Miss Harcourt's Guardian Ch. 01


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"So," she said, as she entered the room as the first rays of sunlight streaked by bed sheets, "When am I to be released into Madame L'oiseaux's care?" she demanded.

"Take break fast and I shall make the arrangements," I insisted.

"Good!" she snapped.

I went to take my own break fast but I had no appetite, and instead I made my way to town and in particular to see Madame L'oiseaux.

Her house stood proud in the high street, not hidden down a back alley but as proud as any town hall or hotel, its pillared portico attended by a liveried man that the peasantry should be not ejected but prevented entirely from even approaching such was the quality of gentleman that was to be encouraged, even Lieutenants and captains of some regiments were routinely denied entry as being too common, only guards officers being almost guaranteed entry and even then not the welsh.

I had no such difficulty as a regular customer and Sifford the doors-man greeted me warmly, "Madame is still abed My Lord," he said deferentially, "But Phoebe will attend you."

Phoebe La Bank, Madame's lieutenant so to speak attended me, even though it was morning she was painted and powdered to perfection and attired in a rich gown split to the thigh which she deported to allow unobstructed views of her shaven womanhood as she sat down as she had no underskirt to hide the gap between stockings and corset nor pantaloons nor anything else, and indeed her womanhood was shaved entirely clean and then rouged to rouse the most impotent and timid of men.

"Monsieur 'Arcout, and what may ah do for you?" she asked in a ridiculous french accent though she hove from near Chesterfield as I knew well.

"I have a whore for you," I attested.

"A whore, your cast off?" she enquired, lapsing into her native dialect.

"Father's mistress," I explained, "Twenty one all but, comely, slim, evil tempered, haughty," I declared, "I seem to have been unknowingly paying her board and lodging since father passed on."

"Have you tired of her?" she asked, "She sounds young enough for your needs if I may say so my lord."

"She disliked me at sight," I admitted, "Though when pressed she submits readily enough but I own she is far more trouble than she is worth."

"And who is she?" Phoebe asked.

"Grace Harcourt," I averred.

"Haughty you say," Phoebe enquired, "Indeed, yes, I do believe I know of her, yes, she was mistress to the older Lord Harcourt among others I believe."

"Among others?" I enquired.

"Oh yes," Phoebe agreed. "She spent hours preening herself and sitting in the reading rooms and attending balls with some old witch, fluttering her eyelashes at every young gentleman and old now you mention it, that could still get his manhood to stand."

"So shall you have her?" I asked.

"If she wishes," Phoebe agreed.

"And if not?" I asked.

"Perhaps a night at the 'Red Lion,' whoring for Mr Binks will change her mind," Phoebe suggested, "That or the threat thereof."

"Yes, yes indeed." I declared, "I thank you."

"But sir, My Lord, shall you not dally with me a while?" Phoebe asked sweetly.

"I really think I should be home," I apologised, "Perhaps next time?"

"I shall keep you to that sir!" she agreed, "I shall tell Madam when she rises when can we expect the wench?"

I went home and sought Miss Harcourt out, "I have arranged a position with Madame L'oiseaux." I explained.

"I am to be free of you?" she asked.

"Indeed, if you wish, but should you refuse," I added, "It shall be the back room at the Red Lion with every man jack sampling you, that or servitude here, and indentured servitude for five years."

"Madame will understand what you cannot," She declared.

"So collect your traps, we shall go this afternoon," I insisted.

"It cannot be too soon!" she declared, "Allow me but a quarter hour and I shall attend you," and she rushed happily away.

She needed more than a quarter hour, but not much more, and I barely had the carriage ready but she was dragging her boxes and traps along to the door for them to be loaded.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I asked.

"Surely do not need to ask?" she demanded.

"Well," I assured her, "You will do well with Madame L'oiseaux, far better than without," I averred.

"Certainly better than you!" she averred, and with that we awayed with her in the carriage and myself driving.

I stopped at the Red Lion, and tethered my pair at his rail.

"Why have we stopped?" Miss Harcourt demanded.

"To see Mr Binks," I said, "Come."

She descended with some reluctance for she was wearing her good dress, the dark green which made her look like a lady of breeding or so some would say and with it dainty shoes ill suited to the mud of the alehouse yard.

"Ah Binks!" I said a I espied him, "I am away to Madame L'oiseaux with Grace, my father's whore."

"Is that she?" he asked.

"Indeed," I agreed presenting her, "But tell me would you pay me a consideration for her if she fails to reach Madame's requirements?"

"Why?" he asked, "Is she diseased."

"I hope not," I assured him, "I pronged her myself not a day ago."

"Without a skin?" he asked.

"Indeed," I agreed.

"Then you're a bloody fool!" he said, and added, "She's no good to me, no udders, no meat on her," he said, "Ten guineas tops," he added.

"Ohhhhh!" Miss Harcourt stormed and stamped her dainty foot, "I should rather die!"

"What's going on?" a confused female voice enquired and a barely attired buxom wench appeared from the back room, barefoot, her cream shift soiled and creased and torn and so thin that her teats were clearly to be seen through it.

"Tis all right Fanny," Binks assured the wench, "Miss Harcourt here is after your job."

"No!" the wench cried, "But what shall I do Mr Binks?"

"I hardly think I shall accept Mr Binks kind offer," Miss Harcourt said haughtily.

"Don't you take that tone with me you bitch!" the wench asserted, "You're no better than you should be," she said, "You think on, can you take a gentleman up the backside and one in front and still suckle a third?"

"Ugh, no!" Miss Harcourt said and the colour such that there was drained from her face, "No I cannot, I am sure I cannot."

"Well," the wench explained, "If you want my job that's what you'll need to do on Sat'day night lest you'll be up all night till sun up before them all sated."

"On your back on the bar floor eh Fanny," Binks says, "She sleeps afore the fire, she owes me see, works off what she oes and sure enough she falls with child again and I has to help her out again, so she owes me."

"Oh," Fanny says.

"We'll try Madame first I think, Mr Binks," I says, "I'll wish you god day for now."

I opened the door and Miss Harcourt dashed past me looking ashen faced, and alighted abruptly into the carriage before slamming the door.

"Are you discomfited?" I asked.

"Entirely as was your intent," she declared. I smiled, if she ad so little taste for proper whoredom then a taste of Madame L'oiseaux's establishment and she would see servitude with me was indeed entirely preferable.

Things are seldom so clear though, and Miss Harcourt was delighted with the Maison L'oiseaux, the sumptuous decor and the kindness of the ladies all of whom were especially neatly attired as if ready to attend at church rather than to attend to any gentleman's carnal whim at a moment's notice.

We entered into the house like we were attending a tea party for that is what Madame had laid out in her sitting room with several girls seated around a tea table where a selection of small delicate but exquisite cakes was also provided and pastries and other delicacies in great profusion, qand as we sat around so Miss Harcourt chattered away on all kinds of notions save that which we were come for.

"Madame," Miss Harcourt said after taking tea, "I am afraid I am here under false pretences, I was left a ward of Lord Blanchforth's father, not his whore at all and I wonder, might I abide here for a time while I arrange my affairs?"

Madame looked at Miss Harcourt, a kindly woman of some fifty summers Madame had heard every sob story a thousand times, "Yes my child, we shall look after you and in return you shall oblige and entertain our gentlemen."

Miss Harcourt looked confused, "Fornicate," I explained, "She really is rather good."

"Lord Blanchforth, how much are you asking for the girl?" Madame asked.

"I think she's had better than a hundred guineas all told," I explained, "Is that an excess?"

"No, that is very fair." Madame agreed, "Her hair and nails need work, though her deportment and elocution are excellent, but the haughtiness will have to go my lord," Madame explained.

"Indeed," I concurred, "That is what spoils her."

"Have you tried sodomy?" Madam asked.

"Ah no," I confessed, "She requires stretching I do believe."

"Mouth?" Madame asked.

"Nor that neither for she professes sharp teeth," I added.

"Are you going to talk of me like I was a piece of dead meat and not here at all/" Miss Harcourt queried.

"Indeed," Madame concurred, "This is between Lord Blanchforth and I, have you the papers my lord?"

"Yes," I agreed, and showed her.

"Barely still within your control," Madame observed.

"Tis here, servitude with me or Binks at the Red Lion." I explained.

"So, which is it to be?" Madame asked.

"Here!" Miss Harcourt decided.

It was as if someone had driven a stake within my heart, "No!" I strangled my cry, and instead said "Oh?"

"Here I might ensnare a gentleman!" Miss Harcourt averred.

"Then sign my book and have Holloway fetch the girl's things," Madame agreed, "Your fee in six months when she has earned it my lord," Madame suggested.

"Indeed," I agreed, "Come Grace, sign Madame's book."

"And be free of you?" she asked.

"Entirely," I agreed.

"Good!" she said and she signed on the line, in all probability not realising that she had assigned herself to Madame until her debt was paid, and that debt was the sum of her attire which would be required for her new life as a whore and which in truth could barely be paid off if she had a different gentleman every forenoon, afternoon and evening.

"Monique, Francine take Grace to the room, Lilla have the cases brought, Angelique see to my Lord Blanchforths needs," Madame ordered.

"I shall assist with the cases," I explained and I left Miss Harcourt with the girls.

It pained me that she rejected my offer but Madame was a kindly and fair mistress and I knew father would approve that I had placed his whore into a clean and well respected establishment and not allowed her to walk the streets.

I assisted with Miss Harcourt's cases which Madame had opened and the contents examined, "She will require a complete new wardrobe, this is useless except for going to church," she declared, "Shall we inspect the girl together?"

"Look I had better be away," I explained.

"No I insist," Madame replied, "There may be nasty surprises."

The surprise was Miss Harcourt's when Madame and I entered her room for she was naked having bathed in a hip bath before a blazing fire, "No!" she cried and tried to hide her nakedness.

"Stand up girl!" Madame demanded, but Miss Harcourt held the bath towel before her, "Display, girl display!" Madame repeated.

"Grace, I saw everything already," I said gently.

"No!" she declared, "I cannot!" but Monique and Francine were well versed in reluctant whores, those who were quick to sign and slow to offer themselves and each had a wide leather band with buckles which they took up and in concert took each of Miss Harcourts arms and slipped a band around the wrist even as Miss Harcourt held her towel.

"No, Miss Harcourt demurred, but Madame herself stepped forward and took a further leather strap from the sideboard and buckled it around Miss Harcourt's neck like a puppy dog's collar.

Lilla joined us as Francine and Monique still held Graces arms so Lilla took up two more straps and placed then around Miss Harcourt's upper thighs.

"No, what is this?" Miss Harcourt cried.

"Miss Harcourt becomes Miss Harlot!" I laughed, sadly none laughed with me which thought damned rude.

"No," Miss Harcourt cried again, but with practiced ease Francine and Monique eased Miss Harcourt's hands down and Lilla attached the wrist cuffs to the thigh cuffs and allowed Miss Harcourt's towel to fall away, "No desist I say, unhand me!" Miss Harcourt protested.

"The hair must go," Madame insisted, "Monique, the razor if you please, under the arms as well, she looks like a goat."

"How dare you!" Miss Harcourt cried.

"And a gag," Madame requested, "A tunnel gag I think, she has sharp teeth does she not my lord?"

"Very pretty teeth," I agreed as I gazed at Miss Harcourt and my manhood roused.

"My lord, my lord," Madame asserted, "Are you quite well?"

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"You seemed far away," Madame suggested as Monique brought a bowl of warm water and shaving soap and her folding razor which she demonstrated was indeed razor sharp by cutting a piece of cloth and having persuaded or forced Miss Harcourt to squat down she proceeded to shave away the hairs from her lower belly.

Miss Harcourt's breath came in short gasps now, frightened perhaps or excited and she trembled gently as Monique revealed the intimacies of Miss Harcourt's slot and private places to plain view,"N'no, please!" Miss Harcourt quavered in her fear as Monique twisted the blade this way and that among the soap and hairs cleaving away the dark fur to reveal the delights beneath.

I own the whole was perfection and such was Monique's artistry and skill that not a drop of blood was spilled neither was a singe hair left to despoil the soft pinkness now displayed, and then with some greater difficulty to the arm pits was Monique's attention paid and once again the sharp flat blade cleaved away the hairiness and left the maid clean and pristine like a new hatched babe.

"Oh you monster!" Miss Harcourt protested, "Why must you treat me so ill!"

"It is the same for all of us," Madame declared, "For myself I enjoy it," she smiled at Monique, "But my darling Monique makes it more special do you not my cherry?"

Monique blushed, "Yes Madame," she agreed and taking up her bowl she scuttled from the room.

"The Annus," Madame said, "You do not allow gentleman that pleasure?" Madame asked as she inspected Miss Harcourt more closely.

"No indeed not, indeed I have scarcely allowed any indignities," Miss Harcourt insisted.

"Love, my child," Madame said, "Our gentleman show their love they do not inflict indignities do I make myself clear?"

"But before Lord Blanchforth," Miss Harcourt explained.

"Enough, silence, Monique the gag please!" Madame insisted.

"No!" Miss Harcourt pleaded but Monique had the tunnel gag to hand, a stout tube of leather with a wider strap sewn at a cross angle its utility was clear, to protect a gentlemans' member from the teeth of the wearer.

"No," Miss Harcourt protested noisily, as Monique showed the tapered wooden tool and demonstrated how it slid within the tube that it might enter more readily.

"Open your mouth wide," Madame insisted, Miss Harcourt demurred so Madame nodded to Francine who reached down and pinched one of Miss Harcourts freshly shaven lower lips firmly between finger and thumb.

"Ah!" Miss Harourt gasped and in an instant the tube was within Miss Harcourt's mouth and the wooden tool with it and the straps were taken to behind her head and the buckle tightened.

She looked around in sheer terror unable to even breathe until the tool was withdrawn, and "Ushhh," she gasped as Monique set the tool down.

"My lord, shall you sample her mouth?" Madame enquired.

Mouth, slot, bottom at that moment I desired her too much, my manhood strained and in an instant exploded.

I stared helplessly.

"Un petit accident?" Madame enquired, "Where is Phoebe, call for Phoebe, she will attend you my lord," Madame insisted and with considerable embarrassment I went through the door marked "Private," into the whore's private quarters and sought Phoebe.

"Oh, Lord Blanchforth!" Phoebe gushed as she answered her door in her dressing gown.

"I'm afraid I had an accident," I explained, "Miss Harcourt."

Phoebe cast aside her gown upon the bed, she was gloriously bared beneath, "Such things happen," she assured me, "Show me."

I dropped my breeches and there to my shame my poor appendage drooped still sticky from my over excitement.

Phoebe took a damp sponge and after having me sit on her bed she began to wipe away the expelled cream, "I have clean undergarments if you wish, mans undergarments," she explained.

"Thank you," I agreed.

"He is beautiful," Phoebe added and my appendage reared, "May I?" she asked and I could not refuse her as she slid a skin onto my manhood and turning to face me somehow slid down upon me and engulfed him entirely, yes so even my balls were engulfed.

"There is that not better?" she queried.

"Much," I agreed, "Much better," but for all that Phoebe engulfed me it was Miss Harcourt's face that I saw in my minds eye as Phoebe took her pleasure.

The cream in my under things had dried to crust when we had finished, and though she had done most of the movements still Phoebe had left me drained yet by so doing she seemed re-invigorated and deftly threw the skin in the washing bowl and wiped my manhood so that I might draw up my breeches and return to Madame.

Miss Harcourt was still in the room but hooded now, a leather hood over her head and the eye holes covered and fastened shut, her mouth still filled with the tunnel gag while she was deported over a low stool as the girls worked to ease her bottom with a wooden spike that she night serve more usefully. She moaned like some wounded beast and yet barely an inch of girth had she taken.

"She is very poorly broken your whore my lord," Madame chided me, "But then you always preferred the softness of a well oiled slot to the tightness of the annus, did you not?"

"Indeed," I agreed, "But I should very much like to sample her tightness, very much indeed."

"And so you shall my lord, I shall deduct it from the fee I owe you!" she added with a triumphant smile.

I felt my manhood strain again and so I swiftly made my apologies and made my way home.

It was late, we had no ostler only a farmhand who was useless though cheap so it fell to me to set the horses to stable and it was was an irritant, as was stabling the carriage and when I got to think about bed the whole house was asleep.

I went to my bed my head filled with Miss Harcourt hooded and bare and slept fitfully.

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Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!

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