Mothers and Daughters Ch. 22

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Rex Hudson.
11.2k words

Part 22 of the 33 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 08/21/2011
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Beverley Browning's self esteem rose sky high after her first visit to a Texas Love Ranch orgy. She had been fucked by Rex Hudson, the famous movie star, the heart throb of every straight female in America, arguably the supreme super stud on the planet.

For manly good looks and ultimate masculine sex appeal they don't come any better than Rex Hudson. Not only did Rex Hudson on his own initiative lick her ass and ass hole; not only did he sodomize her; and not only did she ride him on his lap for a sensational sexual intercourse right before the bulging eyes of Ivan Croft, the man who with disdain had deflowered her, but Rex Hudson had fucked her at the orgy thrice more in between her fucking four other gentlemen at the orgy.

In addition to the sex they ended up sleeping together in one of the bedrooms. After Beverley had fucked her fourth different gentleman that evening and was ready to call it a night, Rex approached her to suggest finishing off the evening together in one of the bedrooms. Aside from the sex, they had a wonderful conversation in that room as each of them swapped their life stories.

As a result from Beverley's perspective, she got the impression that Rex seemed to genuinely enjoy fucking her; and even appeared to actually desire her. He certainly was a wonderful conversationalist; very witty, and so she found him very easy to talk to. Without a doubt she had a fabulously good time in his company and as a result enjoyed her visit to the TLR well beyond her prior most optimistic anticipation.

As if this had not been enough pleasure for her, at the end of the orgy he surprised her at the locker room as they were simultaneously preparing to leave. Rather than just exchange perfunctory farewells and good wishes as she would have expected, he took her again! They fucked right there on the wooden bench of the locker room, unmindful of other members also in the process of leaving.

And as if that was not yet enough, since they were sharing the same limo ride on the return to Dallas, they had a second farewell fuck, again unmindful of the other passengers in the limo. As Beverley was riding him on his lap, unlike their sex at the orgy this time they were clothed; she had pushed her panties aside to allow him access to her pussy.

Oh yes, Beverley couldn't believe her good fortune in experiencing such great sex from the modern Adonis while virtually a virgin.

Beverley did have a solid pragmatic mind, though. So she did not allow her exhilarated delight in being fucked so many times by Rex, and treated so nicely by him; to persuade her to adopt unrealistic aspirations. She realized that not only was she not in the same league as Rex Hudson but she was not even in his world. So she discounted the apparent preference he displayed in fucking her so many times, and be so much in her company. She just attributed his choice as simply his desire for variety. No doubt he was used to fucking so many glamorous women that fucking her would be viewed as a novelty for him.

This realistic thought did not pain her as she was just being practical in reminiscing her good time at the orgy. She considered her time with Rex Hudson to be a wonderful, magical experience that she would cherish the rest of her life; but that there would obviously be no repetition. So she consciously put him out of her mind so that she would not needlessly pine away for something that could not happen.

Nevertheless, as a result of the orgy not only did Beverley's self esteem rise but she became super self confident of her sexuality. In her mind she reasoned that if the super stud on the planet could desire her, then she must be desirable to the men she would encounter in her everyday and routine life. No doubt there still would be some deterred by her huge body, but the hell with them. As Rex proved there would be plenty of men who would find her sexy and alluring.

So when she returned from the ranch and resumed her studies at the Nursing School of Baylor University, she determined she would have a sex life; no longer would she be content to be a wallflower at a party. She was no longer going to go out socially with the attitude of hoping that some guy might just notice her and talk with her. Instead she believed herself to be a "catch". Thus her only thought was of curiosity to discover who might be the man who would be "lucky" enough to capture her interest and desire.

To cinch her sexual certainty, she got herself a prescription for birth control pills. She would have gotten herself a diaphragm for the orgy except she knew she was so close to her period that she did not bother; and indeed she started her expected period the Tuesday immediately after the weekend orgy. But with her new determination for multiple sexual adventures and conquests, birth control pills was definitely the proper shield she needed o accommodate her new life style.

The new Beverley and her new vamp style did not take long to strike gold. She was able to complete a satisfactory one night stand on the very first time she went to a singles bar. And by the end of September she had done her mother one better. She had acquired three studs that she was interchangeably fucking regularly. Even into December when she was completing her first semester of Nursing School, she still had retained all three of her studs as fuck buddies.

Her successful sex life had a salutary effect on her academic studies as well. As she was getting all the sex she wanted and then some she had no anxieties. She no longer suffered sexual frustrations. She was in a happy mood constantly and as a result she could easily focus on her school work. Combined with her natural aptitude she easily was one of the best students and a great favorite amongst her instructors. Yes life was good for Beverley; a hell a lot better than when the semester had started.

Meanwhile unbeknownst to Beverley, Rex Hudson was smitten with her. He was genuinely attracted to her. He fucked her so many times at the orgy because he preferred to fuck her only at this orgy. And he most certainly preferred her to the run of the mill gorgeous good looking women he was invariable fucking in his normal course of day to day living. Almost all of these women he had fucked were empty headed bimbos. They were just not good company apart from the sex and even that was not as good as the sex he had enjoyed with Beverley.

Rex thought it ironic that probably every red blooded heterosexual male in America would envy his sex life. No doubt the opportunity to fuck just once any one of the women he had fucked would have been their greatest sexual desire. But they would not be able to countenance his preference for Beverley. Yet despite the undeniable beauty of the woman he had fucked, Beverley was without a doubt in his mind a much more substantial worthwhile woman to be with.

What really sealed the deal to his attraction for Beverley was the fact that notwithstanding her weight, he found her totally alluring. Actually her extra weight made her more desirable in his eyes. He abhorred skinny woman. He never could understand the attraction of professional models. Yes he conceded that they had pretty faces, but the he found their paper thin body frames repulsive.

Every woman he had dated and or fucked was obsessed with the goal to lose weight. No matter what their weight, every woman he had known wanted to lose some pounds. Even if their weight was within or even less than the suggested guidelines for ideal body weight they would still want to lose some more pounds.

In contrast to such consensus amongst the women he dated he would want none of them to lose weight. If anything he would want most of them to put on some weight and become more voluptuous. Since in his normal course of life he dated, actresses, starlets, models, he rarely came across anyone equivalent to Beverley in body frame. Consequently upon spotting her at the orgy, he was instantly infatuated. He genuinely found her sexy and alluring.

As a result he deliberately fucked her as often as he could at the orgy ever mindful of the risk or danger of annoying her. His trepidation was not due to an unrealistic false modesty of his own sexual appeal. He anticipated and presumed she would want to fuck him. But he also assumed that as a participant at the orgy Beverley's initial main goal in attending the orgy was to fuck as many diverse sexual partners as possible. After all that was the purpose of an orgy.

Still he arranged that by the end of the evening they finished together in a suitable bedroom. There they were able to converse and get to know each other better. Apart from his fame, Rex had a natural ability to put his acquaintances at ease. As a result in their exchanges, Beverley was emboldened to tell him of the circumstances of her birth.

With this information, Rex observed that they had this in common, in that his mother, likewise, was unable to identify his biological father. Actually for practical purposes he really did not know his mother either. He proceeded to reveal his true past. As his publicists for public consumption had sugarcoated the actual circumstances of his life, Beverley was indeed surprised by his revelations.

Rex's mother was a hippie who as a naïve teenage rock groupie attended the famous Woodstock Music festival during August of 1969. Under the heady atmosphere of rock music and drugs, she had sex a few times with a few different males during those three days. Naturally she did not take down names. When she became pregnant she just had no clue who might the father be. She probably could not identify from a lineup any one of the males she had sex with. Rex's mother was eighteen years old when Rex was born and she ran away from her home about two months after he was born. Rex was thus raised by his maternal grandparents as he never saw his mother again.

Rex's birth name was Moshe Lipschuetz, and as his grandparents were extremely poor he had a very tough childhood. Because he was constantly hungry he came to envy overweight people as he saw them as having succeeded in life. And that was the seed for his lifelong preference for full figured females.

His teen age years were even tougher than his pre teen years as he was constantly in trouble with the law. From the age of twelve he alternated residences from his grandparents' home, juvenile detention facilities and foster homes, and sometimes he was homeless. He was destined to become a career petty criminal.

His life dramatically turned around, one day when he was seventeen. He happened to walk past an armed forces recruiting center in Queens, located near the foster home where he had been residing at the time. As he noticed the building, he was struck by the realization that he was going nowhere in life fast. Thus, he formed the idea of joining the military as a chance to make something of himself.

As it so happened the Navy Recruiter was behind in his quota requirements, and thus was highly motivated to get Rex into the Navy as promptly as possible. The recruiter got Rex to take special classes so he could acquire his G.E.D. As soon as Rex turned 18, he was whisked away to the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in North Chicago, the Navy's boot camp.

Rex's subsequent four year stint in the Navy was his salvation. With regular meals, he bulked up to his normal intended body frame size. He matured into an astoundingly handsome man; the future most desired heart throb and fantasy of almost every straight female.

When Rex got out of the Navy he was able to utilize the GI Bill to enroll at an accredited Community College in New York City, taking acting classes. One of his instructors happened to be a daughter of a famous Hollywood movie producer. She took a shine to him; actually she took him to her bed. She was very pleased with his bedmanship, but she also recognized the possibility of him having a successful acting career.

Thus, when he had finished his studies, in gratitude she was able to put him into contact with her father as well as an agent. Her parting advice was that he ought to change his name to a more appealing one, since Moshe Lipschuetz just would not cut it. Accordingly he chose Hudson as a surname since he was born in a hospital near the Hudson River. He chose Rex as a first name since he expected to live like a king for the rest of his life.

In his first movie he had a very small speaking part. He was cast as the rejected and dumped boyfriend of the female lead character, who in accordance with the plot becomes attracted to the male lead character. In preview screenings where audiences were invited to submit comments, most female viewers wrote in the spot opposite his name reactions such as "if she doesn't want him, send him to me. He can put his shoes under my bed anytime".

As such obvious positive reaction to his screen presence became established in the industry, he was next cast as the male lead in a romantic comedy. That movie had a very clever plot and his role in it was absolutely endearing to all audiences no matter the sex. His career from then on skyrocketed.

Since his formative years were full of so much hardship, he appreciated his good fortune, and never took anything for granted. He was not arrogant or full of himself. He was genuinely modest and humble. With such a refreshing attitude he was one of the most liked members of the Hollywood film community. No one had a negative thing to say about him.

Paradoxically that reputation doomed a successful love/sex life for him. The actresses, starlets, and models he dated and bedded, had their own agenda for their life. Their careers were the be all and end all in their calculations. In their viewpoint, the kind of man they desired should be just as motivated. They had no patience for traditional domestic goals such as children. Oh sure they wouldn't mind becoming pregnant after an actual marriage, but being a mother was of no real interest to them. They assumed any child they happen to bear would be amply taken care of by a worthwhile hired nanny.

With such artificial goals, coupled with invariably vacuous minds these women possessed, made such dates totally unappealing to Rex. By the same token his modest humble personality did not endear himself to his dates either. They were more interested in and comfortable with the more flamboyant, typical cocky male celebrity. At least the sex was decent but nothing else was salvageable in his social life. Consequently, although he was the most eligible and sought after bachelor in Hollywood, there was no woman in his life.

The entertainment press was puzzled. It was obvious he was not gay as his dating of glamorous women appeared to be genuine; not a ruse to disguise possible homosexuality. However, although there was available a plethora of female celebrities seemingly suitable for him; yet there was no hint of a relationship never mind marriage prospect in the offing.

Because of such a social life, Rex had a different motivation in joining the Texas Love Ranch than what attracted most of the other members. To be sure, he was interested like other members of the club for the opportunity to participate in exciting wild orgies. However, notwithstanding such undeniable exotic sexual pleasures offered by the club, his main intention of join was the hope to eventually meet a woman that he would find compatible enough to engage in a meaningful relationship.

As he saw it, in the current situation of his celebrity life, he was restricted to the kind of females he would typically encounter. And such women were absolutely not to his liking. He remembered reading an interview of two of the sexist male stars of Hollywood recalling a wasted Saturday night. Apparently they decided that evening on the spur of the moment that they each wanted a date instead of just strictly spending the time in each other's company, as they had originally intended.

However as they were contacting the women they personally knew, it turned out that none of them were available. They found the irony amusing that they as arguably two of the sexiest desirable males on the planet could not acquire a date on a Saturday night. Although no doubt almost any suitably aged single unattached female would be thrilled to have a date with either of them, they did not have access to such females. It was not like they could pick up the phone to randomly call unknown women, and after identifying themselves, ask for a date. Any woman reached in such a way would conclude it was a crank call and hang up.

Given the nature of the entertainment industry and the type of people in it, Rex realized that he would unlikely meet the kind of woman he would be genuinely attracted to. And most of his dates reinforced such notion. Thus when he happened to learn of the Texas Love Ranch and of its activities, he suspected he would be more enamored of the female members belonging to this club than the females he had regularly been dating.

Obviously, any female member of the TLR would not be of the wholesome original chaste kind, being presumably the prized personality that men seeking to marry would want in a wife. However, such a type of a woman was just as much an anathema to Rex as the kind of women he was dating. What he wanted was a woman who was exotically sexual, but without an agenda. As he delighted in group sex and the swingers life style, it made sense to him that any woman he would be serious about would have such similar sexual proclivities. Thus he reasoned, the TLR must be the ideal place to meet the kind of woman he truly desired.

Sure enough once he became a member and started participating in the orgies he was happy. He was enchanted by the women of the club. In his view every one of them was more desirable to him than any of his dates. And when he spotted Beverley, he instinctively knew she was the woman for him.

Rex was initially attracted to Beverley simply by her physical appearance, and to his mind her voluptuous body. He particularly craved full figured women and as a result he found Beverley absolutely physically appealing. However what sealed the deal for him was her winning personality and her witty outlook.

As she told her story about Ivan Croft, he was incensed for her, and suggested as he undeniably had some clout, he could arrange with Kristina Vargas to have Croft dismissed. Beverley dissuaded such action. She pointed out that when they were in high school Ivan Croft was the cock of the walk. Every girl without a boyfriend, and sadly she was in that category, desired him. They would unflinchingly accede to any desire on his part if only he would pay attention to them. He arrogantly reveled in his popularity and acted like it was his just due.

Thus in her view, his position as a staff member of the TLR, was perfect comeuppance to his undeserved sense of self-importance. Surely it couldn't gall him more then to witness constant fucking which he could not participate in. Besides being a staff member at the TLR surely would not be viewed by him as having achieved success especially considering he had proclaimed his ambitions of becoming a successful football player in the NFL.

Such prescient observation went a long way to convince Rex, that Beverley was a sharp woman well worth his interest. He quickly dismissed her initial hero worship greeting of him as something not pertinent to her true outlook once she would get used to him. Sure enough during their night together in the bedroom from Rex's viewpoint, they interacted on an equal footing. He believed she was attracted to him not for his fame but truly for his own merits as a person. The ease of conversation, and the way she empathically reacted to his telling the story of his life reinforced such notion on his part.

All in all, as a result of what transpired at the orgy, Rex had formed the intention of following up his acquaintanceship of Beverley. He was almost already certain he would want her to become part of his life; no doubt a few dates would confirm such desire. However, he could not immediately act upon such plans, as he was booked to leave Dallas for Europe for three months, and then thereafter ten weeks in Africa, to shoot a very elaborate on location movie. So he did not get back to the United States until the end of February.