Mom Sucks Dick!


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Mom refused to wake up when I gently shook her. It wasn't until I pulled my hips back from her face that she groaned and her eyes fluttered open. Her mouth did not want to let my dick escape. I kept pulling away from her and she finally released me. She licked her lips and swallowed, looking around briefly while she did.

"What's wrong?" she finally murmured.

I shook my head. "I need a shower."

She nodded dully. When I got out of the bed, she groaned and rolled over to sit up. I was headed out the bedroom door when she called out, "Let's just use the shower in here."

I nodded and turned around. My parents' bathroom has a shower stall. It's smaller than my bathtub, obviously, but there was still enough room for the two of us to comfortably shower together. Once again I had to marvel at just how sexy my mother's naked body was. We were just too tired to fool around, so that shower was pretty quick. We washed each other thoroughly, dried off, and went back to bed. I flopped onto my back and Dad's pillow felt wonderful under my head. I was already falling asleep when Mom curled up next to me and took my cock back into her mouth. It didn't stop me from zonking right out.

* * *

In the morning I woke up to soft moans and gentle sucking once again. Mom was still asleep with my morning erection filling her mouth. Unfortunately, I also woke up with my usual need to pee. Mom moaned gently in protest as I pulled my throbbing dick out of her mouth and rolled out of the bed, but she didn't quite wake up. I quickly padded down the hall to my bathroom and closed the door behind me.

After I had relieved my bladder and washed my hands, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The first thing that sprang into my mind was the night before, in my parents' bathroom, when I had bent Mom over the sink and taken her from behind. I couldn't help but recall the wet, pulsing pucker of her asshole and the way she shuddered and came when I stared at it and licked my lips.

I was completely hard again when I recalled her helpless expression and the way she had whimpered, "You promised!" Damn, I had been so tempted to break that promise. A grin slowly spread over my face when I realized I had fulfilled my promise. I had promised I wouldn't fuck my mother in her sexy little asshole last night.

It was morning now.

I quietly went into my bedroom and found the unopened bottle of anal sex lube in the top of my closet. When I had bought it and stashed it up there, I remember just hoping I would get the chance to use it. At the time, Denise and I had only had anal sex twice and I wasn't sure she would let me do it again. Instead, it was Denise who presented me with her lubricated asshole two nights later and practically begged me to fuck her in the ass.

I got my wish, sort of. Denise certainly let me fuck her in the ass--far more than I had even dared hope. However, I had never gotten the chance to use the bottle of lube that was now in my hand. I tried to be quiet as I returned to my parents' bedroom and once again hoped I would get the chance to use it.

The bottle had a safety seal, of course. I should have anticipated that and removed it in my room. When I peeled it from the opening of the bottle, it made a soft "pop" sound that woke my mother. She groaned and stretched on the bed. I watched her left hand reach out to feel around for me in the bed before she rolled over and looked up at me.

I stood there frozen with the open bottle in my hand. Shit! What was I going to say? I should have planned this better.

She had a puzzled expression as she looked at me. Her gaze dropped to my still-hard dick and she smiled softly and licked her lips. Then she noticed the bottle in my hand and her eyes narrowed. I guess there was enough light coming in from the open doorway to her bathroom for her to read the label--at least the large letters that spelled out what it was. Her eyes got big in a hurry. Her head shook from side to side softly as she looked into my eyes again.

" promised," she whispered.

I nodded. "I did promise," I replied, nodding. Then I gave her a smile. "Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning," she murmured. It was a reflexive response; she said it because I said it and she kept looking at my face. It took almost ten seconds for it to sink in, and I watched her expression change. "Oh!" she gasped when it finally hit her.

I guess I was grinning too much, or something. She got pissed. "So, you were a good boy and didn't fuck your Mommy in her ass all night long," she muttered angrily, "and now you're--what?--claiming my ass as a reward?"

I shook my head. "Nooo," I replied slowly, "I thought you were sore back there from when you forced my thumb up inside you without any lube. This stuff is supposed to be soothing. I thought I could apply a little bit of it to your sore bottom while you were still asleep so I wouldn't embarrass you. Sorry, Mom, I guess I wasn't quiet enough."

She reddened nicely as I spoke. That had not actually been my plan...I don't think. My problem was that I hadn't had a plan. When I had started talking, everything made sense. She wasn't buying it, though.

"When I forced your thumb up there?" she retorted angrily. "You were the one who did that, not me!"

I shook my head. That was perhaps the one part of my story that was completely true. "No, Mom, I was just sliding my fingers into your pussy. When you started pushing back against my hand, you forced my thumb into your ass. I would have pulled it out right away, but it looked like you were enjoying it."

That only got her more flustered. "I--I--I didn't--" she stammered, getting redder as she remembered doing exactly what I described. Plus, I'm pretty sure when she looked at my face she could tell I wasn't lying. Not about that.

I tried to keep my voice as calm and soothing as possible. "I'm sorry, Mom," I said, and I meant it. "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. Look, why don't you roll over onto your tummy and try to relax. I'll just apply a little of this...umm...'back there' and then we can act like this never happened. Okay?"

She blushed an even deeper shade of crimson, looking every bit as embarrassed as she had before dinner last night. Finally she sat up and struggled to the edge of the bed. "Let me go to the bathroom first," she insisted, "and wash myself back there. Honestly, I can't believe..." She shook her head and got out of the bed. I couldn't help but watch her sexy backside as she retreated into the bathroom and closed the door.

I walked over to the wastebasket my parents kept next to the taller chest-of-drawers and disposed of the pesky tamper seal, put the lid back onto the bottle and set it on the headboard. As I slid back into the bed and lay there it occurred to me that this was almost certainly for the best. Denise had always made sure her ass was clean and lubricated before we did any "butt stuff" as she referred to it. It could have gotten messy here with my mom, but when I heard her grunt in the shower I knew she was washing out her ass.

* * *

It took several minutes before she was finished. I heard the shower running, and heard her voice faintly over the sound of the water as she muttered something. When the water stopped, I turned onto my side facing the bathroom door and rested my head on my right hand. Mom came out with a fluffy white bath towel wrapped around her. The white towel only emphasized the blush that spread over her face, her neck, and the top of her chest where the top edge of the towel was.

"Please don't...look at me," she said in a near-whisper.

"Okay," I replied slowly, and I rolled over to face away from her. How did she expect me to apply the lube to her ass without looking? Maybe she plans to do it herself, I thought. That was disappointing, of course.

Then I felt the bed shifting behind me and heard her settling into the bed. Her voice was a little muffled when she finally said, "Okay. You can turn around now."

I had to bite back a chuckle. Or a horny moan. She had her head buried in her pillow, but she was lying on top of the bath towel gloriously naked. Her legs were spread and her bottom was awaiting my attention. I reached for the bottle and slid over next to her on my knees. I opened the bottle and she flinched when she heard it. I put two fingers over the top of the bottle and quickly inverted it and put it back right-side-up so just a little bit coated my fingertips.

Using my thumb, I rubbed it around on the tips of my fingers before I reached down to begin gently applying it. When Mom felt my fingers touch her, she flexed her cheeks tightly together and her head popped up from the pillow.

"I didn't say you could put your fingers in there!" she gasped in protest.

I shook my head. "No, Mom, I was just using my fingers to apply it." I held up my hand and showed her my slick fingers. "If I just poured it directly onto you, it would feel really cold and it would go all over the place. Please, just try to relax."

"Oh," she replied. Then she swallowed heavily and put her face back into the pillow. It took a while before she relaxed her cheeks.

I used my other hand to gently rub her lower back, trying to help her relax. She blew out a loud breath into the pillow. A few seconds after that, her gluteus muscles finally relaxed and I gently pulled her left ass cheek to the side with my left hand. "Just relax," I murmured softly. She still shuddered when she felt my lubricated fingertip touch her sensitive little pucker.

I was slow and gentle as I spread the lube around the outside edge of her tightly-clenched asshole. She pulled her head up to look at me when I shifted back up toward the headboard. I shrugged as I opened the bottle again. "I didn't use enough of it," I explained, "just getting a little bit more."

"Okay," she replied in a soft whisper. She watched me lubricate my fingers and work it around, and kept watching as I slid back over to apply it. She spread her legs wider, and I nodded so I wouldn't say anything stupid. I was just incredibly turned on to see her ass spreading open in front of me like that.

I gently worked both slick fingers in a slow circle around her asshole, and she relaxed and let out a soft sigh. Her tight little hole relaxed and started to open up, so I was able to work the lube in to the inside edge of her rubbery ring. She moaned again, and I gulped as I watched her virgin asshole open up invitingly. It was a struggle to control my breathing.

She moaned softly and then whispered, "It's actually a little sore just on the inside, there. I hate to ask, but..."

I nodded and hoped I didn't look or sound too eager. "I'll need more lube," I murmured.

I saw her reach up to the headboard, and then she handed me the bottle. "Here," she said.

I nodded again and took it from her. For an instant our eyes met and I thought she looked aroused. I didn't dare look into her eyes for long. I'm sure she would have read my desperately horny expression and put a stop to this. Instead she moaned again and spread her legs further as my lubricated fingers worked their way into her ass.

I was very careful not to go too fast. Really, I thought she would stop me at any second and we would be done. Instead, I deliberately worked my fingers deeper and deeper inside her. She was breathing heavily when I applied a more generous coat of lube to my fingers and slid them back inside her. A minute later she moaned and pushed her ass back toward me. It was subtle, but I was watching so closely that I couldn't miss it.

I realized my mouth was hanging open, so I closed it and ran my tongue around the inside of my dry mouth to get some saliva going. Mom pushed back again and moaned a little louder. I looked at her face and licked my lips. Her eyes had that same wide, helpless look they had in the bathroom the night before.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. She nodded, still panting and with her mouth hanging open. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" I asked quietly. She shook her head and licked her lips.

"No," she whispered huskily. "You're not hurting me. It just feels..." Her eyes darted about as she thought about how to word it. "It's like I have an itch in there, just a little deeper than where your fingers are."

I nodded, not really trusting myself to speak. Denise had used almost the same words to describe how it felt when she was horny for anal sex. "It's like I have an itch deep inside my ass," she had moaned, "and only your hard cock can scratch it for me."

I swallowed heavily before I murmured, "Denise used to say something like that--that it felt like she had an itch she couldn't scratch. She was something she needed me to take care of for her."

Mom pushed her hips back again, and my fingers were pushed all the way inside her. She moaned again and then asked, "Can you take care of it for me, too?"

I just nodded and slowly pulled my fingers out of her. Her asshole was thoroughly lubricated and had relaxed noticeably around my fingers. I carefully controlled my breathing and hoped my hands weren't shaking visibly as I opened the lube and poured a line of it onto the top of my dick. Mom gasped when she saw me do it, and I looked at her face again as I spread the lube evenly around my entire throbbing cock. Her eyes were as wide as I had ever seen them and she stared at my dick in my hand and licked her lips.

She was clearly nervous, but she lacked the will to say anything to make me stop. It wasn't until I slid my left leg over her thighs and straddled her that she managed to say anything.

"Please, honey, don't hurt me," she whispered.

I looked into her eyes and nodded, and then brought my attention to her wet, throbbing asshole as I pressed the lubricated tip of my cock against it. Mom groaned when she felt it and I just held still. Her hole puckered up and squeezed the tip of my cock. I had expected that reaction. She was nervous and her body naturally wanted to tense up. The fingers on my right hand were slick with lube, so I used my left hand to gently rub her shoulder and her back.

Her sphincter gradually relaxed and admitted a little more of the swollen head of my dick. I did not push any of it into her. Instead I just held still and let her take more of it at her own pace. She gasped when the ridge of my cock head slipped inside, but by then she was ready for it.

"Jesus, you feel enormous in there," she moaned.

I didn't have to ask if it hurt. She was already pushing her hips back for more. I took her sexy cheeks in both hands then and spread her open. It was every bit as incredible as I knew it would be as I watched my cock sinking into my mother's sexy ass. Her virgin ass!

I had already felt like her pussy was made to fit my hard cock perfectly. Now I felt like she had saved this special part of herself just for me. I wanted to make it last forever. There would never again be a first time. So, I wasn't in a rush to drive my dick into Mom's irresistible little asshole. Instead, I took my time and tried to make it as special for her as possible.

Plus, of course, I wanted her to enjoy it. I didn't want this first time to be our last.

"Oh, fuuuck!" she groaned as I slowly pushed my cock deeper into her ass.

Her ass occasionally tightened up and gripped me, but for the most part it was opening up beautifully to take more of my dick.

"That's incredible," I whispered. "I can't tell you how amazing it feels for me."

She shook all over and her asshole fluttered around my shaft. "Oh, God!" she panted, "I never imagined it would be anything like this!"

I stopped with just over half my shaft inside her. Emmanuelle had only been comfortable with a few inches of my dick inside her, and my biggest concern was hurting my mother. I was reminded that she had "an itch" just deeper than my fingers could reach when she started moaning and pushing her butt back insistently. I looked at her face again, to make sure I wasn't misreading her. My dick lurched inside her when I saw her expression.

Her eyes were still wide, and her mouth was likewise spread open in an oval of lust. Her pupils were rolled upward, though, and she panted desperately and humped back toward me again. She was helpless beneath me, deep in the grip of a powerful cock-lust, and she wanted my cock in her ass--every inch of it. I gave her sexy ass cheeks a squeeze and gave it to her.

"Oh! Oh fuck!" she gasped, sounding almost frantic as I pushed deep into her. "Oh my God! That's so fucking good! I can't believe how--Fuck! I'm coming!" Her entire body shook once again and her tight, hot asshole clamped down on my dick. I held still inside her and rubbed her back again as she shuddered through her first anal orgasm.

She had another as soon as I was fully sheathed inside her.

I wasn't keeping track, so I really couldn't tell you how many times she came from having my dick in her ass. I just made sure not to push too hard or rush, and stopped to touch her tenderly each time she came. I didn't really get to fuck her that first time. She was completely wiped out before we reached that point. It had still been an incredible experience for me.

When she hit that point, her legs started shaking uncontrollably and just wouldn't stop. Mom babbled incoherently and I knew it was time to take a break. I carefully withdrew my cock from her snug embrace and slid over beside her. I kissed her shoulder and rubbed her back until she finally stopped shaking. Then she turned her head to look at me and struggled to croak something unintelligible.

"You're parched," I murmured gently. "Let me get you some water."

It occurred to me, as I walked over to her bathroom to get her a glass of water, that I had become incredibly comfortable walking around completely naked in my parents' bedroom. Just a few days ago I would have freaked out if my mother saw me naked.

I had to help her sit up so she could drink that water. She had no strength left. Her eyes were still wide and held that look of disbelief when she looked up at me. She kept looking at my face as she drained that glass in one long draught. She sighed when she finished, and I took the glass from her. I was turning to go refill it when she muttered, "Oh my God!"

I turned back, a little alarmed. "What?" I asked.

She was staring at my dick in disbelief. "You're still completely hard!"

"Oh," I said, relieved. "I thought something was wrong." I turned and got her that refill of water.

She kept staring at my pulsing erection as she took the glass and took another long sip. Then she licked her lips and looked back up at my face.

"You didn't come," she stated. I shook my head. "Were you close?" she asked softly.

I shook my head again. "No, but it was still incredible for me," I said, smiling at her.

"Incredible," she echoed, then she bit her lip and shook her head. It took her a while to figure out what she wanted to say, and I wasn't going to rush her. She sipped some more water and swallowed before she spoke again. Her voice was so soft I could barely hear her. "I never dreamed it could be anything like that."

She shuddered again, and that drew my attention to her hard nipples. Mom looked like she was on the verge of collapse after what she had experienced, but she still looked sexy as fuck. I realized that my cock had been buried balls-deep in her asshole and needed to be cleaned. Mom looked like a shower would do her good. I held out my hand to her.

"Let's take a nice shower," I suggested. "We can have breakfast after."

She nodded and took my hand, but her legs gave out and she had to sit back down immediately.

"Wow," she gasped in surprise. "Give me a minute. I need to..." She shook her head and looked up at me in disbelief once again.

I just nodded and waited until she reached out her hand. Then I was able to get her to her feet. I wrapped my arm around her side and supported some of her weight so I could guide her into the shower. She gasped when she turned on the water and that cold spray hit her body.