Midlife Surrender Ch. 06


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And also as he'd expected, his slut-toy had obeyed him completely, and by so doing clearly demonstrated the extent of domination he held over her to his mother. Now, not even his mother could deny just how wrong she'd been about their relationship. And now that that was established, it was time to send his mother scampering home with her tail between her legs so he could take care of unfinished business with his slut-toy. After all, Kara had been most obedient today, and obedient slut-toys should always be rewarded!

He wondered briefly if he hadn't been too cruel to his mother, if maybe his actions hadn't been a little over the top. But he pushed the thought quickly from his mind. 'No!' he thought emphatically. After all, she'd started it by sticking her nose in where it didn't belong. And besides, it wasn't as if it was her he'd ordered to undress. No, she was getting exactly what she deserved for barging in with help that was neither asked for nor desired.

But even before he could vanquish that thought from his mind, even before he could go back to patting himself on the back for pegging Kara's responses so perfectly, things took an unexpected turn -- a most unexpected turn.


Kara, now completely naked but for the damp panties lying around her ankles, stood as steady as her pounding heart and lust-filled pussy would let her as both Stuart and his mother looked on. She knew what she was supposed to do, she was supposed to turn towards her Master and await his next instruction. And if it hadn't been for the completely unexpected effect her submissive strip-show had had on Pamela, not to mention the equally unexpected effect Pamela's reaction to it had had on her, that's exactly what she would have done.

But she had had an effect on her obviously lust-dazed friend, and that in turn, had kindled an equally strong lust in her. It was a dizzying lust, a hungry lust. But mostly, it was a lust that needed to be acted on. And with or without Master's permission, that's exactly what Kara intended to do. So, after one final calming breath, she stepped out of her panties and moved to the front of Pamela's chair, then she leaned over, took hold of Pamela's hands and began backing away.

The look on Pamela's face as Kara began pulling her to her feet was one of absolute stark terror. Instinctively, she pulled her hands back, holding her position in the chair.

But Kara, with a sultry smile on her face, reached for them again, this time holding them firmly enough to prevent Pamela from withdrawing them easily. And again she began backing slowly away.

"Please don't," Pamela pleaded softly. But even as the words were slipping through her lips, she found herself rising to her feet, then allowing Kara to turn her so her back was to her son.

"I shouldn't have come," Pamela continued desperately. "I know that now, and I'm sorry. If you'll just let me leave, we can forget the whole thing." But in spite of her words, she made no effort to turn for the door. She didn't, in fact, even try to withdraw her hands from Kara's grasp.

"Really? You can forget the whole thing?" Kara challenged. "You can forget that your son is my Master? And you can forget that he ordered me to undress in front of you?" She eased herself closer to her friend, then released her hands and brushed a few stray strands of hair from Pamela's face. When she spoke again her face was so close Pamela could feel her breath on her face.

"And you can forget how you felt as you watched me undress, how you felt when you first saw my naked breasts, or how you felt when you saw my pussy and realized that I was at least as excited as you were? You can forget all that, Pamela? Really?"

Pamela opened her mouth to argue, but closed it without uttering a sound. What was the point? Truth was she couldn't forget it, and Kara and Stuart both knew it. Even if they were to allow her to walk out the door right then and there, she would never be able to forget the events that transpired there that evening. And she certainly wouldn't be able to forget the effect they'd had on her.

So, instead of putting up an argument she could never win, she took a deep breath and swallowed the lump that had somehow become lodged in her throat..

"It isn't right," she finally answered. "It just isn't right."

Kara continued running her hands through Pamela's hair, then brushed her fingers across her cheek. "It's as right as we want it to be," she finally answered. Then she slid her hands down to Pamela's hips, leaned forward and began nibbling on her ear. A moment after that she forsook the ear for the neck, sliding her lips down to plant soft little kisses up and down its length.

"Noooooooooo," Pamela whispered desperately as her whole body shuddered. But she offered no further argument, and the effort she made to push Kara away was feeble, at best.

Pamela was finding it increasingly difficult to resist her friend's advances as her body continued to betray her. Try as she might, she couldn't seem to quiet the urges she was feeling as Kara made soft, easy love to her neck and ear, nor could she suppress the soft moans that managed to sneak through her lips. In another place or another time, she reluctantly acknowledged, who knows what could happen. But not here, not now, and certainly not with Stuart standing only a few feet away.

'Stuart!' she groaned silently as thoughts of her son leapt back into her mind.

She lifted her hands to Kara's head and pushed it from her neck. "I can't do this, Kara," she said, her cracking voice betraying the emotions that were tearing her apart.

"Yes," Kara whispered softly back. "You can." Then she moved her hands to Pamela's shoulders and began caressing them tenderly. "You want it as bad as I do. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it in your body."

"But Stuart," she countered, leaving the sentence hanging.

"He understands," Kara replied. "Of all people, your son understands."

Pamela struggled for words, desperately seeking that one defense that would not only free her physically, but emotionally as well, anything that would allow her to understand and counter the emotional war she was waging -- and losing.

"Please," she finally whimpered, offering the only words that came to mind. "I'm not like that. I'm not a lesbian."

Kara slid her fingers inside the spaghetti straps that held Pamela's cami up, then began easing them to the edge of her shoulders. "I know you're not," she whispered as she allowed the straps to slide freely down her arms. "Neither am I."

Pamela felt her heart leap into her throat as the straps slid from her shoulders. She again tried to swallow the lump in her throat as she lowered her head, allowing her eyes to verify what her mind already knew -- her cami was bunched around her waist and her breasts were completely uncovered.

She closed her eyes, bit down on her lower lip and took a deep breath. Later, she'd look back on that moment and realize that the thought of covering her nakedness never entered her mind. But that would be later. At the moment, all she could find the strength to do was open her eyes, ease her head up and look into her Kara's eyes, knowing that her son was standing a few feet behind her, staring at her naked back.


Believe it or not, Stuart was at least as shocked as his mother at the actions that had recently transpired. If he had to put a label to it, he'd call it Kara's coming out party; the first time since her 'awakening' that she'd been with anyone other than Derek, himself and -- on the few occasions when both of Stuart's slut-toys were included in his games at the same time -- Amy. And never -- not with Derek, not with Stuart, not with Amy -- had Kara ever taken an aggressive posture. And while it was true that the events of the evening had started out a bit awkwardly for her, the end result was undeniable. Kara had not just come out of her shell, she'd shattered it, bringing all her hunger, all her needs, and all her pent up animalistic lust with her. And the victim of it all . . . was none other than his own mother.

But as surprised as he was at his slut-toy's actions, he was even more surprised at his mother's. To Stuart, Pamela Chambers had always been just his mother, not a real woman with real sexual needs and yearnings. But clearly that was a real woman standing before him and just as clearly she did have real sexual needs, needs that -- from his personal observation -- hadn't been fulfilled since his father died almost 16 years before.

Sixteen years, he thought. No wonder she'd been so vulnerable to Kara's attack.

But his surprise went beyond even that. If he were forced to be brutally honest, there was no way he could deny the excitement he was feeling as his mother surrendered to the sexual advances of another woman. Nor could he deny that it wasn't his slut-toy his eyes were glued to, it was his mother. And despite the parent-child relationship they shared, he couldn't deny the arousal building inside him any more than he could deny the throbbing he'd felt in his pants when he watched her top slide down her torso.


Pamela lifted her eyes from her exposed breasts. Too shocked to speak, she stared into Kara's eyes in stunned disbelief, her breathing now coming in short, shallow gasps. Finally, she gathered herself enough to utter one simple word.


Kara reached up and tenderly took Pamela's face in her hands, brushing her cheeks lightly with her thumbs. "You should see him," she said in barely more than a whisper. "I've never seen him so on edge before."

"No," Pamela gasped, instinctively, reaching to cover her breasts.

Kara laughed lightly, then released her face, gently took hold of her arms and eased them back to her sides. "That's a good thing," she teased. Then she lifted her hands and lightly trailed her fingertips across Pamela's naked nipples.

A low, guttural sound escaped Pamela's throat as Kara's fingers traced their way across her aroused tips. Then, when those same fingers slid lightly over the meat of her bosom, a shiver shot down her spine, even as goosebumps were breaking out across her flesh. And as a deep sigh escaped her lips, she allowed her eyes to slide closed, giving herself over to the gentle pleasure the fingers were providing.

Although vaguely aware of the passage of time as she stood there, Pamela made no move to alter her circumstance. And when the question drifted through the back of her mind -- was this surrender? -- she ignored it, pushing it from her mind unanswered.

She became aware that Kara's hands were leaving her breasts, moving to her arms where they gently lifted each one and slipped them from the cami's straps.

Feeling Kara's naked breasts pressing against her own, Pamela opened her eyes, only to close them again as Kara reached around her waist and fumbled with the snap of her blue jean skirt. She kept them closed as the skirt slid over her hips and down her legs. But when the hands slid inside the top of her cami and began easing the garment over her hips, hooking inside the waistband of her panties as they went, she opened them again. Then, in response to the last little voice still screaming inside her head, she reached out to stop the hands from completing their task.

A silent standoff ensued, a standoff that saw the two women staring into each other's eyes, neither speaking, neither moving. The standoff reached the 5 second mark; neither moved. It stretched to 10 seconds, then beyond. It wasn't until it was nearing the 20 second mark that Pamela finally allowed a deep sigh of resignation to pass her lips. A moment later her hands were again at her sides, and a moment after that she was naked, a pile of no longer needed clothes lying at her feet.

Kara moved quicker now, sliding her hands up the woman's sides, then onto her C-cup breasts. She pinched the nipples hard, squeezing and kneading the heaving breasts roughly as Pamela grabbed hold of her hips and fell against her.

"Oh my god," Pamela gasped, desperately trying to keep her wobbly legs from giving out, even as her friend continued working her tits. "Oh my god."

Kara released the breasts without warning, but she was far from done. She moved her left hand behind Pamela's head, grabbed a tuft of hair and pulled her head back, even as she was pulling her naked body closer against her own. Then she eased her right hand between their bodies and slid her fingers to the edge of her friend's dripping cunt. Then she slammed them in.

"Aaarrggghhhhhhhhhhhh," Pamela cried out as the fingers dove into her pussy. But instead of withdrawing them and slamming them home again, Kara held them there as she leaned her face closer to her victim.

"So, do you understand now?" she asked.

"What?" Pamela gasped. "I don't know . . . what you mean."

Kara pulled her friend closer, if that was possible, then eased her mouth to her ear. She bit lightly on the ear lobe and ran her tongue around the inside of the ear. Then she continued.

"Do you understand what it's like to want something your mind is telling you you shouldn't have, and to want it so badly that nothing else matters, not even that it's the son of your best friend?" She hesitated, then twisted her hair a bit more and ground her fingers deeper into her pussy. "And not even if it's your best friend herself, with your son standing nearby watching your surrender?"

"Please, Kara," Pamela groaned, her body writhing under the assault. "Please don't make me."

"Answer the question, Pamela!" Kara countered with a touch of softness in her voice. "It's the only thing that will set you free."

Then she relaxed her grasp of her hair, relieving some of the tension on her neck. But she did not remove her fingers from her pussy. "Do you understand what it's like to be a slut-toy, or not?" she whispered.

With redness in her eyes and a small tear sneaking from the corner of her eye, Pamela nodded her head as best she could. "Yes," she responded weakly. "I do."

A sly smile slid across Kara's face. "In that case, slut-toy," she started, "allow me to introduce you to . . . Master." And with that, she withdrew her fingers from Pamela's pussy, took hold of her arm and spun her around until she was facing directly at her son. Then she reached around her, returned her right hand to her pussy and slammed her fingers home.

"Oh shit!" Pamela yelled out, closing her eyes and grabbing desperately for any part of Kara's body she could reach as an orgasm ripped her body.

After a few moments, Pamela was able to regather herself. She realized that Kara had withdrawn her right hand from her pussy and was now tracing her fingers lightly over her body. She eased her eyes open slowly, only to find Stuart standing a bit less than ten feet away with his eyes drinking in her nakedness, watching as Kara's fingers toyed with her aroused body.

A shiver shot through her and a hollow emptiness took possession of her stomach as she watched her son examine her in a way no son should ever be allowed to do. She watched him as he looked her over carefully -- all of her -- and watched as his eyes lingered on her breasts and on her center. It wasn't until he lifted his eyes to hers, however, that she noticed that the uncertainty and anger that had possessed him earlier was gone, replaced by a confidence she'd never seen in him before, a confidence that said without question, 'I am the Master! I am the Man!'

"It looks like Master approves," Kara whispered in her ear from behind, breaking her reverie. Then she twisted her hair again and pulled her down to her knees, tilting her head backwards so she was looking up backwards at her face while her front was on open display to her son.

"But you're not for Master," she whispered, "you're for me." Then she reached down, grabbed hold of her right breast and squeezed. "Aren't you?"

"Ugghhhh," was the only response she got.

Pamela was rapidly losing all contact with sanity as Kara toyed with her mercilessly, leading her on an emotional roller-coaster, eliciting emotions she never knew she had. She'd thought that once she was naked, once she'd been thoroughly shamed and humiliated in front of her son, and once she'd been thrown over the edge of orgasmic bliss while her son looked on, that the worst might be over.

She was wrong. And as yet another shiver shot down her spine, she realized that, not only was she no longer in control of her own destiny, she no longer cared.

"Crawl," Kara ordered, her voice breaking through her thoughts even as the hand in her hair was steering her towards the coffee table and giving a small push of encouragement, forcing her to knee-walk across the carpeted floor, not stopping until Kara pulled back on her hair when she reached the end of the coffee table.

"Turn around, sit on the edge of the table and spread your legs," Kara continued, pulling up on her hair to ensure her speedy obedience, a gesture which proved unnecessary as Pamela immediately moved to comply, even opening her legs to her son without protest.

"Now, lay back and hold your hands over your head," Kara ordered, finally releasing her hold on Pamela's hair.

Pamela lowered her backside to the table without comment, then stretched her arms over her head until she was spread out and exposed like she'd never been before. She looked up at the two people standing over her, first catching Kara's eyes, then her son's. And goosebumps once again broke out across her body.

"Now it's play time," Kara said, sliding between Pamela's wide-spread legs and dropping to her knees.

Kara slid her fingers across Pamela's tummy, dragging them lightly down her sides. A smile crossed her lips when she saw the new slut-toy jump. "Ticklish," she commented matter-of-factly. "I'll have to remember that." Then she gave her sides a small goosing, sending Pamela to another writhing retreat.

But it wasn't a tickling that interested Kara right then, as became evident when she slid her hands to the inside of Pamela's thighs and pushed them wider, and then slid the hands back to the heart of her womanhood and slipped two fingers from one hand into the already cum-soaked pussy while two fingers from the other hand slid the hood off of her love button. Then she lowered her head.

When her friend's tongue flicked across her clit, Pamela almost lost it on the spot. "Oh, shit," she cried out, instinctively closing her eyes and writhing atop the table as Kara's tongue continued its sensual dance around her love-button. She clutched the edges of the coffee table above her head as she arched her back and rocked her pelvis. And when her friend's mouth closed around her swollen bud, sucking it while the tongue flicked across its tenderness, she lost it, screaming out in ecstasy as another orgasm exploded inside her.

Several seconds passed before Pamela was finally able to get her breathing under control. She opened her eyes slowly, finding Kara no longer kneeling between her legs, but instead standing directly beside her with a still unsatisfied look in her eyes.

"Now it's my turn," she said in a coarse whisper. And with Pamela's arms still stretched out above her head, Kara swung her leg over her prone body, straddling her conquest and looking directly down at her face. Then she grabbed hold of Pamela's hair, lowered her pussy to her face and, with a hunger that threatened to consume her, began grinding her wet pussy against her friends mouth. Less than a minute later her body erupted in orgasm, spewing her juices all over her friend's face.

After the orgasm had run its course, Kara eased herself to her wobbly legs, then made her way towards Stuart and eased her spent body against his, sighing contentedly as he wrapped his muscular arms around her.

It was several more seconds before Pamela was able to open her eyes and lift her head. And when she saw Kara standing with her naked backside pressed up against her son and his arms wrapped around her, all she could do was sigh as she eased her head back to the coffee table. Nearly a half-a-minute more transpired before she was finally able to push herself up from the table and rise to her feet.