Mike Has a Family Controlled

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Mike & son Jason have mother & daughter controlled.
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This story has a little more sex. As usual I focus on the hypnosis. If you enjoy the story, please vote. Fives are terrific. MH

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I was sitting at my computer contemplating the book I was writing when My nineteen year old son approached.

"Dad, I have a problem." Silence.

Jason never came to me with his problems. He would discuss them with my wife, Ann, but not me. I guess I intimidated him. Jason stood looking at me. Obviously, the next move was mine.

"What kind of problem?"

"There's this girl. I really like her and stuff, but she thinks of me as a friend. That's not what I want."

"What can I do about that?"

"I've read some of the stuff you wrote, you seem to know a lot about hypnosis. Could you hypnotize her to think of me as, you know, a stud."

Oh terrific, now I am supposed to procure for my son. "I don't think that's a wonderful idea. We could both get into trouble."

"You do it in your books."

"That is fiction. You want real life."

"What can you do?"

"Who is the girl?"

"What difference does that make?"

"If I know her I might be able to do something."

"It's Beth Armitage."

Beth was the daughter of a friend of mine. "You know I know her, right?"

"Yes, I know that."

It would be nice if I could do something for Jason and maybe I could help myself, too. I would have to give this some thought. "Let me think about this for awhile. I'll talk to you about it next week, okay?"

"Sure, Dad, whatever you say."

He walked away looking a little dejected. What Jason didn't know was Tom Armitage had been bugging me to hypnotize his wife to get her to stop smoking and lose weight. I was ducking him. Well, maybe I would stop ducking.

"Tom, this is Mike Smart. You wanted to get together?"

"Yeah, Mike. You are into hypnosis, right?"

"You could put it that way."

"Well, like I said at the golf course, I want you to help me with my wife. She is smoking her self into a grave and still is trying to lose weight. I figured you could help with both those issues, right?"

"Possibly. Is this her idea?"

"Well, not exactly. She has mentioned losing weight and stopping smoking, but she never considered hypnosis."

"We don't even know if she would be a good subject. Has she ever been hypnotized?"

"No. We went to a hypnosis show once and I was hypnotized and Shirley thought that was funny, but she was not hypnotized."

"Anyone else in your family ever hypnotized?"

"We only have Beth and I don't think she has ever been hypnotized."

"If a person sees others hypnotized it makes it easier to hypnotize them. How old is Beth?"

"Beth is eighteen."

"That's the perfect age for hypnosis. Arrange to have Beth home when I come over to see you and your wife. I'll come with Ann. When do you want to do it?"

"When ever you can. How about tomorrow evening."

"That will be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 7:30. Okay?"

"Sure Mike I'll see you then. Oh, Mike, how important is it that Beth be there?"

"It will help. If Shirley needs convincing. Is there anything I can do that will help Beth?"

"She has been complaining about studying. I'll talk to her. See you tomorrow."

Ann was a perfect hypnosis subject, she was also a very attractive woman. If all else failed, I could use her as a demonstrator or maybe it will get more interesting. I told Ann we were going to visit one of my golf buddies to try to help his wife quite smoking.

We arrived at 7:30 exactly. An attractive 40ish, slightly plump woman opened the door. I only knew Tom from the golf course, so I did not know his wife or daughter. "You must be Mike and Ann, Tom has been going on and on about you, Mike. He is making you into a Svengali."

"I'm not sure I know what that is."

"Please come in."

The whole family was there. I could see why Jason wanted Beth. She was gorgeous. She was about five feet five and looked like Madonna. A softer Madonna. Shirley looked like a mature version of her daughter.

"What has Tom told you all?"

"That you are a hypnotist that can help my daughter and I." Good start.

"Help you do what?"

Beth spoke up. "Dad said that you could help me study and Mom stop smoking."

I looked at Tom. "Is that pretty much it?" He grinned and nodded.

"Tom, you have been hypnotized before. Could I demonstrate with you how it works?"


"Tom, sit in this large love seat and put your head back. Let your whole body relax. Very relaxed." Tom was a good subject. I could see his muscles loosen up. His legs spread at the knees and his mouth fell open. He was actually snoring.

"Tom, I am going to count to twenty five, when I get there you will be in a very relaxed, incredibly comfortable trance. When I wake you, you will feel wonderful and refreshed. If I say sleep, You will go back into a very deep trance." I counted to twenty five and then woke him.

"What did you do, I feel terrific?"

I turned to Beth. "Okay, your turn. Sit on the couch and let yourself relax." I knew she had watched her father and had expectations it would be the same. I didn't know if she would be as good a subject.

"As I speak your body will get more and more relaxed. Your head will feel heavy and you will not want to move it, your right arm will rise as your trance deepens. Now, let every muscle relax, your legs, arms and especially your neck." Her head flopped back and her legs spread at the knees. She was wearing soft cotton slacks and a light sweater. Her right arm slowly started to rise. Shirley was watching with her mouth open. Finally her right arm was straight up.

"Beth, when ever you want to study you will say to yourself 'Beth study' and you will not be distracted by anything going on around you. All of your mind will be focused on what you are studying. When I count to 25 your trance will get even deeper and when I wake you you will feel marvelous. If I tell you to sleep you will go back into an even deeper trance."

When she woke up she said, "Wow, that was something. I don't know what you did but I feel marvelous."

Now I was ready for Shirley and then my plan. "Shirley, your turn. Sit next to Tom on the love seat. Tom, Beth sleep." They both relaxed and closed their eyes. "Shirley, close your eyes and let yourself relax. Every muscle." It wasn't working as well with her. She was relaxed but clearly nowhere near a trance. I whispered in Tom and Beth's ears to deepen their trances.

"Shirley are you relaxed?"


Ann had been watching all of this without commenting. I looked at her. She was sitting on an overstuffed chair in the room. "What are you going to do now? You have everybody in a trance."

"What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know. They certainly are an attractive family." I've often wondered if at an unconscious level Ann knew what I did in these situations. I was always careful to make sure that she had no memory of anything that happened except for what I wanted her to remember.

"Ann, sleep." She flopped back in the chair as limp as a rag doll.

"Shirley, now I want you to stand up in front of the love seat." She did.

"Make every muscle of your body stiff. Very stiff." She did. I was able to tilt her while she was stiff.

"As you feel your self tilting you will stay stiff and your trance will deepen." I tilted her forty five degrees. She stayed stiff. I tilted her back toward the love seat .

"Let your whole body go instantly limp." This was the test If she went instantly limp, I had her. If she was tentative, she would not be a good subject for what I had in mind. She went instantly limp and I guided her body next to Tom's on the love seat.

"Let your trance go deeper as I speak to you." I checked her eyes and they were rolled up. I deepened her trance by counting.

"How do you feel?"

"Very relaxed."

"How do you feel about quitting smoking?"

"I don't know. I like smoking but it scares me. I am afraid I will gain weight if I stop smoking."

"You will stop smoking and you will not gain weight. You will never again like the way the cigarettes taste. You will start the cigarette and quickly put it down. Eventually you will just stop. If you get hungry, you will have a craving for celery. You will eat stalks of celery. Do you understand?"


"When I count to three you will waken. If I tell you to sleep, you will go into an even deeper trance. One - two - three."

She opened her eyes. "Was I hypnotized?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't remember anything happening, but I wasn't sitting next to Tom."


Now all of them were in trances. Did I dare play? Yes!

First I went to each of them and deepened their trances. Then I went to Shirley. From now on everything was in whispers. I didn't know how what I was going to say would react on them, if at all.

"Shirley, you are feeling very warm, very warm." She was wearing a long cotton skirt and a blouse with sandals. She started to pull her skirt up. She had nice legs and no stockings.

"You are feeling aroused." She started to squirm on her butt.

"How is your sex life?"

"We haven't had sex in a very long time. Tom says my smoking turns him off and I have lost the urge to make love with Tom."

I touched her cunt over her panties. She squirmed a lot more. "Did you like that?"


"Would you like to make love with me?"

"Yes, oh yes."

"Take your clothes off."

She pulled her skirt off and quickly unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off. She was now in panties and bra. She pushed her panties off and took her bra off. Her breasts were full and slightly sagging. I found them very erotic. Her body was soft and round. I put my finger in her cunt. Very wet. All this with Tom laying next to her. I whispered to her. "You are feeling very erotic and aroused. You will get dressed but you will not forget the feeling you have now. You will want to fuck me at the first chance you get. You will remember this as a dream. When you are dressed, you will go back into a deep trance next to Tom"

I went over to Beth. "Beth, how do you feel?"

"Very relaxed."

"Beth are you a virgin?"


"Do you enjoy sex."


"Do you like men to look at your body?"


"Take your clothes off and show me your body."

Without hesitation, she stood up and stripped. Her body was perfect. Firm large breasts and a six pack stomach. This girl had something to show off. When she was naked she stood there. "Do you like me looking at your body?"


"Do you like looking at naked men?"

"Not most men."

"Have you ever seen your father naked?"


"Would you like to?"

"I guess it would be interesting."

"Tom, take your clothes off."

He stood up and took his clothes off. He then stood in front of the love seat naked. His penis was small and tight against his balls. "Shirley, put Tom's penis in your mouth and suck it."

She opened her eyes and knelt in front of Tom. She put his shrunken penis in her mouth. It started to grow. Soon it was five inches long and Tom was panting. "Shirley, that is enough. Sit back down."

"Was that interesting?"

"I guess so. I have never seen my parents do anything. Wouldn't that be frustrating for my father?"

"He won't remember." His penis was beginning to wilt.

I didn't know whether Beth would remember. She seemed to be in a deep trance. "Put your hand on his penis." She did and it grew back. She stood there holding Tom's penis. I was wondering what was going through his mind.

"Tom, can you hear me?"

His voice was disembodied. "Yes."

"What is going through your mind?"

"Nothing, I am just enjoying the feeling on my cock."

"Beth, go back and sit down. She dropped his penis.

"Ann, come here." Ann got up and came to me.

"Give Tom a blow job, but stop just before he cums. Take your clothes off first."

Ann, also, was wearing a long skirt and sweater. She quickly took them off and took off her bra and panties. She was now naked. She knelt in front of Tom and took his penis and put it in her mouth. "Rub your clit while you blow Tom."

She did. She started to hmm as she sucked on Tom's cock. I could tell she was getting close to cuming. "Ann stop. Tom lay down on the floor on your back." He did.

"Ann mount Tom and put his cock into your pussy."

She straddled Tom and inserted his cock into her. She then rode him up and down. He lay there with his small pole sticking in the air. Ann was slowly working her self up to an orgasm. I didn't think Tom would cum unless I told him to.

I went over to Beth. "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"

"Yes." This was one active young lady.

"Take the position for me. I am going to fuck you in the ass. When I am fully in you and I tell you, you will have an orgasm. Take the position, now."

She got on all fours on the floor. I pulled my pants down over my now engorged cock. I moistened my cock with her very moist cunt and pushed into her ass. It was tight and terrific. She stayed loose. When I was all the way in and pumping I told her to cum while I massaged her clit. She did so very noisily. I slowly pulled out of her and stood her up from the rear. I led her into the bathroom and wiped away the obvious signs of intercourse.

"Do you know my son Jason?"


"You will call him tomorrow and invite yourself over to the house tomorrow evening. Do you understand?"


"Get dressed."

Ann was still riding Tom. He was erect but otherwise not moving. He was doing a good job of getting Ann ready for me at home.

"Ann you can stop and get dressed and sit where you were. Tom get dressed and sit on the love seat.

Tom got dressed and sprawled on the love seat next to his wife. I whispered in her ear.

"I will call you. You will do exactly what I tell you on the phone. Do you understand?"


I then woke everyone.

They all looked at me. "Tom I think you will find your wife will stop smoking and Beth will study better. How does everybody feel?"

Tom spoke up first. "I feel strange. I'm horny as hell. I can't understand it." He looked at Beth.

"Honey, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"That's all right Dad, I've heard much worse from my friends. I feel strange too. I can't explain it. How do you feel, Mom?"

"Confused, but, I'll talk to your Dad in private."

"Ann, I think we should go home."

"I always feel strange when I go on one of your calls with you. I agree, let's go home." She came up to me and put her arm around me. We made wonderful love that evening.

The next morning I told Jason that Beth would be calling and invite herself over to the house in the evening. Beth called a little while later. Jason got very excited. "It worked, it worked, she is coming over tonight. What will I do?"

"What time is she coming over?"

"Eight o'clock."

"Come get me when she gets here."

"Why, what are you going to do?" Jason looked anxious.

"Help you."

"Help me how?"

"You'll see."

Beth showed up at eight o'clock. She was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She still looked like a young Madonna. "Hello Beth."

"Hello Mike."

At that moment Ann walked in. "Beth, how are you? What brings you here?"

"I came over to see Jason."

"Why don't we all go into the den." I took Beth's hand and led the way to the den. When we were all inside, I closed and locked the door.

"Ann and Beth, go to sleep." They both collapsed where they were standing. Jason stared.

"How did you do that?"

"You read my book."

"I know, but I never thought it really happened."

"I've conditioned you also, since you were a little child."

"I don't believe you."

"Jason, sleep."

I quickly caught him and whispered in his ear. "Stand up and take your pants and shorts off, then you will wake up."

He did. He stared at me when he woke. "So how are you going to prove you can hypnotize me?"

I looked at him. I hadn't seen my son naked in a long time. His penis was huge. "Do you always walk around naked from the waist down?"

He looked down. "Oh, my god. How did you do that? Can you make them do that?" He pointed to Ann and Beth, who lay crumbled on the floor."

"Why, do you want to see your mother naked?"

"If she wouldn't know. Yes. I have fantasized having sex with Mom since I was small. Can you do it?"

"Ann stand up and strip."

She did. I thought Jason's eyes would bug out of his head. His huge hanging cock stopped hanging and stood at attention. Oh, to be eighteen again. His cock was standing straight up. The tip was past his navel.

Ann just stood there. "Can I touch her? Will she know?"

"Not unless I tell her to remember."

Jason went over to Ann, who was standing quite still, and touched her breast. Nothing happened except his cock touched the bottom of her breast. He put his hand on her pussy. "It's dry. I thought she would be aroused."

"Not unless I tell her to react. Ann, you are aroused. Now feel her."

He did. "That's amazing, she is already wet. Can I put it in her?"

"And take it right out?"

"Yes, I promise."


He kneeled in front of Ann and stood up impaling her on his huge cock. I should tell you that Jason is my size, six feet, five inches and Ann is five feet, four inches. Ann's feet left the ground as Jason stood up. He supported her limp body with his hands on her hips.

"That's enough, Jason, put her down."

Jason lifted her up and off his engorged cock. She came off with a plop. His cock was coated with Ann's juices. He lowered her to the floor. His cock continued to stand at attention.

"Jason, sleep." He collapsed. I went to the phone and called Shirley. I knew Tom was at a bowling league.

"Shirley, this is Mike. Are you alone?"


"I want you to come to my house immediately. Will you do that?"

In a monotone. "Yes." I gave her the address. We lived less than a mile from them. I decided to wait for Shirley to arrive. She arrived within five minutes. I went to the door, when I heard the chime. Shirley was standing there.

"I am so confused. I don't know why I am here."

"Shirley, come in. Follow me to our den."

She did. I opened the door and led her in. I again locked the door. She looked at everyone sprawled on the floor or chairs. She especially stared at Jason and Ann. I could see she was starting to panic. "Shirley, sleep."

I caught her as she collapsed. While holding her, I whispered in her ear. "You are getting very aroused. Incredibly aroused. When I put you down you will quickly strip and then stand still and wait to be fucked by Jason."

She quickly took her clothes off and stood still. With all the better looking women, I still found her very erotic looking.

"Beth, stand up and take your clothes off. Jason you should finish undressing." When Jason was naked, Beth was also. Everyone except me was now naked.

"Jason, you can wake up."

Jason looked around. "Who is that and how did she get here?"

"That's Beth's mom and she drove over. She is waiting for you to fuck her."

Jason's cock started to stand at attention, again. "I would much rather do Beth. She is a little old for me."

"You were attracted to your mother."

"Sure, look at the difference and that was a long standing crush." I had to admit that Ann was much more youthful looking than Shirley.

"Well, do what you did with your mother. Poke her and let her go. I'll finish."

"Okay." Jason went up to Shirley and felt her pussy.

"She is sopping." He then bent down and lifted her under the arms and lowered her on his cock, impaling her. She was twenty pounds heavier than Ann and the earlier trick wouldn't have worked. He held her limp body under her large breasts and walked around with her speared by him. Shirley was not reacting.

"Is that enough?"

"Yes, that's enough." He lifted Shirley off his large rod and deposited her on the floor.