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"Alice?" said Ben, "if you get to fuck the twins, would you - could you - take them both at once?"

Alice laughed, a laugh I could feel all the way though to her pussy. "Funny you should ask that, Ben, because I've been wondering that myself. I think the answer is probably yes, but I won't do anal, so it would have be blow one while the other fucks me."

"Could be fun. What about sharing them with another woman?"

"Yes, I could do that. Maybe your mom, or my sister Jenny. She's already hinted to me that she'd be willing."

So, she'd share the twins with me, would she? I thought I'd probably enjoy that, a lot, in fact. I don't know if it was the talk, or my lips and tongue on her pussy - probably both - but Alice's breathing had begun to quicken, and I didn't think it would be long before she came again, for I'd learned earlier that Alice was quick to climax.

And quick she was again, but this time when she came it was with a soft, shuddering, drawn out 'yes', not the strangled scream she'd stifled when she came with Ben's lovely cock in her pussy. I eased back, sitting back on my heels and Alice blew me a kiss, her eyes warm.

"Thank you, Sarah," she murmured, her voice soft, a little hoarse.

"My pleasure," I said.

Alice shook her head. "Our pleasure," she said, not a trace of doubt in her voice.

I nodded. "Ours."

"Mom?" said Ben, beside us.

"Yes?" I said, turning to look at him. He gestured to his cock, hard again.

"I think Alice wants to watch me nail you, so how do you want me?"

Before I could answer, Alice spoke up. "Alice definitely does want to watch, and Alice would like it if you sat on the couch and took Sarah from behind, so I can watch that lovely cock working its magic." She grinned, winking at me. "And maybe get in a lick or two of my own."

I laughed and turned back to Ben. "Sounds good to me, honey."

"Me, too, Mom, but it could be tricky if Alice wants to get her mouth into play. I think it might be best if we just kneel. I'll take you from behind, 'cause we both know it's good, and Alice can lie on her back and see it all from close up."

Alice grinned. "That works for me," she said, and wriggled round so that her head was under my pussy. "Just testing the range," she murmured, and I felt the soft touch of her tongue on my labia.

"Got it in one, sweetheart," I said, and looked across at Ben. "Your harem is ready for you, stud."

"So I see," he said, grinning, and moving to kneel behind me. "Ready, Alice?"


"Ready, SexySarah?"

"Always ready for this," I said, stifling a gasp as I felt the blunt head of his cock begin to enter me, slow and steady, pausing, retreating, where I wasn't quite wet enough for him to get completely into me, coming back again until all of him that would fit was inside me.

"Oh, fuck," said Alice, a touch of awe in her voice, "that looks absolutely awesome from here, being this close to it, just seeing the way your pussy adjusts to accommodate Ben's cock."

I laughed. "Well, as you now know, sweetie, his cock feels pretty awesome in a girl's pussy, too."

"Oh, yes!"

Ben's hips began to move, his lovely cock moving in and out of me, increasingly freely as my juices flowed, aided by the soft work of Alice's tongue, not only on my pussy, but on Ben's cock as well. With so much stimulation, I knew I would be quick to climax, and wondered how close Ben would be, but I knew that he'd keep going, and maybe I might come twice. Then I had a thought. Alice hadn't had Ben come in her mouth, at least, not yet she hadn't.

"Ben? Alice? The two of you've got me so hot that it won't be very long before I climax. When I do, pull back, Ben, I'll get out of the way, then the two of you can sixty-nine. Okay?"

"Sounds good to me, Mom," said Ben, giving me an extra-long stroke of his cock.

"And me," said Alice, her voice tense, hoarse, with excitement.

It wasn't long, not long at all, and a deep thrust from Ben, a long lick from Alice, took me over the edge into the agony and ecstasy of orgasm. It was long moments before I could move, and then, as I'd promised, I eased myself forwards, and off Ben's lovely cock, collapsing sideways to lie beside Alice as she lifted her head and swallowed him, even as his own head dipped between her legs. A thought came to me.

I knew Ben wouldn't be long in reaching his own climax, and wondered if he could bring Alice off before he did. I needn't have worried, because Alice was very responsive, as I'd discovered myself, earlier, and her body shook as her climax hit her, just as Ben's orgasm blasted his jizz into her eager mouth, her throat working as she swallowed.

We were all breathing heavily for a while, recovering our equilibrium, but we all recovered in due course.

"Either of you as sticky as me?" I said, and Alice laughed.

"You know I am! Something in mind, SexySarah?"

"Just getting clean, and then let's see about having something to eat." I glanced at my watch, still the only thing I was wearing. Almost seven-thirty. "I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry!"

"Yeah!" said Ben, echoed by Alice.

"Okay, then. Everything's ready, so it just needs setting out, and then us and our appetites. Tally-ho, guys!"

We didn't dress to eat after our thoroughly enjoyable shared shower, of course. What was the point? We all planned on more loving and, in any case, Ben liked to see our bare breasts and Alice and I were happy for him to see them. We were quite content to chat about anything and everything as we ate, slurped the half-melted ice-cream we had for dessert, and loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and set it away. That done, we took the last of our wine into the sitting-room and slumped onto the couch - Ben in the middle, of course. He glanced at his watch.

"Almost nine," he said. "What's bed-time?"

"Whenever you like," I said, laughing. "Why? Got some plans for us?"

He gave us a wry smile. "Much as I'd like to, my lovely, lovable ladies, I don't think I have it in me to go again tonight. What I thought was, sit and chat for a while, then maybe a last swim, then a shower and then we'd hit the sack. Together, of course.

"In the morning I should have recovered enough to make love to you both before breakfast, then maybe another time for each of you before Alice has to leave."

"Which needn't be until late afternoon," said Alice, smiling happily. "Plenty of time for you to get your second wind."

"Okay, then," said Ben. "Just chat, or maybe watch TV or a video?"

Alice giggled. "The only video I'd be interested in right now would be one of you and me, Ben, and we don't have one."

"Not yet," Ben replied, laughing, "but we could maybe borrow Mom's office and use the webcam? Mom?"

"Okay by me," I said, laughing too, "but only if I can watch."

Alice giggled again."You can always play with Ben II, while Ben I plays with me!" She sobered suddenly. "If we do, can I have a copy?"

"Of course," said Ben.

"And it's when, not if," I added. "Planning to show the boys?" I asked, keeping my voice gentle.

Alice blushed, and shrugged. "I don't know. Mostly it's for me and my dildo."

"Okay by me if you do," said Ben, "but you don't want to make them jealous. I don't want to have to keep looking over my shoulder," he added, laughing.

"Perhaps after you've had them, let them know where you got the idea, maybe?" I said.

"Maybe," said Alice, "but weren't we going to just sit and chat for a while?"

"We were indeed. So, who's for another bottle of wine? Ah. Typical. All of us. Ben? Would you do the honors?"

"On my way, Mom!"

Again, we talked about anything and everything. Everything, that is, except sex. We all knew it was better to experience than to talk about, but we enjoyed our domestic trivia. It could have been any domestic sitting room, except I don't think most of the others would have everyone sitting about naked. Although, thinking about it, it wouldn't surprise me if Carol, Tony and Tina spent some time that way.

We finished the wine just after ten-thirty, and I quickly washed and dried the glasses. We'd decided to forgo the swim and eleven o'clock saw us all washed, teeth brushed, and ready for bed. Looking back on it, after shared goodnight kisses, each of us kissing the other two goodnight, I doubt it was eleven-twenty before we were all asleep.

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear, with the promise of another hot day. I lay for a moment, cosy under the single sheet which had been more than adequate cover for the three of us, then looked across at the others. Alice was lying awake and winked at me, then blew me a kiss. I blew her one back, of course, and we turned to Ben. Still asleep. Alice mimed teeth-brushing at me. I nodded, and we eased ourselves out of bed, moving cautiously so as not to disturb Ben, and made our way into my bathroom. I closed the door, and turned to Alice.

"Sleep well, sweetheart?"

She grinned. "What do you think? Best night's sleep in ages. Nothing like good, hot, sweaty sex to guarantee a good night's sleep."

I laughed. "Right, definitely the best guarantee. Okay, let's make our mouths nice and fresh and go kiss Ben good morning."


"Anything else occur to you?" I said, fighting a giggle.

Alice grinned, vividly. "Yes! Get him hard, then one of us can ride his cock, and the other his face!"

I paused, my answering smile wide, then, "Tallyho!"

Poor Ben didn't stand a chance, and barely knew what hit him. He woke to find two mature, naked women licking his cock to a formidable erection, then sitting back on their heels, grinning at him, both faces slightly flushed, both sets of nipples erect. I couldn't speak for Alice, of course, but if her nipples felt anything like mine, they were almost aching.

Ben recovered quickly, and drew each of us into his embrace for a kiss, a hot kiss. Not a long kiss, but the heat might have blistered something, if it got loose.

"And a good morning to you, too, my lovelies. Do I detect a purpose behind my wonderful awakening?"

"We need a man to satisfy our itches, and neither of us wants to wait for the other," I said.

"So we thought one of us could ride your face, and the other your cock," added Alice.

Ben's smile was wide. "Do I choose, or do you?"

"Alice?" I said, "Ben's cock?"

"Please," she said. "You'll have him tonight, and I have to go home this afternoon."

"Ladies," said Ben, laughing, "I think I can promise each of you my cock before Alice needs to leave!"

"Let's not take chances," I said, trying desperately not to giggle and spoil the moment.

"Of course not," said Ben, fighting to keep his own face straight, "that wouldn't do at all." He gestured. "Shall we begin?"

"Probably easier if you get in place first, Sarah," said Alice, "then I can slide my pussy down Ben's cock." She grinned, raising her eyebrows in invitation.

I nodded. "Sounds about right to me," I said. "Ready, Ben?"

He grinned. "Always."

I laughed and moved to straddle him, shuffling forward, legs spread, so that I was in range of Ben's talented tongue. "Test the range?"

His tongue came out, and he urged me forward a couple of inches, until I could feel his tongue lapping the full length of my slit. I laughed. "Guess I'm in range, huh?"

"Spot on, SexySarah."

I turned to Alice. "Okay, honey, climb aboard." I felt the bed move as Alice straddled Ben's legs and shuffled forwards, and then lowered herself onto Ben's rock-hard cock, a soft moan coming from her as she sank the last inch or two, until her bottom was resting comfortably on Ben.

"Okay, my darlings, I'm in place and, Ben? You feel fucking great. I'm going to miss your cock, lover."

"You think I'm not going to miss your pussy, Alice? Get real."

A soft chuckle came from behind me. "You'll only miss me until the next time you have Sarah."

Ben laughed. "Good point, sweetheart, but I promise to miss you, okay?"

"You do that," said Alice, "but right now, I want you to stay on target, okay?" She was fighting a giggle, I was sure.

"Yes, ma'am," said Ben.

Behind me, I felt Alice begin to move, her pussy moving easily on Ben's hardness, and his tongue began to take me on my own journey to climax. I laughed inwardly - this might be morally wrong, my own son making love to me, but by God, I was enjoying it!

Alice came first. I think - no, I was sure - that she'd been fingering herself even while she rode Ben's cock. Ben was next, his own climax triggered by Alice's, but even as the explosions went on behind me, his tongue never stopped working on my pussy and my own climax was only seconds after Ben's.

Alice's arms came around me as we calmed down after our release, and I felt her lips on my back.

"I love you, Sarah Tellman, and I love you, too, Ben Tellman. The two of you have given me more pleasure in the last two days than I've had for ages."

"We love you, too, Alice," said Ben.

"Yes, we do," I said, "and anytime you need that sexual frustration itch scratched, you just get in touch. You hear me?"

"I hear you, ma'am," said Alice, laughing. "Don't worry, if needs be, I won't hesitate." She paused for a moment, then gave a soft laugh. "I think you're about to slip out, Ben, so I think I'd better ease off you, lover. Are we showering together? I mean, all three of us?"

"Of course," I said. "Okay with you, Ben?"

"You need to ask? Yes, of course, especially if it means I have tits and pussies to wash."

"Four of the first, and two of the second, sweetheart, just as soon as we're in the shower," I said, fighting yet another giggle.

"Am I a lucky boy, or am I a lucky boy?" said Ben, with a laugh. "Okay, ladies, let this boy up and we'll hie ourselves into SexySarah's nice big shower."

The shower was fun as we soaped and tickled each other, and yes, Ben gave extra special attention to tits and pussies. Finished, we all dried off on big, fluffy towels I had laid out ready. I turned to the others.

"Breakfast? Bacon, egg and toast, or just cereal, and maybe toast to follow? Choices, please?"

"Are we getting dressed, or staying naked?" said Ben

"Naked! Until I have to leave, please." Alice's very tone was a plea.

"If we're staying naked, Mom, just cereal and toast for me," said Ben. "I don't want any chance of hot fat splattering that gorgeous skin of yours." He grinned at me, and I laughed.

"Okay, naked it is. Toast and cereal coming up. Ben, get the coffee on, please."

"Sure, Mom. Coffee coming up!"

After breakfast, the three of us sat and chatted for a while, talking generally about anything and everything. Again, except sex, for some reason. Funny, considering that we were all naked and Alice and I had only recently shared Ben's sexual favors, and were planning to do so again, but we stayed off the subject of sex. Well, for a while we did. I could see a thoughtful look on Alice's face and wondered why, so I took the easy route. I asked her!

"Alice, love, you have your thoughtful look on again. What is it this time?"

She laughed. "Am I so transparent? Well, I know it's your turn next for Ben's cock, but I was thinking of what we were saying earlier, about filming it. You know, on the webcam, with you controlling the camera, so that Ben and I can concentrate on each other. It's not fair to you, I know but I'll have to be going in a couple of hours, so how about it? You get Ben to yourself tonight, anyway."

"Yes, I do, don't I? Okay, then. Fine by me, sweetheart. Do you want to act it out, or just go straight for the sex? Ben? What's your take?"

"Well, I've always liked a bit of the amateur dramatics, so maybe set it up and act? Alice? Any thoughts?" I think Ben was trying not to laugh. Alice pondered for a moment or two, and then grinned.

"How about this? Ben? Have you any sex magazines? Illustrated? Something that those twins of mine might want to masturbate over?"

Ben nodded. "Yeah, a couple of old ones. I haven't felt the need to buy any for a couple of years, since I started having sex in reality rather than imagination."

Alice smiled, almost feral. "How about this, then? You're naked, sitting on the couch in Sarah's office. You have a magazine, open at some relevant page, and you're just about to start masturbating. Okay so far?"

Ben nodded, grinning. "No problems with the plot so far."

Alice nodded. "Okay, then I come in, fully dressed, and 'catch you in the act'. I tell you not to waste it, that you should save it for a real woman, and you challenge me to 'put up, or shut up'. I act coy and reluctant, until you pull me into your arms and kiss me, and start to undress me, and I go from reluctant to full cooperation in about three nano-seconds."

"Might be fun," said Ben, "but I think I have a better idea. How about I challenge you, and you put on a really sexy strip-tease for me. If the twins see it, their imaginations will put them in my place, watching their mother strip for them. Of course, once we're both naked, we fuck like a couple of sex-starved mink."

Alice laughed. "Delete Alice Jensen scenario. Substitute Ben Tellman scenario."

"And I get to watch it all, and film it as well," I said. "Tell you this, I'm keeping a copy!"

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't," said Alice, with a mile-wide grin. "Okay, then. Sarah? Which clothes should I wear?"

"No contest! Your green mini 'fuck-me' dress."


"Yep! The full works, stockings and everything. Come on,, let's you and me go get you ready. Ben, honey? Can you find a suitable magazine?"

"Absolutely! SexySarah, Mom? This will probably drain me for the moment. You and me? Sorry, but ... "

"But you and I will watch the video together later and then act out our own version! Don't worry, honey. I'll be getting everything I want today." I blew him a kiss and turned to Alice. "Come on, sweetheart, let's get you dressed for your role."

Which didn't take long. High on the thigh, grip-top black stockings, her thong, the skimpy bra, and the dress. Alice ran a comb through her hair, and freshened up her mouth with mouthwash, and renewed her lipstick. She winked at me.

"I love to see a nice, hard cock with a lipstick tidemark!"

I laughed. "Absolutely. And then to have that lovely, hard cock slide slowly into your pussy ... "

"Hush," said Alice, "or else I'll be soaking my thong. Again!"

"Can't have that, can we? Give me a slow count of one hundred, and then come into the office, ready for your performance, okay?"

Alice reached out and hugged me, then nodded as she released me. "Okay, Sarah." She paused, then gave me a wicked smile. "I think I might rewrite the script a little, so warn Ben. I always wanted to try out my aggressive side!"

Fighting a giggle, I nodded. "I'll tell him."

"Okay, Sarah, counting now! One, two, three ... "

I hurried back to the office, quickly adjusted the web-cam setup, then nodded to Ben. He held up a magazine, open to a double-page spread of a woman about to take her man in her mouth. And when I say woman, she was no young girl but looked to be about thirty-five or forty. Interesting, Ben was into older women even back then.

"If you sit at the far end of the couch, honey? Let Alice 'catch' you?" I grinned at him. "Alice might just change the script a little, so watch out for Aggressive Alice, okay?"

He looked startled for a moment, then grinned. "Okay, SexySarah, assuming the position." He laid the magazine down next to his leg, still open at the photo, and leaned back slightly, resting comfortably in the corner of the couch, his firm erection lightly clasped in his hand, and I checked the web-cam setup. Perfect! Full-frame, wide screen, plenty of room for two in the shot. I heard Alice's heels in the hallway.

"Okay, Ben, action!" I said and he grinned at me and began to stroke his cock, just as Alice came into the room.