Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 10


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So, you had these women of great power, experience and confidence all around, far more in need of good sex than their younger peers, and these young hard men had devised a game that all but ensured older women were getting the satisfaction they deserved. And these young men thought the joke was on these older women! No. This game was very real, and when these guys approached them and experienced what they could do, the whirlwind of hot, nasty, sweaty action only an older woman could provide... they didn't know what to do. There was no going back. No escape. They had experienced something they couldn't comprehend. They were drowning in pleasure, and they couldn't ever find the will to escape. No man could.

Cause older women played for keeps.

So, how did this relate to Max?

Well, he experienced the fallout of these 'MILF-Hunts' first hand. He'd heard of this game, and he thought it was kinda silly, so he never once took it that seriously. When his roommate and some of their buddies on the floor invited Max out for a 'Hunt' of their own, he laughed it off and easily declined. He'd gotten the gist of what comprised these 'Hunts', and it seemed deeply silly to him. Plus, the tall tales of some guys not returning from the 'Hunt'... it just seemed ridiculous.

And then Ty Griffin from down the hall never came back.

No one was sure what happened, only rumors. Max's roommate, Mike, said that Ty had definitely gone home with someone that night, a MILF, some older woman who was dressed well, like a lawyer or something. No one ever heard from him after, at least no one they knew. One of the girls from down the hall said she saw him a few weeks later when most everyone else was gone, packing up his stuff as he was leaving the dorms and dropping out, a mere month or two into his first semester. She said she saw some older woman with him, bossing him around, but she figured it was his mom. Only a select few knew differently.

From this point on, Max and his friends were more attuned to stories of 'MILF-Hunts', and there were plenty of rumors and fables to be told. No one knew if they were true, or if they were just legends and myths. Early rumors talked about how a fraternity pledge hooked up with a frat member's mom to get into the frat. Another one mentioned how a guy ended up banging his own aunt in his desperation to get in to the fraternity he wanted. As the 'MILF-Hunt' grew, so did the rumors. Apparently, the female chief of surgery at the major nearby hospital had hooked up with a sophomore the previous year. One mentioned how a guy argued his way out of a ticket by letting a not-particularly-hot older female cop ride him in the back of the squad car. Rumors surrounded certain older female professors, but those remained rumors.

There were even rumors about the school president, an older, upstanding professional woman. Someone said they saw her in the back of a crowded bar with a studly twenty-year-old student sucking her tits, a student who dropped out soon after. Obviously, she denied these vicious rumors, and made a ruling that any public advertising for 'MILF-Hunts' would be removed on sight, and if caught, the offender would be expelled. And that seemed to be that, other than the rumor from someone who lived near her that said they saw that same student sucking on her tits in her back yard a few weeks later.

It wasn't much after his first interaction with the 'MILF-Hunt' that one of Max's buddies from high school said that he and some of his friends were going on a hunt of their own. Now, this friend of Max's, Jed, was similar to Max in a lot of ways. Steady, calm, mature. They shared a similar belief system, although Max was a lot more dug in than Jed was. But Jed had a good head on his shoulders, and he wasn't one to do anything rash. He was very level-headed, not one to make a major mistake. He thought the whole thing with the 'MILF-Hunt' was silly as well, but he was using it as an excuse to hang out with his friends.

But Jed never came back.

His friends said he was claimed by the hunt, poached by a woman at the club his buddies took him to. Some claimed that woman was a freshly divorced high-powered executive who was looking for some young dick to ride day after day. But nevertheless, this guy that was so like Max had touched the other side, and he lept in completely, dropping out of school and letting himself drown in lust.

So, for young Max, a guy who was doing his best to stay on the straight and narrow, he was being pulled in every direction. You had all these slutty, nasty college girls on his periphery day after day, presenting a constant temptation. On another direction, you had the dark allure of the 'Hunt', and the mystery as to why so many would fall into its vortex. And his heart was in the middle, wanting to be good, wanting to be right. Like, people always thought so highly of him. He'd even been told at one point that he could be the president, that's how much they admired him as a man. He didn't want to let everyone down who believed in him. He didn't want to become just another college student, lost in partying and drinking and sex. He wanted to be something.

Yet, there was all this temptation around, and it was temptation for a reason. There was something he wanted, something he wanted that he knew better than to partake in, namely sex. He was a horny 19-year-old who was dying for some true relief. He wanted to save himself for marriage, for someone he loved, for Lizzy, but it was getting harder and harder to wait. If Lizzy gave him the go-ahead, he would lose his virginity to her right now. Losing it to someone he loved and envisioned spending the rest of his life with seemed like enough for him, even if it didn't happen after marriage.

This was the issue running across his mind this cold Christmas morning. Taking the streets in the bracing winter air, his blood was nonetheless pumping. For some reason, he'd just been crazy horny all morning. That, combined with being away from Lizzy for almost a week now... he really missed her. Not that he could get full relief from his current condition with her but being around her and cuddling with her was usually enough comfort to take the edge off. And plus... he just missed being around her, and he felt alone. He missed the girl he loved, and he was a bit down being away from her.

The cold air wasn't really helping him get rid of his first condition as much as he needed, and the silence and quiet of the morning wasn't helping him either. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he missed Lizzy, and how horny he was. Maybe he could take his mind off things. Maybe this gift handout would allow him to cool off and distract him from his troubles.

Maybe this Christmas morning was exactly what he needed.


Max's job this morning was simple. He was carrying around a sack, fashioned in the style of the one Santa had, only this one had a strap so that he could wear it like a backpack. In it were enough little goodie bags to hand out one per house on his assigned route, each containing some little treats and nifty gifts. Nothing too crazy, but nothing too generic either. Because everyone deserved a Merry Christmas, and the church hoped to help in their own small way. And if it spread the good word of the Church and the tenets of Christmas, that was simply icing on the cake.

The sack wasn't overly hefty, but nonetheless, this job was typically reserved for people that could handle the weight of the gift sack. When Max was younger, his dad would carry around the bag while he and Gwen would hand out the gifts. When his Dad stopped participating, he being a young athlete, would get bag duty while Gwen would walk the gifts up to the door. Now, it was just him. For every house he was assigned, he'd walk up to the front door and hook the little gift bag around the doorknob. Then, he'd move on, trudging along the snow covered sidewalks to the next house, repeating this over and over again till the bag was empty. It wasn't a complicated job, and he could let his mind drift to other things.

Like Lizzy.

He was a guy who normally stayed focused on the task at hand, but not this time. As he went along, he was texting his girlfriend, going back and forth as he traipsed through the snow. He almost ran into a couple people a few times, so he learned to keep his head up. But he kept texting with her.

A lot of it was that cringey lovey-dovey stuff that comes from two young people in love. And while they would flirt and tease with each other, since they weren't having sex, they usually kept things in check. But this morning, Max found himself being a bit more forward with his flirting, a fact that she certainly noticed. She gave it back to him a bit, before eventually reminding him to cool his jets, which he dutifully did.

But as said before, for reasons unknown to him, this morning, more than most, he was, like, crazy horny. He'd been hard practically all morning. Almost painfully so. And the cold wasn't alleviating him of his current state, not in the slightest. He'd have taken care of himself if he'd had the chance, but things had been so busy all morning, plus all the family was around. And, you know... it kinda felt weird for him to jack off on Christmas. This day wasn't about that kind of stuff. He should be better behaved and focused. This wasn't just some normal day.

This was Christmas.

He tried to focus on anything else. He remembered how fun this was when he was a kid, walking through the neighborhoods, seeing all the different houses. The homes in this neighborhood were mostly the same, with the only exceptions being some newer, nicer houses in a few different areas, and some slightly smaller, cheaper houses on the far edges. He knew this neighborhood well, and he always took joy at seeing all the different houses lit up on Christmas. You could hear laughter and Christmas joy from indoors. When you'd see people, either walking around or shoveling or making snowmen, they would be so friendly and kind. Max could still remember his boots crunching in the snow, the snow hitting his face, a memory he looked back upon warmly.

Today however, a lot of that brightness and those warm Christmas feelings were gone. The Christmas spirit seemed absent. Sure, there were still some decorations up, but there was no laughter to be heard. No joy. When he would pass someone, they would simply grunt as a greeting and get back to what they were doing, as opposed to engaging in friendly conversation as they used to. The trappings of Christmas were all still there, but it all felt so hollow. So soulless. Max used to love seeing all the different ways people were enjoying their Christmas. But now, it seemed like all that joy and fun was gone. People stayed indoors, playing with their presents no doubt, as gifts now seemed to matter way more to people than the spirit of Christmas.

The gift handout experience just wasn't the same anymore.

The only thing that was the same was the cold. The bracing, bitter wind and the swirling flakes of snow were worse than ever. That, combined with the lack of Christmas spirit, his yearning to see Lizzy, and with him being distracted by his physical needs, meant that he wasn't really enjoying himself. This felt more like work than anything, and he felt like a fool for volunteering. A few minutes in and he was already just yearning for this to be over with. Hanging up gifts, marching between houses, texting as he did so, he was moving at a pretty good clip, wanting to get the job done fast.

Max didn't know it yet, but he was circling around something, dancing around the edges of a revelation. He was right about the fact that Christmas had changed, but he didn't fully understand how. Not yet. But he was about to be exposed to the beating black heart that was at the core of Christmas in Deerberg. He was about to witness firsthand what Christmas had become about, and what all these people were doing to celebrate it.

As he headed up the front walk to the next house, he looked up from his phone and paused near the the door as a muffled noise hit his ears. Coming from inside, it was loud enough for him to hear. It almost sounded like... like a moan. A moan of pleasure. Without really thinking about it, Max looked around, seeking the source of this mystery noise. Then he realized, at the position he was standing at, he could see past the side of the blinds of the bedroom window. Meaning, he could see in the master bedroom of the house in front of him. And just like that, he could see the source of the noise.

Holy shit! He could see two people on the bed, having sex. Two naked bodies, rolling in the sheets, fully visible to Max. And it wasn't lovemaking either. These two were going at it! Bodies sliding and humping against each other, covered in sweat, moaning out in pleasure. Max was so shocked he couldn't look away.

They were a very attractive couple. The man involved looked to be in his late twenties. Handsome, well-built. But the woman involved... wow. She was insanely gorgeous. An attractive brunette with absolutely massive breasts, she was taking control of the situation, riding the man reverse cowgirl, her ass facing the man on the bed, her huge melons facing Max.

Max had seen some porn, but actually seeing sex in front of him was an undeniable thrill. And seeing it with these two, who were both in their prime. Late twenties, fit, attractive, it was like watching a porn scene play out right in front of you. The straining feeling in his pants only got worse as bolts of excitement lit up his nerves. And he could hear what they were saying as they went at it.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" the woman called out, her ass driving into the man beneath her, her boobs jiggling as she did so.

"Oh my God! You're amazing! I can't believe we waited this long!" he cried out. At this, he reached around and slid his hands onto her bouncing tits. She reached down and squeezed her hands over his, making him really dig into them. And at this, a revelation hit him. His left hand had a ring on his finger.

Hers didn't.

Holy shit! This guy was cheating on his wife with this woman. Sure, she was beautiful... very beautiful, but was that enough for him to cheat on his wife? There had to be some sort of misunderstanding here.

"Fuck! Haha! I don't think your wife will ever even think we'd do this! Yes! Baby, we could be fucking so much now and she will never catch on! Yes!" the woman screamed out.

"Oh my God! Yes!" the man said, driving up into her even harder.

Max turned away. He'd seen something he wasn't supposed to, something truly wrong and unholy. How could anyone do that? Cheating on his wife? On Christmas? Damn, that was just so wrong. Max made a move to walk away, in hopes of both not getting caught or appearing like a creeper. But then he remembered the job at hand. Ducking down slightly, he quickly and silently marched up to the door, hung up the gift on the door, and walked away fast. Max realized it might seem silly to still pass on the gift, especially considering that those two were clearly not prescribing to the tenets of the church, but in the moment, it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Those images were burned in Max's mind as he moved on. Their words, their actions... her body. Wow, he'd never seen boobs that big in real life. But that didn't matter. That wasn't the important thing. What he witnessed was wrong. Sinful. That dude was cheating on his wife with that... that harlot! How could they be that cruel? That heartless? How could any feelings of pleasure possibly make such awful behavior worth it?

He tried to clear his head, moving on to the next house and hanging up the goodie bag there. But literally two houses later from THAT house, a few short steps down the road, as he walked up to another house, he again heard moaning! Looking around, he saw the source of the noise, similar as before, looking through the edge of the bedroom window.

On the bed was a woman, an older woman. Blonde. Tanned. While she wasn't the prettiest woman in the world, she was attractive enough, despite the signs of aging on her. She was fully dressed, wearing a button up yellow top and a black skirt, which seemed odd given the temperature outside. But considering the heated action going on in the room, they might make sense.

She was sitting on the bed, legs spread lewdly, exposing her naked vagina. But it was beyond Max's view, because on his knees on the floor in front of her was a younger man, maybe a year or two older than Max, eagerly eating the older woman's snatch.

"What a good boy you are! Fuck!" The older woman moaned out heatedly, patting the young man on the head.

"Mmmmmphh!" he groaned as he continued pushing his face into the older woman's vagina, his mouth eagerly pleasuring her.

"God damn! Fuck!" she moaned out, squirming in pleasure. "Babe, you should be hanging out with your girlfriend right now! Yes! You could be spending your Christmas day with her. Fuck! But you just had to come back to me! Yes! You had to get between my legs and eat my nasty pussy out again! Yes! You should be next to your pretty little girlfriend, smiling and laughing, but you had to come over here instead and make me fucking cum! Yes! YES! YES!"

Holy shit! This guy was cheating too! And he was cheating with some older woman? What was going on? Clearly, something had happened between them before, and despite the guys best efforts, it was happening again. And again, just like before, this guy was cheating, this time on his girlfriend instead of his wife. And just like the guy in the other house, he was cheating on Christmas, opting to eat out an older woman's pussy rather than spend time with the girl he loved. What the hell was happening here?

Max was right up on it now. He was seeing the dark, beating heart of Deerberg today. He could see what Christmas in Deerberg and all around the world was about now. Greed, and selfishness, people taking what they wanted and putting their desires above all others' needs, no matter who gets hurt. But most importantly, he was seeing the one thing Christmas was all about now.


Hot, nasty, sweaty sex.

Christmas used to be about kindness and family and peace on Earth and charity, but more and more, it was about people ensuring they got the one thing they wanted. The one thing people wanted more than anything. The one thing that mattered to people more than family and togetherness and all those positive qualities.

Sex. Fucking. Deep, brutal, animal rutting.

Max was a pure soul, running from the forces of darkness, trying to elude them for as long as possible so he could cement his goodness with the one he loved. But unfortunately for him, the light was fading, and the darkness was growing, chasing after him, trying to claim him.

And as Max was about to learn, he was completely surrounded.


Most of the homes in this neighborhood were built at the same time, meaning that, for the sake of expediency, most of them were designed in about the same way. There were some exceptions, of course. Some of the bigger houses on Fourth Street, namely the Carroll and the Calvorson estates, were among some of the older homes in the neighborhood, and bigger as well, built well before the majority of the homes in the neighborhood. And there were some newer houses around the edges of the neighborhood that were different, but for the most part, the majority of houses in this development were designed by the same team and built up at the same time by the same group of workers. And an interesting design quirk to these houses was something you could only catch when you were heading up the walkway to the front door. This walkway was L-shaped, connecting the driveway to the front door while leaving space between the walk and the house for some bushes. As you walked along this path and made the turn towards the front door, it would take you right past the big window of the master bedroom, a room which pushed out slightly from the front of the house. While this looked aesthetically pleasing from the outside, it did expose a flaw in the design. The designers made a small mistake initially, not matching up the size of the supports for the blinds with the size of the window, allowing an outside view into the room when walking past if you looked through the sides of the blinds. Some people had long corrected this flaw, or obscured this unintended view, but a lot of houses just didn't. And on top of that, the design of the walkway meant you were leading a pedestrian past the window to the master bedroom, where very private matters often occurred, and since the window was on eye level, if the flaw in the design was still there, or if the blinds were just open, that person could see straight inside. It was just poor design all around.