MILF Island

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A parody of love island involving mature wives.
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"I can't believe it... I got in!"

My heart sank as I could only imagine what my wife's latest hare brained scheme to make easy money was.

"Into what?" I asked dreading the answer.

"The reality TV show I told you about, I passed the audition and I'm in, I can't believe it."

"Ermm, what was the name of the show again?"

"Well they hadn't finalised it at the audition, but the letter refers to 'Temptation Island.'

"Woa, wait a minute, I don't like the sound of that, do you know what's involved?"

"It doesn't give a lot of detail, but I know the final two people win £200k each, the TV audience vote people out. Imagine it £200k easy money... it's life changing!"

"There is no such thing as easy money and it seems odd that they would pick a mature married woman for that show."

"The other women at the auditions were all my age, I don't think it is just me. They suggested it was based on Adam and Eve and we have to face temptations; it sounded like good fun."

"If it's called 'Temptation Island' that's going to involve sex; please just stop and think it through, this is a totally crazy thing to do."

"Don't be daft, it will be easy to avoid that type of temptation, I have you after all."

"I wouldn't be so confident, they will have planned for that and they edit those shows to scandalise as much as possible; it could go 'tits up' very quickly. Even if you don't do anything wrong, they can still make you look bad in the edits."

"Don't do that Rob, you're always putting my ideas down and I worked really hard for the audition."

I had a suspicion I knew why Karen had done so well at the audition. She was an extrovert which would keep the audience attention and she was attractive. Pretty when she was younger, she seemed to just get hotter and hotter over the years. Now in her mid 40's she had a voluptuous figure, it was a perfect hourglass and the weight that she did put mostly ended up on her breasts, she was now a 38dd, 28, 36. That was complimented by long dark hair, which was streaked with auburn highlights which framed her gorgeous face. I was biased but knew I wasn't alone, she nearly always drew second glances from guys of all ages. Thankfully she seemed a bit oblivious to the impact she had on most of the male population.

We continued to discuss it but she was absolutely adamant she wanted to do the show. In the end I reminded her than anything inappropriate or 'over the top' would have serious repercussions for us. Again she dismissed my fears, saying there was absolutely nothing to worry about.


It seemed like no time at all before she signed off all the contracts and waivers, refusing to get any legal advice. She was jetting off to the island for filming and due to be away for two months. No contact would be allowed once the contestants were inside the villa on the island other than through the show's producers.

It was a couple of days later when I saw the adverts for 'Lust Island', I guessed 'Temptation Island' just wasn't salacious enough. There on screen was my wife looking stunning, alongside six other equally beautiful 'mature' women; their names and ages were displayed in the graphics ranging from 42 to 53. My heart sank and than sank again at the next adverts, the studs were a bunch of ridiculously good looking guys aged 23 to 29 and there were eleven of them!

The follow up adverts pitched the trials: could the women resist the attentions of the young studs, there would be dares, games and challenges to test them. Then there was a big push encouraging viewers to vote for thier favourites.

I had to turn my phone off, I was getting that many calls and texts asking if it really was Karen on the show. I wondered if she had known the format all along. I suspected she knew more than she told me but not all of it. In the villa they would be shielded from the outside world, so the producers could go all out with the setup and innuendo's... sex sells after all.


I sat down to watch the first show, it started with introductions and background, I even got a mention from Karen, "I've been happily married to Rob for 18 years." Karen looked absolutely stunning, the make-up artists and fashion teams must have spent a fortune, she looked immaculate, her skin and hair flawless; whilst the outfits really accentuated her figure.

The first show finished with a drinks party, it was uncomfortable watching Karen greet all of the young guys with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't see any way this was going to end well, other than hoping she got voted out quickly.

That seems less and less likely as the shows continued, the camera's honed in on Karen and another stunning blonde woman called Rachel. The guys seem to flock to them and they took the attention; no doubt Karen would claim the flirting was all tactics and part of the show.

She definitely had a brand new wardrobe, in the first few days she went from looking awkward in a modest swimsuit and wrap, to looking far too comfortable swanning around in a series of revealing bikini's which I hadn't seen before. Friends, colleagues, everyone in fact, were getting a good view of my wife's assets.

The conversation between the women focused on what would be involved in the show, no doubt they would be tempted and compromised but he prize would be worth it. The guys conversations were different, it was almost all focused on how hot the women were, their various merits and who they would like to get to know. They kept it just about clean enough, but the sub text was obvious. The camera kept cutting to a shot of Karen's cleavage as the guys commented on the women having a lot to offer. It appeared they were trying to get close to the women more likely to stay voted in.

The women seemed to have a difficult juggling act, giving up things too easily might be a vote killer whilst acting like a nun and dismissing all advances could have the same effect. The hook of the show was the angst and jeopardy of the wives virtue, I suspected it was going to be well beyond awkward.

A few days in and the games started, there was some sports events which had everyone moving about in swim wear. Several of the women only just held onto their modesty, including Karen whose bikini looked like it was never going to cope with the strain as she was running about. The producers made sure to include lots of slow motion and repeat shots.

After the first games, the wives seemed to relax, their conversations became more focused on the merits of the different guys, especially when they were watching them work out. They slipped into suggestive comments along the lines of 'not minding a good workout'. The guys ramped up the flirting, often pulling the wives aside for one on one chats.

The show must have been rating well, as the producers kept asking me to be filmed watching the show, along with the other husbands. I politely declined, by politely, I mean I told them to fuck off! Then they started offering money, it quickly escalated to £10k, but I still refused; it would obviously make us look like a right bunch of losers.

By this time I was getting loads of stick at work, the guys kept posting bikini pictures of Karen in the office, I laughed it all off but I wasn't happy. I could hardly switch my phone on due to the volume of calls and messages. In addition the press were now repeatedly knocking at my door.

The fancy dress party was the next awkward challenge, the women all had to wear sexy costumes, Karen's was a very revealing French Maid's outfit. The micro skirt left her seamed fishnet stockings fully on display, whilst the top barely contained her tits; an apron, maids cap and towering heels finished the look. The guys eyes were on stalks and I couldn't blame them. Karen and Catherine who was in a tight fitting satin bunny girl costume were drawing most of the attention. The guys were equally skimpily dressed in a range of uniforms with shorts and chests showing. As the drink flowed the flirting ramped up significantly. There was quite a lot of touching and messing around and a few quick kisses towards the end of the night.

Then the show announced that the women had to 'couple up' by choosing a partner. Those not chosen would leave the villa, so four of the guys would miss out. As a result the guys were pitching hard to be chosen, pulling the women for chats and making various drinks and snacks for them. Karen had at least three guys chasing her including Daniel, a very handsome 27 year old who remained very close to her throughout the fancy dress party.

I was getting loads of messages from friends asking what was happening. The most annoying call was Karen's mother, she had never liked me and asked me what on earth she was up to. When she followed that up by suggesting that I must have encouraged her for the money, I lost it!

"I have no idea what your daughter is doing acting like a slut on national TV; and I had absolutely no say in the matter, maybe she just takes after you!"

I regretted it as soon as I said it, the pressure must be really getting to me. I managed to get out for a couple of drinks with my mates. They confirmed their disbelief in Karen being involved and her actions. It was good to have some support and feel like I wasn't going crazy for a short period. My mate Dave knew someone, whose brother's friend was a solicitor and said he'd pass on his details in case I needed them. We ended the night prematurely as I was getting strange looks from the other regulars in the pub.

In the big Friday night episode, the wives had to pick a guy to couple up with. Karen chose Daniel, he smiled walked up and kissed her, Karen just managed to turn to her cheek slightly before taking his had a leading him back to the seating. The four guys left over were sent home from the villa immediately.

The new couples had to share a bed, the first night looked awkward. Some of the wives put pillows between them and the guys and the clips showed all of them sleeping well apart. That didn't last, over the next few nights the pillows disappeared; everyone was laughing and joking at lights out and they all looked very comfortable with each other. The night-time sleeping clips showed the couples closer together with some spooning.

Each of the couples went on a date, the all too friendly and flirting conversations were broadcast. Karen again looked stunning in a figure hugging leather pencil skirt and silk blouse. I was struggling to convince myself Karen was playing the part for the show; if she didn't like Daniel, she had suddenly become a good actress. The brief peck on the lips at the end of date pissed me right off as did the fact they walked off hand in hand. At least it wasn't as bad as two of the other wives, who went for full out kissing their dates.

The villa conversations were focused on what they thought of their partners. Clearly some of the wives were worried about their actions, repeatedly saying: "its only fair isn't it... a quick kiss at the end of a date, just as friends of course."

Daniel and Karen's frequent chats were broadcast, with him repeatedly giving her compliments, saying she was blowing his mind and how much he liked her. Karen responded with thanks and appreciation, saying he was a really nice guy and it was great to get to know him better. Odd touches became more common.

The next stage of the show involved the public voting to save their favourite couple; a couple could earn exemption from the results if they won one of the games.

The next game was the wives providing the group of guys with a sexy/lap dance. I had no idea Karen she could move like that, it included slut drops and a lot of cleavage flashing; her tits and ass bounced all over the place. Despite her best efforts she ended up 3rd, behind Jade who used to be a professional dancer and Arlene who said ballroom was her main hobby after completing a sexy solo argentine tango, all the more amazing in the heels.

The audience started voting out couples, the two women who French-kissed their dates remained in, whilst a more conservative wife Nadia was voted out. That seemed to send the signal that flirting was the way to win.

At the next party night, all of the women were dressed in elegant evening gowns. Most of the guys, including Daniel had their arms around the women's waists. At the end of the party the whole group looked pretty drunk; the cameras caught one of the wives 'Debra' making out with her partner before they went to bed together and disappeared under the covers.

I contacted Dave's mate's brother... or whatever he was and asked him to draw up some provisional divorce papers. He did it for nothing in the hope of getting some publicity if everything did indeed go tits-up. I got the distinct impression, he was hoping that's how it would all pan out.

The next competition involved the wives having to kiss each guy. The guys were blindfolded and had to score each kiss without knowing who it was; the highest points overall won exemption. Arlene the dance winner refused to participate, after some hurried discussion with the production team, they announced she would be leaving the villa by mutual consent due to personal reasons.

The first wife Jade, kissed each of the guys on the lips but fairly briefly, scoring low. Debra was next and went for it, she fully snogged all the guys and scored highly. That seemed to set the standard and the following three wives followed her lead. I couldn't believe Karen, she certainly didn't hold back. I could see her tits pushing in against the guys, she did the same with her thigh and there was lot of tongue involved. I had to watch my wife making out with five different men; she won easily! It was Jade who lost out in the public vote.

Following the kissing game, the remaining four women were asked to conduct a short video message home. Karen's was as interesting as it was delusional.

"I'd like to take the opportunity to remind my husband just how much I love and miss him. I am not sure if he will even be watching or what parts get broadcast, but just remember that everything is part of the show. It's a game and nothing more than that. I hope he is proud of me and I'll see you soon honey."

The show then broadcast footage of two husbands watching the show and their reactions to the video messages. Neither was happy and their distress during the games was clearly evident. I thought the show portrayed them as weak; they did a 'side by side' comparison of them against the island boyfriends. The voice over emphasised the physical differences between the studs and husbands. Again I was relieved to have rejected any involvement, despite being offered the £10k again.

Back on the programme, the wives were constantly preening and evidently loving all of the attention. They regularly talked about what got the guys aroused and debated the merits of various outfits and dresses. The guys were focused completely on how to go further with the wives, the long period on the show obviously heightening tensions.


I then had a delegation arrive at my house, Karen's best friends Helen and Andrea. I let them in reluctantly.

Helen started, "I'm sure it's not as bad as it looks Rob, you know how they edit the shows."

"Come off it Helen, she's flirting, dating and sleeping with a guy."

"It's just a game show Rob, it's not real."

"Making out with five different guys looked real enough to me."

Andrea tried to defend her friend, "I think they are all wrapped up in the show and have lost sense of reality, don't judge her too harshly Rob, she loves you so much."

"Did you know she was going on it."

Their glances away told me the answer, "Ok then, did she know the format of it."

Andrea nodded, "Yeah they were pretty honest about what was involved, she was worried about you, but seemed obsessed about the prize fund. We thought she had told you all about it and you had agreed."

"No, I guessed some of it, but it's been far more extreme than I anticipated. She was adamant about going, short of physically restraining her I didn't have any choice."

"It's all a means to an end for her Rob, it's about the prize money, none of the rest of it is real. You know how she is once she gets an idea into her head."

"Would you have gone, and if you had would you have continued?"

Neither would answer that question, as it would condemn their friend.

"You should both leave, as her friends I respect you trying to defend her, but this is all bollocks and you both know it!"

I got a resigned cuddle off each of them before they left, Andrea adding, "You don't deserve this Rob, you're a great guy and for what it's worth I tried to warn her against it."


Catherine the bunny girl was voted out and they were down to the last three. By this time Debra was in an open relationship with her partner, they kissed and touched and made little secret of their activities. Karen and Rachel were more circumspect.

After another date night and a lot of alcohol, Karen and Daniel remained close. They went to bed and the microphone picked up part of their conversation, showing the whispers in subtitles on the screen which read, "I really like you too, but I am happily married."

The microphone mustn't have been able to catch the rest of the conversation, but they disappeared under the quilt, the show finishing with footage of some movement under the covers.


"What the actual fuck!" I exploded in anger, screaming at the TV screen, there was no way I was going to stand for any more of this shit.

But what could I do? The show was being absolutely panned by the critics and there were significant calls for it to banned. The viewing numbers however were astronomic, it wasn't going to get cancelled anytime soon.

Friends were calling me and asking what was going on. I had to take time off work due to the disruption. Some of her family kept calling saying it wouldn't be as bad as it looked, the show would be editing to make the most of things. Her sister stressed that if they had more than a couple of seconds under the covers, they would have broadcast it.


In the next show, Karen seemed to be embarrassed and at pains to say nothing had happened, they had just fallen asleep drunk; but the smile on Daniel's face suggested otherwise.

At the end of that show Debra was voted out, she looked devastated; although whether that was because she lost the competition or would be parted from her lover was unclear. In her exit interview she declared that she needed to talk to her husband as she had fallen in love with her new beau.

That left Karen and the equally buxom blonde Rachel, they were the two most attractive and actually got on well with each other. It was obvious both their partners were completely enamoured by them. The wives skirted around the relationship topic, saying they had enjoyed getting to know the guys and they were good company.

On the following day, the couples were sent to separate 'lovers hideaways'. The hideaways had a romantic setting and fully stocked bar. The wives were given lingerie to wear, Karen's was stockings and a basque. Daniel had to wear a tiny pair of lycra shorts, his arousal on seeing Karen was obvious. The episode showed clips from both couples, enjoying champagne and dancing together. Some kissing and touching followed but the episode ended leaving the audience in doubt as to what exactly happened later. The narrator talked about how understandable it would be for the wive's resolve to 'weaken'; along with a stream of other innuendos.


In the following episode, Karen was invited to the video diary room where I was already on screen, she smiled at me and then looked concerned.

"Hi honey."

"Hello Karen, I see you are having a good time."

"Ermm yeah, it's been a great experience, I am not sure how much they show."