Mom & Son: Victoria's Incest Story

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A promiscuous mom seduces her son through his friend.
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Writer's Note:

In 2018, I wrote a dramatized incest story based on true events — or true-ish events. After a video chat with the Literotica user at the center of this story late last year, I wrote this updated account.

All chat messages are either exactly as written, close edits, or in the spirit of what was said. The only time I adjusted dialogue was for the sake of story flow.

All names have been changed. All dates and locations have been modified to protect those involved. Physical descriptions of people are based on photos from "Victoria" and her son's Facebook profiles, which I somewhat creepily found. (For certain body parts, I used my imagination or simply had to trust Victoria's word.)

Originally published: July 2018

Updated: July 2021



A warm breeze blew across Victoria Santos's sunkissed skin. The rusted, metal chains of her porch swing creaked steadily in the salty air. She enjoyed the freedom of sitting outside with her sundress pulled up to her hips while she rubbed her soft pussy lips. Golden hour on the central California coastline was serene. But Victoria was more interested in the words on her phone than the waves of the ocean. After all, the waves weren't going to make her cum.

Life was beautiful, especially for a Columbian immigrant, who came to the United States at the age of seventeen in search of a better life for her and her infant son. After marrying a successful businessman, the owner of a local fitness center chain, she found the opportunity to be a mother in a secure environment.

Now, though, her son Carlos was eighteen, and he spent most of his summer days with friends. This left Victoria home alone every evening. Her weekdays were not particularly difficult. She worked out in the morning, performed administrative work for her husband's business in the afternoon, and then did some light housework. Still, she pined for the evenings, where she would retire to her back porch and enjoy sitting half-naked in a thin sundress, peacefully sipping a glass of wine, and reading smut.

Lately, Victoria had been craving only one story genre — one where mothers and sons got naked and rubbed their genitals together in the most delirious ways imaginable, all in pursuit of a loving, drippingly hot, one-of-a-kind sex neither could achieve through any other means.

With her own horny and hormonal teenage son, who had always been a momma's boy, Victoria recognized she could likely experience the same, real sexual tension at home if she tried. And, with each passing day, that idea became more familiar and normal in her mind. As well as hotter.

The fantasy of loving her son in a new way — a sexual way — aroused Victoria to no end. But it also scared her. Thankfully, she didn't have to suppress her emotions and deal with them alone. Her husband was always ready to listen.

Victoria's energetic personality, kind nature, and cute son had stolen her older husband's heart years earlier. He made her happy, and she made him happy as well. Her proudest way of demonstrating her love and gratitude was by satisfying his sexual appetite.

More than her physical assets and beautiful complexion, what captivated her husband was her flirtatious and promiscuous nature. Victoria had all of the attributes of a great hotwife — a woman who has sex with other men as part of her marriage. It was a role Victoria was quickly introduced to and played well. After all, fucking other men in a no-strings-attached situation while making her husband smile wasn't exactly a sacrifice. Her husband had a kink, and she happily satisfied it.

They would often play a game together, where Victoria presented herself to a strange man as a sexually frustrated wife, who was looking to keep a naughty secret from her unaware husband. In-person and online, she operated with this persona — always with her husband nearby, secretly watching and participating in the erotic adventure from the shadows.

When the jig was up or if the man was a friend of her husband's, Victoria dropped the act. If you were a single friend of Mr. Santos, and if he invited you to his house for dinner, you soon understood it was not simply an invitation for a home-cooked meal. You were also going over to enjoy a hot, naked encounter with his playful and friendly wife.

Victoria was invigorated by the boyhood glee in her husband's face and the way he subtly puffed his chest out while she treated his guest to a mind-numbing experience. She knew her husband wanted her to share her sexiest side possible.

This dynamic. This relationship. This lifestyle of voyeurism, sharing, and laughing in the face of sexual convention... It made Victoria and her husband shameless and open about their fantasies. And, so, every night, when her husband joined her in bed, Victoria would talk about the incest story she had read earlier. Then, they would fuck each other into a feverish dream.


This is where I enter the story.


In the summer of 2018, I received an email from a Literotica member claiming to be a mother and a fan of mine. I get mail from readers from time to time, and most of it involves new story ideas or requests for sequels. The rest is a mixed bag... like blindly sticking my hand into a random bowl. Sometimes I'll pull out something interesting and respond.

Victoria's email was about her enjoyment of my story, "Masturbatra Rises" — the lighthearted epic of Lisa Carter, a mom who becomes an erotic superhero (of sorts) and works with her son and his two horny friends to solve a local crime. Since this is Literotica, you can imagine where it leads. It's sloppy fun. And at the end of her email, Victoria told me it helped her deal with her fantasies and growing feelings about her son.

In my years of writing mom-son stories, I had only ever met three mothers in confirmed incestual relationships — as in, I watched a live webcam or was shown images of them fucking their sons and then matched it with genuine social media profiles. As you can imagine, it's a fucking rush to find the real deal. That's why I emailed her back.

Quickly, our conversation moved off of email and onto Google Hangouts (the old, text-chat function). I went into it knowing it was most likely bullshit. Getting reader mail from someone claiming to be a mom who wants to fuck her son is the Literotica equivalent of getting an email from a Nigerian prince. Still, it had happened before, and I could tell by her writing style and answers to my test questions that she was a woman. So, if I was wasting my time, at least I wasn't helping a creepy guy in his basement jerk off.

Our conversation ran smoothly. Victoria told me about her life and about how her husband was often away on business, leaving her home alone with her son. She mentioned how Literotica had been stirring new fantasies for her, and I asked her if she had a favorite one. Over a series of messages, she detailed a fantasy where her dark-haired teenage son was grabbing her thighs with his athletic arms while holding her down on her bed and servicing her orally. After she squirted and he tasted her pussy juice, she invited him to climb into bed and slip his cock inside her.

Many of her fantasies were vivid and deeply developed. She talked about them and answered questions with a level of comfort and conviction I don't see from moms who simply get caught up in a story and shake it from their heads once they cum.

When I asked Victoria if she wanted to act on her dreams, she said she wanted to feel what it was like to share herself with her son. She said she knew it would be special for both of them. But when I asked about her husband, she admitted she didn't know if she could go through with cheating on him.


Victoria's husband, as I'm now willing to bet, was right beside her the entire time she was messaging me. He helped her answer my questions and keep my interest while they explored their growing incest fantasy through me.


Most days, Victoria and I only exchanged a few messages. A lot of them were excited texts about her son looking at her and getting red when she walked through their house in a skimpy sundress or a bikini — which was often. "He checks me out all the time... It's nice lol," she sent me, once. (I would later see why that message was believable.)

Overall, Victoria's updates were usually boring and uneventful. She didn't exactly wreak of a manipulator trying to get off or sell a story. She seemed like a regular, busy mom.

It was more than a month before Victoria started asking me how to test the waters with her son. Her messages had been getting more intense, and I could tell she wanted to feel the eroticism that came from edging closer to her fantasy. I had advice, but I didn't know if Victoria would take it.

It wouldn't be until years later that I essentially got her to admit her husband was encouraging her to listen to me. Maybe they trusted me since I was a son in a familiar position. Or maybe it was hot for them to follow the advice of an erotica writer they liked.

Either way, when I suggested it, Victoria began wearing even skimpier attire around her son, and she hung out with him more as she wore it. It didn't take her long to fight off the instinct to cover up when he stared. Based on what I know now, I believe Victoria would've been comfortable walking around her house naked if it wouldn't have blatantly tipped her hand.

Once Victoria started down the path of real-world action, her messages became more frequent. We were soon talking through entire days. She updated me and discussed fantasies, elevating herself into a state of pure and constant sexual adrenaline. She began to question herself and her motives, and her sanity.

What happened next shouldn't have surprised me. I know what happens when you dive deep into a "shameful" fantasy without acting on it. You lose yourself. One day, Victoria sent me a raving message about how this had been a mistake and how I had been a bad influence by "pushing" her into doing something wrong. She blocked me from contacting her again.

I was disappointed. She was kind of right. But I was still bummed. I accepted it was over.


Weeks later, I was reading Jon Krakauer's "Into Thin Air" on an overcast Sunday evening when my phone pinged. It was a Google Hangouts message. From Victoria.


"Hey," I replied. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore."

"I feel guilty about these fantasies... I try to stop... but often I fail."

I was angry with her for ghosting me for weeks and then thinking she could just come back and ask for my advice. As badly as I wanted to tell her off, I couldn't break away from her story. It's hard to describe with words, but there was this pull. Regardless, I ignored her request for help and made small talk instead. If she wanted to reconnect with me, she could put in the effort.

We spoke at length about our home lives. I mentioned I was brainstorming for a story about a mom filling in at her son's birthday party after a group of girls cancel. (That story never got past the draft stage.)

"Does she bang her son?" Victoria wondered, in what I imagined was a rhythmic and sing-songy Medellín accent.

I laughed out loud, quite literally. "Lol. Of course she does. But she also has fun with his friends."

There was a pause. And then Victoria said, "That sounds hot. It is a huge turn-on for me... To feel an inexperienced boy become a confident man as I lead him."

I shook my head, as I didn't understand. Was she speaking from experience? Did she do this before her marriage? During? "Last time you seemed more interested in your son than his friends."

"My son is a fantasy! I have it sometimes." Her tone seemed sharp. "I am NOT ever going to do anything with him... I just use it to turn me on."

I asked her what her current fantasies were, and she said, "General ones? Making love to my son, his friends..."

Obviously, she wanted to talk about it. It was the third time she had mentioned her son's friends. And, as I thought about it, the story she originally emailed me about had similar themes. But, if she wanted to talk about it, she could work for it. "In fantasies, how do you end up making love to your son?"

"Like how we are led there?"


"It depends on the scenario I am imagining... A thought I have a lot is a natural mother and son intimacy evolving to a sexual intimacy. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, I understand. A mom and son getting closer until it's sexual. Do you want to teach him a lot?"

"It is a kinky thought... ONLY a thought... but yes."

I gently pressed her to open up about her feelings for her son, but she wasn't ready to tell. Or tell herself. And I didn't want to get blocked again. So, I gave her what she wanted. "You said you liked the feeling of making men out of inexperienced boys. Have you ever done that with your son's friends?"

"No. But I had men around his age. Like early twenties. I like it... But not with his friends obviously."

"Gotcha. Must have been fun," was what I said. Her admission to fucking other men gave me the sense she had done it while married. Back then, I was still under the impression she was a guilt-ridden cheater. "How long have you wanted to have sex with your son's friends?"

"Almost a year now." Her answer was instant.

Huh. "Wow. How many friends does he have who you'd like to fuck?"

"He has three close ones, all of which are rather appealing. One is a bit chubby, not fat... rather tall. There is a thin black one, medium height. And one who is quite the gym addict hahaha."

"Your son's friend group has a lot of different looks. Have you caught any of them looking at you?"

I could practically feel her pride seeping through my phone screen when I read, "All of them."

The attraction to young men — teachable men — isn't uncommon for available women. So, I was surprised when a married woman like Victoria had held that fantasy for so long. Especially since her son and his friends were, as she spent a long time assuring me, were eighteen. Perhaps were son's friends were simply a safer and less morally conflicting way to channel her incest dream?

I rolled over in bed, trapping my erection on my mattress. Across the country, Victoria told me she was in her bed as well, lying in her bathrobe. "I know you'll never do anything with your son, but you could always try to have fun with one of his friends," I posted... as a joke.

"I am not really one to cheat."

"I see. Is your husband home a lot?"

Did I think Victoria would ever cheat on her husband at my advice? No, of course not. But I knew what she wanted, and I hoped if she started on the path of thinking about her son's friends seriously, she'd finally realize she needed to have an honest conversation with her husband about her sexual desires. (If only I knew.)

"No, my husband travels."

"Hmm. Maybe flirting with your son's friends while he's gone might be a fun way for you to get attention?" I prepared for her to tell me off or block me again. But neither occurred.

"Think it's safe? And BRB."

"I don't see why it wouldn't be safe," I said, way too optimistically. While I waited for her to BRB, I tried to imagine the emotions and thoughts racing through her mind. My climbing book was out of reach, and my attention was squarely on my text conversation.

After what felt like forever, Victoria returned. As she would later admit, she left to get her pink dildo and get used to sliding it inside her wet pussy. I'm sure her husband loved watching it. She answered me, "Well... I would be the one in control if we flirted after all..."

"That's true. Things could only go as far as you let them. What kinds of things do you think you can do to flirt with them?"

"Being more involved in their hobbies when they're at my house would be a start... I guess? Dressing more for them like I do for my son now?"

"Damn lol. Those would definitely work! You can also try laughing more at their jokes and touching them on the arm. Those are classics. All guys like those." (Naively, I thought I was reminding her how to seduce men.)

"Yeah? Do you think they'd flirt back?"

How the hell would I know? I don't know what you look like, I thought. "What's your best quality?"

"My legs." She didn't need to think.

"Very hot. Then I would definitely show them off more if I were you. How far would you go with your son's friends in real life?"

"Short of touching... I guess."

"So everything up to sexual touching?" I clarified.

"I guess. Is that too far?"

"If you don't think so, then no."

Our conversation heated up. We discussed ways for her to secretly communicate with her son's friends, such as over apps like Snapchat. I urged her to add her son's friends on the app since the messages automatically self-deleted. She said she didn't want things to get anywhere near that personal.

A mom seducing her son was fucking hot, but a mom seducing an inexperienced late-teen was the next best thing. My cock was warm under my body, and I could sense Victoria spiraling up to euphoria as well. Her pussy had to be soaking wet. I imagine her husband was stroking his cock while he encouraged her to listen to the erotica writer on the other end of the screen.

I did my best to nudge Victoria closer to taking real-life action. "What's the sexiest way to flirt with them that wouldn't be taking it too far?"

"Hmm... Discuss sex... I guess? Maybe find a way to talk about our experiences and preferences?"

"They'd love that, haha." "They'd probably go home and jerk off to the idea of doing those things with you."

"That's amazing. You think so?"

Her dark green message read as enthusiastic. It excited me as well. "Yeah. Do you want them to jerk off to you?"

"... Yes"

"Then do what we talked about :) Talk to them about sex, touch their arms, spend time with them, dress a little slutty lol. It'll make them jerk off to you." My cock was rock-hard and I was rubbing my hips into my mattress to massage it. I had the rising impulse to push her, and I was too horny to care about the risk of her blocking me again. Plus, she seemed horny enough to be susceptible. "You can also start texting them."

"Like... now?!"

"If you want to :) Now would be a good time for it."

"Maybe I should wait until I am thinking straight, no? Haha."

"You seem to be thinking straight to me. It's always going to feel a little weird at first."

"I'm sort of excited... horny... not thinking straight."

"I understand. But that's a good thing! Being horny is a normal state for me haha :) It shouldn't be a problem as long as you're disciplined." I then had a short dialogue with her about how she could stay disciplined more easily over text than in person. Before Victoria could doubt herself again and pull away, I pushed her forward. "What's the name of the friend you find most attractive?"

"John." (His real name was one of those Brayden, Ayden, Kayden names.)

"Which one is John? What does he look like?"

"The gym one."

"That makes sense XD. Do you have his number?"

"Yes..." I could tell she was skeptical of where I was headed, and she had every right to be.

"You should send him a text to say hello and ask him how he's doing."

"That would be strange... Unless I had a reason to message him."

She was right. I thought for a moment and typed back, "That's true. Say someone left a hat at your house and you want to see if it's his." My most creative advice? No. Bland enough to work? Probably. In my defense, I was rubbing my cock through my pajama boxers and was willing to say anything to convince her to keep going.

"That could work..."

"Just make the text simple and friendly. Like: Hey John, someone left a hat at my house and I wanted to see if it was yours :)"