Mirror, Mirror

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Reflecting on parallel lives.
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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments can be ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst.

I don't have time to work with an editor but I do spell and grammar checks and proof read but bound to miss some. If that bothers you too much maybe think about reading something else.

Also check the tags and avoid the themes that make you angry, otherwise I hope you enjoy them, they are free and they are just stories. Best Wishes Satin.


Shannon looked at her reflection in the mirror before leaving. She looked good for having just turned 25 and liked what she saw. She was going to a spectacular gala dinner, wearing a designer evening dress and bedecked in jewellery. Her hair was pinned up with a few red curls hanging to frame her pretty face and intense green eyes. She slipped on her heels and as ever she checked her bum out, it didn't seem any bigger but it was always a concern. Her boobs did look bigger helped by a sturdy push up bra. She was ready... this was everything she wanted.

1,000 miles away Shannon's husband Scott looked in another mirror and saw failure. Fatigued and out of shape, a non-existent career and feeling like a total failure. He'd had dreams which he shared with Shannon... a musician, what were the chances of that, somewhere between slim and none. He felt knackered, looking after their child Chloe was rewarding but totally exhausting. His hobbies and exercise were long forgotten memories. He sucked in his gut, it looked good until he relaxed and then he prodded the beginnings of a small pot belly, damn he needed to do something about that.


It wasn't always like this, Scott thought back to their favourite song when they first started going out: Dirty Old Town by Ewan McColl and the Pogues' Shane MacGowan:

I met my love by the gas works wall,

Dreamed a dream by the old canal,

I kissed my girl by the factory wall.

Not quite the gas works in his old town, but huge tanks known as the boilers, because they looked like gigantic steam boilers. The song was a close reflection of how, both he and Shannon harboured the same desire to escape their small coal town. Scott's escape plan was through his love of music; Shannon's was through a career in business, Sprinstein summed it up their feeling so well:

Oh, baby, this town rips the bones from your back,

It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap,

We gotta get out while we're young,

'Cause tramps like us,

Baby, we were born to run.

Scott's other passion was the outdoors and open spaces, in no short measure due to a couple of amazing teachers who ran an outdoors club that allowed kids from the coal towns to experience rock climbing, mountain biking, canoeing and sailing. It introduced them to the great outdoors and learning more about the wonderous places they might aspire to.

After 6th form college, Scott and Shannon experienced a fantastic long summer in Europe, living out of his Uncle's knackered old VW camper van. Seeing the Alps was a dream come true, they travelled across Germany, France and Italy, Scott must have written a hundred songs, they sounded great but only he and Shannon ever heard them. They got some casual work on campsites and Scott started climbing, soon realising he was never going to be great, but good enough to enjoy a climbing season with a whole mix of nationalities. The other guys were mind boggling, the mix of athleticism and bravery was astonishing. Some you could never see making a mistake, others were pushing hard, maybe too hard... beyond their capabilities.

Scott played guitar covers in the bars to earn some extra spending money and extend the trip into the Dolomites and Croatia. His ambition was to see the Himalayas and climb in Yosemite, but he needed money for that, money he didn't have.

They weren't sure how, well obviously they knew how the plumbing and biology worked but Shannon was pregnant, their doubt was how the protection had failed. They ignored the advice of friends and married, with a bundle of joy Chloe joining them 9 months later.

They moved to London, Scott supporting Shannon finishing college where she gained a first in Marketing and Public Relations; whilst he stayed at home to look after Chloe. It made sense, that course was a safer bet than a wannabe musician. Scott struggled, London was never a place he warmed to, maybe it was just too different and too busy for a small town boy that yearned for wide open spaces. The pokey and ridiculously expensive flat was truly awful; the new friends, gigs and music scene were awesome. Scott took on an extra bar job to try and keep up with the colossal rent.

Shannon was offered a job straight out of college and her career progressed rapidly. Three years later, Shannon was offered a new role. She was clearly excited calling Scott and asking if he could get Chloe minded and get down to a plush restaurant to go over the details. It felt like a strange request, but he managed to get their neighbour to look after Chloe for a couple of hours.

Scott arrived at the restaurant to see Shannon engrossed in conversation to a ridiculously good looking guy, the accent was irritatingly.... well French. She introduced him, the title was lost on Scott but he was a minor European royal, he caught the name as Claude. Scott was met with enthusiasm, Claude saying how brilliant his wife was and how many ideas she'd already suggested for his charity and that he was delighted to be working with her. It was news to Scott, seemingly Shannon had just become his Public Relations Executive.

It turned out the offer was a one year secondment, leading a small media and publicity team for a mix of charity and promotional work. If it went well Shannon would be offered a managers role in her parent company, so in effect a potential double promotion. Then the bombshell: the post was based in Monaco and would involve significant travel from there. It was her big break, once that was on her CV the sky was the limit.

Scott wished Claude had been some old fart when he realised Shannon would be working solely for him, but at least he had extended an invitation and warm welcome to him.


They began talking through the options on the way home, they could quit the London rental and move to Monaco, but the disruption to Chloe was immense and Shannon would be travelling extensively and not be in one place long. Staying in London didn't appeal to Scott, he didn't like it and looking after Chloe by himself would be even more difficult. The best option seemed to be Scott and Chloe returning to their home town during the contract: they could save the huge London rental costs and enlist the help of family. It was a big ask to leave Chloe for so long at such a young age and Shannon was worried about Scott not having enough support. They knew their mums would be only too eager to pick up on granny duties and would shift easily into organising mode. Shannon would be able to travel back on alternate weekends and there were options of having exciting trips to Monaco and other places. Money seemed to be no problem, Claude was covering all expenses although scheduling might be tricky at times

Scott was nervous about returning home from the place he had longed to escape. It had been almost 7 years since he last lived there. It felt different, all the things he hated as a kid, the smallness, everyone knowing your business, the familiarity... it all felt comforting. It was his hometown, he knew it so well... knew the people, went to school with them or their brothers and sisters. He knew every street, nook and cranny and felt connected; aware of generations of his family that had contributed to the place. It was the only place that ever felt like home and he could still escape to the coast and hills.


Things started well, daily face-time chats and back every fortnight. Shannon was in her element, it was high profile and big budgets but she seemed to have it all under control. Scott was disappointed that he couldn't follow his own career but it just wasn't practical.

Suddenly Shannon was semi-famous, her photo was often in the papers and magazines, usually in the background as Claude fronted his charity work. Scott was both proud and pleased for her, she had earned every bit of her success.

She returned each fortnight and they did their best to make up for not being with each other. The sex was frantic and rewarding followed by slowly making love and reconnecting. The trips away to see Shannon were more difficult to organise and were still to materialise.

They missed some calls and there was an odd weekend Shannon couldn't make it back. Over time the charity programme got busier and she missed more trips home. Scott saw more of her in magazines and on the TV, often hovering with the entourage whilst Claude was front and centre.

They talked it over endlessly, Scott accepted she couldn't give up her dream, but it was far harder than either of them had anticipated, Shannon emphasised how much she was missing Scott. He explained how both he and Chloe were missing her and asked her to have a longer break back home as it was half way through the year.

"I am sorry I can't make it back this weekend, we have a big gala event."

Scott's frustrations finally broke through, "Are you ever coming back, you realise this is the 2nd time in a row, Chloe won't have seen you for 6 weeks and that's only if you can be bothered to make the next trip back."

"Don't be like that, this is important, it's my career."

"Yeah I can see what you think is important Shannon. You do realise you were so exhausted last time you were back we didn't make love, it's coming up to 2 months since we were intimate."

"Is that what this is about, you getting your leg over! Well fuck you, it's the money I am earning that you are spending."

Scott was dumbstruck, unable to speak!

"I, I am sorry Scott I didn't mean that."

"I think you did Shannon; try thinking about Chloe and maybe even me for a change rather just yourself. What if we didn't need the money, would you come home then?

"But we do need the money so that isn't an option; and I love doing this, I am good at it."

"Must be nice to have something your passionate about. I didn't plan on being a single fucking parent."

Scott ended the call.

Shannon did come home for all of two days before returning for her big gala, Scott tried to express his concern about her focus on work and impact on Chloe. The response was not the one he hoped for. Shannon hired her best friend from school Christine as a nanny to help with Chloe.

Shannon was concerned about Scott but she was consumed by work and quite stressed, it was demanding and she had to remain focused. Scott was so steady, she knew him and Chloe would be fine. Their mums were there helping and asking Christine to be a nanny would provide more support. There was the added advantage that Christine would report back any concerns.

It was the following weekend that saw Scott and Shannon staring in the mirrors, 1,000 miles apart and experiencing almost completely opposing thoughts.


The contact improved for a while before returning to the previous levels. To be fair Christine was like a god send, the mum's helped but she took a lot of pressure off Scott and freed up time for him.

It didn't take long for Christine to tell Shannon that Chloe was missing her and that she should get back more. She confirmed Scott was a brilliant dad and the bond with Chloe was amazing to witness. Shannon felt some pangs of regret about that statement.

"He's not looking about for anyone else is he Christine? We feel a bit distant now."

"No, but he is feeling abandoned Shan. What is happening with you, this arrangement isn't fair on either of them."

Shannon was pleased Christine was there to keep an eye on Scott. She was worried about him straying whilst she was away, not that he was the type but you couldn't be too careful. She hadn't really anticipated Christine giving her a hard time about missing trips back and not seeing Chloe, she was nearly as bad as her mum for nagging her.


Christine's choice in men wasn't always the best and included an abusive ex-husband. He turned up one night banging on Scott's front door, shouting that he knew Christine was in there with him. Christine was a wreck and begged Scott not to answer. Luckily Shannon's mother Maureen was visiting at the same time.

"Let me see her or else!"

Scott wasn't in the mood, the fact Chloe was asleep in bed upstairs made his protective instincts kick in. He opened the door, the clearly drunk ex stepped forward until Scott pushed him back off the step.

"Or else what? What exactly are you going to do?"

"The ex took a further step back, confused by Scott's question, "I, I..."

"Yeah thought so, bullies like you only pick on those smaller or weaker, now piss off before I make you."

The ex started swearing he knew Christine was inside. It was then Shannon's mum Maureen appeared at the door, "Yes she is inside but she doesn't ever want to see you again."

The sight of Maureen destroyed his notion of Scott and Christine being together intimately. Despite that, common sense didn't prevail and angered he took a swing at Scott, missing by some distance. Scott barely tapped him back and he keeled over. It was hardly Ali, but a victory non the less and after a few beers it would sound like 12 rounds against Mike Tyson.

The ex struggled to get up, as Maureen shouted at him, "I've called the police, we have a child in the house and you're a disgrace of a man."

He tried to slither away into the night, but hadn't gotten as far as the road end when the police picked him up. Christine was all over the place, it took ages for Scott and Maureen to calm her, give her some tablets and get her to lie down.

"Can you look after her for a while Scott, she was always such a gentle sole growing up with Shannon. It's a pity she can't find someone to look after her like she deserves. I'll call back around tomorrow, hopefully she will be better then."

"Of course, I owe her for the way she has looked after Chloe, not all men are like him, she could do far better."

Scott checked in on Christine through the night, she seemed restless but never awoke until breakfast.

"Thank you for last night, I owe you."

"Nonsense, I just watched you ex fall over, it was quite amusing really and anyone would do the same."

"You didn't know what would happen when you went to the door. I seem to attract losers, what is it about me, why can't I just find a nice guy like you?"

"Listen Christine, I have no idea what he has done to your self-esteem and confidence but you are an attractive women, as well as being smart and caring. I would snap you up in a heartbeat if I wasn't already a married man, and there are plenty of others out there who would do the same."

Christine ran from the room crying, leaving Scott bemused, he had tried hard to say the right thing and upset her all over again. He called Maureen to come over before he made things even worse.

Maureen had a long chat with Christine, afterwards Scott asked how things were and apologised if he'd upset her.

"Yeah she is better, she's not used to men being nice to her... especially her hero."

"Hero, no way! Shit I didn't mean to suggest... you know I wouldn't."

"Relax Scott, I know you wouldn't and neither would she, but be careful: I am not sure she realises it yet but she has quite a crush on you. It's not just last night, it's how you are with Chloe and your support of Shannon."

"I'm sorry, I had no idea, I'll keep things professional and distant."

"Probably for the best, she is confused, I'll keep talking to her as well."


It was Christine who sheepishly gave Scott the society magazine and told him to look inside. There was a small article about the a gala including photographs, one of which showed Shannon holding hands with and kissing Claude.


The kiss caught in the background of another shot. Scott tried calling Shannon immediately, she didn't answer. He got another number through her company and one of her entourage answered:

"It's Shannon Williams' husband, I need to speak to her urgently."

"I am sorry Ms Williams is currently engaged."

"Ms... what the fuck! Scott hung up furious and sent a text to Shannon's personal number, "Request for Ms Williams to contact Mr Williams immediately."

Scott got a call back, "Hold for Ms Williams."

He hung up!

They called again, "This is Ms William's Personal Assistant, can you hold for Ms Williams please."

"What's your name?"


"What is your name?"

"It's Stephanie, Stephanie Rochefort."

"Well tell your boss Stephanie, that I am not a business contact, if she wants to speak to her husband, she can either answer her private phone or deem to put the huge effort into ringing me herself."

"You mean, you're not holding."

"Correct Stephanie, I am not."

Scott ended the call, ten minutes later the phone rang again, it was Shannon.

"I am honoured to be finally talking to the boss and not one of your minions."

"Don't be like that Scott, things are manically busy."

"Yeah, you have time for everything but me. Tell you what Ms Williams it doesn't matter."

Scott ended the call and ignored the following call. Finally he read her text, "Is everything ok, is Chloe well?"

"Yes Chloe is fine, but everything is far from OK. You might want to check lifestyle magazine to see why I needed to talk to you."

The phone rang Scott ignored it and the five calls that followed. Then he received her message, "That was nothing, it was a quick kiss goodnight, just a peck, the photo looks far worse than it is, we have a professional relationship, please pick up so I can explain."

Scott wasn't surprised to get a visit from Maureen. "Shannon is upset and you aren't answering your phone."

"Like she answers hers you mean? You had better check that magazine on the table before you say anything more."

Maureen looked at the photograph for an age, "These things can look worse than they are."

"Which bit, the kiss or the hand holding? It's actually the second photograph that bothers me most, they aren't kissing but the look in her eyes, well I know that look and that's the killer. Be honest Maureen is she cheating on me?"

"God no, she wouldn't. I'll go out tomorrow to see her and find out what's happening.

"Suit yourself, I don't want to talk to her, this is just the final straw, she's been absent as a mother and wife for too long, I've had enough."

"Don't do anything hasty Scott, I am sure there is an explanation."

"So am I and that's the problem."


Maureen caught up with her daughter in Monaco, she waited in the foyer of a plush apartment, somewhat surprised at the way Shannon swanned into the building doing a fair impression of a fashion model, then stopping dead in her tracks once she spotted Maureen.

"Mum what are you doing here?"

"I am visiting, aren't you going to welcome me and invite me up?

Shannon gave her mum a nervous hug, "Well, errm yeah, yes of course, its great to see you."

Maureen wandered around the apartment, "You seem to be doing well, lots of clothes, jewellery, shoes, bags, they all look very expensive and this place must cost a fortune."

"Yeah, yeah it's going well, we get a lot of gifts, people trying to get contracts and approvals and the apartment comes with the job."

It was then Maureen saw the shaving gear and men's toiletries. Shannon spotted the look with dread, her mum stomped across to the wardrobes opening them to find a long rack of men's suits and other clothes.

"What's going on Shannon?"

Shannon groaned internally, "They are Claude's, it's his apartment, he left some things here."