wow. I'm really turned on."

"That was the idea, darling," I said. "They wanted us steamed up. Come and let me love you. We climbed out of the pool and took the vacant chaise. Lynn and Karen were in a sixty-nine on the other one, with the moaning just starting from each of them.

I had Chris lie down and I knelt on a mat in front of her, pulling her long shapely legs over my shoulder. I plunged my tongue into her pussy and started to suck her wonderful juices from her body. I loved doing this for her -- for me!

"Chris," I said, "think back to how you felt when you were multi-orgasmic, how relaxed you were, how trusting. Make yourself feel that way right now. I want to bring you to a lot of orgasms real soon." Even in the dim light I could see her eyes close and feel her relax.

I went back to tonguing her slit, pulling her labia into my mouth, sucking on her clit and the small protective shields of skin. Chris started jerking and writhing beneath me. Then she came with a long, low-pitched moan that went on for a long time.

I did not let up as I ate her and sucked her juices. Her next orgasm came only a couple of minutes later and was noisier and more explicit. "Oooooh Jim. You're going to make me cum again. Oooooh fuck. Like ... right ... now!" She oozed some girl juice into my face that I lapped up immediately.

I added some fingers to what I was doing to her, thrusting them in and out of her pussy, "I want you to cum and cum and cum all night long."

"Jimmmmmmm," she moaned, "you're ... OH FUCK ... you're making ... me ... cum ... again!" She exploded into another small climax again emitting a small amount of ejaculate.

I started to vibrate my fingers in and out of her pussy as rapidly as I could. All I could really do with my mouth as I did this was blow hot and cold air on the region. I got the desired response again. Chris yelled, "OH! EU! AH! AH! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Fuck!" and came again. I could feel the rapid contractions of her cuntal muscles against my fingers.

Now I had my mouth back in there lapping up her glorious secretions. That added to my continued finger thrusts brought her off again almost immediately with similar vocalizations. This time I tried to work my entire fist into her pussy. She shrieked but allowed me to push and stretch into her. I guess I was hitting the right spots again for she peaked yet again this time flooding the area with girl juice. I rotated my hand inside her.

Chris said, "I'm a blithering sex machine and I'll turn into nothing but green goo if you keep that up. Come up here. I need some cock in there. Fuck me -- hard!" She pulled on my shoulders to urge me to come up.

I knelt between her legs and let her fondle my cock a moment. I put my cock head at the entrance to her vagina. She was sopping wet and well lubricated. I jammed into her with one sudden stroke. Chris was so worked up she orgasmed immediately. I held still and let her wave of pleasure wash through both of us then I started pumping into her.

I could hear the sloshing sounds of someone's hand in someone else's cunt from the adjacent chaise. There was a lot of groaning and slurping going on over there too. I could see the shadows of Lynn and Karen; even in the dim light they were erotic and stimulating to see.

I drove into Chris harder. She had her legs wrapped behind me yanking me into her. If she could have opened up so wide that I had to fall into her body, she would have taken me in. We pounded together, her hips moving and rotating into me as I thrust and hammered into her. I could tell Chris was postponing her orgasm until I came -- and cum I did.

I exploded into her hot pussy, sending wave upon wave of my jism coursing into her body. She flooded again with her juice. We were both on very high sexual peaks. We both stayed there and slowly coasted down the slope back to this level of consciousness and feeling. I was in seventh heaven and told her so. She said she felt the same.

We kissed and nestled in together in the warm night air. There seemed no particular need to go indoors to bed. The chaise was comfortable, the air warm with a slight breeze, the insects absent, the stars beautiful and our sexually sated lovers appeared to be ready for sleep beside us. We rolled to our sides and enjoyed the pleasure of our afterglows then we fell asleep too.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fabulous sucking and fucking. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc’s UK.

goducks1goducks1about 5 years ago
great continuation

i'm really enjoying this story. on to the next chapter.

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