Menage a Trois Ch. 08

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Steve steps outside the threesome and does Lisa.
5.5k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/21/2016
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It took Sandy longer to get back from San Francisco than she had hoped. In the meanwhile I found work to keep myself busy. I wanted to be working on the big drawing for the show at Wendover's, but I had to special order the paper for it. The only way to get a sheet big enough for what Howard wanted was to buy a roll and then trim out a piece of the requisite size. That took a week to special order.

So I turned my attention to an image I had in my mind of Sandy at the end of the story I had sent her. First, I completed a sketch of the drawing I wanted to do. It was different from the drawings of Rachel and Sandy I had produced for the show. In those drawings the girls were naked and clearly engaged or just recovering from lesbian sex. Here Sandy was standing near the end of the dock, more or less clothed. She was barefoot and completely soaked, having just climbed out after our fall into the ocean. Her shoes were lying next to her feet, tipped over on their sides. The big mansion in which the party was being held loomed up behind her, and the sun, setting in the west, was illuminating her.

One strap of her dress had slipped off her shoulder, and one of her small breasts was exposed. It didn't really matter, because the water had made the rest of her dress virtually transparent. The covered breast was as exposed as the uncovered one. The rest of her figure, her long legs, her flat torso, even her reddish-blonde pubic hair was readily apparent through the now-gossamer dress. She was standing tall, her legs apart and her hands raised to pull her long hair free from the knot it had been piled in atop her head making no effort to conceal any aspect of her complete exposure. Half of her hair had already escaped and was hanging wildly about her face and shoulders. Water was streaming from her hair and her clothes. But best of all was her expression, just as I had imagined it when I made up the story—laughing hysterically at the absurdity of our situation.

After two days' work the pastel version was essentially done. I taped it up on the wall and took a picture of it with my iPad. It was four o'clock, and I felt like I had earned a drink. Besides, I wanted to show it to someone, and I figured Lisa would be working behind the bar at Sherri's. I tucked the iPad under my arm and headed out.

As I walked up to the bar, I found Lisa standing by the door locking it.

"What's up?" I asked. "You can't make any money being closed on a Thursday afternoon."

"Water damage," she responded. "Main water line broke and flooded the place. It's a mess. We got the water shut off and cleaned up what was standing on the floor, but we can't open up until we get a bunch more work done. I couldn't get a clean-up crew here until tomorrow." She looked like was ready to cry.

"Wow, that's tough. I thought I needed a drink, but it sounds to me like you're the one who needs a drink."

"Yeah, I really could use a drink," she responded. "But not in there. It's a mess, and I don't want to see any more of it until tomorrow morning when I let the clean-up crew in."

"Let's go to my place," I said. I've got some Scotch, and there's a new painting I want to show you. I'm just around the corner."

"That's the best offer I've had all day," she said as she slipped her arm in mine and started us walking toward my apartment. As soon as I felt the warmth of her arm against mine, I remembered how good she had felt pressed against me when she had kissed me in the doorway to the bar a week or so earlier. I hadn't come down here planning on having sex with her, but I felt a sudden surge in my groin that brought the possibility to mind. As we walked back to my apartment her mood was recovering. She was chattering on about the leak and the damage it had done and telling me about how much of it would be covered by insurance and how the real damage was to her employees who were going to miss a few days of work. As we walked I continued to feel her boob pressing against my upper arm. I was listening to her, just enough to issue an occasional "uh huh,' or "oh really," or "yes," or some other comment encouraging her to keep talking, but my mind was on the drawing I had made of her breasts nearly falling out of her top and how much I wanted to see more of them. The intermittent pressure of her left breast against my right arm kept me from focusing on what she was saying anymore than was necessary to keep her talking while I obsessed about her beautiful tits.

I hadn't paid any attention to what she was wearing up until then, but as I looked sideways at her I noticed she was wearing an old pair of jeans that hugged her ass and a Penn State T-shirt that was worn and thin. It had also likely shrunk a bit, as old cotton tees do, so it hugged her bra-clad breasts. The lacy detail of the bra was readily apparent, as were her nipples, which were pushing through the bra and T-shirt material. I couldn't help ogling her big tits.

I think she must have noticed my tasteless staring, because as we got into the elevator in my building she leaned toward me, just enough to firmly press one of her breasts against my arm. It wasn't like the casual brushes I had received earlier. This time there was no doubt that it was on purpose. I looked down at her and she smiled and said nothing.

When I opened the door to the apartment, she stepped in ahead of me and walked slowly down the hall before me, inspecting another woman's turf, I supposed. Her jeans like her T-shirt were old and worn, but they hugged her ass in the most delightful way. I'm sure she thought herself to be broader than she would have liked, but she looked just delicious to me as she wandered through my apartment. There was a fantasy running through my mind of hanging on to that ass as I fucked her furiously from behind. Neither of us said anything.

Finally, when we were standing in the living room, she turned and spoke. "Very nice. You two have a good housekeeper. Very tidy."

"I'm the housekeeper," I said with a laugh. "After I got laid off, I had to do something."

"Based on drawings and paintings that I've seen you are keeping quite busy. I'm surprised you have time for housekeeping. Where's the new piece you wanted to show me?"

"In a minute," I said. "Scotch first."

"Oh. Good idea."

I led her to the kitchen. She took a seat at our battered kitchen table while I fixed us each a drink. I got a couple of glasses out of a cupboard and retrieved the bottle of Macallan from the liquor cabinet. "How do you like it?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. She was sitting at the table leaning forward with her chin cupped in her hands. Her big breasts were almost resting on the table.

"Neat," she replied.

"A woman with good taste," I said.

I poured a generous shot for each of us and set the glasses on the table, along with the bottle. She picked up her glass and leaned back in her chair. Her eyes flicked quickly at the bottle, noting that I had brought it to the table, implying that more than one drink was in order. She took a sip and set the glass down. Then she raised both hands to her temples and pushed her long thick hair back, arching her back and pushing her tits out as she did so.

I sat with silently, my glass at my lips, enjoying the view. Finally I spoke, "Long day?"

"Oh god, yes," she responded. She dropped her hands to the table, letting her thick hair fall to her back. "That place was a mess. Still is." She took another sip of the Scotch. "Ahh. This is just what I needed."

I took my first sip and then said, "Good. Glad to help. I was silent for a moment then I asked, "Where's Howard?"

"Oh, he's in London, trying to organize a show with some artist he found over there. I don't like her work much, but Howard is sure it will sell. His judgment is usually pretty good on that question. But this time I think he is just trying to get into her pants."

"Hmmm," I responded. I wasn't sure what you say to someone who claims to have an open marriage but is complaining about her husband chasing another woman.

We each took another sip of the whiskey. I was trying not to stare at her tits, but I would have to confess to a total failure if someone had asked.

"Where's Sandy?" she asked.

"She was in London. Now she's in San Francisco."

"Trying to get into someone's pants?" Lisa asked with a smile. The first smile I had seen from her since we met on the street.

I took another sip. "Not as far as I know," I said. "Maybe their wallet though."

"What about the redhead. What's her name? Rachel?"

"She's in Minneapolis, and she is undoubtedly trying to get into someone's pants and likely succeeding."

"So we're both home alone," she said. There was a twinkle in her grey-blue eyes that I hadn't seen until now.

"Seems so." I noticed that our glasses were getting low, so I poured each of us another shot.


"My pleasure,"

"Are you trying to get into someone's pants," she asked.


"Oh." She paused for a moment. "Well, you're plying me with liquor."

I smiled and took another drink.

"Are you trying to get into someone's pants?" I asked.

"Maybe." She took a sip of the whiskey and then leaned back, pushing her tits out again.

"Enjoying the view?" she asked.

"Immensely." No point in denying it.

"Good." She drained off the last of her whiskey and stood with a smile, saying, "Excuse me. I have to pee. Could you refill my glass while I'm gone, please?"

"Absolutely," I said. I watched her butt as she walked out of the kitchen. Yup. It looked great in those tight jeans. She knew I was watching. When she got to the door, she looked back and said, "It appears you like the view from this side, too."

I smiled in response.

"Don't run off while I'm gone."

I laughed and said, "Not a chance."

While she was gone I refilled both glasses and adjusted my jeans to make room for the hard-on this conversation was giving me. I also had a little chat with myself.

"She wants to fuck me."

"Duh! Ya think? But do you want to fuck her?"

"That question's as dumb as mine. Can't you feel this hard-on we've got?"

"Yeah, I noticed. But what about Sandy? And what about Rachel?"

"Rachel's not a problem. If she were here, she would be telling me to get going and fuck her."

"And Sandy?"

"That's more difficult."

"She fucks Rachel.'

"Yeah, but so do I."

"So. She's been fucking Rachel since you two were married fifteen years ago and for a long time before that. You've only been fucking her for three or four weeks now. When she's around, that is."

"I don't think it works that way."

"It should."

"I s'pose. Maybe Lisa doesn't want to fuck."

"Dream on. She's not going to solve your dilemma."

"Maybe we can just masturbate or just have oral sex."

"Lisa's not going to settle for that, and besides, if Sandy doesn't want you to fuck her, why would she approve of you two watching each other masturbate or eating each other to a climax?"

That's where we were when Lisa walked back into the room. She had taken off all of her clothes except for the worn T-shirt. It did little to conceal her tasty looking tits, and it stopped well short of her sex. She stepped in behind me and reached over me for her whiskey glass, nuzzling my head with her big tits as she did so. Once she had the whiskey glass, she stepped back and around me and sat down, her bare butt on the table with her legs swinging below it. I pushed my chair back so I could see her better. She put one foot on the edge of my chair and swung her knee sideways so my view of her pussy was unobstructed. She had a lush curly bush, the same color as her dishwater blonde hair. Beneath it I could see her thick outer pussy lips, swollen with lust. She reached down with a hand and pushed her outer lips apart showing me the slick inner folds of her pussy.

Lisa took a sip of the Scotch and asked, "Like the view better now?"

"Yes," I croaked.

"Did you decide if you want to fuck me?"

"Yes," I whispered.


"Yes, I want to fuck you!" I said.

"Who decided that?"One of the voices in my head demanded.

"We did!"was the response.

"What about Sandy?"

"We'll deal with that later!"

I took a long sip of my Scotch

"Good." Lisa responded, cutting off my internal debate. She finished off the whiskey in her glass and then stepped across my legs to sit down. I slid the chair back a bit to give her room. She was sitting on the end of my legs, her back against the table and her hands on my shoulders. Then she pulled the T-shirt over her head so she was completely naked. She reached down and pulled my hands up to her tits. They were marvelous—bigger than Sandy's but not so large as Rachel's. Lisa leaned back with her eyes closed enjoying my fondling.

After a few minutes of titty play, Lisa reached down and released my belt and the zipper on my jeans. There was a bit of fumbling, but in a moment or two my jeans and boxers were piled around my feet and my dick was sticking straight up with one of Lisa's hands stroking it. I dropped my hands from her tits and put one on each side of her nice round butt. Then I pulled her towards me until we were pressed together, my dick trapped against her belly. Lisa put her feet on the floor and raised herself so my dick was poised at the entrance to her cunt. Then she slowly sank down on it. Oh fuck, that felt good! The entrance was a little tight, but once the head of my cock slipped past it, she quickly sank all the way back down onto my legs again, and my cock was fully surround by the walls of her hot slippery cunt.

"Sandy's not going to like this,"one of my voices said.

"Too late now. Shut up and enjoy it. We'll deal with it later."

"Oh shit, you've got a great dick." Lisa said. "I'm so fucking full. You're much bigger around than my husband."

My face was plastered between her tits. I flexed my dick, or I should say, it flexed on its own.

"Ooooh!" she purred. "Do that some more."

I flexed my dick again and at the same time arched my back and shoved it in a bit farther. Lisa responded by beginning to rise and fall on my lap. She leaned back and began playing with her boobs while she used her legs to pull herself up until my cock was nearly out of her cunt and then dropped back down on me, driving my prick almost to the end of her cunt. I just leaned back with my hands behind my head and enjoyed the fucking and the view of this lust-filled woman masturbating her tits while she fucked me.

I hadn't cum in several days, so I didn't expect to last long, but having Lisa ride my cock in the position I was in was wonderful, and it wasn't pushing me toward the edge. I felt like I could go on like this forever. Of course I knew better, but it was clear that Lisa was going to beat me to orgasm in this position. She was groaning and crying out each time she jammed herself down on my shaft. In between she was gasping and talking dirty. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh god your cock feels so good. Oh shit I needed this!"

"So is this what you wanted Lisa? Is this big cock what you wanted?"

She groaned as she sank down on me again.

"Answer me you slut," I demanded. "Is this what you wanted?"

"Oh god, yes! I've wanted to fuck you ever since you showed me that first batch of dirty pictures. I just knew you would have a big, hard dick." She dropped down on my cock again, and this time I arched my back and shoved up hard, matching her drop. I could feel my prick hit the end of her cunt.

"Arrrrrgh!" she screamed. "Oh fuck! Do that again!" She began increasing the pace of her fucking, and now I was matching her with a thrust each time she dropped herself on me.

"Oh, oh, oh! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuck!. I'm getting close. Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stooooop, Arrrrrrrrgh!" she screamed as she tipped over into an orgasm, her cunt muscles cramping around my cock like a vice. She leaned back and repeated her scream several times, as the waves of her orgasm swept over her and then she collapsed against me, her head on my neck and her big tits smashed against my chest. My cock, still rock hard, remained deep in her cunt.

The room was silent now except for her breathing, which was slowing and quieting as she recovered. I hadn't cum, and I was in no hurry. I simply sat, my erect prick fully impaling her cunt and my hand stroking the hair on the back of her head.

After awhile she spoke. "Oh, that was a good one."

"I noticed," I said. "I thought you were going to crush my cock." As I spoke I flexed my prick.

"Oh!" she said. "I don't think I crushed it. It feels alive and well."

I flexed it again.

"I want to suck it," she said. "I want to suck it and then I want you to shoot your creamy cum all over my tits."

"Okay," I said. "Be a good little slut and suck my cock and I'll spray my cum all over your tits."

"Oh I like it when you talk like that, Steve." She lifted herself off me and sat on the table before me. My prick, gleaming with her juices stood straight up and flexed of its own accord. I lightly stroked my cock as she stared at it. After a moment she stepped across the room and sat on another kitchen chair. "Come here, Steve. I want to suck your cock," she said.

I walked over to her, my prick sticking out and up, bobbing as I walked. When I reached her she grabbed me, both hands twisting and stroking my well-lubed cock. Then she lowered her head and engulfed my cock. Oh fuck, her mouth was just as warm and wet as her cunt had been. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking each time she pulled back. One of her hands closely followed her mouth applying a twisting action just below her retreating mouth. The other hand was massaging my balls.

She sucked for a while and then pulled back just stroking with both of her hands as she talked to me. "Does this feel good, Steve? Do you like my nasty cock-sucking mouth? Is it going to make you cum?"

"Oh fuck, yes!" I said. I could feel myself getting close as she ducked her head and sucked me into her mouth again. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Sucking, and sucking, and stroking, and twisting with her hands.

"Oh fuck, Lisa! I'm getting close. I'm going to cum."

"Good!" she said as she pulled her mouth and hands off me. "Now you do it. Stroke your cock and squirt that hot slippery cum of yours all over my chest." She was holding her tits out to me and I was stroking my cock with one hand and cupping my balls with the other. I was so fucking close. "Arrrrrrgh!" I groaned as I felt the cum rise up my cock and watched it shoot out and on to Lisa's tits, again and again, shot after shot of hot, slippery, white cum.

"Oh fuck," I gasped as I fell forward leaning on the back of Lisa's chair. She ducked her head and sucked my spent prick into her mouth and milked the last few drops of cum out of it.

When we recovered we sat across the kitchen table from each other, having switched from whiskey to a nice red wine I opened.

"Do you really have to ply me with more liquor," she asked smiling. "You've already seduced me."

"I know," I said, "and it was delightful . . . but I'm not quite sure who seduced whom"

Lisa smiled—a slow, lewd smile that gave away more than she ever would have in words. When she spoke she simply said, "Let's just call it a mutual seduction."

I felt a pang of guilt at that thought. I didn't want to admit to myself—much less to my wife—that I had seduced Lisa. I liked the idea that she had seduced me, even if the truth was closer to two horny people who got together and fucked without the necessity of seduction by anyone.

Changing the subject, I said, "Dinner?"

"Oh yes. I'm hungry. Sex always makes me hungry." She laughed. "It makes me eat too much, too. That's why I have such a big butt."

"I like your butt," I responded. "It's very sexy."