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She did something she'd always wanted to do, with my help.
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[This should stand alone, but is part of a sort of series. To recap the situation, I was having an affair with a crazy married woman named Connie, who almost as a joke thought it would be fun to rent me out to other ladies in the neighborhood. Connie lined up the meetings, collected the fee, and paid me. I don't know what she told these women but basically my role was to drop by at an arranged time when a husband was gone, provide some services that a wife was not getting in her marriage, then leave again. "Tapas" is the immediate predecessor to this one.]

Beth was a lovely unsatisfied wife who had an unstoppable imagination and a secret desire to take risks. We had met twice before. In our initial appointment Beth described herself as a "bossy bitch" and enjoyed having me satisfy her in ways that she had dreamed of, but they weren't happening at home. She basically told me what she wanted, and I did it. It was fun for both of us.

The second time Connie set me up with her, Beth bought me lunch and after lunch she took me downstairs in the restaurant, where I got her off a number of times with my fingers and she got me to cum on her face in a stall in the ladies room. She had mentioned her cum fantasy, so I wasn't entirely surprised, though the chance of getting caught added a whole other dimension to it. She loved the way a load of fresh semen looked on her face in the mirror, and before we went out into public she rubbed it into her skin, and loved the way it felt, as a kind of lotion. And afterwards she loved walking along the city street with dried cum coating her lovely face. She was a woman with an active imagination and the courage to act on her fantasies, at least as long as she had a partner in crime. That would be me.

I suppose a rich fantasy life could be a bit of a problem for a married lady. Your husband wants his two minutes of missionary position in-and-out, he isn't interested in making a production out of it. He's happy to bang the ol' lady and get some sleep. Meanwhile she is lying there imagining bigger and better things.

That means that she will either have to take the usual course of denying her own dreams, or step out of line and satisfy her desires somewhere else. And that's where I come in. You want a spanking, a dick up your ass, somebody to eat your pussy while you have a couple dozen orgasms, a faceful of cum? An hour of plain good fucking? That's what I'm here for. Pay the lady on your way out; there will be no emotional outbursts, no jealousy. no weird relationship shit. I satisfy their secret desires, within my own very wide-ranging comfort zone. Somebody's got to do it.

Now Beth had called Connie to book another appointment for me. She told Connie she had been "reading on the Internet," and she wanted me to meet her in the parking lot of Ryan's Hardware, over in Belltown, at eleven o'clock Friday morning. Connie was sort of laughing when she told me this. We were lying in her bed, with the sheets and covers kicked all over the place, sated after an afternoon of wild-as-usual fucking, and she filled me in. She had talked with Beth about the last get-together, and Beth had not mentioned the cum-in-the-face part to her. Connie said she implied that she had given me a blow job in the ladies room. But of course Connie had heard the whole story from me. She loves knowing everybody's secrets. Someday she will be able to blackmail the whole town.

"So what do you suppose she's up to this time?" Connie asked me.

"I don't know," I said. "That girl has some wild ideas."

"Hardware store," Connie said. "I don't know what in the world she'd want from a hardware store. Belltown, too, it's kind of far and I cannot think of anything interesting in that stupid little town." Belltown was one of the farther-out suburbs, mostly known for rowdy teenagers driving their pickup trucks back and forth blasting country music, throwing beer cans out onto the curb and hollering on weekend nights. Other than that, it was approximately one square mile of rural nothingness.

Okay, so sure enough, there I was Friday morning, sitting in a Belltown parking lot listening to NPR. This is an old-school hardware store, family owned, if there is ever something you need they have it, and the old guys who work there know their stuff, not like these big corporate places where they pay some kid minimum wage and they don't know shit. The parking lot was less than half full, and I parked where she could find me easily.

I spotted her Mercedes in the rear view mirror, pulling around and stopping next to me, right on time. She waved me over and pushed her passenger door open.

She looked hot, in the best, nastiest way. She was wearing a little tank top, cut very low, and without a bra, so her nipples poked at the fabric and the heft of her breasts stretched out the cloth across from one boob to the other. She had done her makeup entirely different from usual, with thick dark lashes and wings at the corners of her eyes. Her hair was tied back. If I had seen her out of context I would not have recognized her -- between the hair and makeup and the cleavage, dressed like a biker chick or a vacationing movie star, she looked like an entirely different person. Still, she couldn't quite entirely disguise the respectable suburban housewife. That underlying ordinariness made her look even more delectable.

"Wow," I said, getting into the car. "Look at you."

"Yeah, well, I kind of don't want to be recognized over here. Plus there's a chance somebody would take a picture or something."

"Oh really?" Wondering what she was up to, maybe flashing people in this little country town? No, that didn't add up.

"Okay," she said, once I was settled. "Maybe I'm crazy, but I need your help with this one. Remember last time you came on my face and I said I wanted a gallon of it?"

"Yes," I nodded. I could see she had big plans. "I wouldn't forget that."

"Okay, well I want to try that."

"Try what?"

"A gallon of it. I want to get a bunch of guys to cum on me."

"At the hardware store?"

"No, silly."

"And how do you think you are going to do this?"

She looked away from me in silence. My eyes followed hers. Oh shit: Daily Diversions 24-Hour XXX Adult Movies. Right across the street.

"The movie theater?" I asked her.

She nodded. "I have been reading, and that seems to be the best way to do it."

"Huh." I leaned back in my seat. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Your main job is to keep me safe," she said. "Plus, of course, I will need a load of your sweet stuff, too."

I was shaking my head. You have to picture Beth, the ultimate little wifey-poo in real life. "Have you ever been in a place like that before?" I asked her.

"Nope," she said. "I figure it's a movie theater. It'll have a screen with some gross movie showing on it, and some seats."

"Well, yeah."

"So tell me, Doc, have you ever been in a place like that before?"

"Sure, lots of times, but --"

"Okay, there is a screen and some seats and some men in there, men like you. Horny men. And then, cute little me." She blinked innocently.

"I didn't even know places like this still exist, with the Internet and everything."

Beth said, "Yeah, it's actually interesting. They compare these to wooden roller-coasters. Have you ever known somebody who was into those?"

"Old roller-coasters? Yeah, I've known a couple of guys."

"Well these old porn theaters have mostly shut down, but there are people, men mostly of course, who travel around the country visiting them. They go in and watch a movie and, uh, masturbate there, and then post pictures and reviews on a web site that specializes in that. This theater here has one of the highest ratings. I do my homework, you know."

"So you're going to--"

"One by one, Doc, I'm gonna suck their dicks or jerk them off till they're about to cum, and then I'm gonna aim it at my face. One after the other, till there's not a stiff dick in the place."

"Wow," I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say. It was an ambitious plan, but strangely realistic.

"Then I'm going to get in my car and go home," she said. "And maybe wash my face before my husband gets home from work. And maybe not."

"Huh, okay," I said. I have to admit that I had a serious hard-on at this point. She had a crazy plan but really, if I was there keeping an eye on things, I didn't see how she could actually be in any real danger. The people that run the place don't care. The cops don't give a fuck. The guys that go there don't want to cause trouble and get arrested or get their name in the paper, they mainly just want to whack off and move on, I guess maybe post something online later, though I'd never heard of that. This would just make it a little better for them, a little special.

I felt obligated to tell her it isn't safe, but I couldn't really see the problem. It was an insane idea, a perverted and twisted idea, but of course, that's the point.

"So here's what I want to do," she said. "You go in first and get settled in the back, where you can see everything. I'll come in a few minutes after you, and I'll sit somewhere in front of you, maybe a few rows away so you'll be close if there is a problem. Then, from what I read, things will take care of themselves."

"I hope Connie is charging you extra for this," I laughed.

"Oh she doesn't know what I'm doing. But good point, I'll make sure everybody's happy. My husband has a good job, he doesn't notice if a few bucks go missing now and then."

"Sounds like they're going to take pictures."

"Look at me, Doc. Do you think anybody is going to think that slutty girl on the Internet is me?"

"I guess not," I said. I don't know who checks that web site, hopefully not anybody she knows; it could happen, but it's her risk to take. I doubt even her friends would recognize her. And can't you just see a neighbor or friend going, hey I was looking at that web site where guys jack off in the porn theaters and there was a lady who looked like you. I felt her anonymity was pretty safe, and again, it wasn't my problem to worry about.

"So there," she said.

"You seem pretty sure of yourself."

"Oh, I'm scared to death," she replied. "But what's the point of living if you only do what other people want you to do?"

I felt a surge of admiration for her. "Okay, I'll keep an eye out."

"You better," she said. "Here's a ten. I don't know what it costs, but that'll get you in, don't you figure? Go on in and find a seat. I'll look for you when I get there. And here's what we'll do. I want you to go last, and when you're done, you go outside and wait for me. If I don't come out in a couple of minutes, then come in after me. You can walk me to my car and make sure I get out of here okay. All right?"

I thought about it for a second. Normally I wouldn't want sloppy twentieths or whatever, but this was different. I couldn't quite picture it, but well I do have a bit of a perverted streak myself. "I'll go last?"

"Yeah. After you're done it'll be time to get out of there."

I was tense with anticipation, crossing that parking lot, crossing the street, going into the theater. It had a shop in the front with magazines and shitty sex toys, you give the guy five bucks and go in through an inconspicuous door off a short hallway.

I hadn't been there in years, but the theater was more crowded than I remembered it. There might have been twenty or thirty guys sitting there, as far apart from each other as they could get, staring at the screen. I had forgotten how your shoes stick to the floor in a place like this. In the light from the screen I could see that a number of them were jerking off while they watched the show. The back row was empty, and I sat back there, near the right-hand side.

The movie was not bad. The actress was plump in a nice way, with big sexy tits, and of course the man had an unrealistically large cock, which the girl was able to handle without effort. It was one of those shaky-camera movies, not a slick production -- actually I prefer the low-budget movies, they seem more real somehow, you know?

The plump chick was taking a telephone-pole-sized dick up the ass when the side door opened and Beth stepped in. I had not gotten a good full-length look at her in the car, but wow. She was wearing black boots and skintight jeans, that tiny tank top, those big hard boobs catching the exit-sign light in the best way. Her hair was in an unglamorous but, given the circumstances, practical ponytail. She glanced around the room till she spotted me, then came up the side, as planned. From my vantage point I could see every head in the whole place swivel to follow her. I mean every one. Nobody was watching that telephone pole probing the colon of the plump hottie on the screen.

Beth sat next to the aisle, a few seats over from me, and three rows down. She sat quietly watching the screen and then turned in her seat so the room could see her. Those tits, my god, she was a traffic-stopper anyway but she had really played it up and there was no way not to stare at her. Then she did the most incredible thing. She brought her hands to her chest and began pinching her nipples in a sensuous and exhibitionistic way, squeezing them between her thumb and fingers gently, twisting them, pulling on them. I tell you, the girl is a genius. It was perfect. It was absolutely the most provocative thing she could have done. And at the same time it was not coarse, she did not seem whorish, she seemed approachable and sweet. And horny.

Right away a man sitting in her row got up and moved to the seat next to her. She smiled at him and they whispered together and she reached over and I couldn't see what she was doing but I knew. After about a minute she made a gesture to him and he stood up. Now the light from the screen illuminated her pretty face bobbing up and down on the man's cock, and it was not half a minute before he twitched and gave out a grunt and she pulled her face off him and pointed that thing right at her nose. In the flickering light I could plainly see the gobs of jizz splattering on her face as she turned her head to get it everywhere. And the sound. Knowing her, she had practiced that sound, she made a very sexy but soft whimpering sigh as this anonymous movie patron coated her face with his creamy goo. And then the man pointed his phone at her and the flash went off. The strobe caught her smiling up at him with her cum-splattered face. This seemed a little alarming to me, but I knew she knew this was going to happen. And really, she was hardly recognizable, between the hairdo and makeup and semen streaking her cheeks and forehead.

The man stepped back, zipping his pants, and staggered toward the door and out.

The silence that followed was like a vacuum, waiting to see what would happen next. There was the usual synth track and canned moans and groans from the movie, an occasional squeaky seat, but from Beth's side of the room the interaction had been eerily peaceful. The incident wasn't dramatic, not something that necessarily grabbed your attention, it was just somebody standing in front of somebody and a little bit of motion, a grunt and a whimper and a camera flash, and then he left. Beth had seemed confident and in-control, the man had been polite and orderly, and from a few rows away it seemed less dramatic than somebody ordering a Big Mac.

Remaining seated, Beth turned to face the room, giving me and the rest of them a good look at her. The cum seemed to glow in the dark. Her eyes roamed over the audience as they stared back at her, and then a guy from the left side of the room got up and walked around and sat beside her. They whispered to one another for a few seconds, laughing and flirting, and then her hand was working on him. She had him stand up as well, and she did not even blow him, she simply pumped him with her hand, aiming his erection at her face, until he blasted an enormous load, roping one spurt after another, getting it in her hair, dripping from her forehead, coating both cheeks. Again she gave her little whimpering Mating Call of the Wild Cum-Lover, and like the first guy, this one took a photo of her and staggered out the door. Beth wiped the cum out of her eyes so she could open them.

It did not take any time for another man to come over and start to sit beside her. He was unzipping as he sat down, and she gestured and said something and he straightened up before his butt hit the seat. She took his cock in my mouth and worked on it for a minute or so, then jacked it with her hand while he unloaded on her and she whimpered that sexy whimper. She aimed this one at her throat and then her tits, and in the reflected light I could see it running down inside her top.

The customers, I'd have to say, were very orderly and well-behaved. Not all of them took pictures but most did. As soon as one was done, another would take his place. I didn't count but she must have had more than a dozen of them. The cum was dripping off her face, onto her chest, coating her cleavage and who knows, streaming down her body under her clothing. As the men took their turns each one seemed pleasant, smiling, friendly, Beth was happy and smiling and whimpered irresistibly when the semen hit her skin. Some shot a few little drops but those were counterbalanced by some who were freaks of nature, at least I have never shot that much cum in my life. One guy coated her whole face with great gobs of thick jizz, top to bottom and side to side, and she ended up aiming the last four of five surges down into her cleavage; she was smiling and laughing after that one. I felt like pulling my own dick out and jerking off, just watching -- taking them one after the other, this was one of the most over-the-top displays of pure lust I have ever seen. There was every shape and shade of man in that place, and they came over one by one to pay homage to my little cum-loving friend.

Finally she swiveled subtly in her seat and looked back at me with a nod. I rose and went forward to her row and sat next to her. She leaned toward me, "This has been fucking amazing," she whispered. "Now you give me the cherry on top and we'll get out of here. Stand up. You now the drill."

It seemed a little weird to me. I knew every man still in the place was watching this. I stood up and unzipped my jeans and Beth had my dick out in a second. She looked incredible up close, like some kind of ghostly outer-space movie monster, dripping with otherworldly ooze. She sucked my cock and pumped it with her hand and I didn't want to go too fast but she was good, and maybe I lasted two minutes. Probably one, really. I gave a soft, "Oof," and she emitted that ridiculously charming whimper as she pulled my penis out of her mouth and shot my cream all over her face. My fresh stuff was dripping off stuff that had been on her for a little while. I did contribute a lot, six or seven good shots and a few more dribbles, which drooled onto her already-coated breasts.

Then she let go of me. I zipped up and found it was difficult to walk as I shuffled toward the door. The guy at the counter didn't look up. The parking lot for the theater was fenced, and I stood out there for a minute, squinting in the sunlight and trying to regain consciousness. Beth came parading out with her face in its most lewd condition, perfectly outrageous. She wore a full mask of glistening, sticky man-goo. Her teeth were a row of lights gleaming underneath it all, as she had a big grin on her face. Her tank top was soaked with cum, clumps of it on her breasts. She started laughing. "Man, that was amazing," she said. Her body was trembling. "That was fucking amazing."

She paraded across the street covered with cum and nobody noticed. I walked her to her car and got into the passenger seat beside her.

"Thank you for coming, Doc," she said. "Without you I never would have been able to do that."