Mothers and Daughters Ch. 04

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The couples play.
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Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/11/2020
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This is the fourth chapter in a series of postings about a young woman, Melissa, who returns from college with her new boyfriend, Jamie, for a visit to her home, a ranch in a remote corner of Southeastern Oregon, and discovers that her parents, Lisa and Luke, have drastically changed their sex lives. It will work better if you have read the prior Chapters.

Jamie and Luke had finished their chores, showered and were enjoying a beer on the porch.

"So are you fully retired now, Sir? asked Jamie.

Luke smiled. "You're never fully retired from the ranching business unless you sell the ranch and move to Phoenix or something dumb like that. This one ranch I inherited from my family has turned into quite an enterprise. There's this ranch, which like we said last night, really isn't a commercial enterprise anymore, the new home ranch in Vale, and the big operation we have over in Harney county. It's down near French Glen.

Jamie had no idea where French Glen was but he had learned not to betray his ignorance of Eastern Oregon geography.

"Oh yeah, and then there's a big feed lot over in Caldwell we bought last year. We shut down the feeding operations in Vale and French Glen and consolidated all of it over in Idaho. I forgot to mention the Caldwell operation last night. Lisa was distracting me."

"So I heard," Jamie said.

"Well the girls got their signals crossed, and we weren't expecting you two until today."

I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. It all came out all right."

It certainly did, thought Jamie as he remembered watching Luke and Lisa screwing down by the pasture the night before. He and Melisa had been secretly watching from the barn's hay mow, while they did the same thing. Jamie had never watched other people fucking before, other than porn videos which aren't the same at all he had decided.

"Anyhow," Luke continued," the two main ranches and the feed operation are all run by hired managers. Our son Sam is the operations boss, but he and his wife Gina live in Boise. She finds Eastern Oregon a little rural for her taste, and she doesn't want to be anywhere near the feedlot in Caldwell. Can't say as I blame her for that. Lisa and I live here, and in a home we have in Boise, and then there's the cottage over on the coast. He laughed. I have to ask my tax man where it is I actually live. I guess we're like Sam, Boise is the main base of operations. At least that's where our lawyers and accountants are. And then there is the big trust Lisa inherited from her family in Virginia last year. I think the lawyers have just about got that moved to Idaho, although the location of a trust is sort of a metaphysical concept that only a tax accountant would care about. God life gets complicated."

"It sounds like the two of you have been very successful," Jamie said.

"Yeah, but I'll tell you son, we just about pissed it all away a couple of years ago," Luke said.

That was when they spotted the women coming down the ridge.

"So tell me Jamie," Luke said, changing the subject "How long have you known my daughter?"

Jamie's stomach turned over. He had worried as he drove over from Eugene about being cross examined as a would-be son in law, a role he wasn't anywhere near ready to sign up for.

"Only about three months," he said. "She started working as a barista in a coffee house I like to study in. But we didn't get together until about three weeks ago, when we discovered we both needed a place to live this summer."

"So now you're roommates?" Luke said.

"Yes Sir."

"Roommates with privileges," Lisa tells me.

"I guess you could say that, Sir," Jamie responded. His discomfort was ratcheting up by the moment.

"We didn't have that term when Lisa and I got together in college, but we weren't that different. Except no one would have rented us a place together then, so we about wore out the back seat of the little VW I owned. I should have had a van like yours. Oh, and stop that 'Sir' crap. Call me Luke."

"Yes Sir."

Luke laughed at him. "Hard to do, ain't it?"

"Yes Sir, er, Luke."

"Listen son, I know you and my daughter are probably screwing like minks. She hasn't told me, but she said as much to her mother over the phone before you two came out here." He laughed. "I think she wanted to make sure we weren't going to put you in separate bedrooms."

Jamie smiled. "Yeah, she was a little worried about that, but I get the impression you and Lisa have changed a lot of things in your life since Melissa went off to college."

Luke laughed. "That's an understatement. We lived the life of a well-mannered monogamous couple for almost thirty years. My god, we could have been Mormons. But it wasn't working. I was spending a lot of time off in Salem and Portland on politics and ignoring Lisa. And when I was home, I was obsessing about getting the chores done on the three ranches I was trying to run. Then I made the mistake of getting involved with a young woman in Salem. Jesus, I thought Lisa was going to kill me over that when she found out. Our relationship was on the verge of divorce.

"That was when our son Sam sent us to a marriage counselor over in Boise, Reverend Christensen. He showed us a whole new way to think about our relationship. The Rev taught us to draw a clear distinction between love and lust. It's fine to be monogamous with your love. In fact, that's the right way to do it. You can't walk around being in love with multiple partners at the same time. It just won't work. But it's just not realistic to expect lust to be limited to one person. That's how the advertising industry sells things in this country for Christ's sake—based on lust. Who is going to turn down a sales pitch from Charlize Theron or Brad Pitt. Not going to happen. We all lust after lots of people beyond the person we are in love with, and we need to indulge that lust to live a full life."

"So how does that work for you and Lisa?"

"We have what some people call an open marriage. We're still very much in love and very married, but we accept that each of us may find others attractive, and we've agreed that we are free to act on that. To put it in less technical terms, we each fuck other people and it's not a sin in our marriage. I had to give up politics to do that. The press would have had a field day with me over that, but hell, I was sick of politics anyway."

"Sounds like roommates with privileges."

"Yeah, kind of, but our personal commitment, the love side, goes a lot longer than the term of a sublease."

"Yeah I get it. So, if Lisa sees a man she likes, she's free to pursue him."

"Or woman."

"Oh, yeah I guess that seems fair. Melissa doesn't do that. I don't think."

"You mean women?"

"Yeah," responded Jamie.

They were silent for a moment. Luke wasn't quite prepared to explain their relationship with Sally. That was more complicated.

"Do you do men?" Jamie asked.

Luke smiled. "No, I haven't quite been able to develop a taste for that yet. Lust is lust. Either you got it or you don't. What the Rev is about is teaching us how to enjoy and satisfy our lust, without destroying our loving relationships. He teases me about guys from time to time, but that's just him teasing. Lisa does it too. The Rev wants to see his clients getting the sex they need, but he's not about creating needs where they don't exist."

"Does Melissa do other guys?" Luke asked.

"Well, not in the last three weeks . . . as far as I know. I'm sure she did before she met me. I know I was sleeping with other women before and she knows it too."

Luke laughed. "Would she be upset? If you were screwing someone else?"

"No. We haven't made any commitments. The 'roommates with privileges' term pretty accurately describes where we are."

"Good. Because there's something you should know. My wife finds you very attractive."

"Oh. . . ." There was a silence while Jamie tried to fathom a man telling him that his wife found him attractive. "She told you that?" he asked.


Jamie's dick flinched. He immediately thought about how sexy he thought Lisa's broad ass had looked in the shorts she had been wearing when they arrived. "She's a very attractive woman."

"I know, but feel free," Luke said. "That's our deal."

That was when the girls rode up to the porch, bringing the conversation to a halt.

Lisa handed the reins to her horse to Melissa and walked up on the porch where she hugged Luke.

"Hmm, you smell like horse," he said as he held her to him with one hand and massaged her ass with the other hand.

"You're so kind," she said as she pushed him away. "I'm off to the shower, and then I'll fix dinner." As she stepped towards the door, she let her hand slide across Jamie's ass, confirming what Luke had told him minutes earlier.

Melissa watched her parent's open display and her mother's approach to Jaime with interest. My my, things have certainly changed around here, she thought.

"Wear those cutoff shorts," Luke said as she stepped towards the door. "They look good on you."

Lisa laughed as she unbuckled the spurs she was wearing and hung them on a hook alongside the door. She took a dim view of any cowboy wearing spurs into the house and scratching up her floors.

Jaime stepped down and took one set of reins from Melissa. As they walked down the path to the barn he asked, "Does she use those spurs on your Dad?"

Melissa laughed. "I don't know. Are you worried? Based on what she told me about you today and about the things she has been learning from the Rev, maybe you should be."

"Oh, she told you about him, eh?"

"At length. Jamie, my parents are swingers."

"I know."

"Did you and Dad talk about that?'

"Yes. It sounds like things are more than a little different here than they were when you were growing up."

"No shit. And yes, maybe you should be worried about the spurs. Mom has the hots for you. I told her I didn't object. We're just roommates with privileges."

"Same thing I told your Dad when he told me about your mother wanting me.

"Must be true." They both laughed.

"He also said, 'Feel free.' The new ground rules of their relationship don't include monogamy as far as I can see."

"Okay, but before you go running off to screw my mother, I need you. She told me the nastiest stories about their conversion. Now I'm so fucking horny, I need relief and a vibrator's not going to get the job done."

"Sounds like you and your mother are cut from the same cloth."

Melissa laughed. "Yeah, I guess we are. We both need a lot of sex."

Luke had sat sipping his second beer on the porch as he watched the kids (well they weren't kids anymore, he thought) walk the horses toward the barn. He heard the screen door creak and looked over his shoulder to see Lisa come through the door. She was naked except for an old blue work shirt and that was hanging open. He knew immediately what she wanted.

She stepped out onto the porch and stood leaning against the rail, resting on her arms with her naked ass pointed towards Luke and her legs slightly spread, as she watched Jamie and Melissa disappear around the barn with the horses. When they were gone she turned to face Luke. She stood leaning against the rail with her legs spread and her hips thrust out. He was leaning back in the swing chair with his hands behind his head enjoying the view of his indecently clad wife.

"My god you're beautiful," he said.

"You've been telling me that for thirty years. Don't you ever think of getting a new line?"

"Why should I? It works. And I think it's going to work this time too." As he spoke he was releasing his pants and pulling out his rapidly growing cock.

"That works too," she said as she massaged her big soft tits and stared at his cock.

Luke sat slowly stroking his rapidly engorging cock as his wife stood before him and spread her legs further showing her needy sex. He could see the gleam of her juices glistening on her pubic hairs and on her swollen pussy lips protruding from the hair. Oh yeah, she's worked up, he thought.

"You don't shave like the youngsters," he said.

"You mean like Sally?"

"She's one, and Kat, her friend Sandra, and the Rev's wife, Julia."

"So you know all the girls do you cowboy?" she said.

"No not all, but I'm working on it."

Hmmm, Sandra. She's a hot little number, isn't she," Lisa said.

"Yes indeedy, she is. As I recall you took a shine to that tall, well hung husband of hers at the last of the Revs parties we went to."

Lisa shrugged in agreement. "Could be. I'm surprised you noticed. You seemed to be pretty busy fucking the Rev's mother-in-law, Shirley."

Luke chuckled. "She is just about the horniest woman I've ever met. . . . other than maybe her daughter Julia."

"Mothers and daughters. It carries through."

"In that case Melissa's new friend Jamie better be careful. He may not understand just how much woman he's got with her."

Lisa laughed.

"Do you want me to? Shave that is?" she asked, stepping the conversation back a step or two.

"No, it's not important."

"Sally wants me to. She says I get pubes on her tongue."

Luke laughed. "Don't worry about Sally. She's not about to try getting along without you."

Lisa was stroking her pussy lips now. She had one foot up on a bench seat next to where she was standing. There was nothing hidden from Luke. Luke's cock was fully erect now.

"I wonder if Melissa shaves herself?" he said.

"She does," Lisa responded. "We were naked when we were up at the Headwaters today."

"Oh. Anything else?"

"Not that I'm going to tell you. Mothers and daughters are entitled to their secrets. We had a long talk."

"Just talk?"

Lisa smiled and said, "That's enough talk, cowboy. Let's fuck." She dropped to her knees and engulfed his cock into her mouth.

Luke gasped and lay back in the swing chair he was in, savoring Lisa's blow job. He was silent for a while. When he eventually spoke, he said, "My god, the Rev has really turned you into a world class cocksucker."

She picked her head up and looked at him letting his cock bob as she released it. "He'll turn you into one too, if you let him."

Luke laughed. "Hey Babe I've come a long way, but I'm not quite ready to go there yet."

"To each his own," she said. "Frankly, I'd be bereft without some pussy to eat from time to time."

"Yeah. You and Sally." Lisa was stroking his cock now with slow twisting strokes.

"She's one. And then there's Gina."

"Gina," Luke said in mock surprise. "You've been fucking our daughter-in-law? Shame on you."

"Mmmmm," Lisa said as she sucked Luke's cock back into her mouth.

"Woman, you are incorrigible." He stood up pulling his cock from her mouth. Grabbing her by the armpits he picked her up and roughly turned her around pushing her against the porch rail. She was leaning on her elbows on the rail, her broad butt sticking out at Luke and her legs spread to accommodate him. She wiggled her ass at him and he slapped it.

"Yeah, I fucked our daughter-in-law. You going to do anything about it?" she said

Luke was silent, grabbing her ass and pulling her towards him, he rammed his cock into her."

Lisa groaned. She loved it when Luke got rough like this. He knew about Lisa and Gina and he had fucked Gina himself and Sam knew about both of them. Sam and Gina were the ones who sent Lisa and Luke to the Rev. They were veterans of his "counseling." About the only thing they hadn't done was Sam screwing Lisa. No one in the family could get comfortable with true incest, no matter what the Rev said. But sometimes they wanted to, Lisa thought.

Luke was fucking her hard now, their bodies slapping together with each stroke. She knew he wouldn't last long this way so she reached back with one hand and began rubbing her clit. She heard him groan and yell, "Oh shit," as he began to pump his hot cum into her cunt. She rubbed herself harder and quickly followed him into her own orgasm.

As she climaxed she was thinking of Jamie. What would his young dick be like? "He's not incest. He's not even a son-in-law. They're just roommates with privileges,".

It took a bit of time for the Melissa and Jamie to put the tack away, water the horses, and turn them out into the pasture. When they swung the big, metal gate closed and latched it, Melissa turned and stood close to Jamie looking up at him. "You have the sexiest eyes, Jamie Robinson."

"Oh, is that right?" he said, as he put his hands on her Levis clad ass and pulled her into him.

"Yes," she said. She rubbed her braless breasts against his chest. He could feel her rock hard nipples through the T-shirt.

"This is where your parents were making love last night isn't it? We were watching them from up there in the barn." Jamie turned his head towards the opening in the haymow.

"Yes," Melissa said. "That was so hot." She had one hand rubbing his rapidly swelling cock through his jeans. "Did you ever watch your parents doing it?" she asked.

"What?" Jamie said in shock. "I seriously doubt if my parents ever do it."

"Oh, don't kid yourself. They do it. Everyone does. They just don't let their children see it. I would've sworn my parents never did it, until I saw my mother stroking my father's cock under the dinner table last night. Since then I've learned all sorts of things about their sex life. Believe me they have a vivid sex life and the odds are your parents do too."

"You mean with other people like you told me about your parents?"

"Could be. Why not. Your last name is Robinson and you're from Southern California, aren't you? Maybe your mother is the Mrs. Robinson—you know, from the movie."

Jamie laughed at her. "You're at least a generation off on that theory. That Mrs. Robinson would have to have been my grandmother."

"You never know what's going on in other people's marriages . . .or outside their marriages." Melissa had Jamie's jeans open now and was stroking his firm cock through his undergarment.

"Oooh, you are a nasty little slut, aren't you?"

"Yesss," she hissed.

"Oh fuck, Jamie. I'm so horny now after listening to my mother tell me about her new sex life all day. I don't know if your mother is Mrs. Robinson, that Mrs. Robinson, but I know I need you to put this big hard dick of yours in me, right now."

"Here? What if your parents see us?"

Melissa laughed. "What? You think they are up in the haymow like we were last night? And besides, if they were, that would just make the sex hotter wouldn't it, knowing that we were being watched by my parents? My parents who weren't doing anything to stop us. My parents who were just enjoying watching us." She had freed his cock from his boxers and was rubbing a drip of precum about on its tip. "Have you ever had sex while someone else was watching, not participating, just watching, while you and someone got it on. I think that would be really hot."

"Jesus, you're weird, you know that," he said. He grabbed both her nipples through her T-shirt as he spoke and twisted. Melissa gasped.

"I'll bet they are fucking right now," she said. "Probably on the front porch. Mom says they like to do it there. So, yes. I want to do it right here, and right now. Let's get naked and fuck, just like my parents did here last night." With that she sunk to her knees and sucked Jamie's cock into her mouth.

"Ahhhhh," Jamie groaned. "Okay, you win. Get undressed and I'll fuck you right here, where your parents were fucking last night. You can pretend I'm your father if you want."

"Hey, not funny!" she responded. "Not going there," but as she issued her denial, the image of her father's rigid cock flashed through her head again and she felt her pussy clench.

They both stripped off their clothes so they were standing naked by the gate to the pasture. The irrigation water had seeped through from the pasture and the mud was squeezing up between their toes. It was that soft gooey mud that forms in the alkaline soils of Eastern Oregon. Nothing gritty about it. It's almost slimy.