MILF Masturbates Son-In-Law

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He was told to fuck his sister.
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Julie ushered the man from her terrace, through the living room to the front door. She was being polite as she stood on the steps and allowed her visitor to say his farewells. He left. She breathed a sigh of relief and went back inside her house.

From the kitchen, Marcus called, ''Not your type. Get rid of him!''

''Oh yeah. What does my 28-year-old boy know about my likes and dislikes?'' Julie came into the kitchen and examined her son-in-law. He had a boyish charm, an innocence that made him look vulnerable. Julie's daughter had fallen for him, proclaimed that she'd (the daughter Tam) would earn enough money to look after both of them and married him.

''Likes and dislikes? I know exactly what you want,'' he said. ''Tam is just like you. Since I'm married to her and she tells me everything about her mother, it follows therefore that I know a lot about you.'' He paused, licked his teaspoon which he'd just used to stir his tea and laughed. ''That guy you've shown out, from the dating app, is not your type.''

Two years after her divorce, Julie had joined a dating site. This fact was not a secret to Marcus who lived with Julie part-time while his wife Tam was away on business. As Marcus was an actor, he was often in the house during the day and Julie didn't mind this because he was good company. She thought about her latest date and made a face. ''You're right, Marcus, that guy is fucking hopeless.''

Marcus howled with laughter. One of his hands swept back his dark hair, the other hand still held the teaspoon which he rubbed with the pad of his thumb suggestively. He said, ''You know you are attractive. I've told you that. Take your time with that dating thing.''

He stood and went to the sink to run the tap. With his back to her, Julie assessed his firm butt and his tanned legs on show because he wore shorts. She remembered overhearing one of his friends say that Julie was a milf which surprised her. Perhaps this was due, she thought, to resembling Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives fame. Julie had the same dark features.

''I have a film part,'' said Marcus as he turned to dry his hands. ''My big sister put me forward. I'm doing several scenes with her.''

Julie knew his sister was very ambitious and was busier as an actor than Marcus. ''That's nice,'' said Julie, ''to have Lisa looking out for you.'' Lisa was 5 years older than Marcus. ''What's the part?''

He hesitated. ''It's a story with adult scenes.''

The silence was deafening until she said, ''Porn?''

Marcus shrugged. ''No. Well, ok. Maybe soft porn.''

''When do you start?''

''I've already been in for auditions and we start tomorrow. I'll be given my script then.''

Julie didn't want to embarrass him with further questions now. She wondered if Tam knew. ''I'd love to know what goes on and how you're doing.'' She watched Marcus brighten up and become more relaxed. She continued, ''Promise to tell me everything you do on set?''

''Yeah sure.''

''Every detail? No secrets? No holding back with your mother-in-law?'' She paused. ''Promise me?''

''I promise.'' He nodded to reassure her but Julie sensed his vulnerability. She could imagine Lisa doing a porn movie, her feisty spirit would drive her forward. But her younger brother, Marcus? Julie felt a protective streak towards him and she couldn't figure out why her nipples had hardened and had caught in the thin, crosshatch, mesh stitching of her bra.

The following evening, after his first day at the studio, Marcus was quieter than usual. Julie didn't push him but the day appeared to have been about scene-setting, learning lines, and film shots that didn't involve Marcus or Lisa.

The following evening, Marcus said, ''The director seems to have forgotten Lisa and I are related. Or maybe he doesn't know.''

''Or maybe he doesn't mind?''

''Lisa has told me to keep quiet.''

''Otherwise what?''

''I suppose,'' said Marcus, ''it might mean we lose our acting roles.'' He drank some water while standing in the kitchen. ''We're in the same scene together.''

''Just the two of you?''

''Yes. We role-played today. Tomorrow we do our first shoot.''

''I'm guessing Lisa is cool with it and you're not?''

Marcus nodded.

''Come here,'' said Julie. ''Let's have a hug.'' As they hugged, she felt his body relax and spoke into his neck, ''Does this scene involve sex?''

He brushed his jaw along her cheek which sent her into goosebumps. ''Yes. Simulated sex. Pretend sex.'' His words had no conviction.

She pushed her head back to look into his eyes. ''You've gone over the scene and you know what is expected tomorrow. You're going to be naked with Lisa?''

The way he cast his eyes upwards told the real story.

She placed her hand on his cheek and his grip around Julie's waist tightened to draw her closer. ''You're going to fuck your sister.'' It was more of a statement than a question.

''It has to look like I am.'' Marcus bit his lower lip.

''Listen to me, Marcus. The only way you're going to get through this is to have someone you can offload with. You will need to talk to me to get it off your chest. And I will listen and help, make suggestions, do whatever I can. Agreed?''

He hesitated a couple of seconds. ''Agreed.''

The following evening, Marcus returned from the film set and went to shower. Julie thought it best to let him relax before he talked about his day. After supper, she came and stood behind him while he sat on the sofa. She put her hands on his shoulders and squeezed. ''You're quiet this evening, Marcus.''

He looked up, angled his head back towards Julie and said, ''I can't believe I got myself into this jam. It's totally embarrassing. It couldn't be worse.''

''How does Lisa feel? Is she uncomfortable about it or upset like you?''

''Lisa is game for anything. She says we've just got to do what the director tells us to do. There's no way out.''

''So, Lisa puts a brave face on these joint scenes. Is that it?'' Julie still had her arms around his shoulders.

''More or less, yes.'' Marcus hesitated and put his hand over Julie's. ''Let's face it. It's a porn movie. We have to kiss. We have sex. We try and make it look like real sex. Not easy.'' He lapsed into silence.

Julie thought it best to wait and let her son-in-law tell his story in his own time. She kissed the top of his head and stroked his rough chin. ''It's good to get it off your chest. I'm a good listener.'' He nodded.

Sometime later, Julie went to bed and Marcus said he'd turn in shortly. It was a humid night and she read in bed with the door of her bedroom slightly ajar. She could tell that Marcus had his light on but she decided it was time for her to sleep and switched out her light. She didn't know how long it had been before there was a faint knock on the door.

Marcus whispered loudly, ''Are you awake?''

''Come in, Marcus.'' The light from the other bedroom was enough to see that Marcus wore only pyjama bottoms with a tie knot around his waist. He had a good upper body, thought Julie as she watched him gingerly sit on the end of her bed.

''Sorry. I can't sleep. It's impossible.''

''My double bed is meant for two.'' She flicked back the top sheet on the unoccupied side of the bed. ''I'll help you sleep.'' Julie didn't know where her confidence came from. Her words simply came out without thinking, ''To sleep, you need to offload your problems and then you can relax. Get into bed.'' She thought that her tone of voice was kind but firm.

Marcus got up and came to lie down to face his mother-in-law. ''This is weird,'' he said but she could tell he was pleased. His tension had lessened.

''It is weird I suppose. Best not to tell my daughter. Tam might wonder what we're doing in bed.'' She giggled innocently.

Marcus smiled, his even teeth picking up the small amount of light filtering from his bedroom. He said, ''As they say in the acting world, 'What happens on tour, stays on tour.' Affairs remain secret.''

''Oh,'' said Julie who had propped her head upon her folded arm to look at him. She'd heard of this actor's expression but decided to play dumb. ''We should have our own saying, 'What happens here stays here.' Or something like that.'' A voice in her head told her that she was playing with fire but Julie's mouth refused to reword her last sentence.

Marcus mumbled, ''Okay.''

The beat of her heart thumped louder as she said, ''You need to tell me everything.''

There was a moment's silence before he said, ''Lisa and I were on set, in a kitchen, preparing dinner. She's wearing a T-shirt and short skirt, similar to a short tennis outfit. We follow the script to talk about sex. We go into an embrace. Then I take her top off to reveal her bra.''

''A sexy bra?''

''Yes. Her nipples show through the lace.''

''Does that turn you on?''

''Yes, smoking hot.'' He paused and looked sheepish. ''I love breasts. I shouldn't say this but I sometimes imagine what your breasts might look like.''

Julie playfully nudged him. ''You naughty boy. You might be disappointed.''

''Don't think so. You're my milf.''

Julie realised this track of conversation mustn't go further. ''Continue with the acting story.''

''So, I took Lisa's bra off and play with her breasts while she undressed me.'' Marcus stopped and turned on his back. ''In the scene, I think to myself I shouldn't be aroused by my big sister but I am. I'm completely stiff on set.''

''But that's meant to be, isn't it?''

''Yes. Just thinking about it gives me an erection now. Sorry.''

''Don't be sorry. It's perfectly understandable.''

Marcus looked at the ceiling. ''My balls ache. My cock won't go down. How can I possibly go to sleep?'' He lifted the bed cover and looked down his body. ''Can I hold myself while I tell you what happened?''

Julie felt she needed to be mature. ''You should really do that in private but I understand if you want to hold it while you talk.'' In the dim light, she watched his hand travel under the bedsheet. It made her nipples extend.

As if ignoring his mother-in-law, Marcus said, ''She pulled my underwear off and made some comment about my size. It's in the script.''

''Are you?'' Julie kicked herself for asking because she shouldn't care about her son-in-law's size.

''Am I what?''

She hesitated from embarrassment. ''Are you big?''

''I suppose. The point is, Lisa knows I'm super sensitive to being touched. She's very careful as she strokes me and I think I'm ok until Lisa puts my cock into her mouth.''

''Oh. Are you meant to hold back?''

Marcus stopped playing with himself and turned his head. He looked tearful. Feeling sorry for him, Julie extended her hand to brush away his hair from his forehead. Marcus shifted his body to come closer and buried his head into Julie's tummy. ''I'm no good at this,'' he mumbled.

A maternal feeling came over Julie and she cuddled him. ''Tell me what happened next,'' she said into his neck.

''I came into Lisa's mouth. It wasn't meant to be so quick.'' His hand had gone to his cock again because she could feel the movement of his arm against her thigh. He didn't seem to have a regular rhythm which meant, thought Julie, that he wasn't doing a good job on himself. ''I had to take a break from filming. The crew got on with something else. Have I shocked you, Mum? I don't mean to.''

''That's a nice thing to say, to call me Mum but you shouldn't say that.''

''It's how I feel. Can I be honest with you?''

She caressed his cheek and kissed the top of his head. ''Of course. I want you to be honest.''

''If I could rest my head between your breasts, to feel them touch me, I could probably go to sleep.''

''I doubt you'd go to sleep, my darling. But I want to help as much as I can.'' She dislodged herself from Marcus and knelt next to him. She took her lace-trim camisole top over her head and threw the garment onto the floor. The naked breasts were firm and full. Her nipples looked red and swollen.

Marcus looked up. ''You are beautiful, Mum.''

While she rearranged herself to lie partly on her side with his head between her breasts, she whispered to him, ''Give me your hand.'' She guided it to between his legs in the hope he'd play with himself. His lips peppered kisses around each nipple. For her, the nearness of his mouth to her nipples caused Julie to move her body to be slightly above his face so that her breasts swung more freely and made her nipples more available. It shocked her that she'd done this.

Marcus let his tongue travel over the sensitive nipples and Julie found herself, reluctantly, wanting him to suck her. She used her hand to guide an engorged nipple to his mouth. The sensation was so intense that a short gasp escaped her lips. ''Oh my God, my darling, you're sucking me like you want some milk. My little baby.''

His fingers began squeezing her breasts in a gentle motion, similar to a baby. As she watched him, Julie was aware that he no longer was stroking his cock. It was impossible to explain why she wanted badly to touch him there. ''I so much want to feel you, darling. It mustn't be. You must masturbate yourself. Do it yourself.''

But Marcus kept sucking her nipple. He took her hand by the wrist and directed it down his body. She resisted and there was a moment when he couldn't force her hand any further. ''I don't have the strength to stop, Marcus. Don't make me.'' But in a few seconds, her hand made contact with his cock. He held her wrist in place, on his balls. She found she'd cupped them, they felt heavy. Her hand, now free of his grip, caressed up his shaft.

''Oh fuck. Marcus no.'' In two seconds her hand was covered in precum. It seemed so natural to start masturbating him. ''Darling, suck my milk while I do you. I'm going to make you come.'' To give her more room, she flicked back the bedsheet and pushed away the tie cord on his pyjamas. Her eyes had got used to the dim light and she saw the glistening cock of her son-in-law. ''You look lovely, darling,'' she whispered.

The maternal need to feed her boy had her softly pulling and squeezing his cock until there was an excess of juice in her hand. She pushed the liquid onto her teat as Marcus sucked, the gurgling from him seemed to energise his sucking. Now she rapidly fucked his cock with her palm clenched around his cock, moving her hand up and down its length.

The spunk shot out, over Julie's wrist and lower arm, onto the bed and also on both their legs. As Marcus called out in ecstasy, a further spurt came while Julie cooed, ''There you are, that's my darling, let it all out.'' He fell back exhausted. She looked at her hand and wanted to suck her fingers but the sensible voice in her head said, 'No'.

Marcus was asleep in 5 minutes, his long eyelashes prominent with his eyes closed. Julie reflected on what she'd done. The taboo of masturbating the husband of her daughter was not to be repeated even though the erotic vibes still coursed through her body. She crossed her legs with her fingers firmly on her clit and squeezed her thighs together in a vice grip. The pressure and the rocking motion soon brought her to orgasm. Then she slept.

There was no opportunity in the morning to talk about their feelings as Marcus rushed to get to the studio on time. When he came home at the end of the day after filming he seemed okay to tell Julie what he was made to do at work. He gave a general summary but he said he wanted to wait until they were in bed, although Julie had misgivings about sleeping together again. The concern from her was that they mustn't engage in any sex. It wasn't right, she felt, to be this close to her son-in-law.

Before going to bed, Julie ran the bath and got into the foam to soak, to soothe her body. The bathroom door was left unlocked and Marcus came in, still dressed and sat on the edge of the tub. For some reason which she couldn't fathom, Julie let the soap suds display her breasts, her nipples protruded through the bubbles. She pretended not to notice as she looked up at him.

While he sat on the edge of the bath, Marcus asked, ''Do you think I should tell Tam?''

''About what happened yesterday with Lisa? Or about today? What happened today?''

After a short pause, during which Marcus ran his hand through his hair, he mumbled, ''She went down on me.''

Julie wanted to clarify. ''Lisa sucked you? On set? In front of the film crew? You did this yesterday.''

''Yesterday hadn't worked out the way the director wanted. I came too quickly. Today we did it again. They got her ready, dressed in a short skirt and such. I dressed like a normal guy. The script was clear. She had to undress me. We kissed. We had to make it look as though we were French kissing but Lisa stuck her tongue into my mouth and then I did the same to her. I couldn't pull back.''

By putting her hand on his leg, Julie wanted to encourage him to continue.

''We had a break to adjust film angles, lighting, whatever. Then we got back to the scene. Lisa kneels and she's talking to me as per the script. Says how big I am. Sucks my tip like a lollipop. I know she's prolonging the sucking to help stop me from coming too soon. As she takes me in, I can feel she's deliberately not using her tongue. Keeps her mouth as hollow as possible. I keep counting sheep.''

''What? Sheep? To distract yourself, I suppose?'' Julie caressed his knee.

''Yes. It works for a bit. The director wants a bit more before I come so we take a short break. We restart, she's talking about my heavy balls as she kisses those.''

Julie interrupted, ''Are they heavy, normally I mean?''

Marcus stood. ''I need to stand because my sack is a bit squashed at the moment.'' He laughed and so did Julie. He leant against the wall next to her.

''Do they swell when you have sex?'' Julie didn't know. She'd never noticed with her ex-husband. It reminded her that she'd not had full sex with another man since their divorce two years ago.

''My balls seem to get larger and more sensitive when I think of sex. I don't suppose it happens to every guy. And if I don't get sex afterwards, my balls ache.''

Is that why most men relieve themselves?''

''I guess so. I confess I've done it while thinking of you sometimes.'' He paused. ''I shouldn't have said that. Sorry.''

''You masturbate over me? Wow. That's a compliment, right?''

''It is.''

Julie wondered whether to stop this conversation but the right words didn't come out. ''So what happened after your sister is kissing your balls?''

''She kissed around my shaft. I'm leaking all over her cheeks, her mouth, her nose. She knows the director wants to see that.'' Marcus suddenly unzips his chinos and plunges his hand down into his underpants. ''I can't help touching myself.''

''Marcus,'' she said, as Julie stretched her hand out of the bath to stop him. Both her breasts were on display. ''Have a shower, now. Go on, count sheep.'' She pointed at the cubicle with the glass door. ''Get in there.''

He shifted away from the wall and quickly undressed, his back to Julie. His tight bum looked great, thought Julie, as she told him to get into the shower and make it as cold as possible. She relaxed back into her bath but kept her eyes on him. He stood at first facing the tiled wall but then turned. Through the glass his cock looked as though it had been fully erect but now it was more relaxed, although still slightly engorged. Julie tore her eyes away and looked at the ceiling.

''Can I use your towel?'' he said. She nodded and watched him as he dried his face and chest. He came nearer the bath.

During his shower, Julie had had a stern talk with herself about the taboo of sex with her daughter's husband and she was determined to not encourage him, to be strong.

He spoke, ''You said yesterday I must get it off my chest, to say what happened instead of bottling it up. When Lisa finished kissing and caressing all around my groin, I knew it was time.''