Mother is a Cheating Fuckdoll Ep. 05

Story Info
She gets creamed in very public situations.
19.4k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/04/2024
Created 08/31/2019
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Warning: as this is a follow-up, I would recommend that you read the four previous episodes so that characters who are part of this story can make sense in context. I have not, in this episode, given any background about the characters and hardly about previous situation, hence my recommendation above. It's meant to be fictional (yes, you've read well...not real), about sex, fun and fantasy. Therefore, if it is not your cup of tea, please move elsewhere. However, for readers who would like to add constructive criticism (and I do appreciate there is plenty of room for criticism in my stories), suggestions or recommendations, please feel free to fire away. Other than that, enjoy!


Our trip back from Birmingham was eventless even if I had been cheeky enough to request that Mum keep the marks of her fun at the porn cinema. She did not really panic as it would have not been possible for drivers or pedestrians, unless we had been stopped at traffic lights, to notice how smeared her face and clothes had been. Only when we got close to home, she became a bit more tense. But she did not need to worry as it was already dark when we got to that point. Actually, the pleasure had been all mine, seeing her degraded -- but not in a nasty way -- like a common dirty slut. Which she now was!

On arrival, her face looked definitely crusty as a result of the dried semen that she had collected.

"Well, Josh, happy with the look of mine?"

I mumbled something like a positive answer and thought for one second that I would not have minded fucking her on the bonnet. But she was tired and obviously far from being in the mood. As I wanted to update Dad about our shenanigans, I asked her:

"Mum, I know you're desperate for a hot shower and bed, but your performance was so exciting and out of this world at the cinema that I would love to immortalise the day with a pic of you now. Please?"

"OK hurry up then and be sensible enough not to have it displayed somewhere public!" she replied, faking a lovely smile and posing with hands on hips.

I knew that she would have a very busy day at work on Tuesday and we left it there, her going to the bathroom and me relaxing in my bedroom. I immediately emailed Dad with a full description of our day and the pictures I had taken. Being in Seattle, the day was still very young for him and I was sure that he would be delighted with my narration. He was not due to be back before the end of the week and I already imagined what sort of dirty fun I would have on Wednesday, as Mum had planned that day off work to be with me. Tomorrow would be a day of preparation for our new adventures. I lay in bed very satisfied of my achievements sofar and fell asleep quite early, the happiest man on earth. Well rested, I woke up early the following morning and bumped into Mum in the kitchen while she was cooking breakfast.

"Hi Mum, how do you feel today? A great deal with a client, sex had it all yesterday!" I ventured to say with a cheery tone.

"Mmm, yes I suppose so... but I am going to focus on work today and catch up with files I could not deal with while we were away... and I am not sure that I am going to afford that day off tomorrow."

"Can't your colleagues to take over, now that you have secured the hardest bit by agreeing with buyer and seller?"

"If it was a small transaction, possibly... but here I can't take the risk for something to go wrong. Too much money at stake! That's why, a lot will be on my plate today."

"Damn it" I could not help whispering. "I was really looking forward to spending the day with you and planning some fun!"

"Josh, priorities are priorities and... anyway... maybe we should not get too much involved. A one-off is fine and fun but don't forget you're not my husband!"

"Anything wrong Mum?"

She sighed and added: "Well, actually the whole situation is wrong and technically you should not have been involved, if you had not been so nosy at the real estate convention and if I had been more careful. Don't get me wrong, I loved our little fun, but..."

"I know Mum, but you really opened a Pandora box with your fantasies. It was so uncharacteristic of you. I would never have imagined that..."

"I am not blaming you Josh...what happened...well... happened and I have kept my promise to reward you for keeping it quiet and preserving my marriage with your Dad." She paused a few seconds and offered a friendlier tone. "You know what, let's have dinner somewhere tonight, just you and me, with no pressure. I'll book it."

Well, I suppose that it was better than nothing and agreed wholeheartedly.

"Perfect dearest" she replied. "I've just remembered that I should have sent a couple of urgent emails before getting dressed and shooting off to work. Would you mind taking care of the dishes please?"

I had hardly started to tidy up the kitchen when my phone beeped. The message in my inbox was a reminder from the police officer who had questioned us at the dogging site last Saturday. While Mum had been playing outdoors with her colleague Rob, two policemen had stopped our cars when we were about to leave the place and they had threatened to arrest us. To avoid any trouble for Mum and I, I had suggested a special deal to the two officers if they could forget about the incident and the threat of charging us for indecent exposure. I had totally forgotten about that incident, but they obviously had not.

The two bastards had realised how hot Mum was and thought they would also get an opportunity to have their piece of the cake. A short but very meaningful message was displayed in front of my eyes: "A gentle reminder from PC Harris & Woodcock regarding Saturday at Wisley. Please make arrangements by Friday to avoid a visit at the police station." The translation into plain English was understood as: if you do not want us to complicate your life and make your dogging romps public ... let us fuck, my colleague and I, the big titted blonde according to the scenario you mentioned. "What a sad bunch!" I thought.

But after all, I had been doing pretty much the same stuff when I had found out that Mum had arranged an orgy at the real estate convention. Then, you had to see the bright side of things. It would probably allow me another play with her. In a worst-case scenario, I would only be her chaperone for such a risky plan. As a result, I chose not to say anything to Mum as I wanted to use Dad as leverage to make sure that she would agree. After hearing her running around upstairs, getting dressed and finishing what she had to do, she finally came down at 8.40 a.m. ready to go to work. She was wearing a long sleeve, blue wrap style V-neck dress that you could have described as pretty conservative, but the sheer size of her tits, even if well concealed, made her look sexy in a very professional way. Matching blue 4-inch stilettos and nude stockings completed the look with minimal make up. Being the pervert I am, I could not help from thinking: "maybe she won't fuck anyone today."

"Bye Josh, I have to go... will try to book the restaurant if I can make it tonight... it's going to be a long day."

Part of me wanted to say: "Hey, you promised yesterday that we would go..." but I dropped it fast as I did not want to upset her, bearing in mind that I would have to convince her about sorting out issues with the local police. However, I had that feeling that she was not quite the same after yesterday's events. Maybe I was wrong but I was under the impression that for her, it was like "mission accomplished". She had let me organised something that had been daring at the porn cinema in Birmingham... and that was it, now she did not owe me anything. I suddenly was outside the equation. I tried to think rationally and not to make too much of it.

I swallowed a nice cup of coffee, got the latest on the news, showered and get dressed, thinking about my next plan. Despite my cool head, the nagging feeling that she was trying to get rid of me for the rest of the week was dancing around. To calm my nerves, I ventured to her bedroom and tried to find out if anything would ring alarm bells. No message, sign of an address or meeting point were found, only her laptop was there but showing a black screen.

I checked around and moved it slightly in case she would have left a note or something under it. Nothing. But as I moved the laptop back to its original position, it came alive and many icons popped up, unprotected by a password. In her hurry, she had forgotten to shut it down properly. I tried to move the arrow displayed on the screen and it became responsive, meaning that the laptop was not, after a while, under automatic lock. I totally appreciate that it was shitty to dig into my mother's personal data and files but, given the current situation, I could not resist this move. I started with Word documents which showed nothing but professional files, then video and photo files, which proved slightly more interesting. Especially a few pictures of the fun that had been had at the real estate convention as well as selfies. Nothing that came as a surprise to me though.

Then... on to the piece de resistance, with her Outlook box. She did not seem to have loads of emails as I could only assume that she mainly used her professional laptop and mailbox for most of her messages. Suddenly things of interest were popping up. Among them, one from Rob (who had been her accomplice on previous nights), Dad and a couple of guys whose names did not ring a bell. I started to read them one by one, beginning a few weeks ago before the fun at the convention took place. Rob had been describing and suggesting how things could happen to plan for the orgy, the very one to which I had then participated. He had asked about her sexual practices, her preferences... all things that were now familiar to me having lived the experience through.

Then I focused on last week and particularly on a message from Rob thanking Mum for letting him know, understanding things, etc... I scrolled down to find out what she had written to him and found Mum's comments about her day in Birmingham. She went in great details about how I had found out everything, how I had pressurized her not to reveal everything. I felt a bit angry that she would disclose this to her colleague but felt even more pissed off when she mentioned that it had taken her a lot to please me, agree to the porn cinema...basically as if I had dragged her there against her will. She had also stated that my perversions had been revealed, that she would never have imagined how depraved her son was (as if she was a saint herself!) and that in any case her adventures with me were nothing to compare to being with a real man or real men. She even went to describe how she felt much better when being taken care by an assertive alpha male who made her expose her submissive side. In a word, she was not a woman for little boys. This really struck a nerve and I could not help a "What a fucking bitch!"

I now knew the true feelings of my mother and maybe I needed this reality check. I was sure that she loved me as a caring parent, no doubt about that. But she had a private life and very recently, she had rediscovered her sexuality. Probably a mid-life crisis during which she felt that she would have to carry out her dirtiest fantasies. She had agreed to take substantial risks and, in a way, I was the one who had urged her to play with me if she wanted to buy my silence. What was I expecting? Was I hoping that she would fall in love with me? Of course, all this was unrealistic and I acknowledged that I had been carried away.

Her calculations had been simple: give Josh what he wants (maybe after all, a cock was a cock), participate to one of his little plans, let him have me, keep him quiet and hopefully my husband won't know anything about my antics. I paused, took a deep breath and thought calmly.

Yes, she was trying or she would try to avoid me in her little games. Fair play, I could not be upset about the fact that she wanted to broaden her sexual horizons with strangers or friends rather than with members of her family. I also had to accept that she had a professional life, a family and a reputation that she did not wish to tarnish. Rather than being angry or bitter, I came to the conclusion that I should give her credit for her actions and dares. It was time for my own psychological assessment to come to an end and I focused on my next move. I would not interfere but I would play my own game and carry on, as much as I could, with my urges. I would try to find circumstances during which I could see Mum play or even better where I could interact with her. I would do this with her safety and reputation in mind. I also had to think of my father who had trusted me and whom, I believed, should have been in a position to play and take advantage of his wife's sexual appetite.

I texted Dad as I wanted to update him about the situation. Despite the fact that it was now a bit after midnight in Seattle, he replied and confirmed that I could give him a call. He knew that my call would not entirely be a social one and that actions of or with my mother were going to be discussed. He had worked hard during the first days of his mission but good progress had been made and he was hoping to fly back on Saturday to London. I explained what I had just found out about Mum and he agreed with me that I should not interfere with her other plans. His cuckolding addiction had been truly satisfied with my reports and the pictures I had managed to take the previous days. He promised that he would be planning something big when he would be back in London... something in the same fashion as what we had experienced at the convention.

That was promising and really cheered me up. Before going, I also mentioned that the police had chased me up further to our dogging fun last Saturday and that they were trying to take advantage of the situation. His comments were simple when I exposed what I had planned and negotiated:

"Josh, wow, that's extreme and you will need persuasion for this...and it's bloody risky. Involve the other guy... that Rob... I will feel better for this. Listen I am going to call Linda right now... yes, I will say that they got your plate number and found my details as the owner of the car... and I will also say they wanted to get explanations about an incident...I will play dumb and worried with your Mum saying that I did not understand the whole matter. That should make her react... Oh... Josh... and if you do this, I bloody want pictures of her...".

Reassured by the support of my father, I dived again into my Mum's inbox and found something that confirmed she was planning something. A message addressed to Rob was suggesting that they would leave the agency Wednesday afternoon (day she had initially planned to spend with me) with Rob and a few colleagues. It read:

"OK Rob, we should go around 4.30 p.m., get a drink at the pub near the agency and aim to be there at 5.30 p.m... I have always wanted to visit JustFab. It's deemed to be a great swinging club. That would be a lovely way to celebrate the deal with you and a few colleagues."

A confirmation had been received by Rob and another message had been sent by Mum: "yes, Rob, they won't need condoms, I am happy to get them bare but on one condition: same as before at the convention, tell them to get tested today. You'd better be quick. Otherwise they will have to be covered." My findings got me excited and I concluded that when Mum was doing things in my back, I actually loved it. Was I turning into my father?

Pondering how I was going to play this, I realised that it would be hard for me to join without being spotted. But who cared, I was a man of many resources. By now, Dad would have left Mum a message or spoken to her about the police thing. I was definitely ready to handle this. And it only took twenty minutes before my phone rang. Mum was usually prone to keep her calm in tense situations but, I could sense that a moment of panic had got the best of her.

"Josh? Thank God you're there. I have just received a message from Michael enquiring about a police call that he did not answer but he wanted to know if something had happened before getting back to them..."

"Hi Mum, yeah I was about to call you myself as I have just spoken to one of the two policemen that chatted to us at the dogging spot. I told you they were ready to have us cautioned and interviewed at the police station unless we had something to offer."

"Fuck! Don't you think we should report them for blackmailing?"

"No way Mum, they'll deny everything and might press charges. Then, they will have you, Rob and me summoned at the police station... and they will let Dad and Rob's wife know!"

"But they have already contacted your father!"

Panic was growing by the second.

"Because the car I was driving is registered in Dad's name, I can only assume they didn't have any difficulty to obtain his number. Also, because I had not got back to them with the offer that I had made..."

"What am I going to say to your father then?"

"Ehhh... that you were sucking cocks in the woods last Saturday? ... just kidding Mum... Tell him that they are looking for a stolen car and the plate number looked like one of our cars, bla, bla, bla... But this will only work if we give satisfaction to these two cops..."

"And what is this going to be?"

"Well, I hope you are ready for this as it is a bit extreme!"

I heard a sigh at the other end of the phone. She was bracing herself for something bad.

"They got quite aroused by the dogging thing but I suspect they cannot interact in public. So, they came up with the following and I had to say yes for fear of being arrested..."


"They want you to play the part of a street hooker... while Rob, who they think is your husband or partner, is playing the pimp waiting in his car. They'll check you and in order to leave you and Rob out of trouble ... they'll have their ways with you in a back alley."

"You've got to be joking!"

"I know it is a bit extreme... but as they are cops, you'll be safe and in the location they mentioned, no one will know who you are if you're spotted by drivers."

"Oh God..."

"Well, I am afraid that's the best we can do. You and Rob, you save your marriages and with this plan, the matter is over. Dad and Rob's wife won't know anything. And don't blame me for this, you and Rob decided to play at the dogging spot! Not my fault!"

She sighed again, mumbled some kind of "OK" and said we would discuss this more in details tonight before ending the call. Proud of myself, I was skipping around thanking the police for giving me an opportunity. I could not wait seeing Mum dressed like a cheap slut and touting for business in the streets. I immediately sent a text message to Dad letting him know about the latest developments and rang the police officers for a confirmation. PC Woodcock was delighted with the outcome of my call and understood that the woman I knew (i.e. my Mum, but they did not know that) could not be overexposed.

They agreed for a "meeting" Friday at 10 p.m. and said they would get back to me with an address where she could be paraded without too much attention. Because of the tangible threat made by the cops, I knew she would not be in a position to escape this fun. I expected Mum to be in a foul mood when she would return from work and kept a low profile when I heard her car being parked on the driveway. I was wondering if she had already contacted Rob and managed to "book" him for Friday night. Nestled in my bedroom, I heard a big "hello" coming from downstairs before she made a bee line to the bathroom for a hot shower. Fifteen minutes later, she knocked at my door, wearing a dressing gown and slippers. I tried to break the ice by stating: