Midnight Ch. 01

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Stella snoops into her best friend Carissa's private files.
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Chapter One

Stella did not consider herself a nosy friend. But seeing a folder called "The Fantasy" on Carissa's computer piqued her curiosity. Did her best friend have some fantasy that Stella didn't know about?

There was her dream of studying Amazon wildlife. That was rather common knowledge, though. Carissa had miscellaneous and impossible fancies about being the queen of a fantastical society or leading a Lara Croft-like lifestyle. Those were just cute little daydreams, nothing intense. In their most private nights together she'd even admitted some of her sexual fantasies, even in great detail. Wanting to be with two men at once, wanting to sneak into a dressing room with someone, even just having a one night stand in a different city.

But the folder was password locked. It was called "The Fantasy." THE Fantasy.

Stella... she scolded herself. If it's private from you, that has to be respected.

Her phone buzzed.

"Hey SK, Danielle won the ticket lottery and she wants to take me to a show tonight. Can you wait up tonight so I can pick up my laptop?"

"Sure thing," Stella replied. "I should be done by then. Have fun!"

Stella sighed, looked down at Carissa's computer again. She could feel herself chewing on her lip a little too hard. That's how she could tell; no matter what she reasoned she would want to find out what was in there.

Might as well not waste time. I only have a couple hours.


Getting accepted to the same school, thousands of miles from home, was a miracle for them. They weren't friends for their whole childhoods, in fact they only met in their sophomore year of high school. But it was a connection like neither of them had ever experienced. Borderline romantic at first, though Stella didn't have a single homosexual cell in her body. Within a week of spending time together they would nap and cuddle, kiss each other's cheeks, and share their deeper feelings. Carissa even jokingly called Stella "my boyfriend" a few times.

Undoubtedly, their friendship was a bit like clinging to wreckage in a storm. They both suffered a severe falling out with former friends. Stella had discovered a hidden sentiment that she was just "the stuck up cunt" of her group. Carissa had a different beast entirely. The nicest thing her so-called friends said about her was that, "She's our Asian diversity hire."

Together they took solace, recovered, and grew into much better people together. Stella didn't put much time into other people except where she needed to, mostly the Choir program. She'd been interested in a few boys, but nothing ever really developed. In fact, if not for Carissa, she would certainly still be a virgin.

That was their dynamic, a classic introvert and extrovert pairing. While Stella fawned over a cute boy and doodled in her journal, Carissa would track down her marks and start working her system. And she was never shy about their activities.

Stella had long since stopped blushing at words like cock and pussy and cum. In truth, it was exciting to hear about the things that Carissa had experienced. It helped Stella to open her sexuality for herself quite a bit. One night half way through senior year, the two of them buzzed and babbling, they somehow laughed their way into convincing themselves to masturbate together. By the end of it, Stella agreed that it was time for her to give it away.

When she finally decided to have her first time with Ted from the tenor section, she couldn't wait to tell Carissa all the details. It was nowhere near as wild or passionate. In a way it was a cute experience. That was not a word that Stella had expected to describe it with, but it simply felt right. "Cute and fun," she'd landed on. For the brief time that she'd continued to sleep with Ted, that was how it remained. And for the few boys she'd been with since - all the way or not - it was much the same.

The past three years at college were only slightly more active for Stella, and still there was never anyone who genuinely took her fancy, swept her off her feet, and declared their love. Normally it would be a friend she shared a bed with, just once or twice, and there would be no hurt feelings on either side when it stopped and never picked back up. A lot of those boys were still her friends now.

Carissa had one serious relationship all through sophomore and junior year. Before "He Who Must Be Forgotten" she had a steady stream of hookups. After him, she'd slowed down considerably, but not entirely. In fact, Stella thought she might even be having more sex than Carissa at this point. It was funny in one way, sad in another. She knew Carissa was still hurting.

That was just it. She knew everything about Carissa. Except what was in that folder.



Incorrect Password. Please Try Again.


Incorrect Password. Please Try Again.


Incorrect Password. Directory Locked for One Minute.

"Fuckkk..." Stella moaned. She pushed herself up from her desk and began to walk around her little studio apartment. New York felt like a good fit for her. Small spaces, large environment. But it didn't do much in the way of letting her pace and ponder. For that minute of punishment she wracked her brain for some idea of what Carissa might use as a super-secret password. "It probably has nothing to do with me," she mumbled.

When it unlocked again, she plopped down again and saw an inspiring sentence pop up just below the password bar: "Hint: subject's name."

Subject's name... name of the fantasy? Stella tried to think what Carissa hadn't ever talked about sexually. If it were a sexual thing, that would help narrow it down.


Incorrect Password. Please Try Again.


Incorrect Password. Please Try Again.

Stella was about to type something else when she read the hint again. "Hint: subject's name."

Not the name of the subject... subject's name. Is Carissa the subject? Like some kind of experiment?

Carissa Okamoto.

The folder opened. Stella sighed relief and looked at the clock. Only eight-thirty, the show had barely started and Carissa wouldn't be by for a few hours.

Inside were three sub-folders, organized by numbers.

1. Daily Exercises

2. Homework

3. Extra Credit

Stella felt her brow furrow. Her neck craned forward as though looking closer would dig up the dirt. Her curly blonde hair fell forward into her face, and she pulled it back into a bun before angrily pawing at the mouse, clicking on the first folder the cursor found, which happened to be "Extra Credit."

Her heart palpitated as a new list of sub-folders appeared, this time only sorted alphabetically.

- Fuck-It List

- Prettiest Cocks

- Sex Dream Diary

- Thoughts and Feelings

Hurriedly, before she got too scared, Stella opened the second folder and nearly gasped as a few dozen photos appeared, clear even by the thumbnails that every single one of them featured Carissa with a beaming smile, holding a hard cock close to her face. And these are just the prettiest ones... Stella mused as she opened them, one at a time.

The files were labeled with random numbers and letters, it seemed. No way of telling who the men were in each photo. But their members were various in size, color, shape. The one thing they did have in common, Stella admitted to herself, was that they all did look very pretty.

Furthermore, the "Dated Created" column was all from the last three months, some of the summer before senior year and a little into the Fall Semester. The latest photo was uploaded only the day before.

"Guess I'm not getting more after all..." Stella sighed. This didn't satisfy her curiosity, not even a bit. A collection of nudes did not a fantasy make, certainly not for someone as clearly sexually liberated as Carissa. Hoping for a better idea, she opened up the Fuck-It List.

There were nearly a hundred sub-folders in here, and they were organized in a descending order. She scrolled a bit, reading names both familiar and not, and finally opened up the sixtieth folder, "Michael Doumanian." There were photos of him, all clothed, and a document labeled "Profile."

"Michael Doumanian. Male, Age 25," the document read. "Black Hair, Brown Eyes. Greek Ancestry. Orientation: Straight. Status: Engaged. Notes: Michael is rumored to have a massive cock, and he was caught cheating on his last girlfriend with his now fiancee. I want to ride him so hard he dumps her, and then proposes to me the very same day. I will say no, but I will fuck him again."

"Jesus, Carissa..." Stella whispered.

She scrolled through more names, and began to wonder if the numbers signified a ranking. At number twenty, she noticed many of the names were female thereafter. She opened the fifteenth, "Hannah Garrett." This was their mutual friend, a girl in the musical theater program.

"Hannah Garrett. Female, Age 23. Red Hair, Green Eyes. Scottish/English Ancestry. Orientation: Lesbian. Status: Single. Notes: I got to make out with her just once at a party, both of us were sober. I want to feel her tongue on my clit and ride her face until morning."

Stella almost laughed, wondering whether Carissa really was bisexual or just fantasizing. And then she saw the name in the Number One spot.

"Stella Kuzmitz. Female, Age 22. Blonde Hair, Hazel Eyes. Jewish/Polish Ancestry. Orientation: Straight. Status: Single. Notes: My bestie! Friends for eight years. She's the only girl who can make me horny without trying. Suspected I was bi-curious because of dreams about her in high school, confirmed experimenting with girls at parties. Sudden interest in fucking her brains out appeared at start of Junior Year of College. She is straight, but may be open to experimentation.

"Best case scenario, I get to spend a few weeks serving her as her slave. If it's at all in her, I would like her to own my body and use it however she likes. Abuse it if she wants. I love my bestie!"

Stella stood up again, laughing just the get the air out of her lungs. It wasn't funny - this was a nervous laughter, bordering on an anxiety attack. "What the fuck. Ohhhh my god..."

She started jumping up and down, shaking off the weirdness of it all. For just a fraction of a second, she pictured Carissa, smooth wide face against the floor with her ass pointed high up in the air. She had a harness on, and nothing else. Her wrists were behind her back and she was giggling, wiggling, waiting for Stella to whip her.

"No!" Stella shouted to no one, whipping her head back and forth to get the image out of her head. She had no issue with Carissa's sexual appetite, that was never a question. It was simply that there was something about her, something inherently not a piece of her that Carissa wanted to find.

That was something of an answer to why the folder was locked away. But clearly there was more. Stella thought about closing the laptop, giving up, pretending she'd never looked. But it was too late. She'd already gone this far.

Going straight to the main folder, she opened up "Daily Exercises." There was only one thing in this folder.

A video.

Stella gulped, clicked it, and sat back.

The video faded in from black quickly, and a pretty girl in a white tank top sat against a white wall. "Hi Carissa!" she said, waving at the camera. "This is Part One of the program. It's all customised for you based on what you outlined as your goals in our meeting. Get comfortable, and let's get started!"

Stella thought she looked a little familiar, but she couldn't place the girl's face at all. She had wavy black hair, very pale but beautiful skin, and the hint of freckles across her cheekbones. Her teeth were whiter than her tank top, and she wore no jewelry whatsoever. There was something oddly mesmerizing about her.

"Take a deep breath, make sure your back is supported by a wall or a chair. If you're feeling stressed, let it all out through your exhale. Right now just focus on my voice. Close your eyes."

Stella found herself following the instructions, wanting desperately to calm down. It was off to a good start. "Roll your neck, stretch out the muscles. Let both your hands rest on the back of your neck."

Then there was a pause. Stella heard nothing from the video at all until a stern, well enunciated word came from the girl's mouth. "Obedience."

Stella cocked her head, puzzled by the sudden intensity. But a moment later, the tone shifted back to normal. "Keep breathing, eyes closed. Start picturing yourself in a blank white space. You're calm, you're content. Allow yourself to feel uninhibited in this safe space. Focus on your natural form."

Natural form... Stella thought, sounding suddenly sleepy even in her thoughts. She thought she understood, and began picturing herself, bare before an endless emptiness where nothing could harm her.

"See yourself as you are. Every inch of your body, every hair on your skin..."

Is that really what Stella looked like? Her skin glowed in her mind, cheeks and chest flushed, hips swaying slowly as she stood cutely absorbing the attention. Her own attention. The voice in the video was saying something still, but now it seemed to echo in the background, out of understanding. Only the occasional word slipped through.

"Freedom... pursue... obedience..."

Stella saw herself begin to move, taking pleasure in her nakedness by some weird half-dance half-walk. It was just an expression of joy, she could see. The look on her face said it all. There was no shame, no worry. Just a happiness in her own skin.

"Sexual... exploring..."

Her nipples looked like they were tightening, hardening. Stella didn't spend much time looking at herself before, but now she could finally see her own body. She liked the way she looked. She liked the look of her nipples like that.

"...hungry... insatiable..."

Now the imagined Stella was biting her lip. Not in the way of consternation that she normally did. This was something else entirely. An involuntary response to... desire. A hand shot between Stella's legs and started working at her sex gently. Her face blushed even more, and now Stella could see how she must look every time she had sex. I'm... beautiful...

"Obedience... men and women... never enough... expression..."

She was watching no more. Stella was back in her body, standing in this white void, fingering herself gently and smiling at the sensation of pleasure. She could recall something like this feeling when she masturbated normally, but never to this degree. It was more than physical. Now it was pleasuring something much deeper than her body.

"...because your sexuality is liberating," the woman said, her voice becoming clearer.

"It is," Stella agreed, nodding and cupping one of her breasts.

"Your obedience is the most pleasurable part of all."

"I can obey," Stella said. If this is what obeying felt like, she wanted more of it.

"And if you follow these instructions, you can merge with eternal bliss. Are you ready?"

"I'm... I'm... mmmmm I'm ready..."

"Repeat after me: I am my greatest joy."

Stella tried to focus as she rolled closer to her climax. "I am my greatest... uh, greatest joy."

"Only I can stop my pleasure."

"Only I can stop my... mmmm my pleasurrreee."

"I will allow myself to pursue my fantasy..."

Stella giggled. "I will allow myself to pursue my fantasy..."

The girl giggled too, infectiously, before she finished, "... to serve Mistress Anna."

"To serve Mistress Anna!"

"Good girl. Cum."

The orgasm started gradually, lasting a pleasurable eternity, constantly rising. For what could have been whole minutes she was riding a smooth wave of climax, smiling and giggling and writhing a little where she stood. By the end, she was on the floor, squirting from between her legs uncontrollably, twisting and convulsing and screaming, "YES YES YES FUH-UUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!"

"Open your eyes."

Stella's eyes opened. She was not on the floor, nor was her body convulsing. She was clothed, calm as ever. But in front of her, the screen was flashing images, a new one every fraction of a second, blending together so that she couldn't quite register. Whatever they were, she liked them. Looking at the light-speed montage made her even more aroused than that odd dream-like state had.

The pretty girl's voice carried on over the flashing images. "Open yourself up to new fantasies. Let Mistress Anna help you fulfill them. For each one you fulfill, you will become more and more bound to her will, her desires. Allow yourself to fall under her control, knowing that you can always free yourself if you desire. When you hear only the word Obedience from her mouth, you will become suggestible and compliant. When you hear only the word Release from her mouth, you will return to your normal state of mind, and you will not remember her, or her instructions, or your fantasies. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Stella said automatically. She was fixated on the screen, trying to see what the images were. Was that a woman she'd seen? That one there, it looked like two men. And somewhere in there she saw something big and hard and very appetizing...

"After midnight, you will become uninhibited, keeping in mind your obligations in everyday life. You will try to achieve extreme pleasure in any way you want. Before you fall asleep, you will send all your material to Mistress Anna. When you awaken, you will remember nothing about what you did after midnight. Do you understand?"


"Good girl. Release."

Stella blinked. Or did her eyes only just open? The pretty girl in the tank top was still there on screen, but Stella couldn't remember what she'd been saying. Did I just fall asleep or something?

"... so just keep up the good work, and remember to call me when you have any questions."

The video faded out, and Stella realized she was sweating. And am I... wet right now?

There wasn't much time to think. The lock on her apartment door was turning. Stella exited out of all the files and folders as quickly as she could, and opened up the document she was supposed to have been working on. It was only halfway done, but that was better than nothing.

"Hey, SK!" Carissa said as she swung the door open. There she was, her best friend. Small and beautiful and emanating an infectious energy. Something felt different to Stella as she watched Carissa walk down the short hallway into the studio. She dropped her purse and her playbill on Stella's unmade bed and skipped over for a hug. "The show was great! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, I have to get to bed by midnight."

Stella looked at the clock without breaking the hug. Eleven fifty-five. Cutting it close, but Carissa only lived a block away.

"Stella? You okay?"

"Y-yeah, why?"

"I appreciate the backrub and all, but like I said I gotta go."

Stella tried not to jerk away too quickly. She hadn't noticed that she was running her hands over Carissa's back, feeling the smoothness and the warmth of her. I was smelling her hair too... she realized. What's up with me?

"Sorry," Stella said, passing over the laptop.

"You're such a liar. Something's up," Carissa giggled, and said in a sing-songy cadence, "But it's gonna have to wa-a-ait."

"Sure," Stella said. "Tomorrow."

Carissa frowned, focusing on Stella's face. Oh god, she knows. She knows I did something wrong. She's gonna find out. She'll figure out that I know she wants to fuck me, or-or she wants me to fuck her, or -