Mom Sucks Dick! - (Without the anal)


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We won seven to nothing, and after the game three of my teammates apologized for failing to score on the other opportunities I had set up for them. Our coach was left at a loss for words. "Wow!" he repeated over and over, looking at me and shaking his head. Finally, he managed to string it into a single sentence.

"Just, wow, really, I had no idea you had that in you," he gushed, shaking his head.

I saw my mother out of the corner of my eye, beaming at me as she made her way over. I licked my lips and regarded the coach. "Neither did I, Coach," I replied.

Then Mom damned near tackled me, and everyone laughed. "You were amazing!" she announced. Everyone within earshot nodded in agreement.

"Oh, Mom!" I groaned, making a big show of pushing her off of me.

I was drenched in sweat after all that exertion, and my sweat now soaked the front of her dress. It was a good thing she had put on a bra and panties before we left the house, but now everyone could see those lacy undergarments through the thin material. She glanced down at herself when she caught several of the guys staring.

"Oh, wow, you really are sweaty," she laughed. "Now I guess we'll both need a shower when we get home."

She wasn't about to wait for that shower, though. Mom handed me the keys in the parking lot so she could pull out my sweaty dick and suck on it all the way home. I drove carefully and kept my eyes on the road and the traffic. She was so deep into her cock-lust that I couldn't get her to stop after I had parked the car in our driveway. Lots of people were out in our neighborhood, and I was scared someone would see us.

I wound up pinching my mom's left nipple much harder than I wanted to, just to get her attention. She squealed and looked up at me with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I hissed, "but there are people looking this way. We need to go inside."

She slowly lifted her head from my lap and looked around with her eyes wide. After nodding, she unfastened her seatbelt and we got out of the car. I felt bad when I saw her rubbing her left breast uncomfortably. When we were inside the house with the door closed safely behind us, I felt the need to apologize again. She shook her head and cut me off.

"Just stop," she murmured, running her hands over my chest. "I know, I get carried away sometimes. You were just so amazing out there today, after being so amazing in here all morning long. I was watching you play and I was cheering along with all the other moms, but I was getting so turned on watching you today. Then, after the game, I got close enough to smell you..." She leaned in and closed her eyes, shuddering as she took a whiff near my chest.

She groaned lustily and pushed me up against the wall. Then she was sliding down to her knees and yanking down my soccer shorts and jock strap. I still felt sticky and gross, but there was no denying her. That sweaty smell just drove her deeper into cock-lust and she was very loud as she slurped my dick into her mouth. Eventually I slid down the wall into a sitting position with my legs spread wide apart in front of me. Mom followed me down without releasing me from her mouth the entire time. She wound up kneeling between my spread legs with her face buried in my crotch and her sexy ass pointing up away from me.

It wasn't comfortable, but she wasn't letting up. I would have still been content to sit in that uncomfortable position and enjoy that loving oral attention, but then my legs started to cramp. It was pretty bad. I thought that spanking her exposed bottom would get her attention, but it only made her moan as she sucked me. I couldn't even push her face up from my crotch in that position.

Finally I leaned forward and struggled to my knees, and my chest forced her mouth off of me. By then my leg muscles felt like they were tied in painful knots. Mom looked up at my face in annoyance, but her expression changed when she saw my pained expression.

"Oh, I'm so sorry honey!" she moaned, helping me to my feet.

She wrapped an arm around my side to help me out to the dining room. Once I was seated and stretching out my legs, she got me a bottle of PowerAde and I chugged it down. Before I had finished that drink, she moaned again. I should have pulled my shorts back on. My naked, sweaty dick was exposed between my spread thighs and she was powerless to resist. I had my head thrown back so I could suck down as much of that cool drink as I could. By the time I took the bottle from my lips and looked down, Mom was already attached to my dick once again.

That position was much more comfortable. I slowly stretched out and massaged my legs while my mother filled her mouth with cock. It was almost embarrassing the way she kept moaning and sniffing me while her mouth frantically worked me over. At eighteen, I was borderline obsessive about being clean and smelling good around girls. I think most guys are at that age.

Mom started shifting around between my legs and it took me a bit to figure out what she was doing. By the time I figured it out, she was pulling her panties off of her ankle and tossing them under the table. She moaned even louder and sucked me more insistently once her fingers found her wet, naked pussy. That was incredible, but the sweat on my head, shoulders and back was cooling off rapidly in the air-conditioned house and it was not comfortable at all.

I felt sticky and gross, and finally felt the need to stop her. I closed my thighs forcefully, squeezing her shoulders and ribcage until I got her attention. She still looked like she didn't want to release my dick from her mouth, but I grabbed her shoulders and stood, pulling her up with me.

"It's time for that shower," I insisted.

* * *

It's weird to think about, but I had already become accustomed to the magnificent feeling of having my mother sucking my dick enough that the hot shower was a sensual treat. It felt so nice to shampoo my hair and feel the lather washing away all that sweat and grime. Soaping up my body and particularly my straining leg and lower back muscles caused me to moan in blessed relief.

I had merely planned to get clean quickly, so I had hopped into my shower. Mom snapped open the shower curtain and gave me a glare that softened immediately.

"Oh, that's..." she trailed off, watching me intently for a moment before stepping into the tub and joining me. "The way you were moaning in here, I thought you were jacking off in the shower," she laughed. "I was so pissed to think you were doing that instead of letting me take care of it for you."

I had to laugh softly at her reaction. Then I moaned again as her hand went straight after my soapy dick and she stroked and squeezed it. I looked at her face and shook my head, smiling.

"Okay, I get it," I chuckled. "My dick is all yours now."

"Mmm," she moaned. "Don't you forget it."

I kept smiling as I watched her body moving in front of me, but I was troubled. In my mind I had added, "...until Dad gets home," to the end of my statement. I watched my mother's incredible tits undulating in front of me in time with her right hand stroking my soapy cock. Would all of this just end abruptly in two days, when my father returned from his trip?

I didn't realize my expression had changed until she looked up at my face and asked, "What's bothering you, honey?"

I blew out a breath, annoyed with myself for spoiling the moment. I wrapped my arms around her so we could rotate around each other. "Let me wash you, while I think how to put it," I murmured. She smiled up at me and raised her arms over her head once I had the soapy bath sponge. Her naked body, glistening in the spray of the shower, took my breath away. I stared in wonder for a few seconds before I managed to shake myself out of it and started scrubbing her armpits. "Wow," I breathed.

When I was finished lathering up and scrubbing her back and legs, she pulled down the shower nozzle so I could rinse her backside for her. When I had finished with everything else, she spread her feet so I could direct the spray into her most intimate parts. I was completely hard after that.

"I'm glad to see you're ready," Mom murmured with a grin. "Before we get carried away and forget, though, what was on your mind?"

I handed her the spray nozzle and sighed, stepping back to reach out for bath towels. After handing her one of them, I spoke while drying myself. "I couldn't help but think, 'This will all be over when Dad comes home.' I didn't want to spoil the moment by bringing it up, but that's what's going to happen, right? We're not going to keep sharing showers and having sex after he gets back, will we?"

She looked at me and shook her head, biting her lip as she worked the towel over her shoulders and arms. "No. This will all have to end before he gets home, and we can never mention it again. You know your father. He may have...what's the word? 'Tacit?' Yeah, that's it. He has given us tacit approval in his absence, but that doesn't mean he would ever want to hear about it. Well...not directly."

I looked at her with some confusion. Later I would look up the word just to be sure. "Understood or implied without being stated." Yeah, that was the right word. My dad was all about being tacit when it came to talking with me about sex. I was still confused about what she meant by "not directly" talking about what we had been up to in his absence. It wasn't until we were dry and in her bedroom that I managed to bring it up.

"Mom, I have to ask. What did you mean by that last part? How would Dad hear about what we have been doing 'not directly?' That doesn't make any sense."

She actually blushed with my dick in her mouth. Seriously? My mother was naked between my thighs, sucking my dick like it was her favorite thing in the world, and my question had her embarrassed? This I had to hear.

Mom looked like she didn't want to tell me--like she was a kid who had accidentally admitted to doing something she knew she wasn't supposed to, but she didn't want to confess to the actual crime. I looked at her face intently with my left eyebrow raised, waiting for an answer. She finally shook her head and let my cock slip from her lips. She kept stroking my shaft slowly while she cleared her throat and spoke.

"I may have...noticed you...a couple months ago," she gradually admitted. I could not recall ever seeing her look so embarrassed. "You were talking on the phone with Denise, and...I don't even think you knew you were doing it, but you were rubbing yourself through your shorts. I thought about saying something, but then I looked at your arms and shoulders in that tank-top. You just looked like such a man and it shook me."

She gave the shaft of my hard dick a squeeze. "Then I couldn't take my eyes off of this beautiful specimen," she moaned. "I don't know how long I stood there staring, but your father totally busted me." She smiled and shook her head at the recollection. Then she sighed. "Ever since then, he's teased me about it. It...turned into a game for us."

She blushed even more deeply, and her voice dropped to a whisper. "Even if nothing had happened this weekend, I would have told him something happened while he was gone. He would have gotten so hard for me when I told him how I had neglected to wear panties, and then your dick 'accidentally' slipped inside me; or how I had snuck into your bedroom at night after you were asleep, pulling back your sheet to stare at your hard dick." She stared at my dick in her hand as she said that, and then looked up into my eyes. "That was what I had fantasized about," she admitted guiltily.

"Your father knows me so well. He would have known I wouldn't have been able to 'just look.' He would probably growl something like that, like, 'But you didn't stop there, did you?' Then I would just shake my head and start sucking his hard dick, and his mind would fill in the rest. I was planning to share one of those stories with him--or maybe both--once he got home. Now, though..." She shook her head and slowly took me back into her mouth.

I couldn't help it. Her hot little story had gotten me even harder, and I moaned when she started sucking my dick again. I got it. When my dad returned, she would wind up admitting what had happened. They would both pretend it was just part of their ongoing little game, but he would know.

I just hoped he wouldn't be mad.

Somehow, I knew he wouldn't be. My dad is one of the coolest people I know, and I'm not just saying that because he let his sexy wife suck my dick. He was always my hero, and that hadn't changed when I started high school. As I grew and got to know other adults, my father only became more impressive. He was smart and funny, without trying to impress anyone. Too many other adults I had met seemed to put on an act, and my dad was never that way.

Even though we might never talk about it, this incredible weekend with my mother would only serve to bring me and my dad closer together. At least, that was my hope. That all shot through my head in a few seconds, even as I watched my mother eagerly sucking my dick the entire time. When I groaned and came in her mouth, I was thinking how much I loved both my parents.

* * *

When we finally crawled out of bed to fix dinner two hours later, my legs were wobbly. They weren't cramping up anymore, but they felt weak after the way my mother had sucked me so insistently and forced me to come in her mouth. I wasn't complaining, of course! I couldn't stop thanking her and kissing her as we made our way to the kitchen and fell into our usual cooking routine.

It was warm in the house, and particularly in the kitchen, so we wore loose, lightweight clothes. Mom had slipped into another one of her short summer dresses, while I wore another pair of loose jogging shorts and a tank-top. Despite all the incredible sex we had enjoyed, we both knew we were going to have sex again as soon as we finished eating. I know I was aroused thinking about it, and it looked like Mom was too.

Dad called about halfway through the meal, and Mom smiled at me as she answered it. She put her phone on speaker and set it on the table between us. "Hey, baby," she cooed. "You would not believe how incredible your son was today!"

"Oh, really?" Dad chuckled. "What did you two get up to?"

"You're on speaker," she reminded him quickly, and then she added, "I was talking about his soccer match this afternoon--mostly. He absolutely took over the game!"

"Oh?" he asked.

I cleared my throat. "Yes sir," I said. "I don't know if I will ever be capable of playing like that again, but I was totally in the zone. Everything just seemed to slow down around me. It felt like I just knew what everyone was going to do before they did it. I scored two goals, and we won seven to nothing."

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "I wish I had been there to see that."

"I wish I had taken a video camera," Mom muttered, shaking her head.

I should probably explain. My dad had taught me to play soccer when I was really young. For years, we had spent time playing together out in the yard. Not only had we kicked the ball around, but he had explained strategy and body positioning. As soon as I started playing organized team soccer, I had excelled as a defender. My dad had trained me and all those years of repetitive drills had conditioned me to move instinctively into the best possible position. Then my mother had drained me so thoroughly before our game--mentally as well as physically--that I wasn't thinking out there on the field. I was just moving and playing perfectly.

I really had both of them to thank for that unparalleled performance.

That said, I never did thank either of them for it. The closest I got was telling my father I wished he had been there for that game. I can't remember exactly what I said, because my eyes were locked on my mother. She looked impossibly sexy as she beamed at me, and all I could think was how bad I wanted her again. When I looked at her hungrily like that, it just got her turned on.

As soon as Dad got off the phone, we abandoned our dinner and headed back into the bedroom. It was hours later before we remembered that we'd left food out on the dining room table and stumbled out to take care of it. Mom shivered next to me as I rinsed dishes before handing them to her, and I turned to look at her.

"Are you okay?" I murmured.

"Yes. It's just..." she spread her legs slightly and reached down to part her puffy pussy lips with two fingers. Then she had to cup her other hand beneath her to catch the puddle of semen that drooled out of her. "I can't believe how much you came inside me."

My spent cock lurched against my thigh when I watched that lewd display. It was such a graphic reminder of our incestuous coupling, almost as if my mother were shouting, "My son just fucked the hell out of me and came in my pussy!"

We were still shaky as we finished those dishes and helped each other into the shower. By the time we were clean and dry, we were exhausted. We fell into bed together and went right to sleep. I think at some point I came in my mother's insistently sucking mouth, but we didn't wake up.

* * *

Sunday morning I woke up again to find my mother sucking me yet again. I was already (or still?) completely hard in her mouth, but my dick was so sensitive it ached. She was awake, but her eyes held that vacant, cock-drunk look as she moaned and nursed on my swollen shaft. The pungent smell of her arousal was intense. As soon as I took a deep whiff, my mouth watered. Then I had to chuckle. Mom's right hand was trapped beneath her as the fingers of that hand made wet sounds in her drooling pussy.

I had to wonder how long she'd been awake, and how long she'd been sucking me. However, I was simply too uncomfortable to enjoy it. My dick felt raw, and instead of giving me pleasure the texture of her tongue felt like sandpaper on the underside of my shaft. Her eyes fluttered open as I struggled to pull away from her.

"Too much," I croaked, shaking my head.

"What?" she muttered.

Her confusion was understandable. I mean, what 18-year-old guy could ever have his dick sucked too much? I wouldn't have believed it was even possible, if I hadn't experienced it firsthand. I licked my lips and managed to get enough saliva worked around to speak clearly.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but it's just too much," I said gently. I ran my hand down, pushing her hair out of her face, and gave her a rueful smile. "I can't believe how incredible it has been," I explained, "but I'm actually sore from how much you've sucked me the past couple days. I'm afraid I need a break."

"Oh," she uttered. Then her eyes went wide when she saw the reddened skin running around the ridge of my cock head and the first inch of the shaft. She grimaced. "I'm sorry, baby," she breathed. "Does it hurt?"

I bit my lip and nodded. At that moment I wasn't sure what to say about it. I certainly didn't want to make her feel bad about it, but I was far too sensitive for any more attention down there. She shook her head and carefully held the base of my shaft so she could move my dick around for a careful inspection. Then she released me and slid out of the bed.

"Let me get you some aloe," she said, heading over toward her bathroom.

When she returned, I shivered repeatedly as she applied the cool, soothing gel to my tender skin. After she was finished, she carefully slid my soft shorts up my legs. Then she kissed her way up my midsection until she planted a soft, lingering kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry, baby," she whispered.

"I just can't believe it even happened," I chuckled, shaking my head. "Never in a million years would I have thought I could actually have my dick sucked too much."

Mom giggled, which was a relief. I was concerned she would feel guilty or beat herself up over it. Instead she smiled and gave me another soft smooch.
