Missing Dolores - A Novella


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Sarah returned from the other side of the house. "All windows open as you commanded." She whirled around a few times, hair lifting slightly as she spun, arms up in a clumsy pirouette.

"Well done, young lady." Linda replied facetiously as she gazed upon her sister's lithe form.

I'm so grateful she's healthy and happy now. Such a beautiful girl.

"I almost forgot, honey." Linda put her hands around Sarah's waist as she stopped spinning. "Go get the ice chest out of the car." Without a word, little sis performed a silly, impromptu dance out the front door. Back in the kitchen, Linda pulled on the refrigerator's big chrome handle.

God, I hope they haven't sullied it. Pretty please to the powers that be.

Luckily, the white interior of the old Kelvinator was spotless. Even the light bulb blinked on without hesitation.

"Here you go." Sarah hefted the big ice chest onto the kitchen table, next to the box of groceries. Linda could hear half-melted ice sloshing around inside the insulated plastic container.

While the kids got busy with cleaning up, she wrote down a list of items she would get at the grocery store the next day. She extracted a number of cans from the cardboard box, placing them in the cupboard. A loaf of wheat bread was placed in the bread box. Milk and other items went into the fridge.

The sun had dropped to the horizon by the time they got everything in order and sparkling again. Linda dried her hands on a blue-striped kitchen towel as she watched Billy drag the offensive mattress to the dump area out back. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were on the menu that afternoon. Linda tested the old porcelain range, since she was intent on cooking proper meals at least a few times during their stay. Mother and children could not live by sandwiches alone!

Linda watched her kids inhale the sandwiches as she chewed hers thoughtfully. Billy slurped a cold glass of milk down like he was dying of thirst, letting out a belch after he was done.

"Fucking pig," Sarah admonished, although she was smiling as she watched Billy lick his lips, then the rim of the glass. Linda glared at her sister.

Such language!

"In the sink, son." Linda pointed at his glass and small plate as he tried to abandon them on the kitchen table. Of course, he obeyed.

"Let's at least get wet before the sun goes down," Sarah said, also rinsing her glass and plate, leaving them in the plastic dishpan in the sink. She bolted out the door before Linda could respond.

"Hey, wait for me!" Billy called after his young aunt, running to catch up, but Sarah wouldn't slow her pace, kicking up sand in her wake.

Linda didn't have time to put on her bathing suit. Still in her regular, albeit skimpy attire she trotted out across the front yard, through the gate.

Ah, I'll just get my feet wet for now and dig out the bathing suit tomorrow.

"Don't you dare go out very far!" Linda yelled. "You know the rule about swimming after you eat!" Only the wind and seagulls heard her. She finally made her way to the sand, stepping into the waves alongside her kids. The moment her toes met the water, Linda's eyes closed as she sighed with pleasure and release. She had waited many longs months for this moment.

Oh, my god, yesss...

Seafoam covered her feet and ankles. Another, stronger wave followed, water rising to just below her knees. Sampling only a tiny bit of the massive force of the sea, Linda again became fully aroused. The water's rhythmic surging made her flash hot with need, nipples erect, ready for love.

Jesus, if my kids weren't right behind me, I'd masturbate on the spot. Strip naked and let the waves crash between my legs.

Another wave surprised her, surging up to Linda's waist, knocking her off balance as her body sang with joy, spirit soaring. The water's force pushed her back several feet as she rode the crest, gasping with arousal.

It's like the sea is making love to me. God, these waves feel so good. And the sound! I could do this forever.

Linda momentarily forgot about her kids as slender fingers crept down beneath her navel. Already she was almost there and it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge. She toyed with a springy mass of pubes, probing lower, ever so slowly, surreptitiously pressing down.

Ohhh, yes...yes! My pussy's about to burst. I just need to come, just once, to get this edge off.

Eyelids fluttering, she heard another wave coming, the roar of the sea growing steadily in her ears. Her fingertip brushed across her erect clit as she bit her lower lip.

* * * * * * * *

Several months passed where Dolores was a near-constant presence in Linda's home. Linda and her father welcomed her gratefully, as she helped the family find their way out of the darkness. Linda, in spite of the love and attention, spent many nights in tears, longing for her husband and his touch. Dolores was never far away.

"Let me lie with you." The bedroom was so dark, hardly anything could be seen. That night was one of many where Linda's sobbing never ebbed. Dolores, in her white nightgown, slid under the covers and drew her weeping friend against her bosom.

"Ahhh, yes." The older woman sighed as she kissed Linda's temple, cheek and, finally, her lips, squeezing the young mother tight as if she could still the convulsions of her body.

In time, sleep overcame both of them, but their bodies remained snugly intertwined. Only when the babies cried for milk did the women pull themselves apart. With a sad smile, Linda bared her breasts as Dolores brought Billy and Sarah. Once they started nursing comfortably, Dolores stroked Linda's hair, watching two eager mouths satiate their hunger.

"That's it, young mother." Dolores's dark skin contrasted with the stark white of her nightgown. Her large, dark areolas could barely be detected in the lamplight. Two thick buds protruded underneath the fabric. "Feed your babies and make them healthy and strong."

Linda's half-closed eyes gazed up at her beautiful friend's face as she nodded slightly.

Soon, Dolores's bed went unused, night after night, as they began sleeping together. The presence of another warm body, although not her husband's, soothed her spirits, helping her get a better night's sleep.

Nothing was ever said about the new sleeping arrangement. To Linda, it was as natural and organic as the love and friendship that existed between the two women. Still, dreams plagued her. Visions of her husband and his gentle face haunted her night's journey. She missed the kissing, the strong arms around her waist. She also missed the pounding of William's cock deep inside her pussy as they fought to keep the din of their raw, uninhibited lovemaking quiet so as to not alert her father.

Many nights she awoke from a dream totally aroused, panting, her pussy throbbing and ready. She also came to realize she was masturbating in her sleep. More and more, she blinked into wakefulness with her fingers buried deep inside. With Dolores's body only inches away, she quietly extracted her slick digits, quietly licking them clean, falling back to sleep.

Sometimes she would lie there, in the dark stillness, listening to Dolores's steady breathing, feeling the rise and fall of her breast, inhaling the scent of her friend's body. Skin would always be touching skin, be it a hand or a foot or a cheek. Sometimes Dolores would throw a leg over her friend's thigh and spoon their hips together, creating a moist pocket of heat.

Linda pondered what Dolores said about her abusive husband and the dim view she held of the male sex in general. She still held the belief that someone in Dolores's life, the right someone, like her dear William, would make all the difference. She wondered how Dolores coped without a man and, just as importantly, a lover.

If there's nobody in her life, how does she get by without physical love? My William's been gone only a short time and I'm about to go crazy! God, I wonder if Dolores ever masturbates? She must!

The mere idea of her friend pleasuring herself elicited a strong response in Linda's needy mind and body, making her squirm and throb. Although she initially flashed hot with shame for even harboring these thoughts, she eventually allowed them to join her nightly montage of mind-images.

God, not having my man is turning me into such a naughty pervert.

One summer night, the two women pressed their bodies tightly together in another journey through the nocturnal hinterland. As usual, Linda's dreams took her to past days when William mounted her almost nightly, thrusting away like an animal until he injected a copious load of thick, sticky semen deep inside her body. His eyes never lost contact with hers as countless surges of pleasure overtook the young lovers.

"Take it," he panted, still undulating against her furry mound, even after he came. "Keep it inside your body. Make a baby for us to love."

In moments like this Linda would break into tears. Her love for William was so intense it made her chest hurt, pressure welling up inside her breast until she couldn't speak. She nodded as wet kisses covered her face, neck and shoulders.

"Yes, my love. Yes."

Linda awakened into harsh reality, as she had done many nights before, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Fuck me.

By now, she was accustomed to these brutal jolts. This particular evening, aside from her fingers again being buried deep inside her pussy, Linda felt her body burning up, her nightgown saturated with sweat. She didn't feel unwell, it was merely the intense heat created as Dolores spooned her from behind. Night air from the open window didn't help very much. This time Linda didn't remove her fingers but squeezed her thighs tightly together.

God, it's a furnace under these blankets! What do I do? I don't want to wake Dolores. I wish we could just get naked and lie atop the covers.

Linda's fingers wriggled inside her pussy.

Jesus, if I could just get off, I could fall back to sleep.

With Dolores's breaths wafting across her neck and her hand resting on Linda's thigh, the horny young mother gently curled her fingers up to massage the spongy area behind her clit. The sensation was immediate and intense. Linda tried not to pant and moan as her body was carried away by a strong current of pleasure.

God, I hope she doesn't wake up. I just need to come. Just once.

Linda fought to keep still, thinking of William, remembering how they also tried desperately to keep their lovemaking as quiet as possible so her father wouldn't hear. Pleasure swelled inside her, fingers having found a steady rhythm inside her hot, wet cave.

Fuck, yes! Oh, god, this feels so good. Almost there. Almost.

Then it happened.

Linda was so lost in masturbatory bliss, she didn't notice another hand slipping down to cover hers. Once she did, she was already on her way to orgasm.

Oh, my god! What's happening? What are we doing?

The first thought was to pull away and stop this perverted madness, but her heart and body said otherwise. She so desperately needed to come, and now to be physically loved by someone she trusted. It was too late to change course.

"Dolores?" She wasn't sure if she'd said it out loud. The answer came immediately.

"Shhh, now." Hot breath caressed Linda's neck as Dolores nuzzled her soft flesh. "Please let me."

"Ohhh..." Linda exhaled, relaxing somewhat, eager to surrender as she pressed back against her friend's body, her pussy about to burst.

"That's it, my love." Dolores kissed Linda's neck and cheek, pressing her fingers down over Linda's, applying more pressure to her sweet spot. "Don't be afraid. Let it come. It's okay. Let it come."

"Yes, Dolores. Yesss..." Linda hissed into the night as she passed the point of no return. "Coming for you...coming!"

Dolores held firm as her lover bucked in orgasm.

* * * * * * * *

An opaque emerald wave crashed over Linda's body as the climax hit. For a moment, she was submerged, the sound of churning water filling her ears. Her eyes and mouth squeezed shut, teeth clenching as a low growl rumbled in her throat.

Oh, god...yes! Goddamn! YES!!!

Her fingers dug deep inside her pussy as Linda shuddered and climaxed again.

Son of a bitch! Another one! That really hits the fucking spot.

The next second, a slender pair of arms slid up under her armpits, pulling Linda upright. She pulled her fingers free, although her body still convulsed with aftershocks from the massive orgasm. She felt a cheek pressing against hers, a small body holding her from behind.

"Sis!" Sarah's voice rasped, panting from exertion. "What the fuck are you doing? Do you want to drown?"

* * * * * * * *

Linda hissed as another orgasm overtook her. Her hand had gone limp as Dolores took charge, expertly manipulating her fingers against Linda's juicy pink sweetness.

"Yes...yes. This is what you need." Dolores kissed her shoulder, nuzzling more smooth, hot, bare flesh.

"Uh huh," was all the young mother could say, panting, her mouth open with pleasure. "Uh HUH!"

For several delicious minutes, Dolores's hand covered her friend's as the spasms subsided. They remained silent, their breathing the only sound to the heard, as their fingers intertwined. Finally, Linda broke the silence.

"Oh, honey," she almost wept. "Goddamn!" It had been so very long since she came with another person present. The last shreds of hesitation fell away as she turned toward Dolores, their faces only inches apart.

Linda didn't hesitate to press her lips against her friend's, arms encircling her waist to embrace her supple body, their breasts mashed together. Dolores's full lips made kissing an indescribable pleasure, all soft and wet and hungry. Not a second passed before Dolores upped the game, opening her mouth and lashing her tongue against Linda's.

Linda moaned while they necked like horny teenagers, their mouths devouring each other's, impatient and greedy for more. Dolores clamped her hands around Linda's buttocks, pulling their burning mounds together. Before long, bodies started to undulate gently, then more aggressively. Linda wanted to rip her damp clothes off and rub her throbbing clit against Dolores's bush.

As if Dolores had read Linda's mind, she pulled back. "Let's get these things off."

With covers pushed down around their feet, nightgowns went over their heads, tossed aside as their naked bodies again melded together, their mouths kissing, licking and sucking as they comingled their wet, matted fur.

"Ohhh, Dolores, honey, YES!" Linda whispered into the night as kisses covered her face, neck and shoulders. Hard tips rubbed against hard tips, tingling with electricity as hips pounded together. In no time, another climax overtook Linda as Dolores's breathy words of encouragement washed over her face.

"Yes, my love, YES!" Just as the words escaped her lips, her body also convulsed in orgasm, the bedframe emitting an errant squeak as their glowing bodies crested wave after wave of pleasure. For an eternity, they clung to each other, silent, until sleep overtook them again.

* * * * * * * *

Linda sputtered, taking several deep breaths as sister Sarah helped her to her feet.

"Are you guys all right?" Billy shouted in the distance.

Sarah kept her hands around Linda's waist until she was sure her sister could stand on her own.

"Sis, you gotta watch those waves," Sarah furrowed her brow, examining Linda's face.

What the fuck?

Sarah felt strange being the one giving words of caution to her older sister. Linda gazed back, mouth agape, with a strange look on her face. Then she smiled.

Goddamn, that felt good.

"Sis?" Sarah raised an eyebrow. She remembered how her sister's body was jerking as she pulled her up from the sea floor. It was not something unfamiliar to the nineteen-year-old.

"Yes, I'm okay." Linda managed to stammer out. "Don't worry, I wasn't in any danger." She had to shout above the next approaching surge. "I just love these waves so much I got lost for a moment."

By now, Sarah was looking at her sister with a simultaneously puzzled and comical look on her face. Always the perceptive girl, she realized what her sister had done.

I bet you love these waves, Sis. Why don't you just masturbate in private like the rest of us horny girls?

"Okayyy, then." Sarah raised both eyebrows, still processing what had happened as she wrapped her arm around Linda's waist. The next wave pushed them toward the shore.

God, big sister needs sex about as much as I do!

Billy waded up to the two women as they trudged out of the water, also placing a hand on his mother's hip as they walked her back to dry land. Linda felt wet fabric clinging to her body and sand between her toes as the sea's rumble fell behind. No doubt her erect nipples were poking against the thin barrier of her practically non-existent bra and cotton blouse for all to see. She looked around the beach, the stupidly innocent grin returning to her face. The next moment, Mother returned.

"Let's build a fire and dry off," Linda said, slapping her son on the ass with a wet smack. "I think we have some wood left over from last year."

"Sounds good to me!" Billy broke into a run toward the house. He was no stranger to the weather-worn bin where they kept any usable pieces of driftwood or burnable items they came across.

"And watch out for spiders and god knows what else!" Linda added, shouted after her son. "I don't want you in the emergency room!"

"Okay, Mom, okay!" Billy's voice faded as he circled around the back of the house.

"I know, I know," Linda said, mostly to herself. "He's all grown up." A heavy sigh and another squeeze around her kid sister's waist. "Dammit, both of you are all grown up."

Sarah didn't respond, but merely nuzzled her sister's wet shoulder, her eyes resting on the two thick, erect buds straining against Linda's blouse. Although she could have easily let go of her waist, they were far from the waves by now, she enjoyed the contact and squeezed her tighter. Still, she couldn't avert her eyes from Linda's proud, albeit matronly, tits.

God, those nips are like rocks when they get hard. I wonder what they'd feel like in my mouth? Mmmm...

Sarah felt heat rising in her body. The thought of suckling Linda lingered in her mind involuntarily. And this wasn't the first time.

Damn, Sarah-girl. Are you a fucking perv or what? That's your sister, the one who raised you! Still...

Visions of her mouth on Linda's tits persisted, much to her chagrin. It wasn't like Sarah had never seen her sister naked. They were siblings, dammit! As Linda grew older, she was less and less inclined to expose her body to anyone, feeling a sense of shame with her aging body. Sarah couldn't shake the feeling of her pussy starting to throb, getting all wet, her clit growing erect.

Come to think of it, I need to get off, too.

By the time they got the fire going, the sun was practically gone. They pulled out some ratty old blankets from the hall closet and spread them across the sand. The steady rhythm of the waves was joined by crackling licks of flame, wavering light playing upon their bodies.

Linda uncorked a bottle of unexceptional, but palatable, cabernet. She filled three Dixie cups half-full and passed them around.

"I guess you kids are old enough for a little of this."

"Oh, my!" Sarah's voice conveyed slight mockery. "I'm not sure I can handle it!"

Billy slurped away, crinkling his nose at the dry, slightly bitter liquid, unimpressed.

"Oh, I'm sure you're no stranger." Linda playfully smacked her sister on the thigh.