Misguided Love


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I moved away to allow him some privacy but the conversation was remarkably brief anyway.

"Ok – some other time then," I heard him say, then he put his phone down.

"Turned me down flat," he said, "Think you were right – she sounded as if she already had company even tonight."

He shook his head sadly and I really wanted to cuddle him, such was his distress.

"Bloody waste of planning and money and effort," he moaned, "Unless you'd like to come along instead?"

"Eh? Guess that depends on where were you going," I replied and Gary named a very well-known and smart restaurant; one at which only the heeled and relatively wealthy dined; a restaurant whose menu was well coveted by many.

"Wow – that's a bit posh! Guess I could keep you company if you like," I replied, thinking solely of the kudos of being seen in such a place, "Nice of you to ask."

"Well I guess you're my best friend," he said, "So if she's not going to be interested then who else would I ask? Anyway I'm a bit short of time to find another suitable female."

Gary's face broke into a smile at last. "Besides, I like eating at that place and I'm not going to waste that booking."

Friday came and dolled up in my finest suit, I met Gary at the gym. Not only was it a handy meeting place but being members we could park there free and we could easily walk the rest of the way to the restaurant.

Gary too was looking his best; all complete with tuxedo – something I didn't even possess!

"Hey man – you look hot!" I exclaimed, putting on an appropriate accent and Gary laughed happily.

"You don't look too shabby yourself," he returned, his hand smoothing down my lapel, "Best I've ever seen you – dressed, that is!"

We both laughed and bantered lightly as we set out on the short walk.

Something like two hours later and we were sitting back replete and watching the show that accompanied Friday evening diners; a steady diet of beautifully plumed and attired exotic dancers, both male and female. But despite the overt sexuality of the show it was done so tastefully that it was captivating and lovely to watch, serving only to titivate appetites for whatever would follow dinner, once the diners returned home.

And certainly both Gary and I felt that way after our evening out; really highly aroused and both seemingly desperate for some sexual partners.

Gary stood up at the end of the evening and pulled some of the creases and folds out of his clothes and as I looked at him it was clear that his penis was at least partially aroused – an observation that reminded me that mine too was quite considerably stiffened.

I said nothing as we left the restaurant however and together we walked back to the gym car park, almost in silence, until Gary suddenly stopped and turned to me.

"I don't mean this to sound the way it does," he said, "But do you fancy coming back to my place for a while? Have a few drinks and you could even stay over if you like.....?"

"Yeah, what a great idea – that's nice of you," I replied, "How could I say no? Anyway, it's much too early to shut down, isn't it?"

"Cheers Chris," said Gary, "It'll be nice to have a bit of company – even if you're not quite the same shape I was expecting though!"

I aimed a light punch at him as we laughed together, our cheerfulness contagious it seemed.

"I'll be better company than that two-timing piece of shit," I said, laughing loudly, "And I promise I'll be faithful!"

I stuck my tongue out at him as we larked around like a couple of kids, wrestling and play-fighting as we walked on.

The banter continued until we reached our cars and I followed Gary out of the car park and headed off to his place, which turned out to be a couple of miles out of town; a substantial three or four bedroom detached house. My eyes naturally swept over his garden, which definitely needed some attention and then over his house, which looked in far better shape.

Soon we were entering into a special entrance hall and Gary ushered me into his lounge, a generous L-shaped room, all complete with patio doors and a large fireplace. It looked cosy and yet airy; both inviting and welcoming and I immediately felt at home – not that I'd felt the least bit tensed up anyway.

The after-glow of the late evening setting sun applied a golden warmth to the room that made it so inviting.....

"Lovely room," I commented, "Love the décor; the aspect – look at the way windows capture the light – brilliant!"

"Always been my favourite room," said Gary as he stood looking down the garden, "Apart from my bedroom, of course!"

We chuckled together light-heartedly, but I could feel there was still an air of sexual excitement between us, which Gary unintentionally defused by asking about drinks.

We both chose Southern Comfort on ice which Gary poured with a generous hand before we both plonked ourselves down on the big settee, both seemingly perhaps looking for an opening – for a way to introduce sex.....even though neither of us knew what would happen once we did......

We bantered for a while on many a subject until there was a moments silence, then......

"Chris, did you mean......"

"Gary, did you really enjoy....."

We both spoke at once, suddenly and almost explosively, such was the tension that our words released.

We stopped and laughed at each other, before high-fiving with one hand each and waving the other to speak first – and Gary got the go-ahead.

"I was going to ask if you meant what you said," Gary said, his hands writhing uncomfortably, "Do you remember when we showered together and you tossed me off and asked me if I'd cum for you?"

I nodded, remembering the conversation clearly, remembering the action even more clearly as I'd offered to 'do anything' for him.

"You wouldn't do it again, would you," asked Gary, breathlessly, "You were great last time....."

Suddenly I found myself laughing because the same topic had been on my lips.

"You know what Gary," I replied, "I was about to ask you if you'd really enjoyed what we did – and now you've more or less answered my question."

"Why, were you interested?" asked Gary, "Was it because you enjoyed doing it?"

I found myself nodding again, knowing somehow that this moment signalled the start of something new; perhaps something more than 'just' a bit of sex.

"Yeah," I breathed, feeling things stirring down below, "Yeah, I wanted to do it again – and more, I think."

"Really – you're interested in doing other things too?" asked Gary, his eyes wide open, "I thought that perhaps that when we did that it was a one-off, just to release the pressure, so to speak."

"No – I enjoyed you wanking me and doing 'that other thing' too," I said, now knowing that my cock was at full stretch but still unable to say the real words, "And since we're lacking a woman – perhaps we can find other ways to make ourselves feel better....."

I just couldn't say the proper words; the words I really wanted to say – like suck and fuck and cock. Much as I wanted to be able to do so, they just wouldn't come out.....

In all truthfulness I was quivering inside with pent up excitement at the thought of enjoying Gary's body and of him enjoying mine too – I so much wanted things to develop and to carry on that I almost felt sick inside. I was like a love-lost youth; ham-fisted and word-shy!

I turned towards Gary and put down my brandy glass, my hands now reaching out towards him. Gary slid down the settee towards me and suddenly we were in each other's arms, our mouths locking together, our tongues twisting and turning together wetly and excitedly.

My hands fell to Gary's lap and I immediately encountered his erection – a solid length of muscle down his trouser leg. I scrabbled around until I found his zip which I dragged down as quickly as I could, my hand sliding inside his underpants and soon finding his penis, his warm, stiff, throbbing penis, which I dragged out into the open air.

"Oooh Chris – yessss, do that, play with him for me," moaned Gary, thrusting his cock up through my fist, "God – I need that!"

As he spoke and as I explored, so did Gary's hands, his nimble fingers quickly undoing my belt and trousers before pulling my trousers and underpants down, right down to my ankles.

Immediately his hands were there, grasping my penis, sliding my foreskin back, squeezing and fondling my cock until I had to stop him.

He stood up, panting heavily.

"Come on – let's go to the bedroom," he said and I followed him as he led the way, "Get undressed properly."

Wordlessly following him I tore off my shirt and tie, my socks and shoes and stood there, my cock quivering with excitement and desire as Gary did the same, before flinging himself down onto the bed, his hands outstretched.

"Come on Chris, come here and love me!" he said.

Hardly hearing the words I climbed onto the bed beside him and we rolled together, our mouths once again melding tightly, our slippery kisses sending waves of pleasure all through my body.

I could feel Gary's cock pressing against my abdomen and I reached down to hold it, the tip now slippery with warm precum as I slid my thumbs over it, my own erection sliding against my hand as I played around.

Gary sucked in a quick breath as I thrilled him, his whole body shuddering with excitement.

His hands moved around me, one under and the other over me to hold and massage my buttocks, squeezing them together and pulling them apart, each movement bringing his fingers that little bit closer to my anus.

My own breath was quivering as I felt him explore my bottom while I explored his penis until he pushed us apart.

"I don't want you to wank me, I want to suck you instead," said Gary as he scrambled onto his knees and pushed me down onto my back and as he spoke his own hands found and held my rampant penis.

"You'll let me suck you, won't you? Please let me suck him, please?" asked Gary and I nodded, too far removed from reality to be able to form words.

Gary moved around and I watched as his head dipped steadily towards my groin where his hands were holding my cock upright for him.

There was a moment when I thought he'd licked me but it was just his fingers sliding over my now exposed knob – and then there it was; that moment of contact as his wet tongue found my sensitive flesh.

"Ooooh fuck," I moaned, sucking in a tight breath, "Noooooo, ohhhh God!"

"What's the matter?" asked Gary, lifting his head.

"Nothing – I've never been sucked before....well, not by a bloke," I said, "It just shocked me."

"Nothing odd about my mouth!" said Gary, "Just wait til I get going!"

Oh yes, I was prepared to wait for that, it had just been unexpected to be sucked, but it was lovely and no way was I going to complain now.

"Yessss, get going Gary, give me some more!" I cried happily, my hips pushing my erection back towards his face, "Suck me off!"

"Mmmmmmm, going to," came the reply from Gary, his mouth now firmly closed around my cock, "Mmmmm, lovely taste!"

The position Gary was in meant that he was kneeling near my chest and was bent down towards my legs and so my arm almost naturally slid between his legs to allow my hand to hold and caress his muscular thighs. I worked my hand up and down until suddenly I felt my hand brush against some hanging meat.

I explored – and soon found a large pair of balls and an erect penis which I grabbed firmly. I felt down the length of his cock until I was able to pull back his foreskin to uncover his still-slippery knob. I moved away and cupped his balls, the hairy pair filling my hand completely as I felt the spongy sacs inside. I followed their root back up until I found his cock once more and then settled into contentedly rubbing up and down his penis as Gary worked away on my cock with his mouth.

We were in a 'no rush' state, wherein we were both just content to explore and enjoy and time seemed to pass softly past, the only variations being that I could feel my cock stiffening even more and Gary's cock was oozing precum steadily now. It was time to move things on.......

Gary lifted his head and looked up at me, my moistened instrument in his hands now.

"Chris," he said, "You know you fucked me in the toilet the other week – could you do it again? I've got some lube here – please, I'd like you to...."

Taking control Gary now knelt up and reached for the little tube which he'd located in moments and now he applied some of the lube to his arsehole, before bringing a blob of the stuff to my cock. His hand smeared it over my length – then he got on his hands and knees on the bed and beckoned me into place.

"Come on Chris, please fuck me – put him in me!"

Well and truly aroused by Gary's expert mouth-work I was up and into position in moments, my slippery dick held out to line up with his equally slippery hole.

"Just push him in," said Gary, "Not hard – be gentle to start."

From behind him I moved my hips forward and my cock touched his hole, the puckered flesh stretching apart as my tip sank in slightly. I moved him away as I adjusted my knees before bringing my cock back into place.

And now I pushed a little harder, hearing Gary breathe deeply as my knob began to disappear inside his body.

His whole anus moved inwards with pressure at first, until it allowed my cock to enter his body, upon which his flesh recoiled as if to absorb my length.

There's a special feel to entering into a person's anus – firstly the stretching of the anal entry itself, then the easing of the sphincter muscles; then the comfortable sliding, penetrating feel as all obstacles are cleared.

But before penetration is complete there are what feel like several rings of muscles to pass, multiple gaskets that lead to the main cavity.

And it's as you penetrate that last barrier that the pain peaks and then the pleasure starts......

We'd now reached that point – and Gary cried out briefly before uttering a long sigh of contentment as my penis began to slide inside.

"Ooooh that's better," he said, "It's lovely once you're inside!"

"Mmmmmm," I responded, it being my turn to be speechless, "Mmmmmm!"

Gently I moved my penis in and out. I applied another blob of gel to the ring of his arsehole and my cock seemed to slide in and out that much more easily. Inside, Gary was warm and moist. I could feel his prostate gland against my knob as I slid past it; his internal muscles now pulsating and squeezing around my cock; his anus now tight around my shaft as I began to fuck him properly.

"That's it, like that," said Gary, "Lovely – keep doing that Chris."

And so I did – my penis happily enjoying the feelings surrounding it as I slowly worked myself up towards my orgasm, until I realised hat Gary's cock was being left out.

I reached underneath him and soon found my target; a gloriously wet and slippery lengthy cock, perfect to hold and rub in time with my thrusts.

"How's it going?" I asked and Gary moaned his reply.

"Wonderful Chris, just wonderful – you feel so good," he said, his hips writhing beneath me, "Oh God – Karen would never have been able to do this for me!"

I laughed, realising that Gary had originally been expecting to take her out; to take her home afterwards to fuck – and instead it was him who was being fucked! And I'd more or less given up on the chase for Karen and hadn't expected anything to be happening – and yet here was I having a damn good fuck!

Gary's laughter had caused his arsehole to shudder around my cock and the extra sensations were sending me ever closer to my orgasm now I realised, so I slowed down.

"I'm getting close," I told him, "What do you want me to do?"

"Don't cum Chris, save it for a bit," said Gary, "Let's stop for a moment."

As he spoke he pulled his hips from my clutches and my cock slid easily from his hole, bouncing upwards against my abdomen.

"Ahhh – that's not fair!" I cried, "I was getting all ready!"

Gary and I were now kneeling on the bed, face to face, cock to slippery cock and Gary reached down and took hold of my shivering length.

"You're getting all excited are you?" he asked, his tongue licking his lips, his eyes sparkling, "Nearly there, eh?"

He smiled broadly as my answer consisted of a somewhat pained smile – I had indeed been about to cum and he'd stopped me in my tracks!

"I'll get you off, don't worry, but I want to play with your arsehole while you cum," Gary now said and I felt a shudder of fright and excitement pass through me as I nodded my approval.

"Go on then, just your finger," I said, wanting to enhance my orgasm, "Use some lube too."

"Course I will. Get on your hands and knees then," said Gary and like a lamb I turned and settled, my head on my hands on his pillow while Gary moved behind me and his hands descended onto my arse.

I felt the chill of the lube as he touched it to my flesh; the slight pressure as he pushed the tip of one finger inside me; the thrill of something illicit, exciting, new, frightening and wild.....about to happen.

Gary pushed a little more and I felt his finger slide easily through my sphincter muscles until he was obviously embedded up to the knuckle inside me. It was weird, perverted, kinky and strange and yet his actions excited me beyond all normal levels as I felt his finger moving around inside my arsehole.

He pushed his finger in and out a few times before he pulled it out. Then suddenly there was a little more pressure and I realised that Gary was now using two fingers inside me – but they'd been able to penetrate my hole without a problem – so what was I worrying about?

But Gary spoke for me, making me air my concerns and feelings.

"How're you going? Feels odd, does it?" he asked and I wondered what to say.

"Fine really," I replied, "Bit strange but not really painful – just feels odd, that's all."

"I'm going to push a bit harder," said Gary and I felt his fingers probing deeper inside me, suddenly discovering my prostate in the process.

His other hand came around me and grasped my cock and with just a few wanks it was leaking precum generously; his other fingers now massaging me internally. I was getting closer and closer....!

"You still ok?" came Gary's voice.

"Yeah, fine, I think," I said, still not entirely comfy with his slippery fingers.

"I want to try stretching you a little bit more," said Gary, "Don't worry – I'll use some more lube!"

I laughed a bit uncomfortably but when Gary pulled his fingers from my hole I felt that I was missing something, something I was already coming to enjoy.

But moments later and he was back, his fingers now feeling larger again – I felt myself relax my breath as the feelings returned.

'That's three fingers,' I thought to myself, wincing softly, 'Phew – that's a stretch!'

"Careful!" I called out softly although the pain wasn't all THAT bad.

Gary was now stretching me quite considerably – not to the point of painfulness but definitely stretching beyond anything normal. He held still as I became more accustomed to the pressure.

"I'm being gentle," Gary breathed from behind me, "You still ok.....?"

Instead of answering, my mind was now focussed on his hand which was working harder and faster on my cock, working me off, bringing me ever closer to cumming; taking my mind off the other pain; transferring my feelings temporarily.

Then, as my mind became distracted, he pushed a bit more and as a final sharp feeling inside me brought me back to reality, the tension in my arse suddenly eased off and now I realised that I felt very full but not uncomfortably so. But my thoughts were dragged back to my cock as Gary's hands was working harder and faster – then I felt myself spasm and shudder as my orgasm arrived.

"Ooooh Gary – I'm cumming! Cumming!" I cried, "Gonna cum Gary – gonna cum!"

And as I erupted, so Gary pushed at my arse – and suddenly I understood that what was inside me wasn't his fingers – it was his cock!