Miley and Friends Ch. 11

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I get a scare and Miley makes an offer to Chris.
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Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/27/2015
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Doug has to settle the Renee – Sal problem. Mandy's roommate joins the group and more games are played. Miley reappears with a proposition.

Chapter 11

Doug gets a scare

Tom got in touch with Jerry and offered for him to come and meet Renee. He was less than excited at first. He still seemed to have a bad taste in his mouth from the breakup. I got in touch with him also. He wasn't any more thrilled to hear from me. To me it seemed to be a good sign that he was a little bit jealous.

A few days later I was working in the yard and saw Renee and Jerry out for a stroll together. Renee waved me over.

"We think we might try to make a go of it again."

"I hope it works out for you."

Jerry furrowed his brow. "You've been dating Renee. Why are you giving up on her so easily?"

"Jerry, Renee and I have seen each other occasionally. There was never any discussion of developing anything serious."

"Occasionally, was it? Sleeping together, though."

"Look, Jerry, I've never..."

Renee broke in. "Doug is a good man. He put up with me and my...rigidness, although he wasn't particularly happy with it. No more than you were. Doug has a reputation for treating women right. It still didn't make me any more receptive to...things. But something changed. Doug has been seeing Paris Hilton and..."

"What the hell?"

I held up a hand. "It's a long story, Jerry. We met through a mutual friend and just liked each other. I've learned things from her, but it's not like I have any claim on her, just as I have no claim on Renee. Frankly, I started seeing Renee because I think she is a wonderful, beautiful woman. We have enjoyed each other's company."

Renee clung to Jerry's arm. "Like I said, he is kind and respectful, yet I was about to drive him away, just like I did with you. Then something happened. Mandy came home to stay for a while and he..."

"What? Did you fuck my daughter!? And my wife?"

Renee quickly added "Yes Doug and I were intimate. You already knew that. But when Mandy came home I was afraid she was a...lesbian. There I said the dreaded word. I kept hounding her to tell me about any men in her life, and there were none. She said she had had a couple of bad experiences. All she ever talked about was her girlfriends. I knew that if any man could get through to her it was Doug. Mandy sensed what I wanted to know and flirted with him, all on her own. I begged him to see where she wanted to go with it." She cast her eyes down and spoke in a whisper. "I was desperate to find out if she I said before. And I wanted to know she wouldn't turn out like me. I was just like my mother, and I didn't want her to be like her mother." A tear rolled down her face.

Jerry stood silently.

Renee took a deep breath and continued, "But everything worked out beyond my wildest dreams. We found out Mandy likes both men and women. That's okay with me. And between Doug, Mandy and Chris the wall that surrounded me in bed was broken. I'm free."

Jerry cocked his head thoughtfully, absorbing what he was hearing.

"And, just to prove it I'll tell you that the four of us played pool the other night in Doug's basement. Do you know what we played?"

"Eight ball? How the hell should I know?"

"Strip pool. That got your attention, didn't it? We played strip pool until everyone was stark naked. Me. I did it. And then we went upstairs and did the deed with the lights on, not under the covers. And it was wonderful. I didn't know how much of life I had been missing. I learned a lot from Doug, and from Mandy, too. Yes, she taught me a few things. It's like we learned things together. Jerry, that's why I wanted to see you again, I want another chance. Please. Just a few dates so we can get to know each other again and...well maybe something will come of it. But if not, at least you'll have some reason other than sex."

"Strip pool? With Doug? And Mandy?"

"And Chris. There were four of us. And if you want proof, maybe Doug would let us two go down and play a game right now."

"This isn't the Renee I knew."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Same here. She deserves someone to love and have adventures with. That's not me, although I'm very fond of her. She still loves you, Jerry. Me? I don't know what the hell I'm looking for any more."

"Jerry. How about you come home with me and I'll cook us some dinner and we can talk more."

A very bewildered Jerry followed her down the street. I thought he was going to be in for a big surprise.

With Renee out of the way I had to deal with Sal. She wanted to go on a hike and camp in the woods in the middle of nowhere. I figured I ought to give her a chance and see what happened.

Sal packed two backpacks with gear and we drove a couple of hours to the trailhead.

The terrain was wooded and very hilly. I pride myself on being in shape, but there are different kinds of being in shape. Sal is in hiking shape. She can tackle a long steep grade and not get the least bit winded. I can lift weights, but hills wear me out.

She picked a spot where we could watch the sun set behind the mountains to our west. She is a whiz at putting up a tent. I can make a fire and help cook on a one burner camp stove.

The thing about camping out in the wild is that there isn't a lot to stay up for, so we turned in shortly after dark. In the single sleeping bag we shared my other kind of being in shape kicks in. We can go at it half the night. She is small, but a dynamo. There isn't much fat on her, so she's not as soft as some women, but her breasts are very sensitive, even if they are rather tiny. Talk about a roll in the hay! We roll around a lot. I try to get in a few licks on her, and that ramps her up. She loves my finger play inside her. She loves it when I take an entire breast in my mouth. She loves it when I ram into her hard. She lets me set the pace for a while and then rolls us over so she can be on top. She can really hump. One good thing about us together is that we each keep going until the other comes. If she comes first she still humps hard on me. If I come first I keep thrusting until she comes.

There is often a 'second course' of activity. Oh, man. Her second one is often huge. I help build her up to it by exposing her small, glistening clit and tonguing it until she can't stand it and goes completely wild.

After two climaxes we cuddle, but she sometimes dives down and teases me with her tongue. Occasionally she can coax a third one out of me, but it's usually weak and she takes it all in her mouth. There are times I'll finger her into a third one. So, even though we turn in early we are usually up late.

In New York or Paris I never noticed the traffic noise at night. Camping out in the woods I hear all sorts of strange sounds that keep me awake. I'll think we're about to be eaten by a bear, but she'll laugh and tell me which animal is crashing through the underbrush. She knows them all by their calls and how they walk or run through the woods. I'm ready to build a huge fire right in front of the tent to keep them at bay, but she caresses my cheek, kisses me and laughs.

By the time we make it back to the car by a different trail I'm exhausted. She's all pep and energy, but I sleep for the entire drive home.

Sal likes me a lot, and I like her. But I can't see spending the rest of my life with her. The sex is great, but we are so different. Of course, Paris and I are different, too. So, why do I feel so opposite about them? Differences can be exciting, but Sal and I are on different tracks. Paris and I are on different tracks, too, yet somehow it doesn't seem to matter.

Damn. Life is complicated. I wish I had an easy answer. I wish I didn't think about Paris all the time. I wish Tom and Renee had never mentioned about the love thing. I wish Renee hadn't challenged me.

It didn't take long for Renee and Jerry to reconnect. I was pleased for them both. Jerry seemed like a new man, and Renee seemed to exude a new sense of confidence.

Mandy finally got a public relations job locally and moved into her own apartment. Her father helped her with a down payment and she promised to keep up the monthly rent. Of course, like most young people, she completely underestimated how much it costs to live alone. Chris liked the apartment and the fact that he could spend weekends with her without me or her parents around.

I continued to see Sal, but was dogged by the nagging thought that I really belonged with Paris. Sal sensed a certain distance with me and we finally had a good sit-down talk. She wanted to continue to see me, but realized that nothing was going to come of it. I encouraged her to shop around. Certainly she could meet someone who shared her outdoor interests at REI or someplace like that. In the meantime she thought an occasional roll in the hay with me would be good, too.

Chris called me at work one day. He said Mandy had decided that she needed a roommate to share costs. He had offered, but she thought another girl would be best for living arrangements. I told him that was probably wise, because if they roomed together and then their relationship went south she would be stuck again. He said he understood, but hoped it didn't cramp his style for her to have a roommate around. That is, unless the roommate wanted to play, too.

I told him my basement pool table was always available, and he laughed. Then he got serious. "Do you know who her roommate is going to be? Heather. She got a job with the same PR firm as Mandy so they'll have the same schedules and can even ride together to work."

"That sounds ideal."

"Maybe. Heather is moving in this weekend and Saturday evening they're going to celebrate."

"Sounds like fun."

He paused. "You know that Heather was her roommate in college, right? I've heard about some of the things they did together and I think you may have, also."

"She told some sketchy details. Oh, I see. You're afraid that Heather is going to monopolize Mandy."

"Something like that. But there's a chance to change that a bit. Mandy invited me over to meet Heather. She said maybe Heather could learn some new things, too."

"Sounds like a plan."

"She wants you to come, too."

"Me? I'd just be the old man in the group. I'd feel like odd man out."

"Mandy doesn't think so. She is excited for you and Heather to meet."

I was less than thrilled. How would that sit with Renee and Jerry? On the other hand it could take my mind off a certain other woman. I thought honesty was the best policy, so I called Renee and explained the situation. She thought it would be a wonderful idea. I told her to talk it over with Jerry.

Thursday evening Renee called and said she and Jerry had discussed the situation and decided that Mandy was an adult and could make her own decisions. Mandy wasn't living with them anymore. I'm not sure Jerry was one hundred percent behind the idea, but he went along with Renee's instinct since he really hadn't had much real contact with Mandy and realized that she wasn't a little girl any more.

Saturday evening Chris and I drove together to Mandy's apartment. The girls had ordered pizza and laid in a supply of beer. While we ate and talked I could see Heather sizing up me and Chris. She didn't look real excited to have us there. For my part I tried to get a read on her. She was about as tall as Mandy but not quite so slender – just a bit curvier with slightly wider hips and a bit more in the bust. She had short blonde hair and long, elegant fingers with manicured nails. Both girls wore shorts so I could discern that Heather's legs also were shapely.

After we ate Mandy took us to the apartment community center where there was a ping pong table. Mandy and Heather challenged Chris and I. I hadn't played ping pong in years, although I used to be pretty good. Chris had quick reflexes, so I thought we would have a good match of doubles.

The girls did everything but wipe the floor with us. We played three games and the girls won all three quite handily. Mandy said "Too bad this is such a public place or we could play strip ping pong."

"Well, I can guess how that would turn out."

The games had loosened up the atmosphere a bit, although I still could see Heather would have preferred to have Mandy alone. Mandy was determined to show us off to Heather.

Back at the apartment Mandy pulled Heather aside and conferred with her. Heather scowled a bit as she glanced over toward where Chris and I sat. Whatever they talked about Heather reluctantly agreed to.

Heather sat on the edge of a chair and Mandy stood in the middle of the room. "I'm sure you guys are up for another game. Since we couldn't play strip ping pong we'll play strip dominoes."

Chris said "What the hell is that?"

Heather said "It's a game Mandy and I used to play a lot. Just the two of us, though. No guys. Ever. It wasn't intended for guys."

Mandy further explained "Sometimes we'd be bored and play the game to create a little excitement. Heather isn't used to playing with guys, as you probably surmised. Not that she's ashamed of her body or anything, but she doesn't see how guys can fit into the game after clothes are off. I think she is in for a big surprise."

Mandy went to her room and came back with a box of dominoes. Chris said "I've never played dominoes before. I'm afraid I don't know how."

Both girls laughed. "You don't have to know how to play. We have our own rules, and they're not complicated."

Mandy pulled the coffee table out from in front of the sofa so we could all sit on the floor around it. She dumped the tiles onto the table, turned them all face down and mixed them up. She picked up one tile to show it to Chris and me. "Here's our rules. Each person draws a domino and lays it face up in front of them. The tiles have dots on both ends, see? There's anywhere from one to six dots on each end. Some of the tiles have dots only on one end and the other end is blank. There is also one with two blanks. When you draw a tile with dots on both ends you're safe, no matter what the number of dots is. If one end is blank you have to take something off. If you get the double blank you take two things off. Just like strip pool, when someone is naked there are forfeits. We have sort of created a list of forfeits of increasing daring. We'll modify the list a bit to accommodate you guys."

Chris and I sat opposite each other and the girls were likewise seated. Mandy chose first and drew a one – five. Chris pulled a double three. Heather drew a two-six, and I got a four – five.

Next round Mandy gat a double six, Chris a three – four, Heather a two – three, and I got a five – blank. Mandy clapped. "You start, Doug. Take something off." I removed my shirt.

Next round we all got numbers, but the following one Mandy and Chris got blanks. Each removed a shirt.

Chris drew another blank and took off his pants. Heather got the double blank. She stood and locked eyes with Mandy as she seductively removed her shirt and pushed down her shorts, revealing a skimpy bra and thong panties. Now I saw that she also had an exceptional rear.

All the tiles were returned to the pile and mixed up again. On the first two rounds Mandy lost her shirt and shorts and Heather lost her bra, revealing breasts larger and rounder than Mandy's. Her areolas were large and pale pink, but with smallish nipples.

I lost my undershirt and pants and Heather her panties. She displayed neatly trimmed pubic hair that covered her mound but nothing else. The next round Mandy and Chris drew all numbers, but Heather drew another blank.

Mandy rubbed her hands together. "If it's just the two of us we know what to do, but here we must decide who will give Heather her forfeit. Heather, draw again and lay it sideways in front of you and flip it over for us to see." Heather drew a six on the left side and a three on the right. "High number on the left. Doug, you're up. First forfeit – feel her tits."

Heather looked annoyed, but turned toward me. I cupped and gently fondled each one and gently rubbed a thumb over each nipple. Heather looked surprised. Mandy caught the look. "Told you, girl. Not what you expected, huh? You're in for a treat."

I drew a blank immediately and lost my underwear. Mandy said "I see you're really into this game. Maybe we can do something about it soon."

We went two more rounds before Mandy lost her bra. Heather drew another double blank. She stared at it as if she could make spots appear. "Well, roomie you get two forfeits, so there's no need to draw for who does it. You get them both! Guys, lick her tits and play with her pussy. Your choice for who does what." Heather glared at Mandy with an 'I'll get you' look.

Chris asked me which I wanted. I suggested he to take the top this time and I'd take below. Surreptitiously I signaled for him to take it easy and he nodded understanding. Mandy suggested "Maybe you'd be more comfortable on the floor, girl." Heather sighed and stretched out on her back on the carpet. Chris moved in to lick her nipples and gently pull on them with his lips. I laid a hand on her sex and stroked the exterior until her labia began to swell. Only then did I press a finger into the soft, yielding flesh. I watched her face for reaction as I probed for the clit and circled her vaginal entrance. I had just started massaging her labia when Mandy called time.

"Still think it's a bad idea to invite guys?"

Heather sat up and I caught her quick finger into herself. Mandy lost her panties, and Chris immediately lost his underwear, so we were all in forfeit mode.

The tiles were mixed once again. Chris drew the first blank. As Heather had to do he drew another and laid it sideways in front of him. Four towards Mandy and two towards Heather.

"Sorry you don't get payback just yet, Heather. Let's see, Chris. How about we start you out easy?" She reached over and grasped Chris in her fist. She pumped a couple of times and then let go of it so she could tease it with her fingertips and make it twitch. "I love being able to make it do tricks!"

Mandy lost next and Chris had to do a breast feel on her. She sighed when he tugged on a nipple.

When I lost Heather was given the opportunity to pay me back. She obviously had no idea what to do with a penis, but tried to emulate what Mandy had done. When her touch left the more sensitive area I gently guided her hand back underneath. I watched her eyes as she studied what she was doing and my reaction to it.

When Heather lost again she claimed the tiles were rigged against her. "You'll be glad you lost in a minute. Doug, eat her. Eat her good." Heather was aghast. "I know you've never had a guy do it to you, but keep an open mind. I think you'll like it."

Heather leaned back on her arms and spread her legs while she scowled at me. I kissed up and down her thighs before approaching the target. Her labia were still a bit swollen from earlier. I kissed them like a mouth and only used a little tongue at first. I played around her entrance and she began to gush. I sucked on her labia, working upward toward her clitoral hood. When I sucked on it to draw out the nub she arched her back and her eyes went wide as the scowl left her face. Mandy, across the table from her, grinned.

I continued, waiting for time to be called, but Mandy apparently wanted Heather to experience more, so I continued. I tugged on her labia with my lips and used the flat of my tongue on every surface I could reach. When I sucked on her clit again she tensed and then went completely rigid. Her breath became shallow and I felt pulsing within her and fluid escaped her vagina. I made sure to lick it up so it didn't wet the rug. Mandy finally called time.

"Getting better, isn't it, roomie? Lots to learn here."

Chris drew another blank and Mandy was the one designated to attend to him. Heather glared at her and told her to do what she imagined to be the unthinkable. "I'm going to get you back right now. Lick him. I dare you."