Mommy Daycare Ch. 02


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"S'not sexy whispers," Jaina lied smoothly. "Just wondering where our snacks went."

Riley frowned and patted her tummy. "Hey, yeah. I thought more were coming."

Kaden sighed. "I mighta forgot 'em."

"Typical," Jaina said. "A pretty face comes along and you forget everything, huh?"

"I mean... in some cases, sure," Kaden said. "What ya gonna do?"

"Well could you at least go get them now?" Riley asked.

"But I'm comfy."

Jaina stroked Kaden's hair possessively. "And I'm trapped here. So..."

Riley rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I'm s'posed to be a guest here."

"You've been here too many times to count as a guest," Jaina said.

"Way too many," Kaden added.

"Well... see if I ever come over again, then," Riley said.

"That's a hell of an empty threat," Jaina said.

Riley stuck her tongue out. "Whatever." She stood up. "Gotta take care of everything around here. You guys are falling apart."

"More like cumming together," Jaina whispered, making Kaden snicker.

The sibs watched Riley leave, still snuggling and whispering to each other.

"Damn she's got a nice ass, though," Kaden said.

"Hey! That's my friend."

"I know. Your ass is still nicer."

"Oh. Well that's fine, then." Jaina tickled Kaden's ear. "You should probably eat her pussy when she gets back."

"You think she'd let me?"

"Why wouldn't she? She's kinda into you. She messed around with you last time we got her to hang out."

"She seems a bit annoyed with us, though."

"So what's new?"


"Plus it's hard to be annoyed with someone while they're tonguing your clit."

"Speaking from experience?"


"So I should eat you out instead of cumming on-"

"No! You can do that in addition to. None of this 'instead of' nonsense."

"Ah. Well good, then."

Riley came back and set a tray on a small side table between her and Jaina's lounger. She settled back to nibble on some snacks, ostensibly ignoring the sibs.

Jaina nudged Kaden, who shrugged, stood up, and moved over to Riley's chair. He gently pushed her legs apart and settled in between them facing her pussy.

"The hell you think you're doing?" Riley demanded, in spite of letting her space be invaded pretty easily.

"Getting a snack?" Kaden said.

"That's not where you... oh!"

Kaden had darted in, licked Riley's pussy, and interrupted whatever she'd been about to say.

"Tastes pretty good to me," Kaden said blithely.

"You jerk," Riley said with hardly any actual venom behind the words.

"Jerk? I'm just mmmpphh!"

This time Kaden was interrupted as Riley shoved his face back into her snatch. He grinned and stuck his tongue back out to probe her some more. Once she let up on the pressure a little, he switched back to long, broad-tongued licks.

Riley gradually relaxed and settled into having her pussy eaten. She hadn't really been a hard sell anyway, but once Kaden sucked on her clit a little, she was all his.

The pressure from Riley's hand released until she was doing little more than swirling her fingers through Kaden's hair. Her legs fell even further apart, leaving him all the space in the world to lick her out. Her quiet moans were so soft he wasn't sure anyone else could even hear them.

Jaina was watching, though. Kaden got enough of a sideways glance to confirm that before Riley insistently pushed him back to his task. In that quick flash that he got, Kaden was pretty sure Jaina had her hand casually busy between her thighs as watched her brother eat out her best friend.

They were in no particular hurry. Kaden leisurely licked Riley, she languidly teased his hair, occasionally squirming or moaning. It could have lasted indefinitely, except that once he sensed her getting close, he focused more on her clit until she came all over his face.

Kaden sat up grinning, chin covered in Riley's juices. She stretched and smiled, but then casually brought her foot back, placed it against his chest, and shoved him gently away from her. Kaden feigned hurt, but didn't much mind letting her keep some semblance of aloofness if that's what she wanted. She wasn't quite as into this whole game as he and Jaina were. She'd get there if she hung around more.

Before Kaden could sit back down with Jaina, she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, gave them a quick suck clean, and stood up.

"The moms are getting kinda horny," Jaina said quietly as Kaden got close. "We should go play with them for a bit."

Kaden looked past her. Luna and Mary seemed pretty chill, albeit a little giggly. And they kept flicking their eyes in his and Jaina's direction.

"You sure that's what they are?" Kaden asked.

"You're not?"


"Well trust me. They are. And we're here to provide a service, right?"

Kaden grinned crookedly. "We are paid professionals now."


"You want me to take Mom?"

"Nah. You had a turn with her already."

"Yeah, but-"

"My turn."

Kaden shrugged and didn't argue. Apparently Jaina was well over her little jealous fit. He hadn't been sure how serious it ever was. Clearly not that serious.

Jaina sashayed over to Luna, straddled her, and dropped sleekly into her lap. Luna's hands landed on Jaina's thighs, slid up to her butt, then back down again. Jaina smiled, angelic and seductive, and leaned in to softly kiss her mommy.

Even from where he was standing, Kaden could see Jaina's tongue flick out and scoop up some of the cum still plastered on Luna's face. Maybe that was it. She just wanted her claim on his cum back. That probably wasn't it, but maybe.

Kaden had to shake himself back into moving, rather than just standing there and watching the touching mother and daughter bonding. He padded over to Mary and emulated Jaina's move to straddle and sit himself down in Mary's lap.

"Well hello there," Mary said.

Her eyes were bright and playful, and she didn't seem to mind Kaden's rehardened cock poking her tummy. Kaden had to admit that Jaina had probably called it in regard to Mary and Luna being all horny and excitable.

"Mind if I sit here a while?" Kaden asked.

Mary snorted. "Little late for asking, isn't it?"

Her hands ran up his back, then down to settle on his butt, giving it some gentle squeezes.

"Never can tell," Kaden said. "But I..."

He trailed off as Mary leaned a little closer. He closed his eyes as their lips met in a tentative but electric contact.

"You taste like... like my daughter," Mary mumbled.

Kaden's eyes snapped open. He'd forgotten about Riley's pussy all over his lips and chin. He almost pulled away and started apologizing, but Mary was already kissing him again. She sucked on his lower lip, then swiped her tongue over his cheek.

"Better clean that up," Mary said in a slightly distant, unfocused tone.

"Ok," Kaden said, relaxing back into the unorthodox makeout session.

If Mary wanted to lick, kiss, and suck his face clean of her daughter's flavour, he wasn't about to stop her. It was kind of hot, and no more fucked up than anything else, really.

Kaden's cock throbbed and leaked precum all over Mary's tummy as they made out. He fondled her tits, she caressed his butt. They wiggled around together, getting even more worked up all the time.

"There, all clean," Mary murmured eventually, having thoroughly tongue-bathed Kaden's lower face.

"Thanks," Kaden said. He glanced over at Jaina, just to see what she was up to.

Jaina had licked Luna's face mostly clean. Only little spots and streaks of cum still lingered around the edges. Jaina had since moved on to Luna's tits, licking and sucking on them much the same as she'd just done to her face.

Kaden emulated his sister and snuggled down against Mary so that his face was at breast level. He latched on to Mary's nipple, and began a slow, gentle suckling of it.

Mary moaned softly and cradled Kaden's head, helping to hold him at her breast. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back while he nursed.

It was such a cozy feeling, being all cozied up and sucking on a motherly tit. Kaden was reminded of him and Jaina double-teaming their mom that way. It'd be fun doing that again, though it was also nice to have both breasts to himself.

Kaden reached up to caress Mary's tit that he wasn't sucking on. He ran his hand all over, fondling and massaging it, teasing the nipple with slow circles and gentle tweaks.

"Kaden?" Mary whispered.


"Would you... rub my pussy? Please?"

Kaden looked up without releasing Mary's nipple from his mouth. She was looking down at him with big, horny eyes, and her bottom lip between her teeth.

Without answering or looking away, Kaden slipped his hand from Mary's breast, down her tummy, and found her wet little slit between her thighs. She bit her lip even harder and rolled her eyes back. As Kaden started rubbing her, she leaned her head back out of eye contact range.

Kaden settled back in too. He suckled at Mary at an unhurried pace, while rubbing her little cunny up and down, letting his fingers slip between her lips a tiny bit more with every pass. He eventually pushed his first two fingers up inside her, getting a deeper feel of her needy pussy.

Before Kaden got any further than that, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see Riley standing over him. She made a shooing gesture with her hand.

Kaden released Mary's nipple and pouted at Riley. Her mouth tightened and she repeated the shooing gesture more firmly.

Well, Mary was Riley's mom, after all. Riley had the better claim to her. If she wanted to scoot Kaden, then he supposed he probably should go along with it, however annoying it was to lose his comfy spot.

Mary looked confused as Kaden stood up, and only seemed to even realize Riley was there once she climbed into the lap-seat Kaden had just vacated. Kaden was happy to know that at least Riley just wanted a turn with her mommy, and not that she didn't want anyone touching her.

Riley settled in on the opposite side from where Kaden had been. She nuzzled Mary's unsucked breast, then latched on to the nipple.

Much as she had for Kaden, but with even greater motherly tenderness, Mary cradled Riley's head and helped hold her in place to nurse on her tit.

Kaden just watched for a moment, enjoying the beauty of the mother and daughter intimacy, even if he was no longer physically involved in it. He felt bold enough to help just a bit, though. He reached down to catch Riley's wrist, and guided her unresisting hand down to Mary's pussy. Once there, Riley started rubbing without any hesitation.

Stepping back, Kaden took in both pairs of mommies and daughters. Jaina had haphazardly cleaned up Luna's tits by now, and had settled in to nurse much the same as Riley was. She also seemed to be fingering Luna while she suckled. In broad strokes, Jaina and Luna were a matched pair to Riley and Mary.

Kaden pulled one of the other chairs around to face the two full ones. He got settled and relaxed where he could both girls and moms, and their sensual fun times. He casually stroked himself while watching them, essentially unnoticed by anyone else as they were so very oblivious to the world.


It took until the very end of the day, but Jaina got her wish. She lay in bed, Kaden dead asleep beside her, and reached her hand up to barely poke a finger into the cum streaked across her face.

Sure it was petty, but Jaina was feeling just a tad possessive of her brother lately. Not to the point of wanting him not to mess around with anyone else or anything. But seeing their mom walk out with her cummy face and tits had sparked a little pocket of jealousy in her. Something she wasn't used to. That should have been her face, dammit. Kaden was her brother.

Jaina sighed, knowing she was still being silly. Kaden was also Luna's son, after all. It wasn't like Jaina had sole claim to him. Nor did she want to keep everyone else away. Just...

It was that first time. That was what had done it. Jaina hadn't really thought much of it at the time, but being Kaden's first was kind of a big deal. It shouldn't have been a whole thing afterward, but it was. At least to her.

Jaina reached over and tousled Kaden's hair. He was sleeping soundly, barely even breathing loud enough to hear.

Maybe it was him. Maybe just the fact that Kaden didn't seem any more enamored with her than before. They had a whole sexy thing going on, and they were closer than ever, but he wasn't following her around like a puppy or anything. Not that she wanted him to. But, just, some token unhealthy attraction would have been nice, was all.

Jaina sat up and patted her pussy. She'd received her facial and cummy pussy, just as requested. Her brother's cum was still warm and gooey inside her, while her face was a more outwardly obvious sexy mess.

She had Kaden wrapped around her little finger. That much was comfortingly true. She was pretty sure she could get most anything she wanted from him. But that wasn't really what she wanted. She didn't think it was, anyway.

Jaina padded down the hall, naked and messy. Luna's door was open, so she went in.

Luna was just as out of it as Kaden, sprawled awkwardly across her bed, totally unconscious. Whatever else she could say for it, their new family dynamic certainly left everyone tuckered out by the end of the day.

Jaina tugged at Luna's covers, then carefully laid them over her sleeping form, getting her all covered up. She took a moment to just study her mom's face in the moonlight.

Luna was happy. So very happy, lately. So was Jaina. And Kaden. Mary too, for that matter. And Riley was coming along.

There was no way in hell Jaina wanted to take that away from anyone. Especially her mom. Luna deserved to have a good time this summer. Jaina leaned down to kiss her, deliberately smearing Kaden's cum on her lips and leaving it there for her to taste when she woke up.

No, it wasn't a need to possess her brother that was the issue. Jaina was pretty sure about that as she left her mom's room. If anything, it might be simple inexperience with such free and open sexuality.

Jaina wasn't all that much more experienced than Kaden, really. She had an edge on him, but only with one halfway serious boyfriend beforehand. Her first time seemed almost comically trivial with the benefit of time and hindsight, but back then it had seemed like a Big Deal. And maybe that was the problem now. Kaden wasn't acting like it had been a Big Deal for him. Like all of a sudden Jaina was the centre of his universe.

Jaina stepped into the bathroom, turned on the light, and shut the door. A full length mirror hung on the back side of the door. She examined herself in it, focusing mainly on her cummy face, and the dripping mess on her tits. Except for a slight trickle that had leaked out, she couldn't even tell how creamy her pussy was inside just by looking.

In spite of her contemplative mood, Jaina smiled at her reflection, tracing the outskirts of her facial with her fingertips. She made a rather slutty picture, especially considering whose cum it all was.

Maybe she wasn't the centre of Kaden's universe, which honestly was the much healthier response, but what they had was pretty damn special. Why would she ever want a more insane dedication from him? It was pretty much perfect just the way it was.

If she felt like it, Jaina decided she could pretty much just try to make sure she got some more firsts out of her brother before someone else did. Or show off a little more. If she'd made sure everyone else knew she and Kaden were fucking, maybe that cummy-faced display from Luna wouldn't have bothered her.

That was still petty. Jaina knew that. But love couldn't always be entirely free from petty concerns. What fun would it be then?

Jaina washed her face, scrubbing it clean of brother-cum. She padded back to bed with Kaden, leaving her pussy just as messy and cummy as it had started as she snuggled back in with her brother. He didn't so much as stir as she rearranged him slightly and nuzzled right up against him.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

just skipped through the chapter. didn't feel much different from the first, just little full/cramped thanks to the new characters. maybe it would have felt better if i read it slowly, but i don't have the patience for that now.

Mrwonderfulll42Mrwonderfulll427 days ago

What a sexy, sultry, story! I loved the interaction of everyone and the way the story was told.


Except for the 'anonymous' commenter about 8 months ago (the one with the 3/5 rating and SSSOOO negative commentary) I am happy to see most of us are really enjoying another Xarth story so much.

Jaima is agonizing over her relationship with Kaden WWWAAAYYY too much; that she is emotionally invested in their involvement is to be expected, and she should give Kaden more benefit of the doubt in what she thinks he is experiencing.

From my own experiences, I tend to become attached when sex is involved; I find it impossible to separate physical and emotional from each anyone SHARES an experience like that, without the caring how the other one feels is beyond me!!

Riley...waiting to have her even more into the whole relationship, with her mom, and with the 'friendly family's!! She is getting used to it...wait 'til she sees Jaima and Kaden fucking...will drive her wild!!! Riley will want that too (I hope), and siblings need to be open to sharing that with her (Ms as well!!)

Xarth hits the mark again with this chapter...and gets another Five**5**Stars!!


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Loved how he rammed his cock down his mothers throat and how she walked out with cum on her. The fact that the mother is an experienced whore makes this so much better. I want rilley and her mom to fuck her brother.

sp141sp1416 months ago

This is insanely HOT! Kaden face fucking his own mom and bukkakeing her is probably one of the top ten hottest thinks I've ever read, certainly top fifteen.

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