Milk, Sex, Milk, Milk, Sex

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Milk, breasts, MF, MFF, MFFF, forced male orgasm.
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I'm waiting for my wife in the mall, and watching breasts go by. There goes a cheerleader-type babe, now a mature woman whose massive breasts practically say "Ga-BONG, ga-BONG" with each step she takes. I take off my glasses to clean them, but am captivated by the sight of a woman coming this way. Even with my fuzzy vision, my cock is getting chubby from checking out this woman.

Her big breasts STRAIN against the fabric of her tee. They jostle. But they strain UP against that worn-out cotton fabric. I thank the maker for making women like this, who can make me feel like a stallion just by walking by.

Those really impressive, really big boobs come close, and then drop down next to me on the bench. I put my glasses on. Whoa. I've been getting a hard-on scoping out . . . my wife.

It's a good life.

Lana is wonderful to me, and I try my best for her. Want proof that she's good to me? She agreed to try an Adult Nursing Relationship.

If you didn't know, that means her breasts give milk. I suckle her. Every chance I get.

Some years back, she read about it on-line, and found herself getting really interested. And wet between the legs, too.

Guess how much convincing I took. Hmm, my wife will get firmer, bigger breasts, and I'll spend more time with her. And with them. I had to think about it - for three seconds, perhaps.

So we started with regular nipple-sucking and herbal supplements. It took diligence, but a month in we'd get some drops. Four months in, she was giving perhaps a cup a day. And yes, I'd get a stiffie, sometimes. But not all the time. It really brought us closer together, made us more loving, more cuddlesome. Our friend Marge said we looked more "couple-y."

And yes, my wife's lovely round C cups grew to a full D. Then they started to swell over the cups of those. Watching that bubbling up of the boobs always made my shorts a little tighter. She got compliments everywhere she went . . . so the whole thing was working out pretty well. She was turning me on by simply walking around. Her boobs always bounced, but now they jiggled. She had me leaving pre-cum spots in my shorts pretty much all the time!

YOU stare her big, round areolas in the face and see what effect it has on you! Her breasts are so smooth, too - the areolas and nipples shine, in the right light, y'know? Her nipples are small. But remember that to nurse, one has to take the nipple, the areola, and part of the breast into one's mouth, to drain out the milk that's built up in there.

We love it.

Lana's hips are . . . generous. All of her is. Her hair is thick and brown, worn in a very attractive bob. I'd LIKE to go on about her plush ass and shapely, long legs, but let me get on with the tale.

Once in a while, Lana would give me a handjob while I nursed. Mostly, she'd stroke me languorously, not steadily. She said she was building up cum inside me, for later. And she was! Suddenly, I was cumming like a teenager again. After ten years of marriage, I was not painting her tits with my cum the way I used to, but suddenly she was all about getting to see my cumshots - she'd ask me to cover her belly, or finish in doggy-style and cum right across her back. And because I was spending an hour or more of face-to-face time with her sweet, meaty breasts each day, I was now shooting cum as far as the back of her head! I have to admit, it made me feel pretty manly.

Yes, there was more sex between us - but usually not RIGHT after the nursing. I'm trying to say that it made us both feel more sexy, but it usually a tender, sharing thing, not a hot-hot-hot-and-do-me-now thing. Nursing releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone. Look it up, if you like.

Lana is close with our next-door neighbor, Jill. She's a good woman, and I like her. But she bought a big house and then got a pay cut. So she struggled. I was only slightly surprised to hear that she chose to become a surrogate mother for some well-off couple out west. It really did solve all her financial problems, and then some.

Being good friends, we helped her during the pregnancy as best we could. After the birth, we had her over every Monday for a while. I would admire her lithe body, covertly, and try not to notice that her nipples seemed bigger now. After one of our Monday dinners, Lana took me aside to tell me this: Jill was producing milk, and so Lana confessed OUR milky little secret. Jill's eyes got round as silver dollars, and she got very quiet. She said "Actually, I'm producing way too much milk. The doctors said they could give me something for it, but they'd rather wait a month to see if it calms down, because I'm making SO MUCH." They giggled over that together, but then Jill got even quieter and said "Um, I understand if you don't want to, but . . . would you have me over during one of your milking times? I mean, um, I want to feel someone AT my breast, just once, and . . . maybe even taste someone else's . . . you know?" Poor Jill was bright red and looking at the floor. Lana flushed too, and said she'd discuss it with me.

I got very still myself. Was my loving wife SUGGESTING we invite another woman into our intimate time? Or was she watching me to see if I would get all hot and bothered at the very thought?

I love my wife - and we get along great. But she does NOT want to hear that I was looking at another woman, under most circumstances. She's not jealous in a way that makes you crazy, but she has been . . . a little insecure about me finding her attractive. This culture is hard on women who are taller than their men. I'm 6 foot - Lana is maybe an inch taller. She's always felt gawky, though I never saw her that way.

For the record, I am nuts about her figure, her face, her style. But you know and I know that some people just can't be secure about that.

So . . . I asked her what SHE thought about bringing Jill over. She wouldn't meet my eye, but she said "You get SO much out of nursing from me . . . I thought I'd like to try it, and see what you're experiencing. Just once! And . . . I love it when you latch on. I'd like to feel, um, two mouths latching on. But only if you're okay with it, sweetie!"

We looked at each other for a moment, then hugged . . . we both wanted to try this, even though we'd never never never so much as discussed anything like a threesome.

I said "Okay, so, Monday - but what are the ground rules about what I'LL be doing, hon?"

She buried her face in my chest and said, "Well, it seems only fair that whatever I get to do, you get to do, too."

"So," I said "I can take my cue from you? If you take your shirt off, then I get to, too?"

"Well, that's how I arranged it with Jill, so . . . yeah."

This was starting to get really interesting.

Monday night, there was a LOT of giggling. We were all nervous, and just picked at our food. I couldn't stop looking at these hot women, and they kept shifting in their seats, as if there were something very, very hot between their thighs.

"Now, Don," said my wife, shakily, "Jill tells me that she HAS to pump milk or her breasts get terribly sore. Just look how they are all swollen up right now! And we are here to help. Am I right?"

I hadn't missed it. Jill's little frame had firm, A or B-cup breasts when I met her. She stood five foot two and had the dark Mediterranean looks and thick black locks I always went for, before I met my blondish wife. But since the pregnancy, Jill's breasts sat even higher, and seemed closer to oranges than to peaches. I tried not to stare, but her nipples seemed ON. They struggled to burst through the thin cloth covering them.

Jill turned the lights low, and sauntered gingerly to the divan. With her eyes closed, she took a deep breath and peeled her tank top off.


Her breasts were jutting away from her chest. I knew that look - it meant she was FULL of milk. But her nipples! They PULSED. You could see them throb with the pounding of her heart! Jill had the biggest nipples I'd ever seen anywhere - as big as the last joint of my thumb. No wonder she couldn't hide them. A drop of white appeared at the end of one breast, then rolled down her panting torso.

I watched my statuesque wife kneel and put her face near that breast. More white fluid pulsed out. Lana opened her mouth, and hesitated. Maybe it was her hot breath, but just before she clamped her mouth onto that protuberant orb, a tiny line of white arced out and up, of its own accord. The other breast started to drip, but I think the one my wife was on had started streaming!

A moan that seemed to start in her TOES came out of Jill. She told us later that she'd been waiting all her life to feel what giving milk was like. "And you ARE really beautiful, Lana," she had said, with a shy smile.

The breast nearer me began to stream, too. I was totally ready to get down there and suckle it, but I had to adjust my pants first and hope no one noticed my growing erection. The thin stream grew stronger, and the arc of milk pulsed along with Jill's heartbeat - which was clearly racing.

I'd been suckling my wife's low-slung breasts assiduously for some months, so I thought I knew what nursing from a woman was about. But Jill's milk FLEW into my mouth. I was in heaven. It streamed and streamed, and Jill couldn't help grasping our heads and pushing our faces into her bulging chest. When she let go, I pulled back to get some air - but the milk spouted out of her all the same.

Lana never let go. She wanted more, and more! Jill started rubbing her knees together. Her hands fluttered like she wanted to use them on her pussy, but was trying not to. I was rock-hard and aching in the balls by now, myself.

When I put my mouth back on her . . . there's no other word for it . . . muscular nipples, I swallowed as best I could. Jill started to pant harder, and her moans grew higher. I didn't know if it was possible for a woman to cum just from nipple stimulation, but it sure looked like it! I wasn't sure if it was polite to bring her off on our very first nursing together . . . but I didn't get a chance to ask my wife's opinion. Jill gave a high-pitched "Ohhhhhhh ohhhhh!" and MASHED our faces into her now-softening breasts. Even more milk shot out of her. She shuddered crazily, arching her back and then trying to hide her face in her hands. She came down slowly, with little aftershocks rocking her, as I and eventually my wife removed our grateful faces from her thick, dripping nipples.

By now, my cock was aching from all my blood trying to force its way in. There was NO more room, but the blood tried hard, all the same.

When she'd recovered enough, Jill got off the divan (try Google images "divan") so my wife could take her place. I was happy to think I'd be getting more milk, but my cock was hurting! Enough pre-cum had seeped out of me that the front of my shorts were soaking, and even my jeans showed some wetness.

Lana said "You poor dear. Look, Jill, look how hard your milking breasts made him!" Jill looked. She was still panting a bit from her orgasm, but as she looked at the tent my cock was making, she seemed to MEAN that panting.

"Look," said my wife, removing her shirt, "We're sharing, here. If you like, you can do to him whatever I do. But I draw the line at doing more. Okay? This is all friendly, and I won't feel like he's cheating on me as long as you only copy what I do. What do you think?"

Lana had started stroking my trapped erection, lightly, nails on denim, as she spoke. I breathed harder, and watched Jill. She looked at Lana meaningfully, and started scratching HER nails up and down my jeans-covered cock.

It was amazing. Two women holding and squeezing my rod, even through clothing. I made a note to be sure to skip the undershorts next time, to feel them better.

So now all of us were topless. Lana laid back against the divan, holding each of our hands. We smiled, and gently descended on her big, wobbling breasts.

Lana's let-down wasn't as spectacular as Jill's, but we certainly felt it on our tongues when it came. My poor cock was ruby red by now, I was sure. I LOVE my wife's breasts, and what with all the stimulation this evening, my balls were packed full with a load they wanted very much to launch.

After maybe 20 minutes at Lana's breasts, I was totally full, and Jill had sweat plastering her hair to her forehead. It'd been a big evening for us - none of us had ever done this sort of thing before. We relaxed together, had some wine (they didn't trouble to put their shirts back on) and eventually said goodnight.

As soon as she was gone, Lana CLAMPED her mouth onto my cock, and the cum inside me lurched. I said "If you don't feel like swallowing tonight, you'd better move NOW!" She smiled around my erection and bobbed faster. I lasted MAYBE half a minute before blasting a huge stream into her mouth. After the first cumload, she took me out and pointed my pole at her bobbling breasts. I frosted those mountains with long, long streams of white. I hadn't cum like that in years.

"I think you got a lot out of tonight, eh, hubby?"

I took her to bed and gave her all the cums she wanted. I love my wife - ya got to SHOW her, y'know?


As the weeks went by, we got very close with Jill. The next time we were together, Jill couldn't help stroking herself to orgasm as we sucked her. It was wild - she's not a screamer, but she's loud. And Lana, when her turn came, tried jilling off (pardon the expression) on the divan, and couldn't say enough good things about it - she'd never masturbated in front of other people before, but with us glued to her wonderful breasts, she got a lot out of it.

"Baby, take off your pants. Jill, each of us got to cum - I think you had cluster-cums! It's only fair that he gets an orgasm too. Is that okay?"

I paused in my race to de-pants, to make sure Jill was up for it. She laughed and said "Yes. Yes, yes, yes!"

They sat me down, and Lana said "Remember the rules - you can do anything to him that I do. And no more" She put her right hand on my pulsing cock. Jill did, too. They stroked me slowly, and I watched their breasts nodding along with their efforts. Lana grasped one of my nipples. Jill duly grasped the other. I felt the effects shoot down to my prick, and I shuddered a bit. The precum was damn near running out of me, and the slickness made their hands feel a LOT better. I knew I couldn't keep from cumming, but I did want to make it last. They watched my face contort, and kept stroke, stroke, stroking my sensitive pole. But they did not speed up.

This was new - my wife and I had never discussed having a threesome, and even if it was only a handy, it was pretty hot. My cockhead was turning purple. I think my face was, too, as I tried to keep the cum inside for just a few moments more, so I could enjoy this as long as possible.

It felt so good! They smiled at each other, and then my Lana leaned in and LICKED my cockhead. Jill grinned wider, and leaned in to do the same. That's when I couldn't bear it a moment longer. Just as she licked me, I shot a YARD of sperm straight up. They screamed in happy surprise, and my wife Lana applauded as more white ribbons flew out of me. But Jill didn't stop stroking my streaming cock. Soon there was sperm all over her arm and hand. I came more. I felt it welling out of my balls and zapping all the way through me. My semen pipe seemed VERY long, that day, and I felt thick cum rushing all that way, felt every millimeter the cum-bolts traveled.

When I was finished, gasping and very wet, Lana scooped sperm off Jill's chest and arms and smeared it across her boobs. Lana squealed and started smearing hot cum off of my torso and onto Lana's. They ended up hugging and laughing, as I tried to catch my breath, and to admire the way their breasts smooshed together.

We got together with Jill every other night, more or less, for milking sessions that got increasingly hot. Little by little, barriers were falling. We stopped being shy about getting naked with each other. Lana found herself telling Jill how to get me off. Jill told us about her favorite sex toys, and eventually showed us how we could use them on her.

I purchased an electric breast pump. All that milk was enough to make me pretty full, sometimes, and it's hard to do athletic stuff with two naked hotties when your stomach's full. Always, one breast would be in someone's mouth, when we milked Lana or Jill, but sometimes another mouth would be busy at a pussy - so we might plug the other breast into the sucking machine for a bit.

Both women, of course, grew even firmer breasts, and my wife's great big breasts started to approach bowling-ball size. If she bent over in public for some reason, all eyes would be glued to her cleavage. I particularly liked watching this Goth college girl who worked in the grocery store check out my wife. She stared openly. One time, watching my Lana, this girl started to massage her own boob before she caught herself.

Jill, who had been a little pudgy before the pregnancy, was getting very fit. She credited exercise, and pouring out all those calories through her nipples. She went on about the weight-loss aspect of it all the time, and teased me that she'd persuade ALL her girlfriends to start nursing, and then she'd bring all those firm, bouncy breasts to me!

I wasn't jealous of how Lana and Jill grew expert at eating each other's pussies or masturbating each other - I (if I say so myself) have a really good touch, and they agreed that I was the best of us at manually bringing an orgasm to bloom in them. But Lana was a little antsy about letting Jill have access to me. She did, but she directed Jill, and watched carefully. Every once in a while, she'd ask me if I'd like it better if she were more like Jill in some way or other. And with a whole heart, I told her I loved HER and everything about her, and would not want her any different.

We kept up this delightful milking-and-more thing for months. Giving milk makes a woman produce lots of oxytocin, the "bonding hormone." We grew very close.

Then came a week that Lana had to be out of town on business. For five days. She told us, and saw Jill's face. Yes, Jill had a pump, but she always said she preferred our mouths. And Lana said "I trust you guys - I really have moved beyond jealousy. Mostly. Jill, you can come on over and get anything you feel like from my man - except that only I am allowed to make him cum. So while I'm not here, you are not to give him any orgasms, okay?"

Jill was very pleased. I wasn't. But I certainly understood that Lana was being very generous, letting me hold and suck and suckle and suck off and masturbate another woman in her absence. I guess the "he doesn't cum for you" rule was her way of keeping some control of the situation, even in her absence.

And I figured that five or six days without an orgasm wouldn't WRECK me.

Jill was over every night. She said she wanted to keep me company. And I didn't worry that she was falling for me - we were pals. She was clearly into giving milk, but I really got the impression that it didn't matter too much who was sucking it out of her.

In fact, she told me that first night that she'd been telling her whole story to a colleague of hers, a Caribbean woman named Armanie. Armanie felt she could stand to lose some weight. She wanted to try what Jill called "shooting calories out through your nipples."

About this point, Jill's hand was dipping between her thighs - was the thought of Armanie turning Jill on? The dizzying fragrance of a warming cunt made me think so.

This colleague - what was the name again - Armanie - had gotten a pump and the herbal supplements, but was thinking about adding a mouth to the routine. She was between relationships, and she was bi. Armanie apparently wanted Jill's help. More plainly, she wanted Jill's mouth on her boobs. Sucking her nipples. Jill, who saw herself as hetero, felt it'd be more comfortable if she could bring Armanie to join US.