Menopause, a Chronicle


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I heated it up and ate. I called Alison and said Amanda was out, promised to be late, come on over. I met her car in the driveway. Mrs. Clarke peeked again. I kissed Alison and held her ass during the kiss and all the way into the house.

Amanda's phone rang four times and then stopped.

Alison loved sitting with me in the new recliner and we watched a football game. When it was over we went next door to my bedroom. I asked, "Are there things you'd like to have here?"

"Yes! If I ask for it, right now can I have it?"

"Yes! What do you want?"

"I want you to make me scream in orgasmic delight. Amanda isn't home. We've been really careful about being heard. I want to make noise!"

My hands spread her legs and my mouth went to work. My fingers joined the effort and soon Alison was shaking hard and making plenty of noise. I reached inside her pussy and found the spot. I ribbed it and her back arched hard. My mouth held onto her clit and sucked. Just when her orgasm peaked I shoved my thumb into her ass. One shove all the way in! She screamed. I worried that Mrs. Clarke would call the police. Alison screamed again and flooded both of us.

I pulled my thumb out and began licking all the fluids from her. I got up and got a dry towel from the bathroom. I heard a knock on the front door. I tossed on a robe and went to the door. Two police officers stood on the porch.

"Sir, we received two calls about screams coming from this house. We need to search the premises."

As I opened the door I called out, "Honey, cover yourself. Mrs. Clarke called the cops." They looked in my bedroom and saw Alison in the bed. It was obvious the sheets were wet. The lead officer asked, "Are you here of your own free will and choice?"

Alison answered, "Yes, I am and the screams that were heard were me, having the best orgasms I've ever had."

The other officer checked the other rooms and called out, "Jack you need to see this!" He followed the searcher to my cave. They looked and when they came back they said I had a sweet set up.

"The one in here is much better." I said.

At the front door they said, "Congratulations. See if you can't keep the noise down, OK?" We shook hands and they left. When I got back to the bedroom there were fresh sheets on the bed and Alison was starting the shower. We laughed, touched and played until we were clean.

We slept on towels. In the morning I started a load of wash. Amanda had come home after Alison and I were asleep. She came to the kitchen after I started the wash. Alison was in the shower. Amanda said, "Good Morning." She was cheerful.

"Cheerful at nine in the morning? You must have enjoyed last night."

"I did. I had dinner with Shelly, Kelly and Beth. None of us will be here Sunday night. We decided not to listen to your lies and misinterpretations. So cook your own dinner or have Alison cook for you. We won't be here."

She turned to march triumphantly from the room and bumped into Alison. She stepped back a step and said, "Out of my way!" Alison stayed in the doorway. She said, "You just stepped in it. Nick has been patient with you. I haven't. You believe I'm only here to fuck your husband and keep him from coming back to a sexless marriage. You're wrong. I'm not going to argue with you. The only question left is who files for divorce first?"

"Get out of my way, Bitch!" Amanda said and Alison moved.

After we heard the bedroom door slam Alison asked, "Had enough?"

"Yes. I'll send the emails cancelling Sunday's dinner. I'll call a lawyer."

"Please don't. Let's have dinner. As you recall Mike was a lawyer, a damned good one. I'll make one call and this will all be over. No alimony, court costs or anything. No property settlement either, other than whatever you want to give her as a gift. Ready for that?"

Amanda brushed past us hustling two suitcases. "You'll hear from my lawyer!"

As we heard Amanda's car back down the driveway I said. "Done! I've had enough. If you can end it, end it."

I followed Alison back to the bedroom and watched as she dialed a number on her cell phone. Someone answered. Alison said, "On the matter of Nick Peterson and Amanda, make it so. I'll transfer the money within the hour." She hung up.

We dressed for our normal day and I called Scott on my way to work. He answered and when I spoke he said, "The women are out to get you and take you to the cleaners! I think you're fucked."

"You know they tipped their hands. You do see that, don't you?"

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"They decided I'm the bad guy because I stood up to Amanda. They decided to teach me a lesson so none of you would grow balls. Two of them are my own daughters. Your wife is in on whatever they're getting ready to do. Start hiding assets or when it's your turn you'll have nothing left. Don't worry about me." I paused and added, "By the way, the dinner at my house is still on, even though Amanda told me this morning none of the women are coming. Alison and I are cooking. Brian and Kenny will be there, too."

"I'll let John and Matt know, but I don't think they'll be there."

"Thanks for the heads up."

I had no idea what Alison was up to. I had no idea what Amanda was up to beyond getting a divorce. Just in case I stopped by the bank and closed our joint accounts, reopening new accounts in my name only in another place, a credit union. I cancelled our joint cell phone account, her part of our car insurance, kept the life insurance policy I had on us but changed the beneficiary to Scott and Alison as joint. Amanda's car was registered in her name only. She bought it with money she got when her aunt died.

At a quarter to five I was called to the reception desk. A cute blond who almost fit in the blouse and tight skirt she was wearing asked if I was Nick Peterson. I said yes and she handed me a large envelope. "You've been served." She smiled and clacked her three inch heels out the door. My cell rang at that moment.

A male voice asked, "Have you been served?"

I answered, "Yes, just now. I haven't even opened the envelope."

"Open it. Tell me the name of the law firm that represents Amanda."

I read him the letterhead and the name of the lawyer who signed the papers.

He said, "Put the envelope in a drawer somewhere and don't worry. You can't be divorced." The line clicked. He was gone. I read every scrap of paper in the envelope. I told my boss I'd been served and the rumor mill was in full force. Our receptionist watched me be served. Living on the phone is what she does.

By six I was out the door headed to Alison's. When I parked she came out and got in the truck. "We're going to your house."

I backed out, closed the garage and drove. Alison said, "For the next few days we can't leave your house unattended. No telling what crazy shit she might do. I've got enough stuff at your place for a week so I took some emergency time off. I'll still have enough for the cruise. Can you call and tell your boss you were served and need a few days off?"

I hit three on my speed dial and my boss answered. "I need a few days off to handle a legal matter. As you probably know I was served divorce papers today."

"Take up to a week. I checked, you have twenty-seven days accrued."

I thanked him and hung up. I parked in the middle of the garage. If Amanda came home she couldn't park in the garage. We got out and Alison asked, "Can you reprogram the garage opener?" I did it. Her opener wouldn't work. I closed the garage. We went inside and both locked and dead bolted the doors.

Alison made dinner and we ate. My cell rang at eight oh five. I answered. The male voice asked, "Is Alison there, please."

I handed the phone to her. She listened for a few minutes, then said, "Thanks. I'll tell him." She hung up my phone and said, "He called on your phone because I forgot to turn mine on."

"You'll tell me what?"

"According to all the civil records for this state you and Amanda were never legally married. To be married the record must be registered in the hall of records. There is no record of the two of you being married. It won't matter how many people attended the wedding or the reception. It wasn't legal. Amanda cannot divorce a man she has never been married to."

"She walked out this morning happier than I've seen her in at least three or four years. Now she has a car and the clothes she took with her."

"No, Nick. She has two daughters and a daughter-in-law. She has a son and you. You have never been legally married to her but you have been married to her. You know it. I know it. She knows it. All along she believed you would cave in and stay soft and pliable."

"When will she know she lost?"

"She knows now. Her lawyer found her having dinner at Shelly's. All your children were there."

"How did you do it?"

"I didn't do anything. I asked a friend in the legal world to look into it and he discovered the error. It can be corrected. You can hire a judge to marry the two of you and from the date of that marriage she gets to be your wife."

I took her hand and walked to the cave. I pulled a soft warm blanket from the closet and when I was in the recliner I pulled Alison into my lap covering us with the blanket. We kissed a few times and were quiet a long time.

Around midnight I heard yelling and banging. We got up and went to see what was up. Amanda was on the back porch with Shelly, Kelly and Beth. Their husbands stayed on the grass. I said, "Here's my cell phone. Call the police if they do anything threatening."

Alison nodded and stepped back to the doorway into the dining room. I opened the back door. Amanda moved to come in. I was in the way.

"I came to get more of my things." She stepped forward again and I didn't move.

I said, "Step back! I will do for you what I did for them. I will box everything that is yours and you can come back and get the boxes from the garage. If you and your lawyer don't like that arrangement, propose something else. Showing up here at midnight is not wise."

"You bastard!"

"Is that what I am? Face your children and use the word again. I believed I was married when I fathered them. I only found out after you filed for divorce that we were never married. I have no legal obligation to you at all. None. You can console yourself with the fact that you did all of this to yourself. You shut off our sex life. You said, " I'd like to go to Mexico, I just don't want to go with you." You invited Alison to spend her first night with me and even offered to make breakfast for us. Then you filed for divorce and walked out."

She was crying. Shelly looked like she had been hit by a door. Kelly was crying. I looked at Beth and said, "I told you the day after Amanda's birthday what happened. Did you think I lied? No. But when you saw the power move Amanda was in, a power move to get all the men in the family to fear all the women in the family you joined in." I raised my voice a little. "Gentlemen, be warned. Your manhood is in danger. You actually are married."

I stepped back inside and closed the door. Alison stepped close and I put my arm around her. Nice and loud I said, "You're single. I'm single. Want to get married next week?"

We kissed. While we kissed the crowd in my backyard left. The men of the family came for dinner on Sunday. Alison wore her new ring. We talked. We brought Brian and Kenny up to speed. Scott asked if I knew the name of a good lawyer.

"You thinking of divorcing Beth?" I asked.

"She threatened me this morning. She said she hoped I had a good memory. I asked why. She lifted her skirt and showed me her pussy and said, "If you want to ever touch this again, don't go to your Dad's house today."

"And you came?" Alison asked.

"If I had stayed she'd have my nuts in a jar on the mantle!"

Brian said, "I know a lawyer. I'll tell him to call you."

I turned to John and Matt, my sons-in-law. "What did Shelly and Kelly say to you?"

Matt answered. "I drove us and Amanda home last night. Shelly asked a lot of questions and got really angry with her Mom. When I stopped the car in our garage I turned to Shelly and softly said, "You try shit like that on me I won't be a patient as Nick. He put up with her shit for years! You'll be on the street in a week and I'll give everything away before you can blink. I am a man and so is Nick." I turned to Amanda and said, "Monday morning you're no longer welcome in our home."

"What happened?" John asked.

"I got out of the car, helped Shelly out and walked us to the door. Inside I took her to our bedroom and said, "If you're sleeping with me you'll be nude when I come to bed and your legs will be open." I walked back to the door and Amanda was still in the car. I closed and locked the door."

I asked, "Then?"

"I went back screwed her until she came twice and told her if she wanted Amanda in the house she could go get her. Naked and dripping my cum. She cried but she went."

John said, "Kelly talked at me all the way home. I stayed quiet. I was thinking about what Amanda had done and what the four of them started with us. At home I said as we stood at the door to our bedroom, "Nick was a patient man. I've admired him for his even hand for years. I'm not Nick. You're going to make a choice right now. Part of being my wife is sex. Withholding is blackmail and will result in a divorce, instantly. Nick went without for over a year! I won't. Hold back on me and you'll be served at work or in church! I will not be treated like that!"

We had been eating in the dining room. The front door opened and Kelly walked in with Shelly following. They came to the doorway to the dining room and Kelly said, "We were wrong. Something's wrong with Mom." She took a few more steps and stood beside John, her hand on his shoulder. She said, "My place is beside you. May I stay?"

John stood and took her in his arms. Shelly walked to Matt and stood just inches from him. Her back was to everyone else in the room. She lifted her skirt and said, "What is mine, is yours. Any time, any where. I was wrong. Please forgive me. May I stay?"

Matt wrapped his arms around her hips and I watched a man kiss my daughter's pussy. Her hands held his head and tears fell from her face. When he released her Alison said, "I think dinner is over."

Alison sold her home to Brian. Amanda finally listened to Shelly and Kelly and got medical help. She's still in treatment. Beth, Shelly and Kelly are pregnant. Alison and I went on the cruise. It was very romantic and on the night that was formal Alison was easily the most beautiful woman there. Amanda had been right when she said that in that romantic environment I'd think about sex.

That night we left the balcony doors open when we went to bed and Alison screamed! When we left our cabin in the morning there were people clapping in the hallway! I guess Alison was loud.

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AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Disappointingly misogynistic oversimplified power struggle.

Amanda was obviously having hormonal issues.

Both sides were obnoxious and escalated the conflict unnecessarily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I kind of skimmed the opening paragraphs (sorry) but did the wife (Amanda) try hormone therapy or even check into it before cutting her husband off from sex? There are stories on Literotica about much better menopausal wives who are MUCH more understanding of the fact that just because their libido didn't rebound after the change, that their husband's was still in play, how would they feel if something happened to the husband's functionally and they were made to go without although they were still desirous of sexual activity?

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

I liked the idea of this most of it was so well thought out especially the beginning and details of the menopause ( oh how true some of that is to me) not everyone has the same experience but well described, bit silly towards the end I felt you got feed up with writing it so just rushed it to the end

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story illustrate what a marriage or a relationship becomes without Mutuality and Reciprocity. The marriage and relationship becomes one-sided and usually toxic. Matt had pretty much let Amanda run the relationship throughout the years till she became spoiled and entitled and then one day she threw down the gauntlet and declared; "no more sex in this marriage, so suck it up Matt." Usually when the sex stops in the marriage the physicals displays of affection fall by the wayside as well until there's no love left either and the husband and wife just become roommates that just co-exist.

MwestohioMwestohioalmost 3 years ago

Just a great story

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