Maestro or Master Pt. 01


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"Welcome Miss Chapwell, you're not only on time, you're a few minutes early, that speaks to your eagerness, please come in."

Mr. Meridon was a rather small man, perhaps in his late sixties. I was immediately taken with his soft voice, a very pleasant smile and happy blue eyes.

"Thank you Mr. Meridon. I'm quite serious about playing although as I told you I have very little to no experience." He stepped back and motioned for me to sit down on the piano bench at the beautiful mahogany piano that was the only other thing in the room.

"In most cases, it's beneficial that a new student comes to me without prior bad habits. My method of teaching requires that you adhere to my instructions to the letter. There's a certain level pf personal anticipation in knowing that you haven't been influenced by another teacher and that you're a blank page so to speak. Please, get comfortable and let's chat for a few minutes?"

As an afterthought, he realized that Thomas was still in the doorway. Without turning to him he merely said "Thank you Thomas" and the proprietor bowed his head slightly, walked out obediently and quietly closed the door behind him. I couldn't help but wonder if this was respect or compliance?

A blank page? I was sure he had some idea that my experience was limited to playing chopsticks and eking out a melody here and there while my grandmother laughed and wondered if I'd heard anything she'd tried to teach me about playing as a child.

"As you can see, the piano and bench are the only pieces in the room. I generally sit next to my students if that's amenable?" I smiled and nodded agreement, he unassumingly sat down next to me.

"Now, show me your hands?" I turned my body towards him and put my hands out in front of me. Without a word, he took my hands in his and slowly felt my fingers, stroked my palms, held them quietly for a few moments. I found this odd yet encouraging. He was interested. I also felt a tingling in the pit of my stomach. A very familiar thrill.

The man's hands and sensitivity was almost seductive in the way his fingers glided over my own. Feeling each digit while rubbing the backs of my wrists. Mr. Meridon was studying my hands. His were so warm and soft. I imagined them roaming over my body.

"You have lovely hands Miss Chapwell, long thin fingers and slender strong wrists. This is essential when beginning to play. You'll find that the strength required to move across the keys is necessary when you play a piece that requires swift and exact movement. Tell me, why do you want to play?"

It was a question that I didn't expect. It took me a few moments to compose my thoughts.

"I love music. I suppose it's as simple as that." It was that simple. The added allure that he was an older man could only add to the experience.

"There should be no other reason." Mr. Meridon smiled as if he'd heard exactly what he wanted to hear me say. If he only knew how many whys and wherefores were popping up in my head.

"As I told you this is a preliminary meeting. I have found that it's imperative to meet a potential pupil before agreeing to accept that person as my responsibility. It is not my desire to teach for pecuniary purpose. My choice is based on my love of music as well. I should tell you that I am demanding. You will accept my directions, all my commands, give yourself to me and believe that I alone know exactly what course of study you will follow."

This unconventional, unconditional delivery of his guidelines was somewhat surprising. If you were to judge his demeanor by his stature you would be hard pressed to even suggest he would be so dominating and controlling. That little tickle was now a full-blown desire.

I attributed his governance to his personal belief that his responsibility in accepting me as a student was a genuine obligation. There was something else. There was an underlying authority that he exuded. It excited me.

"I completely agree Mr. Meridon. If I'm to learn to play I understand that I have to be quite serious and follow your directions without question." That was an honest and truthful statement. I wouldn't be here if I didn't believe that. There was also the distinct possibility of more. My mind was already imagining what those possibilities might be.

"We seem to be on the same page so to speak. I have seen and heard enough. I am willing to take you on as my student. We will begin tomorrow. I do not teach here; I conduct lessons in my home. Before we leave I'll give you my address and directions. My schedule permits me to work within your time frame and convenience. I would prefer to see you in early afternoon to begin and as we progress that will certainly change."

"Might I ask what your fees are Mr. Meridon?" It was a necessary question.

"As I've told you, I do not seek payment. I do this for the love of music. If this arrangement is agreeable we will begin tomorrow at 1:00PM. Please be prepared to spend a minimum of three hours with me. There is one other requisite Miss Chapwell, you will address me as Master Meridon."

I was speechless.

My idea of learning to play piano had somehow become an agreement to, what did he say? Allow him to become my Master?

I attributed his self-proclaimed title to his lifelong profession and expected esteem for his obvious knowledge and experience. There was something else. Something that seemed to be on the periphery of the simple agreement to become his student. To say that he fascinated me would be an understatement. There was more to this man than meets the eye. Of this I was sure. "Thank you Mr. Meridon." It only took a second to see his immediate displeasure in my regrettable error. "Excuse me, thank you Master Meridon, tomorrow at 1:00PM will be wonderful."

"Very good Miss Chapwell. I will provide you my address and travel directions this afternoon. I'm old school. Please dress appropriately. In my world, a woman always wears a dress or skirt. Perhaps a personal idiosyncrasy, however one that I trust you will accept and agree to follow. If there's nothing else?"

How could there be anything else? Our arrangement was clear.

"I will see you tomorrow. I look forward to our evolving relationship and believe we have a clear definite sense of our mutual understanding of each other and our respective roles?"

"Yes Master Meridon, I'm quite sure I have a clear appreciation of your expectations. I will see you tomorrow at 1:00PM, promptly. Have a nice afternoon. It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"The pleasure has been mine Miss Chapwell." He took my hand in his, brought it to his mouth and kissed it, almost reverently. "See you tomorrow."

And with that curt farewell he was gone.

Sitting there I was lost in thought. You can well imagine the things that were troubling my concentration. Coming back to reality I gathered my things and walked out of the room to find Thomas waiting.

"Master Meridon has told me that you'll be taking lessons with him. You are a very fortunate woman. His attention will be solely on you Miss Chapwell. Master Meridon doesn't take more than one student at any given time. I probably shouldn't share this but he has turned away quite a few hopefuls."

It was rather strange that a music teacher would be this selective but then he did make a point of telling me he wasn't interested in monetary reward rather the joy of teaching someone who wanted to learn. That fact was what drove him.

"Have you known him long?" I had to ask.

"Yes, the Master has been a client for many, many years. I know it may sound a bit strange to refer to our customers as clients but we provide more than instruments. We service all our clients' needs in accordance with their individual requirements."

I thought that Thomas was being extremely respectful in his referring to his customers as clients. The implied respect added a certain pleasantness to the relationship I had no doubt.

"Having you meet here is an amenity as well as providing all musical requirements such as sheet music, tuning and all other essentials."

A complete service was appealing on many levels.

"I believe you will certainly enjoy the Masters tutelage. I have the information that you need for your appointment Miss Chapwell, just another amenity." I followed Thomas to the reception desk. Thomas handed me an envelope and inside were the directions to Master Meridon's home as well as his phone number. There were a few hand-written words that quite surprised me.

Miss Chapwell, Promptness is expected as well as adhering to my dress code. I look forward to seeing you. Master Meridon

Short and to the point. Very much in keeping with my initial impression.

"Thank you Thomas. I suppose we will be seeing each other on a regular basis. Master Meridon explained to me that all my music will be available through your shop which will be very nice. Since you offer many services, regarding piano's, would it be possible for me to make an appointment to have my piano tuned and serviced?" I was sure that it would be a requirement so I thought it would be wise to make the arrangement as soon as possible.

"Yes Miss Chapwell I can make that appointment for you right now if you'd like." Thomas opened his scheduling book to see when he could send someone out.

"I have this afternoon open at 4:00PM if that's convenient for you?"

I was quite surprised that it could be done so quickly. "That sounds wonderful. I would have thought I'd have quite a wait?"

"Under most circumstances it would have been. I make it a point to make Master Meridon's students a priority, something he appreciates. I'll be doing the servicing myself so if you'd like to give me your address I'll see you at 4:00PM?"

"Yes that sounds wonderful." I gave Thomas the information and thanked him for his assistance. "So if there's nothing else Thomas I'll see you at 4:00PM?"

"Yes, it's been a pleasure Miss Chapwell." His smile was quite reassuring. This entire experience was very pleasant. I was becoming very enthusiastic in so many respects. Who knows? Maybe there was more to this than I could have thought even hoped for?

I walked through the shop leisurely familiarizing myself with the tremendous amount of sheet music. It was a bit surreal realizing that I was going to take lessons and learn to play. I suppose you could say that my lifelong fantasy was going to become a reality. I couldn't have been any more excited.

A sense of exhilaration would be more to the feeling I was experiencing. Additionally, having been accepted as a student by Mr. Meridon was quite a surprise. His professional life was exalted by many who were the who's who of the classical music aficionado's. That he was willing to not only allow me to be his student, that he wanted no monetary reward was stunningly surreal.

I had a few errands to take care of and finally made it home by three. I took a few minutes to spruce up the piano and enjoyed a hot cup of tea imagining myself playing on a beautiful spring day, the windows open and music filling the air.

Promptly arriving at the scheduled hour, I showed Thomas into the living room and was quite pleased that there didn't appear to be very much he had to do to bring my piano back to perfect.

"You have a beautiful home Miss Chapwell. This is quite a grand piano. Might I ask how you came to have it?"

"It belonged to my grandmother and was left to me. I believe she received it as a gift from my grandfather when they married. I would say it was her pride and joy and she spent every moment she could playing."

"I haven't seen an 1897 Steinway in this condition for many years. This model B was admired for its balance and enhanced sound. The Mahogany case is exquisite; the ornate carvings are magnificent. It appears to be in original condition, not many are. You have a very valuable piece here Miss Chapwell."

Within a very short time Thomas had concluded his service. I was surprised that the piano didn't need more work. He played for a few minutes and smiled when he heard the sound.

"The tone is perfect and rich. I dare say you will have many hours of joy in playing." Thomas stood up and turned the bench to see that it was also original to the piano. I could appreciate his obvious delight; it was truly beautiful.

"If you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them for you?" It was as if he wanted to spend as much time there at the piano as he could.

"No, I think I'm all set. I'd like to thank you for coming out so quickly. If you'd give me the amount of your bill, I'll write you a check before you leave?"

"That's not necessary Miss Chapwell. I'll remit an invoice when I return to the shop and you can send payment at your leisure. I almost hate to charge you. The joy in seeing this piece seems payment enough. Unfortunately, I have to remember that I have a business." He chuckled as if to say that his happiness, although a wonderful feeling had to supersede his responsibilities. There were bills to pay.

"Well, thank you Thomas. I'm sure we'll see each other soon."

"Have a wonderful time tomorrow. A word to the wise if I may be so bold? Master Meridon is the quintessential perfectionist, rightfully so. You'll be well taught and by the time you've come to understand his demeanor you'll be rewarded by his devotion. There is a strong sense of student responsibility, he takes teaching very seriously. There will be moments that you may question your choice but hold on, it will be worth every second. Even if you disagree with his methods, and you will, give it time and you'll begin to understand his gruffness. Good evening Miss Chapwell it's been a pleasure."

"And you do the same. Thank you for your kind words, I'm sure I'll be just fine."

I walked Thomas to the door and once he had pulled out of the driveway I returned to the living room and sat down at the piano. So many thoughts came flooding into my mind. Memories of my grandmother playing and singing. I was glad I'd made the decision to take lessons. I also thought about what Thomas had said. There was a real air of dominance in Master Meridon. I was sure I would have no problem adhering to his methods or his personality, after all, underneath his rough somewhat gruff persona he was an older man. I had a way with older men.

The following morning was magnificent. Streaming through the windows the sun was warm and bright, reminding me music could be found in every high-pitched sound and sweet singing bird that was calling to the mate they had left behind for warmer weather to escape winter's cold. New life was brimming everywhere. In my world, without question.

I judiciously choose a simple cotton dress for my adherence and respect to Mr. Meridon's unexpected clothing code. It was going to be a warm afternoon. Bare legs, slightly tanned, seemed to be appropriate. I decided to put my shoulder length hair up, off my neck, not wanting it to fall across my face possibly interfering with my vision. There's something sensual about a pretty summer dress, hair up, simple sandals that especially makes me feel very feminine. Standing in the sun's rays I could easily see the outline of my body under the thin white fabric, wondering if it was perhaps too revealing? Smiling to myself I had to remind myself that after all, Mr. Meridon was a man. I was sure he wouldn't object.

The directions that were left for me were perfectly clear and in a matter of a little over twenty minutes I was parking in the driveway of what I can only describe as a turn of the century, the nineteenth I was sure, of a magnificent Victorian house. I was feeling confident as I drove down the curving streets into the historic area that I would find exactly this kind of beauty. A brass placard on the front gate established the house as a historic 1896 treasure.

I was in awe as I walked up the brick path to the front steps onto a covered porch that was dressed in period wicker and begged you to sit and enjoy a cold lemonade on a sweltering summer afternoon. I reached for the bell and listened intently knowing I would hear a brass bell being tugged to announce a visitor. Within seconds Mr. Meridon was opening the beautifully detailed door. Stained glass panels created a kaleidoscope of rich color.

"Welcome Miss Chapwell. I see you found your way and on time I might add, that's very encouraging and much appreciated. Please come in." He stepped back and my eyes beheld a portrait from a house beautiful magazine.

"This is a glorious home Mr. Meridon, to say it's breathtaking wouldn't be giving it justice."

"Yes, she is a beauty and I am privileged to dwell within her splendor. I will remind you that you are to address me as Master Meridon only once Miss Chapwell." Although he was speaking softly, his reprimand was clear.

"Forgive me Master Meridon? I will not make that blunder again; I assure you Sir." Clearly he was asserting his dominance without consternation. Yes, it appealed to me on many levels.

"If you will follow me we will go into the music room and begin." The music room? Of course, there was a music room.

As we walked through the house I was absolutely consumed by the sheer richness and luxury that poured out of each room. I would have forgone the lesson just to spend the hours admiring and drinking in what I was seeing. My immediate impression was that Master Meridon fit perfectly into this undeniable treasure of opulence.

"I see you too have a love of beautiful things Miss Chapwell?" Clearly my awe was evident.

"Yes Master Meridon I do. I have a love for many things including but certainly not limited to things." I wanted to say I adore older men but thought that might be just a bit too forward.

The music room was a large open space that seemed to be built for the grand piano that was centered on the floor sitting in front of a large bay window. There were several wall hangings that were musically inspired. I saw sheets of music with what could have only been signatures of the vast number of prolific singers and musicians that Master Meridon directed. Among these were several photos of orchestra's and symphony orchestra's that focused on Master Meridon as the pianist. This home was a treasure trove of musical history depicting a stellar career. I suddenly felt that I was in the presence of a great Master and wondered if his choice of me was even viable.

"Don't let intimidation rule you Miss Chapwell. At the end of the day I am merely your tutor and you are my student." It was obvious that the questioning that was invading my mind was showing on my face.

"You are a Master; I've never played more than a few chords and simple melodies. I must ask why you have decided to take me as a student? There is no question that you would surely be in great demand by seasoned accomplished professionals? At the very least someone who has some musical background?" It was a fair assumption as I viewed honor after honor bestowed on Master Meridon.

"Your intuition is commendable. You have ascertained that I am in demand as a teacher and mentor to many very well-known professionals as well as young prodigies. I have had a wonderful personally nourishing career. As I said when we met yesterday, you have no bad habits. There are no expectations of grandeur or stardom, you simply want to play for the love of music. This is a time in my life when I relish enjoyment over most any other passion. It's that simple. At my age, seventy-two, the only things I seek are those interactions that bring me that pleasure."

"I sincerely hope you won't be disappointed." There was nothing else I could have said.

"I can assure you Miss Chapwell, I see no disenchantment in our future." A soft smile. He had a sense of impending anticipation. Experiencing that joy came over him and I felt at ease and comforted by it.

"Now if you would take a seat at the piano I believe we will begin."