Mission to a New World Ch. 06


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I do not know the meaning behind his words. And a moment later I don't care, for I start to feel him work the big thing inside me. It is a tight fit. I know it will fit because I already experienced the same size last night, but it feels even bigger now. I wonder if I might have seen him pick the wrong size off the shelf.

"I think you need to more fully research this culture," He tells me as the head squeezes inside. "I think you should do a more detailed study of this culture's sexual habits."

I suddenly understand. "Study their sexual habits?" I ask almost in a squeal. "How do you propose I do that?"

Brian smiles down at me from between my legs. It isn't hard to guess what is on his mind.

"I think you already know the answer," He says simply. "It's rather simple, really. You need to experience one of the men for yourself."

"Oh my God!" I cry out. "Do you mean sex?"

"Why not?" Brian shrugs his shoulders.

"Oh my God!" I say again. "Do you mean you want me to let one of these men fuck me?"

Brian nods again.

"I don't know!" I think about it, although it is difficult to think clearly with what must be a 4 inch thick dildo being driven up my cunt. It is inserted almost all the way inside me now. I can't help but imagine it is no dildo, but instead one of Longton men and his giant cock. I close my eyes and imagine myself being fucked by Keviniski as Brian begins to fuck me with the dildo.

"Of course you won't be able to fuck him right away," I hear Brian speak as though he is in some far off land. "But that is where I come in. That's where the dildos come in. I'm going to have to practice with you. Just like when you practiced the language with me, I'm going to have to practice sex with you."

I feel myself smile at this thought.

"It will be my job to ream you out," He says next.

"Oh my!" I can't believe the words I just heard. "Do you mean the dildos?"

"Exactly," Brian answers. "Each time we're going to do one size bigger. I'm going to ream you out a little wider and a little deeper each time. You're taking about 13 inches now, and in about another minute we are going to go for the next size bigger. I'm going to keep going up in size until you are capable of taking any dick you choose."

"Oh my!" I tremble at the thought.

"Even Keviniski!" He adds.

I open my eyes and look. 'How did he know?' I question to myself. He somehow knew exactly who I was thinking about.

"I saw the way you looked at him earlier," He tells me. "I saw the way you eyed his crotch and stared at his ass when he wasn't looking."

"Oh yes," I have to agree. "God he's beautiful. He's such a hunk!"

Brian nods his head. "You have a good eye, Debbie. I agree. You picked the right one, especially after I saw him naked this morning."

My curiosity grows. "What do you mean?" I have to question.

He moves closer. With his hand constantly pumping the big dildo in and out of me without letup, he crawls nearer. He crawls on his knees around from the end of the bed and kneels at my side. He moves from between my legs to my side while continually pumping the whole time.

"I don't know how you did it, Debbie," He bends lower and whispers into my ear. "But somehow you knew. You picked the right one."

My curiosity grows more. I think I know what he means, but I have to hear it. "What exactly do you mean?" I question.

"I saw about a dozen naked Longton men this morning," He tells me. "And Keviniski clearly had the biggest of the lot."

I immediately arch my back into my second noon-time orgasm.

* * * * *

A drop of sweat trickles down on my nose. Wet hair ends stick to my shoulders. Beads of water form on my big tits and slowly dribble to the floor. My body must look as though I have just stepped out of the shower.

I want to wipe the water off my brow. I try to pull my hands free from the leather shackles. I wish I could do something, anything, just to be released from his control. But I can't. I am helpless, and I know the helplessness is what keeps me at my heightened state of sexual madness.

I stand at his total control. The first two orgasms came on the bed. He attempts the third while I am shackled to the X-shaped contraption. Amazingly, size number five slithers inside me. I can't believe I have the equivalent of a 13-and-a-half inch cock sliding up and down my hole. Like the others, Brian had a difficult time with it at first, but now it slides easy.

The cramp in my shoulder appears again. I feel it harden. My arms are not accustomed to standing above my head for so long. I attempt to sway my upper body back and forth to get the muscle to relax, but little movement is possible in my shackled position. The problem is my legs. I can hardly move them. Brian has them spread apart so wide they can't be spread any further. And then there is the pistoning dildo in the middle. I feel so helpless, and the helplessness only makes me hotter.

I don't know how long I've been like this. It feels like hours, but I no longer have a sense of time. I wish it to end. I want Brian to stop - but not simply to stop. First, I want my reward. I grow anxious for my third orgasm of the day.

Just then I see him. I never heard him enter the house. Neither did I hear him walk down the stares - which is of no wonder, giving all the grunts and groans I make. Suddenly, he is just there.

"Oh no!" I involuntarily cry out in English at his sight.

Brian does not here me. He remains on his knees, just in front of me, religiously screwing the dildo in and out of me with his back towards the door.

A young man walks in. I see a Longton man. He is a good looking, young Longton man, perhaps in his teenage years. I hardly notice his flat nose or bush eyebrows in the dim light of the bedroom. He actually looks to be quite handsome. I see he looks strong, with an impressive build, but then I realize what all he can see.

"Brian!" I cry out. "Behind you!"

Brian fails to look. Instead, the young Longton looks. He looks right at me. He looks at my sweat, and he looks at my struggle. I know he sees everything above my waist, and he sees it unencumbered. I remain topless and on full display for him.

"Brian!" I try again. "I'm serious! Look behind you."

He still fails to look. It is as though he remains too concentrated on my twat to hear my words. I can't believe this is happening to me.

Finally, the young Longton comes to my rescue. "Josh show star part."

Brian jumps at his words. He immediately stops pounding me with the monster mechanical dildo and turns around.

The young Longton, meanwhile, remains calm and unaffected as though he has walked in on couples playing sex games many times before - which I suppose he has! Nothing surprises me any more in the screwed up culture.

"Star part," The Longton says curiously. "Josh think Brian like!"

He holds something in both hands. It looks to be a steal plate of some kind, like perhaps the outer casing from a nuclear source. I worry someone has exposed the reactor, but I must first worry about my own exposure.

The young Longton brings his "star part" closer, and in the process approaches closer to me. He acts like I do not exist, although I know he sees me. I can tell by his eyes.

A void fills me as Brian pulls the dildo completely out and takes hold of the "star part." In its place comes the stranger's glare.

"Good! Brian like," Brian looks at the object while the stranger looks upon me. I cannot escape his sight. My arms and ankles remain shackled. I cannot hide my modesty.

"Oh God!" I want to scream but can only speak it in a whisper. My mind whirls. I do not know what to do. My natural reaction is to scream. I want to escape. I briefly consider yelling at Brian and telling him to provide me some cover. 'He could,' I think to myself, 'at the very least he could stand in front of my body to hide it.'

'But that would be the reaction of an Earthling!' I consider, and we are not Earthlings. I must play the part of a Longton woman.

'Think!' I tell myself. 'Calm down and think!'

Slowly, I do. I arrange my thoughts in order and consider my options. I do not like the result, but realize I must. I must play the part. I must fight my natural instincts and play the part of a Longton woman.

"Good look, Debbie!" The young Longton says simply.

"Oh God!" I cry out louder this time, realizing he is talking about me. I involuntarily let out a moan as the young man examines my body as though it is a hunk of meat. I feel incredibly embarrassed. I am totally humiliated. Here I am completely naked and totally helpless while a near-stranger admires my nude body. It feels far worse than last night in front of the fire. I at least had covering then, however meager. But now I have nothing. This man can look at both boobs and my pussy too. And considering my spread legs and the large dildo Brian just pulled out, I figure he can see quite a lot.

Brian, meanwhile, seems to have forgotten about me. He examines the "star piece" instead. He turns it over, looks at it critically, and takes a special interest in two small holes in the corners.

'Drop it!' I want to yell at him, but he remains seated on the bare ground while leaving me open to the young Longton's glare.

"Yes, Josh think Debbie nice look," The young Longton goes on.

Brian finally looks up. "You Josh?" He questions the stranger.

"Josh, yes"

"Josh right! Debbie good look!" Brian finally remembers me. He stands up and gives me a smile. I first think he is going to come to my rescue, but his smile only sends a shiver down my spine. It is a devilish, teasing little smile. For some strange reason it worries me, although I do not know why I worry.

"Yes, big milk holders!" Brian says to my astonishment. "You past see big milk holders?"

Pictures flash through my mind. I think back to two nights before when I made him drive the jeep with a hard-on. I think back to the previous morning when I embarrassed him in bed. I have a sinking feeling that it is pay back time.

"Big ever see!" Josh speaks to my dismay.

"Big," Brian grabs one of them. He places his hand on my left boob, taking if from below and hefting it up as though to show off its true size. "Big milk holder."

"Yes, big milk holders," Josh repeats with a smile. "Josh like big milk holders! Much big milk holders!"

Suddenly, I feel him too. To my amazement, he grabs me. The young Longton simply reaches out and grabs my right tit. He grabs it like Brian, taking it from the bottom and hefting it up into the air. I feel his strong, callused hands grab my meek boob and squeeze it. I must hold back a squeal.

"Much big milk holders!" Josh says again. "Heavy!"

Brian gives me another devilish little smile. I want to kill him. I can't believe he is subjecting me to such embarrassment. This is the most humiliating thing anyone has ever done to me. I have a strong desire to strangle him.

But at the same time I want to thank him, for Josh doesn't just grab my boob. Most of his hand supports my boob like a bra otherwise would have done, but I also feel his thumb rub across my hard, sensitive nipple. This young Longton knows how to handle a big set of tits. I must again fight from squealing out.

I feel so humiliated - yet at the same time I feel so good. I grow in confusion, not knowing what to feel! Two hands play upon my breasts, and they are the hands of two different men. The touch of the stranger is especially erotic because his hands are so warm and so hard. I feel his strength. I feel his sweat. And I feel the dirt still on his hands from working out in the fields all morning.

"Tight?" I hear Josh question. The meaning of his words is a mystery until I see him point down.

"Oh God!" I can't help but cry out at the realization.

One hand remains firmly planted on my tit, still caressing my nipple, while the other points down at my waist.

"Yes, tight," Brian casually tells him. "Debbie little. Very tight."

Josh leans over and looks. He draws closer to my pussy and looks at it! With his head bent low, I give Brian a hard stare. "Please" I mouth to him.

Brian only shakes his head in reply. "You know you're loving this," He whispers back to me.

'He knows!' I think to myself. I don't know how he knows, but he definitely knows. He can tell that deep down I really am enjoying this.

And then I realize why. He hears me moan with desire. He sees my chest heave with each breath. I wonder if he can even tell that my pussy is on fire. It is just like when I could read Brian's mind by the sight of his cock. He does the same with my body. It is such an unbelievable experience I wonder if it is all real.

"Me think tight too," The young Longton, Josh, straightens back up. "All Debbie good."

"Yes, very good," Brian agrees.

Brian lets go of my tits and looks at me. Both of them look. I notice their eyes roam up and down my body as though I am a side of beef. The worse part is that I can't do anything to prevent them from looking for as long as they want.

"Brian thank star part," Brian bows to him. "Star part good. Go see tomorrow?"

"Yes tomorrow!" Josh finally lets go. "Brian baby-make Debbie now?"

I gasp.

Brian just smiles. "Yes, Brian baby-make now."

I know full well what they are talking about. "Baby-make" is the equivalent of the popular English word, "fuck." Josh is asking Brian if he is going to now fuck me.

"Josh wish baby-make," Josh says to my increased astonishment. "Josh think fun baby make, Debbie is!"

"Yes, baby-make Debbie is!" Brian nods his head. "Maybe Josh baby-make later."

"Yes!" The young Longton grows visibly anxious.

I loose it and give Brian a hard stare. He has just told this young man that I am a good fuck. Even worse, he appears to offer me as a fuck. I can't believe it!

"Josh like baby-make Debbie. Josh good at baby-make."

I gasp again, but not at his words. I gasp at what I see. Josh turns, and in the process of turning I see his loincloth push out. He gives me a side profile, and I see the fabric of his loincloth swell out an almost obscene distance from his body. I think I might even be able to see the thing that causes it to swell from beneath it, but he turns quickly and it is difficult to see in the dim light. One thing I do know for certain, however: Brian wasn't exaggerating when he said they had long cocks. This Longton is still very young, but I can tell my the extensions of his loincloth that he is bigger than the dildo I just experienced.

By the time I regain my senses they are gone. I listen to the footsteps walk out of the room and up the stairs. I am left alone to contemplate my situation.

* * * * *

I want to scream at Brian. I want to kill him. He has just embarrassed me more than I have ever been embarrassed before. I can't believe what has just happened! A total stranger saw me naked, grabbed my bare tit, and then said he wanted to fuck me!

But at the same time I find myself wanting to fuck him back. I want to fuck both of them: Brian tonight and maybe Josh tomorrow night. I can't get the picture of the protruding loincloth out of my mind. I've always wanted to experience a big cock. Every woman does. Few admit it, but we all want to know if size really does make a difference.

My heart races. My breathing labors. My entire body feels as though it has been thrown into an oven. My mind sways in a mass of humiliation and confusion. I want to kill Brian, yet at the same time I can't wait for him to walk back down the stairs to fuck me.

"What's right?' I question. 'What's wrong?"

Good girls are not supposed to get turned on when they display themselves naked to a stranger, yet I do. I wonder if I may have ingested some kind of drug that makes me horny, and then I wonder if the drug is nothing more than the big cocks of the Longton males.

"He will be your first," Brian speaks from the open doorway.

I jump. I never heard him approach. Suddenly, he is just there.

"Damn you!" I yell at him. "How could you do that to me!"

He stands in the doorway naked. I see the outline of his engorged erection in the soft light.

"I think he will be the first Longton male to fuck you," He ignores my words. "It's only logical, you know. A young Longton will have a smaller dick."

"Damn you!" I yell again.

Brian approaches. Slowly, he brings his erection closer.

"Just like the dildos, you need to start small and work your way up," He continues to ignore me. "You can start with Josh and eventually work up to Keviniski."

The mention of Keviniski sends a hot wave of excitement through my body. I want it! I want it bad! I think of the man with the callused hands, and then I think of the strong, good looking Keviniski taking hold of my tits too. I want Brian to fuck me more than I have ever been fucked before.

"Damn you," I try to reject him with little enthusiasm.

"Although I have to admit, Josh was quite impressive himself," He smiles. "Don't you agree?"

I feel him enter. I am already spread. The tip of his pole is already moist - or perhaps it is from me. In either case, it enters easily. A real, live cock penetrates me.

"Yes!" I answer in a whisper. "Damn you, yes!"

He feels better than any dildo. Although not as wide and not as long, the real thing always feels better. I can't help but think about Josh and Keviniski. They will not only be real, but they are going to be as big as the dildo too - maybe even bigger.

"Oh yes! Yes!" I begin to pant in rhythm with his strokes. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow night!" He breathes heavy too. "Or maybe the night after. As soon as I ream you out enough to accept them."

'Ream me out!' I like his choice of words. That's what he is doing. By progressively fucking me with longer and wider dildos, he indeed is reaming me out.

I look over Brian's shoulder and look towards the door. Unbelievably, I feel disappointment when I see no one there to witness my upcoming orgasm.

"We're going to have to keep practicing, again and again," He pistens faster. "We're going to have to keep practicing with the dildos, over and over again."

A hot wave of lust travels through my body. Talk of ever-larger dildos sends me over the edge - but then he stops.

"Of course, we could always give up," Brian stops while he is at his deepest point. "If you disagree, we can stop right now and go back to the ship."

"No!" I almost scream, desperate for him to go on. I try to hump him back, desperate to push myself into another orgasm, but he only moves with me, keeping his cock firmly implanted deep inside me.

"I want to try," I tell him. "Please, to do my research, I need to try one of them. Let me try Josh."

Brian seems to like my answer, for he quickly goes on. He pistens into me faster than before, quickly sending me into my third orgasm of the session. He cumms at the same time, baby-making deep inside me. The simultaneous orgasm lifts me into heaven.

To be continued...

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