Mothership Wilderness Pt. 24

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Gail's Mormon mission goes awry.
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Part 24 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/16/2020
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All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

"You've been rather quiet this morning." Ezra regarded his wife as she sipped her coffee and scrunched her face at its bitterness. He couldn't blame her. Without adequate milk and sugar, getting caffeine was a bit of a chore. "Did all go well with the new ship at Slip Seven?"

"Yes, darling." Tabitha forced a smile. She sipped some more coffee, her thoughts on how wonderful the milk had tasted on the Errand. And how it had made her feel... so sublime. She might have to visit the ship again for another taste. And to snoop around a little. "Everything seemed aboveboard."

"But?" Ezra watched her carefully made-up face closely. It wasn't like her to hold anything back from him. He was her sounding board.

"Nothing out of the ordinary so far." She tossed the rest of the coffee into recycler. "I'll give it another look-see today. Just to be thorough."

"You seem distracted, Tabitha. Are you okay?" Ezra frowned.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine. The Fourth Wave people are a bit odd, that's all." Tabitha sighed. "Did you know they don't like being called the Fourth Wave?"

"I did not."

"Well, anyway, I'm late." Tabitha picked up her things, rushed to the door, but stopped when she had a sudden inspiration. Her husband would certainly enjoy the food and milk aboard the Errand, and they did have a little coin to spare. "Why don't you meet me on your break at Slip Seven and we can enjoy their synthesizer? I swear, I don't remember milk ever tasting so good."

"Yes, that would be lovely." Ezra beamed at her.

"Great. See you then. Goodbye, dear." She quickly left the apartment.

"Goodbye, dear," Ezra said to the door. Where was his goodbye hug and kiss? He frowned. Well, if anyone had earned an off day, it was his wife. He would look forward to his break.


"I still can't believe you disobeyed me and went to the holopark." James regarded his wife with reproach as she moved around the kitchen. He had the Good Word open in front of him, but he wasn't reading. "And I don't know if those zealots will ever give your dress back. It took my mother two months to sew that for you."

"I am so sorry, James." Gail served her husband breakfast and returned to the counter to serve herself. She could feel his eyes digging into her back. "I wasn't feeling well, and then I ran into that teenager, and he offered to show me the northern lights for free. It wasn't a barter. How could I say no?"

"By saying no." James took a bite of protein sausage. "And the dress?"

"I'll get the dress back, I promise. Jacob was a very nice young man." She shivered, thinking about his horribly afflicted penis. She gave a silent prayer that he would find someone to help give him relief. "It was a freak accident that the hydraulic fluid splashed me. Really, it was very nice of him to launder it for me."

"Maybe you should report the hydraulic leak to the inspector. She said the ship passed her safety inspection. She should know if --"

"I'm sure she doesn't need to know." Gail sat down opposite her husband.

"A lady who has seen the plasma disk from the dark matter at Sagittarius A should not interrupt her husband."

"I am so sorry." Gail looked down at her plate.

"We will retrieve your dress today and maybe we can convert this teenager and increase the Mormon ranks by one. That is what I pray for." James steepled his hands and saw that his wife did the same. Together they prayed.

Despite her ardent prayer, Gail found herself hoping she would get to see the northern lights one more time. And... although she really shouldn't wish for such a thing, she wanted one last taste of Jacob's sperm. Nothing in her life compared to the rapture of that little taste. She wouldn't plan on helping him again. But if he asked, she would consider it. Her cheeks blushed. It was beyond shameful to have such thoughts, especially with her husband praying across the table from her. But once she'd reminded herself of the day before, her mind became fixated on replaying every aspect of her time with Jacob.


"You're already dressed?" Pricilla sat up in bed and watched her brother move about the room. "Come back to bed, Jake. I miss you."

"We sleep together almost every night." Jacob, not wanting to deny his sister outright, jumped on the bed next to her and gave her a deep kiss. He managed to get a good feel of her boob while he was at it. It was good to be the Messiah. He broke the kiss and left the bed.

"Well, that was something at least." Pricilla's pink lips pouted. "You're wearing Father's uniform again, I see."

"I don't want to freak out the locals."

"I wish they could all see your beauty." Pricilla threw the sheet off her naked body, hoping to entice him back to her. "And I wish you didn't have so many other... commitments."

"You know Mother's rules. No jealousy, Pricilla." Jacob waved a finger at her like she was a naughty schoolgirl. "I have to go. I'll see you tonight."

She stuck out her tongue at him and made a face. "See you tonight, little brother." They both laughed at that. She found it very hard to stay cross with him.


"Are you alone in here?" Jacob strolled into the nursery. The nannybot was doing most of the work, but Penny sat in the corner with a bored expression. Her face lit up when she saw Jacob.

"I'm always stuck in here, Jake. It's not fair." She ran over to him and gave him a hug. "I mean, I love taking care of your daughters, but I want us to go on some dates. I want to meet all the new people on the ship. I'm either here or in my quarters. Maybe you could take me out for a little fun in the holopark?"

"I would love that, Penny. But the locals are often using the holopark. And, we can't explain away your pregnancy. You're only nineteen, with no husband. The locals might assume that I was the cause. And then they might ask questions." Jacob shrugged.

"Your mom explained all that." Penny frowned. She put her arms around his shoulders and pressed her round belly against the wriggling cock inside his uniform. Maybe he would take her side in the matter if she applied a little pressure. "I'm not a genius like Judy, but I'm not stupid. I get it. I just can't stand being cooped up. Maybe we could work something out?"

"There you are, Jacob." Maureen walked into the nursery smiling. She paused when she saw the teenagers pressed together. Even with the baggy uniform, it was hard to miss that blessed penis. The sight of her new husband thrilled her. He was sweet, handsome, and prodigious. The sower of fields. She moved toward them and kissed her daughter on the cheek. "What picture-perfect lovebirds. You look radiant, Penny. I wish we didn't have to keep you hidden."

"I was just talking to Jacob about that." Penny's frown deepened. She tightened her arms around Jacob's shoulders.

"Sadly, the rules make sense to me." Maureen let the back of her hand rub up against Jacob's writhing beast. She gently pulled the teenagers apart. "And I'm sorry to break this up, but you're needed urgently, Jacob." The anticipation made her buzz. Her infatuation was like when she'd first met her husband. No, it had never been like that with John. Jacob had stolen her heart like no other. And ruined her vagina for all others. A quick shiver went down her spine. "Come on, Jacob."

"But I was going to visit with Penny and see the babies." Jacob watched the nannybot work. "Can it wait?"

"I did use the word urgently." Maureen took his hand and led him toward the door. "Sorry to interrupt, Penny." She was a bit sorry, but she also had her own needs. Sometimes her time on the Errand was confusing.

A half-hour later, Maureen rode Jacob for all she was worth. That perfect cock kept nailing a weak spot deep inside her. She knew she was gushing like crazy. "Oh... Jacob... oh... it's such... an honor... to take you... ugh... ugh... like this."

"What was... uh... uh... so urgent?" He looked around Maureen's empty room but saw nothing amiss.

"I... ugh... needed... this." She knew it was wrong of her to steal that moment from Penny. But she was his wife, too. "I needed... you inside... urgently."

Jacob let her ride, watching her metal cross bounce from one boob to the other. His wives were starting to compete for his attention. Maybe they'd been doing it for a while, and he'd only just noticed. This would complicate things. He wished he'd never turned them toward Tigov 19. Ever since they'd arrived, his world had become more difficult to navigate. He ignored the pleasure surging from his cock and focused on a seed of anger growing in his chest. "That was... uh... uh... a bitchy thing to do."

"What?" Maureen opened her eyes and stared down at Jacob. Some clarity returned to her. "No one has ever called me... a bitch... before." Despite the tense situation, her hips continued undulating on their own. Her round belly wobbled under her heavy breasts.

"You're... a bitch... Maureen Henderson." Jacob smacked her right boob, jolting the cross up in the air in front of her face. "You... lied... to me and Penny. Admit it. You're... a bitch."

Maureen was struck dumb by those words. She humped him without saying a thing, only issuing a series of whining moans. Was he right? Was she a bitch?

"You're a bitch... Maureen Henderson. You... ugh... intruded upon... another wife's time. Tell me... you're a bitch... and apologize." He slapped her other tit.

"Ohhhhhhh... nnooooooooo." She trembled all over. The magnificent cock hit another spot inside her. He was scolding her. No one scolded her. "I'm... not... uh... uh... uh..." Her body built to what promised to be a gargantuan climax.

"You're... a... bitch." There was real venom in his words. "Apologize."

"I am... I am... oooohhhhhhhhhhh"

"You are... a what?" He smacked the side of her ass this time.

"I... am... a... bitch." Maureen's toes curled and her legs shook. "I'm... ugh... sorry." She balanced precariously on the edge of her orgasm.

"That's... better." Jacob grabbed her hips and pushed his dick all the way inside. He watched her cum on top of him in a delirium. Her belly and boobs shook, and her eyes rolled in her head. Shortly after that, he unloaded inside her. As they dressed, he thought about how to deal with competition among his wives. His anger had seemed an effective tool. Maybe he would go with that in the future. "Will you steal another's time again, Mrs. Henderson?"

"No, Jacob. I won't." She didn't make eye contact with the young man. She was disappointed she had let the Messiah down. "I hope you won't hold this against me." She zipped up her uniform.

"Already forgiven." Jacob smiled and slapped her on the butt. "Now run along." He watched her hustle out of her own room with great satisfaction. He could handle things without his mother just fine.


"You know, other than the nineteen-year-old over there, I haven't seen any of the men on the Errand's crew." Tabitha motioned to a table where several Mormons were proselytizing to Jacob.

"That is odd." Ezra nodded. "I wonder..." But he quieted when one of the servers approached them. She was a short woman in the early months of pregnancy. Her smile was tight and businesslike.

"Here's some fresh milk for you, right out of the synthesizer." Humility placed two glasses before the inspector and her husband and filled them from a pitcher. "Your food should be out in a minute."

"Thank you." Tabitha eyed the server. "You're Humility, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." Humility gave a slight bow. "But nobody calls me that. You can call me Lil. You know, on account of my height and everything."

"Thank you for the milk, Lil." Tabitha's smile was gracious. "May I ask, where is your husband?"

"Oh, he's closer than you might think." Humility gave a little giggle and moved off to refill the glasses at the next table.

"That was odd." Tabitha made a mental note to speak with some of the men of the Errand when she had a chance. She took a sip of milk, and her body relaxed. Well, it wasn't urgent. She gulped down half the glass. The cold, crisp sweetness was perfect. Maybe she could take some milk home for her coffee.

"Hhhhmmmmmm?" Ezra stared at his empty glass in amazement. Did he drink the whole thing so quickly? It was exceptionally delicious. "What was odd, dear?"

"Oh, nothing." Tabitha gave him an absent smile. "Look, our food is coming." Tabitha's belly grumbled as Humility made her way to them with steaming plates.

On the other side of the room, Jacob was suffering through idiotic talk of plasma disks and the apostles of the supermassive black hole. His mother was serving and brought a round of drinks for everyone. Jacob hoped it would cool those Mormon jets.

"You look thirsty. And you look thirsty. And you look thirsty." Mary had a soft laugh in her voice as she poured from an ice-cold pitcher. When the table was served, she sauntered off to the next table.

While his sister-in-law, her husband, and his wife spoke the Good Word, James stared daggers at Jacob. The teenager was overtly staring at Gail's breasts. She was wearing her backup dress that day, and it wasn't as modest as the one his mother had made for her. He certainly wasn't going to let Gail retrieve her dress without an escort. He took a sip of milk and settled into his chair. He drank more and lost his train of thought. A peacefulness settled over him. He was at one with the Lord.

"... and that is why the secrets are buried in the center of the galaxy." Gail finished her speech and glanced at Jacob. He was still looking at her in a most unseemly way. She quickly looked away and caught her sister Zinnia's eye. Zinnia looked quite proud, like Gail had just brought home a conversion. But she knew her sister's pride was misplaced.

The whole table drank in silence, until all the glasses were empty. Mary stopped by and refilled them.

"That is all very interesting." Jacob locked eyes with Gail and discreetly motioned with his head toward the door. "Maybe I can go get your freshly laundered dress now?"

"Oh, I'll go with you, Mr. Winthrop. I've brought back the suit you so nicely lent me. I wasn't able to launder it, but I kept it quite clean." Gail spoke in a rush. She stood and handed Jacob the neatly folded suit. He took it and their hands brushed for just a second. Gail held her breath. She forgot her husband was sitting right there. Her sister said something to James and that brought Gail back into the moment. "What?" She looked at them, expecting James to forbid her going to retrieve the dress. He did not disappoint.

"I cannot let you wander peripatetic with a strange man, Gail." James stood. "We will accompany you." Zinnia and her husband stood, too.

"Oh, I'm sorry, James. I can only extend the invitation into unsanctioned parts of the ship to one person. And since it's your wife's dress, it is her company I desire." Jacob tried not to smirk. "But if you would rather she not come, I'm sure I can return the dress on another day."

"Oh, no." James sat quickly. "That is fine, Mr. Winthrop. Just bring her right back here. No detours." He looked at his wife, making plain she was not to see the northern lights again.

"No detours, I promise." Jacob winked at the Sagittarius Mormons and led Gail out of the mess hall.


"You're still stuck in here?" Pricilla walked into the nursery, eyeing Penny speculatively.

"Where else would I be?" Penny pouted. "Did you escort Dr. Cole's husband?"

"He had a pleasant visit with his wife in the brig, and then I left him in the mess hall." Pricilla nodded.

"Dr. Cole gets more excitement in the brig than I do stuck in here." She waved a hand inclusively at the nursery.

"And while you're in here, Jake is out gallivanting around." Pricilla unzipped her uniform and bared her breasts. A nannybot brought her daughter. Pricilla took the baby from the robot, fed her, and cooed. "You're right. It isn't fair."

Penny watched in silence. It wasn't fair. But it wasn't worth getting worked up over again.

"Isn't she the most precious thing?" Pricilla gazed at her daughter.

"She is," Penny agreed.

"You'll have one of your own soon. Are you excited?" Pricilla looked up with a sweet smile. "It is quite the blessing."

"I am thrilled." Penny rubbed her belly. "I really am."

"And do you have milk yet?" Pricilla kissed the baby's forehead and handed her back to the waiting nannybot.

"Not yet." Penny was unsure how any of this was supposed to work. Jacob's seed had accelerated all their pregnancies and given some women milk before they gave birth. She watched Pricilla's heavy boobs wobble as the woman walked toward her. Penny stayed seated. She wasn't sure what was going on.

"Having milk to give has been a great joy. But there have been so many joys in my life recently." She stopped right in front of Penny, her breasts inches from the woman's face.

"You're talking about Jacob being one of the joys." Penny stared at the dark nipples. "I get that. I just wish I didn't have to share him." She looked up into Pricilla's blue eyes. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize, Penny. I know you and Jake have a special connection." Pricilla gently wove her fingers into Penny's red hair as she talked. She took a firm grip of her skull and pulled Penny to her breast. "It's been very hard on you."

"Mmmmpppphhhh." Penny hadn't expected to be drinking from this woman's breast, but it was quite relaxing. The tension melted from her back and shoulders as she gulped down the sweetness.

"There you go... drink... drink, drink, drink..." Pricilla cooed like she was still feeding her baby. She caressed Penny's pretty red hair. "I am also a little unhappy with how much time Jacob has been spending with his other wives. Perhaps we can work together to get what we both want."

"GGgggggllllppppppppp." The noise Penny made as she guzzled from Pricilla's tit was something of an affirmative. She didn't know what Jacob's sister was talking about, but she was feeling very open-minded at the moment.


The cabin under the northern lights was just as Gail remembered it, with its charming back deck and amazing views. Wait... there was a difference. There were now two roaring fireplaces, one inside and one adjoining the deck. She wasn't the least bit surprised that Jacob had taken this detour on the way to retrieve her dress. She hadn't even feigned a protest as he led her into the holopark. "It takes my breath away." She stared up at the shimmering lights in the sky and moved closer to Jacob, standing quite near to him. They took in the sight in silence for a while.

"I wish I had seen the aurora borealis in person. It's almost as beautiful as you." He put an arm around her shoulders and felt her stiffen.

"Oh, don't say that. I'm no prettier than any other woman." Gail was concerned. She wasn't supposed to flirt with strange men. Well, not with any men, really. And after what she'd done to help him the last time, this was a sticky situation. "We're all beautiful in the eyes of Sagittarius A."

"I suppose we are." Jacob sighed. "Except for my deformity."

"No. That's not true." She turned to him and gave him a long look. "The plasma disk is clear about your worth. If you would let me show you the Good Word..." She looked down at her feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to preach. I can tell you're not interested in my religion." With her eyes cast down, she could see something moving forcefully inside his uniform, like a creature clawing its way to freedom. She gasped. "You need help again."

"I do." Jacob unzipped his uniform and stepped out of it into the cold air. "My crew can do nothing for me. But yesterday's release did me a world of good." He pulled down his underwear.

Gail bit her lip. The thing was frightful. But only the dark matter at the center could judge. "I want to be clear that I am doing this out of my duty to serve those in need. I am happily married and this is not romantic." It was a bald statement, given the amorous setting that she had created. She took a deep breath and lowered herself to her knees. The monster before her was downright rapacious, with its etched veins, coughing clear fluid, and serpentine movements. Her husband's manhood was serene and cute by comparison. Funny, that she had ever thought James had a manly thing. "Do you understand, young Mr. Winthrop?"