More Than She Bargained For

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Bethany definitely gets more than she bargained for...
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Bethany loves it when two things come together, either by accident or design. The first is when she is traveling on the London Underground and finishes the book she is reading before her stop and she sighs with delight as she closes the back cover.

The second is that she can leave the book on the seat for someone else to read, and in this case Bethany hopes it will be the very attractive black man sitting opposite, his brown eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses gazing at her thighs exposed by the indecently short denim skirt she is wearing. As she reaches down for her rucksack on the floor between her feet, she deliberately opens her legs to make sure he sees the pink handle of a wi-fi controlled vibrator protruding from the lips of her shaven pussy, her clit standing proud at the apex of her labia as the vibrator sends blissful pulses deep into her cunt.

The train's loudspeaker announces her stop and Bethany quickly gets to her feet, noticing with pleasure that her wanton display has given the black guy a very noticeable erection. But, because she is buxom, curvy and petite, she has to fight to get off the train or be trapped by the tide of oncoming passengers.

Aware she has only minutes to get to the design consultancy where she is doing work experience as a trainee graphic designer before her boss sends her an annoyed/impatient text, Bethany runs into a Starbucks and orders a cappuccino and then shoots out the door, barreling straight into the muscled chest of the guy from the train.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," the guy says in an American accent which sends a thrill of arousal deep into Bethany's pussy.

"That's okay," she says with a smile, wondering if their second meeting is just a coincidence or if the guy has followed her deliberately. "It's like in my favorite movie where Hugh Grant spills orange juice all over Julia Roberts' breasts..."

"'Notting Hill' is your favorite movie? Mine too," the guy says with a broad smile. Bethany smiles back and then turns away to cross the street to the offices of the company where she works.

"Listen, I'm sorry to follow you," the guy says quickly. "But you left your book on the train and I thought you might want it back?"

"Oh no," Bethany says, laughing. "If you look inside the front cover you'll see it's a BookCrossing donation."

"Sorry?" the guy says and Bethany puts her hand on his arm, concerned she might have offended him when he was only being helpful.

"The whole world becomes a library," she says. "It's a lovely idea, don't you think?"

The smartphone in her pocket buzzes but Bethany ignores it and takes a sip of her coffee. Then she explains.

"You leave a book in a public place like the Tube or a park bench, someone picks it up, reads it then passes it on. Of course, it only works if the book isn't garbage and that one definitely isn't so go on, read it with my compliments."

The American looks into Bethany's eyes and he smiles then glances downwards at the swell of her huge breasts, her pretty lace bra under her blouse overflowing with their weight. Bethany feels her nipples tingle and she decides her first stop when she reaches the office will be to the bathroom to relieve the tension of being so aroused she is in danger of climaxing outside a Starbucks just across the street from her office.

"Do you work round here?" the guy asks, and Bethany nods her head.

"Just there," she says, and grimaces as her smartphone buzzes again. "Why?"

"So I can leave a book you might like at the reception desk," he says to her surprise and delight.

"I would like that," she says and then she checks the traffic and crosses the road without looking back. She wants to, she really wants to, but she is savvy enough not to make a casual encounter into a happy-ever-after, however much she is attracted to her fellow booklover...


Five o'clock comes and goes which should mean Bethany can pack up and go home but she knows her boss expects her to make up the half hour she was late despite the lame excuse she gave him that someone jumped in front of her Tube train.

Bethany sighs, grits her teeth and decides to stay until six and then, whatever her boss thinks, head home for a glass of the Zinfandel she has in her refrigerator. She wonders whether to have sushi with that or Indian food which occupies her mind for the remaining time and then she downs tools, turns off the light above her drawing board, picks up her laptop bag and waves goodbye to her boss who, obviously having forgiven her for the outrageous lies and tardiness, waves back.

As Bethany walks through the reception area, she notices a package left on the desk. She sees the wrapping is from Hatchards, the Queen's booksellers, and she walks across to take a closer look.

There is a label attached with the words, 'The BookCrossing Girl'. She turns it over to see the message on the back: 'Hope you enjoy this. Glenn,' and underneath is a phone number. Smiling happily to herself, Bethany slips the book in her bag and decides she will have Indian food for dinner.


When she arrives at the house she shares with two trainee nurses who work nights, Bethany slips a plate into the oven to warm and pours herself a large glass of the Zinfandel. She cuts the label off the package and then tears off the wrapping.

The book is by a French woman author Bethany has never heard of translated into English. The title, 'The Girl Who Reads on the Métro', makes Bethany smile and she starts reading the moment she serves her meal, a fork in one hand and the book in the other. When she finishes eating she stretches out on the sofa, reading until she closes the cover with a satisfied sigh. Without thinking she reaches for her smartphone and dials Glenn's number. It is only as she lifts the phone to her ear that she sees it is 10.45pm and she wonders whether to cut the call but then hears Glenn say, "Hey, Bethany, how's things?"

"Glenn, I'm sorry it's so late," Bethany says, blushing with embarrassment. "I just wanted to thank you for the lovely book but I didn't see what time it is. Did I disturb you?"

"No, you didn't," Glenn says. "And you're very welcome."

His voice curls its way along Bethany's spine and sends little pleasure signals to her lady parts which is really nice.

"Okay, well, it was really nice of you so I'll go now," she says, reluctant to cut the call.

"Bethany, I wondered -" Glenn starts to say.

She jumps in, "Yes?" hoping he will invite her out.

"What are you doing Friday night, around 6.30pm?"

"I have nothing planned. Why?"

"My company published the book and the author is doing a book signing at Waterstone's Piccadilly. You could meet her if you like?"

"That would great," Bethany says. "Shall I meet you there?"

"Great," Glenn says, sounding pleased. "See you Friday night?"

"I'm looking forward to it," Bethany says and she smiles as she ends the call.


Bethany decides to go straight from work to the bookstore so she packs a makeup bag and a dark purple sweater dress with matching thigh-highs and shoes. She decides it never hurts to mix business with pleasure so she takes her design portfolio so she can ask Glenn if his company might use her services in a freelance capacity as a graphic designer.

As soon as the office clears for the night Bethany slips into the ladies to change. She folds her blouse and bra into her rucksack and pulls on the figure-hugging sweater dress and then smooths the stockings over her legs. She reaches into her handbag for her wi-fi controlled vibrator and slips the vibrator into her pussy, reaching for her phone to set it at a level that gives her sweet little pulses and keeps her creamy rather than, as it was on the Tube train when she first met Glenn, so fierce she found it difficult to breathe because she was climaxing so hard.

Then she rummages in her bag again and finds a black buttplug and a tube of lubricant. Applying one to the other, she reaches back to hold the cheeks of her ass open so she can apply gentle pressure to her anus until it relaxes and envelopes the widest part of the plug. Her breasts bouncing and jiggling beneath her sweater dress whenever she moves, her pussy wet with her cream, the sensitive nerve endings in her asshole stimulated by the slippery friction of the plug, Bethany smiles and freshens her makeup, extremely excited by the thought of being fucked silly but her first ever black lover.


Bethany arrives at Waterstone's and sees the signs directing guests to the signing. She looks for Glenn and waves at him, smiling as he excuses himself from talking to a woman sitting at a desk, a pile of books at her side, and walks across.

"You made it!" he says, obviously delighted.

"Of course," Bethany smiles, enjoying the way Glenn finds it impossible not to stare at her jiggling breasts, taking in their size and weight under her sweater dress, her nipples hard with her arousal.

"Come on and I'll introduce you," he says, leading the way.

Bethany is relieved that Catherine has no difficulty in understanding what she says in praise of 'The Girl on the Métro' and signs Bethany's book just as Glenn returns with three glasses of wine, hands one to Catherine and then leads Bethany into the space between two bookshelves, raising his glass in a toast.

"To the BookCrossing scheme which enabled me to meet you," he says.

Bethany is just about to respond when there is a flurry of noise behind them.

"Look, I'm sorry," Glenn says. "I need to help Catherine by translating any question she's asked."

"Of course, you go," Bethany says, sipping her wine.



"I said I'd take her back to her hotel. If you came with us there's a little bistro nearby that serves amazing fish and chips, the English national dish, right? Can I take you to dinner?"

"It's Friday night," Bethany says. "The only way you'll get a table is if you've booked."

"Ah..." Glenn says with a sly smile.

"You already did," Bethany says with a laugh.

"You're not offended?"

"No, I like it. Women like a man who know what he wants."

"Great. Things should wrap up here in less than an hour."

"That's a relief, because I'm starving."

"Just for food?" Glenn says with a grin.

"For whatever's on offer..." Bethany purrs and she moves to take a seat and listen to Catherine read and then answer questions.


"So, this is a first for me," Bethany says, putting her coffee cup back in its saucer, feeling replete and relaxed in Glenn's company.

Glenn smiles and says, "Me being black?"

"Yes. I hope you're not offended -"

"God, no. I like it."

He leans closer and drops his voice. "So, were just curious or was there something else you wanted to find out about black men?"

"Well...?" Bethany murmurs.

"Around ten inches when fully erect," he says.

Bethany's eyes widen. "And you know"

"My last girlfriend was curious so she got out a tape measure. Kinda pleasing, if I say so myself."

"I can imagine," Bethany says. She pauses and then says in a low voice, "So...were you going to invite me back to your place for a nightcap so you could seduce me?"

"I would certainly like to, " Glenn says in a soft voice. "Shall I ask for the bill?"

"Let me freshen up first," she says, deciding she wants to increase the vibrator's control a notch.

When Bethany reappears, her face flushed with arousal, she follows Glenn outside where he flags down a cab. He gives the driver his address and sits back. Bethany leans closer to him and turns his face toward her so she can kiss him, at the same time sliding her hand into his lap to close her fingers round the length of his already-erect cock. As they kiss she masturbates him, clasping his shaft with rhythmic squeezes, her fingers caressing his bulging glans.

She wants Glenn to be so aroused he can't keep his hands off her, to be as desperate to bury every inch of his cock in her wet cunt as she is for him to do it. Glenn responds by kissing her back, hard, sliding his hand up to fondle her huge breasts, his thumb stroking back and forth over their stiff tips to send delicious thrills of arousal deep into Bethany's body.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," Bethany suddenly says against Glenn's mouth as she struggles to breathe, her fingers still working skillfully on the shaft and head of his prick.

"Why?" he asks, stroking her erect nipple with his thumb.

"Don't Americans have this image of English girls as sweet and demure? I'm not like that because I want to be fucked by ten inches of hard black cock and have done since I first saw you on the Tube. Does that shock you?"

"God no, I love it," Glenn says, looking down to where his hand is overflowing with the soft weight of her breast.

Bethany suddenly turns and rummages in her handbag to take out her smartphone. "Push the control up to maximum," she says.

Glenn does as instructed. Immediately Bethany's body spasms, an involuntary cry escapes her throat and hot cream squirts from her cunt, soaking the front of her sweater dress. She flushes with embarrassment but also intense pleasure, suddenly aware the cab is pulling up outside an apartment building.

"You look like you enjoyed that, love," the driver says with a grin as Glenn pays him.

"You have no idea..." Bethany says with a soft laugh, her breasts jiggling and bouncing as Glenn takes her hand and leads her into the foyer and over to the elevator.


Bethany loves it when, the moment Glenn closes the door behind them, he moves to stand behind her. His big hands slide round her waist and then up to cup her breasts, hefting and fondling the big globes, fueling her arousal even further.

"Are we bothering with coffee?" he whispers in her ear as he closes his teeth on the lobes and then runs his lips over the soft, smooth skin of her neck, his cock thick and hard between the furrow of her buttocks.

"No, I want you inside me," Bethany purrs.

Glenn moves a hand from cupping her breast to the zip of the sweater dress under her hairline. He slides it down and Bethany steps out of the dress as it pools at her feet, loving that she is naked apart from her thigh-high stockings and high heels while Glenn is still fully clothed. He presses his extremely hard cock between the cheeks of her curvy ass, letting out a soft moan of delight when he discovers her back passage is occupied by the buttplug, then lifts the heavy bare breast he is fondling to Bethany's mouth in invitation and she sucks the nipple between her lips.

She closes her teeth on the stiff tip and lets out a stifled moan of pleasure while Glenn eases the vibrator from her cunt and replaces it with his fingers, causing dribbles of her cum from her climax in the back of the taxi to slide slowly down the inside of her thighs.

For long moments Glenn masturbates her then reaches down to take hold of the plug, easing it from the tight clasp of her anus. Bethany displays her wanton nature when he presents the plug to her mouth, one moment suckling her own nipple, the next sucking clean the bulbous shaft of the plug. She decides to share the flavor of her ass with Glenn and her lips meet his hungrily; Glenn's tongue duels with hers as he savors the taste and scent of her back passage.

Looking down, Bethany loves the contrast between the ebony smoothness of Glenn's skin and the pink lips of her cunt, aware she is nearing another climax because Glenn is very skilled at fucking her with his fingers and stroking her clit at the same time. Her whole body shudders in an orgasm so intense her legs tremble and it is only because Glenn is still masturbating her, gently this time, that she stays upright.

Impatient to suck Glenn's cock, Bethany kneels in front of him and reaches up to unbuckle his belt, sliding down the zip of his flies. Glenn is not wearing underwear and the most beautiful prick Bethany has ever seen rears up in her face, a work of art from the quivering tip to his smooth-shaven balls. It is not only the first black but also the first circumcised cock Bethany has seen and her mouth waters at the sight of the swollen tip oozing long ropes of precum onto the carpet. Without hesitation she sucks his glans into her mouth, working her saliva-slick lips down his shaft until her nose is pressed against his belly, the pressure of her suckling mouth making Glenn gasp out loud with pleasure.

Bethany looks up so her eyes meet Glenn's and she likes it when he takes control by twining his fingers in her hair so he can masturbate himself into her mouth. Time and again Bethany swallows the hot, salty liquid pouring from the head of his dick, hungry for the massive load she can tell is close to erupting from the swollen tip. But then, when he suddenly cries out as his orgasm starts, Bethany jerks her head back, closing her fingers round the spasming shaft, not because he is choking her but because she wants to indulge a fetish few of her lovers know about.

Bethany thrills when a man comes on her face. She adores the sensation of thick globs of cum coating her eyes, nose and cheeks to slide slowly down across her skin and then drip onto the slopes of her enormous breasts. She finds the sensation so arousing she shivers in orgasm, loving the feeling of her creamy cunt squirting out hot liquid, the pulsing vibrator heightening the sensation so she almost passes out from the sensual overload.

What makes Glenn even more special in Bethany's eyes is he reaches down and eases her to his feet and then licks his cum from her face, swallowing the hot, gooey cream with relish then moving his head down to lap his tongue over the creamy slopes of her breasts, lingering on her nipples to suck and bite their erect tips.

"Oh god, Glenn," Bethany gasps, her hands crushing his face into the soft globes as he circles her areola with his mouth, "Fuck me, please, I need you inside me..."

Glenn releases her nipples from between his teeth and takes her hand, leading her into his bedroom. He strips the top sheet off the bed and Bethany lies back, one hand cupping a heaving breast, the other paddling between the lips of her cunt, splaying them open in invitation.

"Do I need -?" he starts to say and Bethany shakes her head.

"No. I trust you."

A moment later Bethany is overwhelmed by the size of Glenn's body lying on top of hers, lifting her legs back and into the air as he positions the head of his cock against the slippery opening of her cunt. Then, slowly, deliberately, making Bethany squeal with the rapturous sensation of being filled to capacity, he slides his prick into her pussy until his balls are hard up against the furrow of her ass and Bethany cries out in ecstasy as an orgasm bursts deep in her belly.

Time and again Glenn pistons his cock back and forth in Bethany's creamy cunt making her moan in ecstasy, the volume of her cries increasing every time she climaxes. Suddenly Glenn arches his back, his buttocks clenching as he thrusts every inch deep into her flooded pussy as hot liquid spurts from his pulsating prick into her womb. Bethany is too blissed out to count how many times she has come but she knows it is a lot.

Glenn slowly eases his dripping cock from the wet depths of Bethany's pussy and stretches out on the bed next to her, taking her in his arms and pulling her into his side. Bethany slides her hand up to his chest and licks up the drops of sweat on his heaving muscles, testament to his enjoyment of her body.

Suddenly the phone rings and Bethany wants to tell him to ignore it but she cannot and understands when he mouthes, 'Sorry,' at her and slips out of the room. She turns over on her front and slides her hand between her legs to savor the slipperiness of his sperm as the perfect lube to masturbate herself and is lost in pleasurable sensations when Glenn suddenly returns and lays down full length on top of her which makes her instantly ready for round two.