
Story Info
Vengeance leads siblings to unwitting encounter.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 08/11/2005
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"For someone who just broke up with another boyfriend, you sure seem to be in a pretty good mood," Kate said, leaning close to Sarah's ear to be heard over the deafening thump of the music. She handed a rather strong, fruity drink to her friend.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't a big loss," Sarah said and gratefully accepted the drink. "Jerry turned out to be a pretty big jerk. Why do the cute ones always seem to turn out that way?"

"Sucks, don't it?"

"Yep. Too bad, too, 'cuz he was a pretty good kisser. Wasn't bad with his hands, either...for a college guy, anyway."

In the press of bodies, a tall and gangly guy shuffled up next to the girls and tried to start dancing with them. Kate and Sarah humored him for a minute, but a knowing look between the two indicated that both found him completely uninteresting. When the guy turned his back for a moment, Kate grabbed Sarah's elbow and steered her toward the back of the house.

"Thanks," Sarah said. "I may be a little frisky tonight, but I do have some standards."

"Hey, Jen was just telling me that the guys set up something downstairs that they're calling the 'Mixer'," Kate said. "I guess they've got a couple small rooms set up, completely in the dark. You can put in your name and they'll pull 'em from a hat. Guy and girl get paired up for ten minutes of touchy feely. Supposedly they've got it set up so that the rooms have different entrances for the guys and girls. You never even see who you're making out with."

"Yeah, sounds like a lot of fun," Sarah said with a roll of her eyes. "Like I want to get groped by a drunk guy...probably a total loser."

"Oh, come on," Kate said. "Most of the guys here aren't bad. Besides, don't you think it's kinda exciting? Making out with someone you'll never know?"

Sarah gave a non-committal shrug and finished her drink. She caught a glimpse of a couple guys heading down the stairs, presumably toward this Mixer. They were pretty cute, she had to admit to herself.

"You said you were a little frisky, anyway," Kate said, further prodding her friend. "This way you can scratch your frisky itch a little without having to go all the way. You can only get just so far in ten minutes."

"Fine," Sarah said in a reluctant tone. Secretly, she was warming up to the idea. There was something exciting about the unknown.

The basement of the house was only partially finished with rooms fashioned from the least expensive building materials that a bunch of college guys could get away with. Sarah thought it felt like being in a cave, but at least it was a little bit cooler than the cramped party upstairs. The stereo was still booming loud downstairs, the bass thumping through the ceiling and resonating against the concrete floors.

Two closed doors stood near the bottom of the stairs, each garishly lit with strings of Christmas lights. Signs designated them as the guy's and girl's Mixer waiting rooms. Kate led the way through the girl's door and into a smallish room with nearly a dozen girls waiting – most were drinking and trying to chat over the music. It was very dimly lit and one wall had clearly been removed and replaced with a barrier of heavy blankets – the entrances to the Mixer rooms.

"Write your names on these cards and we'll throw them in the bucket," a girl said almost before they were even in the room. Sarah immediately recognized their hostess - Mary, the girl that her now ex Jerry had dumped to date her. Sarah had been a friend with Mary during their freshman year when they lived on the same dorm floor, but they hadn't seen much of each other in the couple years since. Mary blamed her for "stealing" Jerry. Sarah had done no such thing, but she figured that any explanation would fall on deaf ears. Sarah just scribbled her name on the card and dropped it in the bucket without saying a word.

* * * * *

Mary had been having a good time at the party, doing the guys who lived there a favor by coordinating the girl's side of the Mixer. When Sarah entered the room, a wave of hot anger bubbled up unbidden. She tried to act aloof, as if the bitch wasn't worth acknowledging. Mary felt a sneer break through her façade, however, and she was annoyed at herself for showing weakness.

Sarah and her friend sought out a spot to wait and Mary shot one last sneer in her direction. She turned her back and set the bucket of names on a dresser and asked someone to keep an eye on it for a few minutes until she got back.

"Sass, I need a drink," Mary said to her friend who had been helping hand out the cards.

"Yeah, I can see why," Sassy said. "She's the one who Jerry split with, isn't she?"

"The very bitch," Mary said, navigating her way up the stairs and toward the bar. "And not even a month later, she's here at a fucking party looking for a quick hookup."

"Better than showing up with him," Sassy said, trying to be helpful. Mary only gave her a dirty look in response.

While waiting in line for drinks, Mary spotted a familiar face in the next room. Somewhere in the depths of her brain, vengeance neurons clicked into perfect alignment. A sly grin worked its way across her face.

"Here," Sassy said, handing Mary a drink. "What are you smiling about?"

Mary was about to spill her idea to her friend, but then thought better of it. "I'll tell you later. Just go back to the room and keep the Mixer going. I'll be along in a few minutes.

Sassy gave a quizzical look, but when no further explanation was forthcoming she just shrugged and went back downstairs. Mary waited a minute and then followed downstairs, but went to the guy's door and cracked it open just enough to stick her head in.

"Carlos, come here a minute," she called across the room. There were quite a few more guys waiting than girls, and more than a few gave her hungry looks. She pointedly ignored them.

Carlos, one of the house party's hosts, hopped up from his seat by the curtained wall and came over to Mary. "Hey, how's it going on your side? Everyone here seems to be having a lot of fun with this."

"Oh, yeah, it's going just fine," she said. "Look, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor. You know Bryce Hudson?"

"Yeah," he said. "Not real well, but we've had a few classes together. Played a little rec basketball, too. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could get him down here," Mary said. "I just saw him in the living room and I would really appreciate it if you could arrange for him to be in one of the Mixer rooms at a specific time."

Carlos chuckled. "Oh, I get it. You got a thing for him?"

Mary paused for a second and then shrugged as innocently as possible. She'd let Carlos interpret that however he liked.

"Do you still have a thing for Sassy?" she said, knowing full well that he did.

"Yeah," he admitted. "Oh, I see how it is. You get what you want, I get what I want?"

She gave him a conspiratorial wink. "Yeah. Don't do it on this next round, but the round after that. Pull your name for the outer Mixer and pull Bryce's for the one closest to the stairs. I'll fix things on my side, and everyone's happy."

"Deal," he said.

* * * * *

Bryce had been unable to get the night off work, so he was late arriving to the party. He'd considered skipping it altogether, but some friends of his had pressured him into making an appearance. He pushed his way through the mass of bodies dancing in the living room. He nodded to a few people he recognized, but he didn't see any of his friends.

Near the bar, Carlos intercepted him. "Hey man, good to see ya," Carlos said, thrusting a beer into Bryce's hand.

"Looks like your party's going pretty well," Bryce said, almost yelling just to be heard. "I could hear it from three blocks away."

"Dude, you gotta come downstairs," Carlos said, leading the way in hopes Bryce would follow. "That's where the real party is going on."

Bryce took one last look around for his friends. Not seeing them, he followed Carlos down to the basement.

"We set up something we're calling the Mixer," Carlos said as they walked down the stairs. "We curtained off areas between me and Greg's rooms. We're pulling names from a hat, matching up random guys and girls for ten minutes of make out time in the dark. The way it's set up, you never get to see who you're paired with."

"Huh," Bryce said. "Sounds like it could be alright."

"Yeah, it's been quite a hit," Carlos said, opening the door and dragging Bryce into the waiting area. "Mostly kissing and groping, but a few guys said they got sucked off for a couple minutes. I'll put your name in."

Bryce surveyed the room and still didn't see any of his friends. And judging by the number of guys waiting in the room, it could take hours to get a turn in the Mixer. He turned to Carlos. "Look, it sounds like a lot of fun, but I'm not sure I want to wait around that long."

"Oh, it's not that bad," Carlos said in a hurry, trying to keep Bryce in the room. "We've got two Mixers going simultaneously."

"Still, there's gotta be twenty guys in here," Bryce said.

"Tell ya what," Carlos said, leaning closer to Bryce's ear. "I still owe you for bailing me out on that Chem lab last year. I can see to it that your name just happens to get pulled soon. I hardly know any of the other dweebs in here anyway, so I'd rather see you get a turn."

Bryce was about to decline the offer, but had a last moment change of heart and accepted. He hadn't been with a woman in a little bit longer than he cared to admit. While this wasn't exactly a night of hot sex, he had to admit there was a certain bit of appeal to the idea of it being in the dark and with a total stranger.

* * * * *

Sarah and Kate had ensconced themselves in a corner of the small waiting room. A couple classmates had joined and the four of them made small talk as best they could over the thumping of the dance tracks. Sarah found herself growing increasingly excited about her turn in the Mixer. She had been a little nervous, but that was gone after she saw the first set of girls come out of the curtained rooms looking flushed and wearing big grins.

Another set of girls had just been discharged from the room and Mary picked up the bucket of names and reached in for one. All the girls still waiting quieted to hear who was called.

"First one is...Sassy!" Mary said, giving her friend a big grin. "You're in the left room by the wall." The curtain was pulled aside for Sassy and she disappeared into the darkness beyond.

"Second one is...Sarah Hudson," Mary said.

"Go girl!" Kate said, clapping Sarah on the back. "Lucky you, getting your name picked so quick."

"Hope this goes well," Sarah said as she got up to head into the unknown.

"I expect explicit details when you get back," Kate said.

Sarah met Mary's eyes on the way through the curtain. Where Sarah had expected to see more of the same smoldering anger, there was instead something else. Smugness, perhaps? Sarah suddenly got a nervous twinge in her stomach, wondering if Mary had managed to set her up with some really nasty man. Unpleasant scenarios caught hold of her imagination as the curtain closed, blotting out all but a thin line of dim light at the floor.

"Have fun with your brother," Mary said with a wicked grin once Sarah was out of earshot.

* * * * *

The guys coming out from behind the curtains were looking pretty pleased with themselves, Bryce noted. His old acquaintance had left him to take care of the name calling as well as the timing duties. Carlos had a stopwatch and would call out to the lucky couples when they had five, two, and then one minute left.

With the Mixer rooms clear, Carlos pulled a pair of names from his hat. "Okay, guys, let's see what we've got," he said, unfolding them melodramatically. "Bryce Hudson and...me! Hey, 'bout damn time."

Cries of 'fixed' came from the rest of the room, tinged with equal parts humor and jealousy. Carlos handed the hat and stopwatch to one of the other guys.

Bryce stepped toward the curtain and exchanged a high five with Carlos. "Which one do I get?"

"I'll take this one, by the wall," Carlos said. "You can take the other one. Have fun, man."

"Yeah, you too."

Bryce stepped into the darkness and let the curtain fall back behind him. It was almost pitch black and he certainly couldn't see any girl. The thumping of the bass was overwhelming in the absence of any other sensory inputs. Bryce suspected that he was now directly underneath the powerful subwoofer.

Eager to find his partner, Bryce reached out with his arms and slowly advanced forward. Only a couple steps in, he made contact with another set of arms. Cautiously, he moved in closer. He ran his hands up her arms, over the shoulders, and down her back, pulling her into a gentle embrace.

* * * * *

The first contact with her mystery man caused a tingle of nervous energy to course through her body. As they began to embrace, Sarah ran her hands over his chest and arms. Button down shirt, tall, and pretty well built, she thought with a bit of relief. Her fear of having been set up with some nasty guy quickly dissolved.

His hands wrapped around her head and neck, gently guiding their lips together in the darkness. His lips were warm; his kisses soft yet deliberate. It was clear to her that he was being a gentleman, testing her comfort level. She encouraged him to expand his boundaries by opening her mouth and teasing him with her tongue. He was quick to respond in kind.

Sarah felt herself losing control. Here she was with an iconic man – a hint of musky sweat, firm muscles, five o'clock shadow rubbing her cheek. There was no talking between them over the thumping music, no looking at one another for visual cues. This was something primal, and it touched her on a level that she hadn't expected.

* * * * *

The eagerness with which the woman returned his kisses encouraged Bryce to let his hands start exploring. Aside from a single tie, her back was bare. He quickly deduced that she was wearing one of those shirts that have fabric only in the front, held in place with a string tied around the neck and another just below the shoulder blades. That meant no bra and probably pretty easy access to her breasts. How far would she let him go, he wondered.

Bryce let his hands wander up and down her bare back while their kissing rapidly escalated. He tugged at the string around her back, undoing the tie. He then brought his hands around her sides and under her top, pausing just beside her breasts. She shoved her tongue even further into his mouth, and Bryce took this as permission to continue.

He cupped her breasts, creating a mental picture by way of touch. They were a pleasant handful, but small enough that there was little sag. His thumbs played over her nipples, which responded eagerly to the stimulation. She sucked in her breath, the only other sign Bryce had that she was getting into the moment.

* * * * *

The stimulation to her nipples was driving Sarah crazy. Whenever she reached this point of arousal, her body always demanded more. With the little bit of rational mind she had left, she realized that ten minutes wasn't going to be nearly long enough. She decided to push things along as quickly as she could.

Sarah guided one of the man's hands down to her crotch. She pulled up the front of her skirt, inviting him to explore further. His entire hand cupped her crotch over her thong, sending an electric shiver through her body. She started kissing and sucking his neck and earlobe, encouraging him to go further.

They were clicking on the same wavelength in a way Sarah had only experienced a couple times in her life. The man's fingers pushed aside the scant fabric of her thong and began massaging her clit. Her body was responding in all the right ways, providing ample lubrication for his ministrations.

* * * * *

Bryce was amazed at the way this was turning out. After a couple short minutes with a complete stranger, he was massaging her breast with one hand and her pussy with the other. They'd achieved a carnal rapport that surprised him. Maybe each just needed exactly what the other was willing to offer.

Bryce focused on bringing her to a quick climax. He wanted her to leave satisfied. He alternated his pace and stroking in response to changes in her breathing, dipping his fingers deep into her pussy every now and then to keep things slippery. He reluctantly broke off from her kisses to stimulate a nipple with his tongue.

* * * * *

Sarah rode the building wave, letting the stranger have his way with her. The unique circumstance combined with his skill was bringing her to a rapid and powerful orgasm. She distantly registered a voice calling out "five minutes" and realized that she was getting the lion's share of the attention in this arrangement.

She unbuttoned his fly and slid a hand inside his boxer shorts. Her fingers quickly worked their way through his pubes, tickling and scratching en route to his cock. She dug deeper and wrapped her hand around his fully erect cock. A groan of satisfaction resonated through his mouth where it was latched onto her nipple.

Sarah pulled his cock up and over the elastic of his boxers and did her best to start stroking him. She smeared a drop of pre-cum around the tip, then ran her fingers down the shaft and cupped his balls. He was good-sized and very responsive. She wanted to do more with his dick, but it would have to wait.

The flush of orgasm began to wash over Sarah's body. The man's fingers were working magic on her clit and she let herself go. She knew she was moaning and groaning loudly, something she rarely did, but it was lost even to her own ears beneath the rhythm of the thumping bass.

Sarah held still for a moment as the rush of the orgasm passed. Her body was trembling, sweaty with lust. Much as she wanted to just savor the moment, she knew the clock was ticking and she desperately needed to do more for her mystery man. She pulled away from his hands and lips, and then dropped to her knees.

* * * * *

Bryce could feel the woman's orgasm in the way her body shook. He slowed the pace of his fingers, helping to bring her back down. The sexual responsiveness of this woman was intoxicating and he desperately wished there wasn't a timer ticking away on the other side of the curtain.

The woman pulled back from him and knelt down. He felt her tongue flick across the head of his cock, surveying and teasing. Her fingers played up and down the shaft, around his scrotum, and back again. When she finally took him into her mouth, he gasped.

"Two minutes," a voice yelled out from the other side of the curtain. Bryce felt a pang of disappointment. The girl clearly knew what she was doing and he was primed to blow, but he didn't think they'd be able to close the deal in only two minutes. The girl, however, seemed even more intent on getting him off as she upped her pace.

* * * * *

Sarah heard the time warning and took it as a personal challenge to get this man off. His fingers wrapped in her hair and she let him help guide her pace. He was practically fucking her mouth, and she relaxed her jaw as much as possible to accommodate. His cock was almost uncomfortably wide, but she was very determined.

"One minute left," the voice yelled out. "Time to make sure you're decent!"

Sarah could feel the tell tale twitching in the man's cock – he was close. She upped the pace just a bit more, licking, sucking, and stroking. On a whim, she reached around his balls with her fingers and ran one of them over his anus. When he shuddered at her touch, she pressed on – circling and sliding her finger back and forth.

The man gripped her head tightly and exploded in her mouth. He was deep enough in that she had a little trouble swallowing, but Sarah relaxed and let it slide into her throat. She pumped his cock a few more times, milking all of the cum she could get, then finally pulled her mouth back off with a final loving lick.