Mourning Sunshine


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The following morning Ella came into Andy's bed earlier. He was only half awake. She snuggled up to him and immediately undid all the buttons on his PJ top. Her hand now caressed all over his chest combing her fingers through his chest hair. She eventually settled on one nipple and then the other, back-and-forth, stroking the little hardening protrusions which had responded under the flicking and pinching.

The signals to the rest of Andy's body were more intense than the previous day. He felt his cock hardening and could find no way to resist the onslaught. In fact, he hoped the hand would slip down under the waistband of his PJ trousers. But Ella was cruel again, leaving Andy wanting, as she bounced out of bed. "Let's get down to the treadmill and some rubber-band work. Let's see you get up a sweat. I'll work out with you today."

As he paced on the treadmill Andy could see Ella's refection in a mirror. He wondered if she had purposefully settled in the spot so he could see her. His heart ached as watched her in a body-fitting yoga outfit go through a series of bends, twists, and stretches. If he half closed his eyes, he was looking at a youthful Val. He teared up, once more conflicted.

Ella was on to Andy after his workout on the treadmill to try a little more after his walk. She took him through some rubber band exercises. Her exercise regime was enough to make her sweat such she gave off a mild, and to Andy, an intoxicating odor. As he was near finishing, he made a lunge to grab her into a hug, but she easily slipped through his arms, "Naughty boy. Behave yourself."

"Prick tease."

"Pardon? What did you call me?"

"Nothing. Oh, my knees."

Ella had an expression on her face that signalled some sort of victory.

Later in the day Ella found one of Val's journals. She read it. Over dinner she asked about he journals. Andy told her and where she could find them.

She then asked, "What's with the letters at the beginning of each entry? Looks like a code or something."

Andy choked a bit, after humming and hawing a bit, "Well I reckon that M, A, E and N as being morning, afternoon and so on. Beyond that I have no clue." Andy did not lie well.

Ella spotted Andy's hesitation and the way his eyebrows furrowed, "Come on. tell me. I promise not to tell anyone. I think you know but aren't willing to tell me. You want me to figure it out for myself. That tells me something straight away."

Knowing how long it took him to work out the code he said, "Figure away sweetheart."

Ella changed subjects, "You know to make my morning cuddle a much more realistic remembered experience would you consider sleeping in the nude. I'll get you a couple more blankets for your bed."

Andy almost choked again. "No way, Jose."

"Really? What's the harm? You used to do it for decades."

"I, we, grew out of it. Not going to happen."

"How about this? I'll meet you halfway. You just leave off your top. After all I've been opening the top and you haven't objected. No top, okay?"

"Why would I want to do that?"

"To humor your granddaughter who you love dearly and who loves you back the same way. Think of it as a reconstruction of happy moments in both our lives."

"Oh, my. You have a silver tongue." Andy was tempted and became quiet. Ella did not speak. He thought about it and recalled the sensuousness of the morning with Ella's hands playing his nipples and chest. His mind went back to those days when Ella was a toddler and Val was there for him. He relented. "Okay, but no more."

"Of course." He sensed that it was now Ella who was lying.

Andy did get one more blanket, after all they did turn the house temperature down to fifty-eight overnight. He slept well with no PJ top.

What Andy had not anticipated was that Ella had also dispensed with her top. He did not see her well formed and generous breasts, but he felt them as soon as they touched his side chest. Ella quickly placed her hand over her grandfather's chest and held him down. She was strong. Any resistance Andy may have put up was immediately snuffed out as he relaxed under the pressure of the arm across him and the pleasure his imagination conjured up at the thought of those bare breasts pressed against him.

"Quiet Andy. Relax." With these words Ella started her exploration of his chest and nipples much as she had done the previous day. She reached down and found his free left hand and partially rolling away from him pulled his hand across to place it on her hardened nipple. "Pinch it. Squeeze it."

Andy had no resistance left. he did as he was bidden. His old instincts emerged as he automatically played with her nipple and then her whole breast. She rolled away from his side onto her back, and he rolled towards her onto his side facing towards her. He now had full access to both breasts. He scooted down the bed a bit and bent his neck even further to first look at this young torso with its perfectly shaped firm tits before allowing his inclinations from long ago take over his actions. He bent and kissed around the aureoles teasing Ella as he did so many times with Val before. He kissed and then sucked. He was lost in his youth as he felt Ella stiffen and pull his head and lips to her nipple. He understood her reaction that was so like his late wife's mild orgasmic reactions. He then reached up and kissed Ella full on the lips. "Thank you." He whispered.

Ella replied, "No. thank you."

Andy rolled onto his back and Ella rolled with him to his side. Her hand slipped down into the waistband of his PJ trousers and took his firm cock in her hand. "May I?'

"Mm mm."

It took surprising little time for Andy to ejaculate.

Ella, "Don't worry I'll wash it later, and the sheets. I leaked as well."

They rested in silence for a while before Ella said, "I think that was a TO1 and HJ1."


"What. I think I worked out Val's code. My god you were a horny couple. I sampled dozens of those notebooks a there was coded entries nearly every day."

"How did you work it out so quickly?"

"I asked myself why would a grown woman make a code record and what would it be about? What was she wanting to keep a record of but hide at the same time? I came to the immediate conclusion it was to do with sex. Prim schoolteacher and all that. I then saw the pattern. B for blow job. H for hand job. T for tits. V for vagina. And you did a lot of anal intercourse if A is for anal. O is orgasm and the number of times she came. J had me puzzled for a while, but there was already an E so I took it means ejaculation. And so on. QED."

"Always knew you were smart one." Andy paused and jumped out of bed, "Isn't it getting time for my walk?" He walked over to the window, drew back the thick curtains and flooded the room with sunshine. He saw the thin layer of snow had melted away. "Get up sleepy head, we're going for a walk." He could hardly remember when he felt this good.

Andy was naked when Ella visited the next morning. As she lifted the coverings to see what state her grandfather was wearing, she gave a curt, "Well done!" and took off her top and panties before snuggling up to his side.

"Remember I'm at a one-and-done age now."

"We'll see about that. Pity about the blood pressure medication you're on. We could have fed you one of those little blue pills. But I hope I can rely on your active tongue and lips." Ella climbed on top of him and gave a sensuous and lasting kiss. She felt his cock hardening under her. As she sat up to reposition herself, she said, "Twenty-three times three on the twenty third."

This threw Andy, "Huh?"

"Today is the twenty-third of the month and what does three time twenty-three make." She didn't wait for an answer as she laughed and gave the answer, "Sixty-nine, silly." Her lips were then engaged around Andy's rapidly growing cock, and she could not add any further information.

Andy looked up and his excellent short-sighted vision was filled with glistening folds of desirable flesh. He went to work with his tongue as he pulled the lovely cunt closer to him. The elemental dance of lust played out over an extended time. Andy felt Ella stop and stiffen and drop her whole crotch on his face several times as she orgasmed as his slow response kept her waiting for his deposit in her eager mouth. After he came, she rolled over and turned around before resuming the snuggle.

"That took me a long time to come. Sorry."

"If you last that long and are truly a oncer, then longer the better. My cunt will really appreciate that length of time tomorrow. That could be spectacular for me. Maybe I'll get delicious O5, to follow up on my O3 today, as Val might have recorded it."

During their next five morning enhanced cuddles Ella took on the task of being on top and driving all their sexual activity. Andy found his body become more and more reluctant to ejaculate even though he remained hard. Ella loved every moment of the long penetrations.

Ella had arrangements to make with her auto and left Andy for two days. She came back for one final overnighter before she had to stay with her parents for two days before taking off to her to go out west for her new job. Andy put T-bone steaks and trimmings on the menu for their last night together.

As they finished their delicious meal Ella quietly asked, "Grandpa, what are you going to do now?"

"Oh, I guess I'll return to my old routine. You'll stay in touch, won't you?"

"Have you thought about getting a housekeeper?"

"Housekeeper? Nah. Too expensive. That's not code for new wife or girlfriend is it? That would be even more expensive." Andy chuckled to himself.

"If it didn't cost you anything would that change your mind?"

"What could I expect from someone who is working for nothing? You remember the phrase; you get what you pay for? I'm getting the impression you are pitching someone here. Am I right?"

"Grandpa, you're still sharp as a tack. That's why I love you."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Let's hear it."

"Ok. Here I go. Bear with me to end. As I left the bank yesterday, I bumped into an old school friend, Lucy Brown, coming out from the back office of the bank. She's a clerk there. We had lunch. I know her from our many classes together and we became quite close before I went to Penn. The same age as me, twenty-six. Three years ago, she got pregnant. The fucker took off and left her as a single mother. Her parents, who she did not get along with anyway, have just moved to Florida. The long and the short of it is that she has a low paying job, but fortunately with healthcare, but barely enough to live on and her rent is going up, inflation is strangling her food budget, and she's now got daycare costs. I think you'd like to know that she's better looking than me, and from the photos, has the cutest looking little boy. How would you like to offer her space here with her doing some cleaning and laundry in lieu of rent and you babysit the little boy? There, I've said it!"

"She moves into this house? And I babysit?" There was a tone of surprised incredulity.

"Yep. You got it. You rattle around in this old house and have plenty of space. Maybe a few renovations down in the basement to make a self-contained flat with, say, the shared kitchen on the main floor. Cooking for you might be part of the deal. I think both Mom and Uncle William would like the idea that there is someone around most of the time and they might be enthusiastic to front up the money for the renos. I'm sure Uncle William will know how to get them done quickly at a good price. And the clincher is that you are really, really great with small kids."

"You're a persuasive little one, aren't you? Let me think about it. Sounds almost doable. This friend of yours, you sure she's really in a tight corner."

"Oh, yes. Apart from the tears welling up, no woman goes to work in patched clothes if they can help it. I'm sure she's in trouble and may have to give up the child."

Andy sighed and after a minute of silence he pitched in, "If you're convinced, I am too. Let's see if we can get a family conference going tomorrow evening to thrash this out before I decide." Andy immediately phoned Kate and William whist Ella cleared up after the meal. Both were available for a family conference.

Ella put her arm around Andy. She stood and gestured to him, "Let's go up to bed. We have two one-and-done to finish off, one tonight and one in the morning. Then my dearest Grandfather that will be it for us. As far as I know for now, at least. Do you accept how it is?"

Andy knew this would not happen and with tears in his eyes he answered, "I know. I know. It has been fun while it lasted. All good things must come to an end sooner or later. I will continue to mourn Val, but you will always be my morning sunshine."


From: Andyman4416@

To: ellanotfitzgerald33327

Wed 2017-10-11 23.53

Mourning Sunshine

Attached is a story written specially for you. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think.

Lots of love,

Grandpa Andy

From: ellanotfitzgerald33327

To: Andyman4416@

Thu 2017-10-12 09.37

Re. Mourning Sunshine

Hi Grandpa:

Writing again, I see. Phew, that's quite a hot package. Sounds like you need my help. I'll come over for dinner on Friday.

You cook your signature T-Bone steaks on the BBQ, and I'll bring some potato salad, my special bean salad, with strawberries and cream for dessert and a bottle of red wine to wash it all down. Deal? (Let me know if it isn't.) BTW I'll have my overnight bag with me.

Please accept I am very sorry I missed your big birthday bash, and I feel guilty that I haven't contacted you earlier since my return from Europe two weeks ago. I guess we have a lot to discuss.

Love, Ella

Ella Valerie Strong

RN (Psych.)

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

A great storyline, fiction but close enough to have been based on reality, television companies would clamber over the rights to this scenario as it would raise viewing figures and ratings.

KingKong2020KingKong2020over 1 year ago

I hope you continue this story with future chapters

OldbutboldOldbutboldover 1 year ago
Very good story

Maybe fiction but its good fiction , As for the age difference i do not see that it matters that much , i have read other stories of this type before , over all a good read maybe another chapter to see how the friend with benefits works out would be good way to close this story off .

sirius23sirius23over 1 year ago

Didn't read past the first paragraph. If he'd been mid to late 50s I could have gone with it. Maybe the wife died youngish. But I'm not going to read a sex story where the protagonist is a 75 year old man, sorry

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