Mixed Drinks, Yachting Cocktail


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"Jesus, how, how long is that thing?" Michaela dared to ask as she strained to accommodate his thick member.

"Got, got almost half..." Dare strained to say.

"Half? Oh, oh God, I, I don't think..." Michaela wheezed as waves of pain radiated outward from her weakening anus.

"Something inside of her guts popped and Michaela screamed out in orgasm as Dare's thick cock slid fully inside of her bowels. They both held their positions, gasping and groaning. Michaela felt another orgasm well up in her knotted guts as Dare began to withdraw. She reached her fingers down and found her throbbing clitoris.

"Aieegh! Ack, ack, ack! Oh, oh," Michaela screamed out as Dare grabbed her hanging breasts in a painfully tight grip.

Dare used her breasts as reins to pull her back to take his cock. He used her breasts to hold her in place as he withdrew, then again pulled her back to accept his forward thrust. Michaela's fingers were a blur as she masturbated herself.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Dare began to chant as he pounded Michaela's ass as hard as he could.

"Augh, mother fucker yes!" Dare bellowed and pumped a second load of hot semen into Michaela's bowels.

When he released his cruel grip on her breasts, Michaela slumped forward onto the padded bench. Her fingers still plumbed her pussy, bringing her to another shattering orgasm.

Dare watched his silvery white semen oozing out of Michaela's reddened, raw anus. He watched the trickle of semen dribbling down over Michaela's puffy pussy lips. He watched her thrust two fingers deep into herself as her thumb diddled her clitoris.

"Want another Yachting cocktail?" Dare asked as Michaela's fingers slowed and she let out a 'whoosh!'

"Yeah," Michaela groaned, laying fully onto the bench.

Dare thought to grab the container of baby wipes he'd found under the bathroom vanity. With a tired nod, Michaela grabbed the wipes and cleaned her very sore anus. Then she guzzled her potent drink.

"Here, need to clean your um, your, your whatever," Michaela murmured, nodding toward his cock.

My whatever?" Dare laughed and Michaela smiled an embarrassed smile.

When Michaela tired of broiling, Dare helped her get dressed again. This time, when he fondled her breasts, Michaela smiled and rewarded his bad behavior with a passionate kiss. Then Dare raised the sails and guided them toward the Jazz Beach Marina.

The car was sweltering hot. While they waited for the air conditioning to do its magic, they kissed. Michaela dropped her hand to Dare's lap and stroked his manhood through his swim trunks. Glancing down at his growing erection, Michaela felt her guts knot up again; how had she managed to accommodate this massive log into her tiny rosebud?

"You did clean that, right?" Michaela asked, trying to work his hard cock out into the open.

"My whatever? Yeah, I cleaned it," Dare agreed.

Michaela had practiced giving blow jobs; she and Bryanna had used cucumbers, bananas, even a thick smoked sausage. Now, in a hot, stuffy car, Michaela leaned over the console and performed her first blow job on a real cock.

Dare had cleaned his manhood; Michaela had seen him use a couple of baby wipes and some bottled water and a few paper towels cleaning himself. But, Michaela imagined she could taste some of herself on his member as she sucked and stroked him. The nasty thought spurred her on as she made oral love to her cousin's cock. She must have learned the craft well; within two minutes of wrapping her lips around his cock, Dare was grunting and pumping a thick stream of semen into her throat.

"So, when we going sailing again?" Michaela asked breathlessly as Dare drove her home.

"Whenever you want," Dare said.

After a few passionate kisses, Michaela finally got out of Dare's car. He followed her into the home to greet his aunt and uncle. Both Dare and Michaela enthused about the fun they'd had on the gulf, but both agreed, sailing was hard, hot, sweaty work.

In front of her mother and father, Michaela and Dare contented themselves with a quick hug. Then Michaela strolled to her bathroom.

Under the hot spray, Michaela masturbated, cruelly pinching and twisting one then the other nipple while plunging the fingers of her other hand into herself. When she'd built up to a gasping, grunting need, Michaela pinched her clitoris between thumb and forefinger.

Afterward, door securely closed, Michaela and Bryanna talked, chattering and squealing and laughing into their cell phones until Bryanna's mother screamed at her daughter to get off the God damned phone and come help with cleaning up after their dinner. Bryanna and Michaela promised they'd be best friends forever, declared their love for one another, and disconnected. Then Michaela fell asleep face down on her bed.

"Going sailing; want to come?" Dare said next Friday.

"Yes!" Michaela enthused.

Bryanna was incensed; they were heading to Arkansas; her Dad's brother had a dairy farm. For the next two weeks, she and her family would 'vacation' on the dairy farm.

"Some vacation; we don't do nothing but work the whole time," Bryanna complained. "Get up at five, milk cows. Least Uncle David don't make me shovel shit; God! Nasty, I swear."

"I'll miss you," Michaela said.

"I'll miss you too," Bryanna agreed.

Dare showed up at seven thirty Saturday morning. With a wave to her parents, Michaela dashed out of the house and scrambled into Dare's car.

The life jackets and the sunning lotion and sunscreen had been left on the boat. Michaela laughed when Dare pulled a fluorescent pink backpack from the trunk of the car and handed it to her. He then hefted the large green ice chest onto his shoulder.

"Pink? PINK?" Michaela hooted.

"Shut up; I got it for twenty five cents at a garage sale," Dare said, unembarrassed.

"So, what's in it?" Michaela asked, looping the pink bag over one shoulder.

"Potato chips, couple of candy bars," Dare shrugged.

"Reese's peanut butter cups?" Michaela hoped.

"What's your favorite in the whole wide world?" Dare asked, helping her onto the Mandy.

"Love you," Michaela enthused.

Again, the day was perfect for sailing. Bright sun overhead, a light breeze with a few sudden gusts. Dare and Michaela steered further out into the gulf, enjoying the beauty of the waters.

"How far across is this?" Michaela wondered, squinting to see if she could see anything to their south.

"Mm, I, I don't know," Dare said. "Too far to swim, I know that."

As the sun beat down overhead, Dare again steered them toward a buoy. The moment they were tethered, Michaela dropped life jacket and bikini to the cockpit floor. Glancing around to make sure they were relatively secluded, Dare also dropped his life jacket and swim trunks, releasing his painfully trapped erection.

Kneeling on the two life jackets while Dare sat on a bench, Michaela managed to swallow Dare down to the scruff of pubic hairs. She bobbed her head up and down his length, her blue eyes looking deeply into his eyes.

"I, I, Michaela, I'm about to come," Dare groaned.

"Mm hmm," Michaela agreed, increasing her suction.

Michaela laughed happily as Dare slumped from the force of his climax. For a long moment, he labored to catch his breath. He kissed her, pulling her against his sweaty body. Then he pulled her to recline on the bench.

"Dare, what, oh!" Michaela groaned as Dare knelt between her spread legs and began to tongue her very wet pussy.

"Dare, where, how, augh! Where did you learn to do that?" Michaela demanded after her second orgasm.

"What? I read," he laughed. "But uh, could ask you the same thing, huh?"

Popping her head up, Michaela saw a speedboat zipping fairly close. With a squeal, she ducked down so the three male passengers would not get a glimpse of her breasts. Dare laughed and waved as the boat caromed past.

Nude, the two cousins sat and enjoyed ham and cheese sandwiches, potato chips, and yachting cocktails. Happily, Michaela ate four Reese's Peanut butter cups, washing everything down with a second yachting cocktail.

"Hey, hey wait a minute; Dare? How'd you get this stuff anyway?" Michaela asked as Dare opened a second fifth of Albertson's Gin to make her a third cocktail.

"Uh? Used Frederick's ID," Dare smiled.

"Eww, him," Michaela pursed her lips in displeasure at the mention of Dare's older brother.

Dare said nothing as he handed her the potent cocktail. Michaela leaned back, enjoying the warmth of the sun, the cool breezes, and the exhilaration of being fully unclothed with her cousin.

"Need some sunscreen?" Dare suggested.

"Mm hmm," Michaela purred, rolling onto her belly. "Make sure you get...oh, oh Dare!"

Dare spent extra time massaging, squeezing, fondling Michaela's buttocks. She sluggishly wiggled onto shoulders and knees when she felt warm sunning lotion dribbling down her deep furrow, dribbling over her tightly clenched anus.

"I, mm, augh, I, I been, you know, pleasuring myself," Michaela confessed as Dare worked the first finger into her complaining rectum.

When Michaela was rocking back to meet his forward thrusts, Dare worked a second greasy finger into her rectum. Mere seconds later, he was thrusting three fingers into her.

"Come on, augh, quit, quit teasing me," Michaela demanded.

They both groaned happily as Dare slid his erection into her greasy bowels. Michaela shook from the intense pain radiating from her stretched anus outward, and that odd electric current coursing through her body.

"Aieegh! I, God yes," Michaela cried out in orgasm as Care bottomed out in her guts.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Dare chanted, pounding into her.

"Augh! Yes!" Michaela hissed as another orgasm slamming into her guts.

'Yes! Yes! Oh God yes, yes Dare," Michaela cried out as Dare's semen flooded into her bowels.

Again, Dare fetched the package of baby wipes. Michaela languidly cleaned herself, tossing the used wipes into the waves.

"Thinking about doing some nighttime sailing," Dare suggested as they cuddled, sweaty body pressed against sweaty body.

"No thank you," Michaela said. "That's dangerous, isn't it?"

"I guess. I mean, there's running lights on the boat," Dare pointed out.

"Whatever. Count me out," Michaela said, reaching between them to fondle his flaccid cock. "You clean this thing?"

"My whatever? Yeah," Dare smiled.

"We got time to..." Michaela cooed, stroking him.

"We can make time," Dare said, kissing her. "Where you want it?"

"Uh? Where you had it last time?" Michaela asked.

Dare made Michaela squeal, then laugh when he declared he was tired of doing all the work. After giving his cock a few loving licks, Michaela used the sunning lotion to grease his hard member. She then squatted over him and attempted to guide his greasy cock into her rectum.

"Augh, I, oh God, I like, I love this," Michaela groaned as Dare's fat meat pushed up into her.

"Yeah?" Dare asked, playing with her bobbling breasts.

"Yeah, augh, yeah," Michaela grunted, shuddering as she sat on his lap, fully impaled.

A quick diddle to her fat clitoris had Michaela screaming in orgasm. Frantically, she began bouncing on Dare's meat. She cruelly pinched and tugged her nipples as Dare played with her drooling pussy.

"Augh, augh, oh, oh God," Michaela cried out hoarsely in orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Dare began his familiar chant as the sperm bubbled up in his guts.

Sailing into the wind, it took some effort to reach the marina again. Dare admitted, he was too tired to go out sailing tonight; that return voyage had really sapped his strength.

"We ate all the Reese's peanut butter cups?" Michaela whined, looking through Dare's bright pink knapsack.

"We? We? Who's 'we?'" Dare laughed. "Yes, Michaela you ate all them peanut butter cups."

"Well, next time bring more," Michaela ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Dare answered, kissing her.

"Good answer," Michaela laughed.

Again, Dare came in to spend a few moments with his aunt and uncle. He must have felt slightly revived; he again mentioned nighttime sailing. Aunt Margaret voiced the same opinion as Michaela; it sounded dangerous. Uncle Stefan asked about the navigational tools Dare had on the boat.

"Remember? Not a lot of cell phone reception out there on the open water," Stefan cautioned.

"GPS? That's satellite," Dare said.

"Be careful. I wish you wouldn't," Michaela said, hugging Dare. "I'd die anything happened to you."

Monday morning, Marie called her twin sister to see if they might know where Dare was. Margaret told Marie that Dare had talked about nighttime sailing on Saturday afternoon.

Ivan Danilov called the United States Coast Guard but was unable to give them much description of the Mandy; he'd never seen the boat. Michaela tearfully told them everything she knew, which was actually very little.

"The Mandy? Hmm," Captain Dalton mused, searching his computer screen. "Registered to a Mr. Jonathon Robert Breaux...Jazz Boat Marina..."

Ten minutes later, Captain Dalton called Ivan Danilov with sobering news; early this morning, the Coast Guard stationed in Mobile, Alabama had reacted to a distress signal. Five drunk men had 'borrowed' a cabin cruiser from a brother in law of one of the drunks. Ten miles out, the Laughter of the Sirens had collided with a sailboat, killing one drunk and severely injuring two other passengers. They were still searching for the passenger or passengers of the Mandy.

After the Coast Guard called off the search, the Danilov family held a memorial service for Adair. Numbly, Michaela sat, staring at the high school graduation photograph of her cousin. She stared at the large photograph, silently praying that this nightmare would end and Dare would miraculously reappear.

Her period was five days late. Michaela fervently hoped it was just the stress, the grief, but knew it was not.

"Oh, Dare, what am I going to do?" Michaela whispered. "What are we going to do?"

"Hey, uh, hi," Ted Gray said, standing next to Michaela's seat.

"Hmm? Oh, oh hey Ted," Michaela said listlessly.

She and the handsome man had dated a few times, but Stefan had objected strenuously; a twenty three year old man had no business dating his eighteen year old daughter. Particularly an oil-field roughneck. So, even though Michaela had genuinely liked the handsome, gentle man, she acquiesced to her father's wishes and called off the budding romance.

"I was so sorry to hear about Dare; he was an awesome guy," Ted said awkwardly.

"Thanks," Michaela mumbled; the numbness was beginning to wear off.

Another glance at Dare's photograph and her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly, Michaela wailed a heart-wrenching sob. The enormity of her loss crashed down, threatening to smother her.

Two days after the memorial service, Michaela accepted a date with Teddy. Stefan numbly nodded his assent; Margaret had firmly reminded him that her father had not liked his precious twin daughters dating the two Danilov boys.

"How old were you?" Margaret asked.

"Twenty five," Stefan said. "You know that. I was twenty five."

"And our first date; how old were me and Marie?" Margaret asked.

"All right, Margaret," Stefan said.

"And how old was Ivan?" Margaret pressed.

"I understand your point, Margaret," Stefan said.

"And how old were me and Marie?" Margaret continued.

"Enough Margaret," Stefan said, quite agitated with his wife.

Ted was polite with Stefan and Margaret. He spoke of the work he did and spoke of trying to advance in his company; he knew he couldn't be a roughneck forever. Stefan nodded, trying hard not to scowl at the young man. He also tried hard not to scowl at his daughter as she looked with open admiration at the young man.

Mondays at Sweet Pea's was red beans and rice day. The plates came with a wedge of hot corn bread and a little dish of real butter to slather onto the bread. Michaela gamely tried to finish the gargantuan portion but had to admit defeat. Afterward, Michaela and Ted took a stroll around Mouton Park to burn off the thousands of calories they'd accrued over their dinner.

As they strolled, Michaela spoke softly of her loss, her sadness over losing her cousin. Stopping to watch two little girls using the tall slide, Michaela linked fingers with Ted. As a smiling mother encouraged the two girls, Michaela pulled Ted down for a soft kiss.

"Your momma home?" Michaela whispered.

"I don't know. Why would I know that?" Ted asked.

"Uh, was she home when you left your house?" Michaela smiled, toying with a button on his pullover shirt.

"Huh? Oh! Michaela, I bought a house; I got my own place," Ted said. "Yeah, remember? Last time we went out I told you I was thinking..."

"Let's go," Michaela said, pulling him off the path and cutting across the park's thick grass to the parking lot.

Ted Gray's house was a small two bedroom bungalow on Magnolia Way in Baylor Lake. The exterior was quaint, or it would be, if there were live flowers in the two brick flower boxes on either side of the pale yellow front door. The yard was neatly mowed; Ted admitted he'd cut it this morning as he was leaving for another fourteen day shift in the morning.

The interior was bland. The walls were antique white, the carpet was short pile beige and there was no art work anywhere. The couch and recliner did not match; Michaela almost asked if he'd found them on the side of the road. The end table and coffee table and television stand did not match. Michaela smirked at the sight of the video game controller on the coffee table.

The kitchen table and chairs did match; Ted admitted his aunt, the wealthy one with no children had gifted the set to him as a house-warming gift. The kitchen itself was cozy and Michaela nodded; it was clean.

The front bedroom was a storage unit; there were boxes stacked everywhere. The bathroom was tiny, but clean. Michaela smirked at the sight of the N.O. Saints decorative towels hanging on the towel bar.

Reaching his bedroom, Michaela nodded; his bed was made. The two pillows with matching shams were haphazardly positioned on the bed; the matching comforter was touching the floor on the left side and rose up too high on the right side. But at least Ted took the effort to make his bed.

Michaela walked over to the wobbly looking lamp on the spindly end table and clicked it on. She then turned off the overhead light. She then pulled Ted down and delivered a scorching kiss.

She pulled her blouse off, then pulled Ted's shirt off. Eyes locked on his, she unhooked her bra, revealing her 30C breasts and hard nipples. Eyes holding his, she eased her feet out of her leather pumps and unzipped her snug blue jeans. She smiled what she hoped was a seductive smile as she wiggled out of her jeans.

Stepping up, she wound her arms around Ted's muscular torso and delivered another kiss. She reached down and unhooked his belt and unsnapped his khakis.

Ted assisted by using his feet to step out of his tennis shoes without unlacing them. Michaela eased Ted's khakis and boxers down and Ted stepped out of them.

"Holy..." Michaela gasped, looking down at Ted's seven and a half inches of fat meat.

Her mouth hung open and her eyes bugged out at the sight of Ted's throbbing cock. Finally, she pulled her eyes from the frightening sight and looked up at Ted's apprehensive face.

"Are you, is, that, that's real?" Michaela asked, again looking down at the slab of meat.

"Uh, yeah, what? It's small or something?" Ted asked, his cock beginning to wilt.

"Small? SMALL? You, are you kidding? Jesus, the thing is huge," Michaela declared.

To Michaela's eyes, Ted seemed monstrous when compared to Dare's five and a half inches. At the time, Michaela had believed Dare to be overly endowed. It certainly had felt huge as he pushed it up into her bowels.

"Oh!" Michaela shivered, thinking of anal sex with Ted's magnificent manhood.