Mom in Law

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Sara invites me to have her mom.
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Sara and I were living with her mom. Sara had taken a job back home and until we could get our own place, we lived with her mom. Lisa's, Sara's mom, husband had passed away 8 years before and she lived alone until we arrived. Her house was large with two master suites, so the house was able to accommodate us easily.

One night, 3 months after moving in, Sara and I were lying in bed in each other's embrace following sex. As we were pillow talking, Sara said she had something she needed to tell me.

She began, "Our living here has created a problem for mom. She has heard us having sex. I know I can be a little vocal when I climax and she has heard that and it has created a problem for her. Since dad died she has not had a man for 8 years."

"So, I guess that means that I am going to have to cover your mouth and muffle your sounds?" I jested. "I kind of like your moans and groans. Makes me know that I am being successful."

She punched my arm lightly with her fist. "No," she said, " making sounds too. So I am not getting quiet. But that is not the solution to the problem."

"So, pray tell, what is the solution?" I asked. "We need to find her a man?"

"That would be the long term solution," she said. "We need to help her with the whole finding a guy, dating and all that stuff. She has been out of the loop for a long time. It is the short term solution we need to work together on."

"What is the short term solution?" I asked.

Sara smiled at me very coyly and said, "My Mr. Prince Charming, you are!"

Sara went on to explain to my wide eyed, raised eyebrow expression, that she had explained to her mother that we had an open marriage. That although we had not practiced it, that is, we had not slept with anyone else, we had agreed that the circumstances being right, we would both be all right with it. Sara went on to tell me that she had promised her mother that it would be all right with her if her mother and I had sex. I gave Sara a blank stare. I did not know what to think. While Sara continued to talk, my mind tried to envision doing it with my mother in law.

Mom was in her mid 40's and was a beautiful woman. One reason I married Sara was her mother. Upon meeting her the first time, I thought, that if this is how Sara will look someday then it was more than all right with me. She was of medium build with right sized breasts. I had seen her several times in a bikini swimsuit, not a teeny tiny one by any means, but still a bikini and I liked the muscles in her calves and thighs. Her waist and hips were beautifully curved and her arms and shoulders were shapely. Her neck was smooth and her face as beautiful as Sara's. I could very easily see myself having sex with her except for one thing. She was my mother in law!

"So, what do you think?" Sara asked. I had not listened to her last few comments as I was lost in thought about having sex with her mother, so I really did not know what I was responding to specifically but I did respond.

"Sara, your mother is beautiful, just like you. If her naked body looks anything close to yours, then it will be no problem. The only problem I see is....she is my mother in law! I do not know if I can do that."

Sara frowned and then looked away from me. After a moment, she looked back and said, "I want you to do this for mom. If not do it for her, do it for me. I want this to be my gift to her for all she has done for me and for us. I want you to do this. Please. After all, you are simply meeting her sexual need. It is not like you are falling in love with her or anything like that. It is just sex."

After a few more minutes of talk I, half reluctantly, agreed. Sara said, "Mom has a flesh colored dress that dad bought a long time ago. She would wear it around the house just for him. It is a stretch type material that grips her body and it is kind of see through if one really looks closely at it. It is backless and the front plunges down between her breasts. It has a slit up the side of one leg. I told her that when she is ready, she simply needs to wear it one day when you are here and it will be her signal to you. She does not have to say anything, just wear the dress."

For the next few days I got up each day wondering if this would be the day. Mom seemed more attentive to me, more happy, smiling a lot more but, those times we were alone in the house, while Sara was at work, did not materialize into a sexual encounter. Each night Sara came home the first question she would ask me was if anything happened that day. When I told her that nothing occurred, she frowned and wondered out loud why she was waiting.

"It is probably a hard decision for her," l said one night. "She is trying to suck up some courage."

Later that evening, the three of us, sitting at the dinner table, Sara asked me, "Do you have any appointments or interviews tomorrow?"

"No," I replied, "I will be home all day. Anything you need me to do for you while you are at work?" Sara shook her head and said, "No." Then looked at me and winked. She continued, "Mom, Dave is home all day tomorrow so if you need him to help you with anything, tomorrow is a great day."

"Ok, I will keep that in mind," mom said.

In bed that evening, Sara was super sexy. She told me she knew that tomorrow would be the day for mom "to come out." That thought made her very horny and we had sex. Sara was super loud with her first orgasm while I had a mouthful of her clit sucking her deeply into my mouth. When I entered her she came again in a few minutes digging her fingers into the skin on my back. I was sure that she had scratched me to the point of drawing a little surface blood. My opinion was that the thought that her mom and I would have sex tomorrow while she was at work stirred her passion.

When I rolled off of her, having spent myself, she snuggled into me and soon fell asleep. I held her lost in my thoughts and wondering if tomorrow was the day, how would it go. I played different scenarios in my head but knew there would be no real planning for the moment with her mom. It would have to play out as we went along. I fell asleep.

Morning arrived and Sara got ready for work while I prepared breakfast. We kissed and she was out the door. As she left, she called out to her mom, "Remember Mom, Dave is home all day today. I love you."

I went back to our bathroom and showered and cleaned up. Put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I came out into the den picked up a magazine pretending to read it while waiting on mom. After a few minutes she walked in. She was wearing the dress.

She crossed the room and I looked up. Sara was right. The dress clung to every bulge and curve of her body. Although I could not see through it I could make out the splendid protrusion of her breast and sweet curve of her butt. She continued into the kitchen and went to the counter and stood there with her back to me. The back of the dress was open as Sara described down to just above the top of her butt cleavage. Her cleavage was clearly evident through the dress. She had a beautiful contour to her back and her skin seemed clear, smooth and inviting. Her hands were in front of her on the counter and she acted as if she were doing something with her hands.

I sat still for a couple of minutes and then said, "I really like your dress." She responded just above a whisper, "Thank you."

I got up, put the magazine down and walked to her. When I got to her, she remained still, facing the counter, her head down a little. I took a deep breath and put my hands, one on each shoulder. I ran my hands down the outside of her arms to her elbows and she let her arms fall to her side. I continued down her arms to her hands and I squeezed each hand in mine. Then my hands started back up her arms to the top of her shoulders. Over each shoulder was a part of the dress that connected the front of the dress to its back holding it up. I pulled each strap off over the outside of her shoulder and held them there. Then I moved closer to her and planted a kiss at the base of her neck. I continued kissing from her neck along her shoulder line out to the edge of her shoulder. These were slow soft kisses. Each one was planted slow and deliberate. Finishing kissing along one shoulder I retreated to the other side of her neck and did the same thing on the opposite shoulder.

Finished with kissing her shoulders, I said, "Tilt your head to the right." She did exposing her long silky neck. I placed my open mouth on her neck and softly bit her skin and then licked the bite spot with my tongue. She inhaled. Actually I believed it was the first time she breathed since I touched her. I sucked her skin into my mouth and made several deep sucking motions. I had her tilt her head to the other side and did the same to the other side of her neck. I whispered in her ear, "I may have given you two hickeys you will have to explain to your friends." She whimpered.

I placed my hands at the base of her neck and softly let them drift down her back. Her skin was soft, smooth and silky to the touch. Her skin draped beautifully over her shoulder blades and along her spine. I placed my fingers inside the lowest portion of her dress just above her butt cleavage. I pulled it open enough to expose her butt cleavage to my eyes. I placed my finger at the top of her cleavage and entered her cleavage letting it find its way to as far down as I could go. I did not reach her anus but knew I had gotten close. I withdrew my finger and let the dress snap back in place.

I moved my hands to her front at the base of her neck and slowly slid them down her front. Going over her breasts I felt the strong but soft outline of her breasts and the solid stiff points of her nipples. Continuing down her front slowly, my hands felt the outline of her ribs and on to her smooth belly. When I found her navel I used my fingers to circle around it and then into it. I continued down her belly to the slope leading to her genitals. As I closed in on her clit, I felt her soft pubic hairs through the material. I continued downward. She was breathing harder and placed her hands back on top of the counter as if to hold herself.

My hand went over a bulge, a protrusion from under her dress. It was hard but soft at the same time. I used my little finger to roll over it wondering what it was. I realized it was her clit, swollen, enlarged. It felt like a nub, pushing through her dress. My thoughts were that I had to see this. It would be the largest clit I had ever seen.

When my finger drifted over it several times, she let out an "Ohhhh..." and her knees buckled. I put my arms around her waist to catch her. Her head fell back and she collapsed into my arms. I moved to her side putting one arm around her mid back and the other under her knees, lifted her off the ground and carried her back to her bedroom. I laid her on the bed on her back. Both of her hands went to her face and covered it. She lay before me and I could now make out what Sara had described about the dress's sheerness. I could see the outline of her nipples the redness of them peeking through the fabric, the clear indention of her navel. I could see the tangles of her pubic hair and the protrusion of her clit. I bent over her, took the top of the dress in my hands, pulled it off her shoulders and down exposing her breasts, her ribs, her belly. She raised her hips for me as I continued pulling downward exposing the dark triangle of pubic hair hiding her genitals, then her thighs, knees, calves and feet. I tossed the dress aside and removed the slip on heeled sandals from her feet. She lay naked before me.

She was beautiful. She was Sara in another 20-25 years. My thoughts were that I was going to have a good sexual life. Trying to take the whole of her body in, my eyes were drawn to her incredible extended clit. There it was exposed from the shell of protective skin and brownish pubic hair. It stood up, pink, glistening and swollen. I had never seen anything like it. It stood proudly an inch beyond her body.

I was transfixed. I had had sex with seven different women but I had never seen anything like this. It was remarkable and beckoning. I could not help myself, wanting to take her clit into my mouth.

Taking her by the ankles, I raised her legs and spread them apart. I pushed her knees upward on the bed exposing her genitals and her inner thighs to my gaze. I knelt between her legs and moved my face to hovering just above her clit. I drew in a deep breath. She smelled clean and fresh. The scent of her fluids smelled of a fresh young woman. I opened my mouth and reached toward her with my tongue and let the tip of my tongue touch the tip of her clit. She moaned and withdrew her hips from me. She opened her eyes and looked at me, her eyes widened as she saw my tongue touch her clit again.

She jerked away and she cried out, "Oh, please no! I have never had anyone do that to me. Please. Don't." I was not to be swayed. I had to have her in my mouth. Her clit was made for a man's mouth to take in and stroke with his tongue. I hooked my arms under her legs at her butt and brought my hands over on top of her holding her on both sides of her lower belly. I extend my fingers on either side of her clit and spread the skin apart exposing her engorged clit down to its base. I opened my mouth and descended onto her taking her into my mouth. My tongue lashed at her clit rapidly from all directions.

She moaned and cried out loudly. Her cries startled me at first thinking I was hurting her. I realized that she had not been stimulated by a man for over 8 years and that this caressing of her was as much painful as pleasurable. I continued my tongue lashing of her clit. Her hips ground into my face. Her hands went to my head pushing as if to push me away but I held on to her. My hands and arms and face formed a grip that could not be broken and I continued my assault on her clit. She made fists of both hands and struck my head trying to get me to release her. I grabbed each of her wrists with my hands and pulled her wrists down to her sides maintaining my grip on her. She could not escape. Her head thrashed back and forth, cries approaching screaming boiled out of her mouth, her hips bucked and her legs pumped against the sides my face. I was not going to release her until she came.

She spread her legs further apart, the involuntary sign that pleasure had taken over and her coming orgasm was building. Her bucking hips became rhythmic moving in cooperation with my mouth and tongue. The sounds from her mouth turned to "Uhhh's" and I knew her climax was approaching. I sucked her clit deeper into my mouth and placed my tongue at the bottom of her clit making deep sucking, milking strokes.

She came. Her hips went from frenetic movements to long hard undulations. At the top of each of her thrusts, I sucked and lapped at her clit harder. Each thrust of her hips was met with a loud "Ahhh!" Her body bent at her belly as her belly muscles contracted with each spasm. She bucked into my mouth with 14 or 15 intense orgasmic spasms. I lost count at 10. She relaxed and I released her clit. She whimpered and cried. We lay there for several minutes. Neither of us moved.

Then she spoke, "I have never had anyone ever do that to me. It was wonderful. My whole abdomen is on fire. I have never come that hard ever." She took a deep breath and exhaled.

I looked at her clit, now bright red, was still extended upward. I would have assumed that it would have shrunk back into its hood. As I gazed at her body, my dick was painfully erect.

I moved onto my knees and took the position to enter her. Her eyes were closed. I placed my hands at her sides and moved my hips into position. The head of my penis dallied at her entrance as I lubricated it with her moisture. I moved into her. I took it slow. Entering a little and then withdrawing. She moaned. Again I moved into her a little deeper and withdrew. I wanted to give her tunnel time to expand and accept my dick's intrusion. Again, I went into her and about an inch or so in, met resistance. She had tightened her muscles.

"Concentrate and relax your muscles," I said softly. I could tell by her facial grimace that she had tightened up. "It will take just a little time to relax. Let's try again." I pushed into her and when I met resistance I did not withdraw. I held it there. "Relax that muscle right there." I continued to maintain a soft push and felt myself slipping into her. I felt her muscles relax slowly allowing me increasing entrance. Her muscle finally gave way and my dick slid fully into her. She gasped.

I slowly penetrated her and withdrew. I wanted her to get used to being penetrated again. It had been over eight years since a penis had been in her and it would take her vagina a little time to adapt to this intruder. Soon, though, I was able to establish the rhythm of intercourse. After a few thrusts, her muscle memory checked in and her hips moved with mine in harmony.

As movements increased in depth and speed, I could feel her clit had swollen so that when I pushed into her the base of my penis could feel her hard nub rub against me. I made sure that I kept my movements so that her clit was massaged by my torso with each penetration. My thoughts were, "This is so good. She should have an orgasm every time she had intercourse with a clit erect and as long as hers." She made her "Ahh's" each time I reached the depth of my penetration into her allowing my body to stroke and rub her clit. It is a unique situation to feel a woman's swollen clit rub against you. Feeling her clit rub against the base of my penis was as stimulating to me as the wet, warm softness of her vaginal tunnel surrounding my dick. As my arousal increased with each penetration, I pulled my self upward on her so that her clit stroked my penis its full length on both withdrawal and penetration. It was the most erotic stimulating experience I had ever had. I was enflamed with raw sexual desire.

At my deepest penetration, she wiggled her hips rubbing her clit against me even more. When she did that, the stirrings of my orgasm could be felt. She spread her legs wider and drew her knees up allowing me to go deeper. She cried out with the groans and moans of an orgasm building in her. In a sudden burst, my orgasm exploded and I shot my cum into her. Spasm after spasm gripped me and coursed from deep inside me out through my penis. I held my position at my deepest penetration her clit burrowing into my dick as I shot into her. Her wiggling against me brought her to orgasm and I could feel her vaginal walls gripping and releasing me drawing out all my cum. I was so sensitive that I could feel the last drops of cum emerging from my dick. We finished and both of us were breathing heavily, exhausted.

She turned on to her side drawing her knees up to her chest as in a fetal position and I laid against her back. I ran my hand up and down her arm, over her hip and the top of her thigh and back up to her shoulder. I used my fingers to softly run trails up her neck, over her face and down her chest and around her breasts.

"Did I hear you right? You have never had anyone go down on you before?" I asked.

She nodded. "Never," she said. "Always wondered what it would be like. Now I know."

"Well, how was it?"

"The greatest sensation I have ever had," she replied. "My stomach still aches from it."

I ran my hand down her side and over her buttock and to her cleavage. I found the bottom of her entrance and moved my fingers over her still wet opening and up to her clit. Her clit was a slightly swollen nub. When I touched her there, she quivered.

"It is sensitive," she said.

I asked her to straighten her legs out and with my hand on the inside of her knee, I raised her leg upwards spreading them. I placed my semi-hard dick against her vulva and moved my dick against her pussy lips. My erection grew. In a few minutes my dick was at full attention and I entered her again. In the position from behind her, I could not penetrate very deeply, just deep enough to feel the sensations of her wet, warm pussy on the head of my dick. She angled her hips backwards increasing my depth of penetration. It did not take long for me to feel the growing orgasm and I picked up my pace. My orgasm was a warm, gentle but exquisite spasm and ejaculation of remaining cum. When I finished I lowered her leg, left my penis inside her and let it slowly retract until it fell out of her.