Moving Closer and Closer Ch. 04

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Daughter has her first orgasm with Daddy.
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Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/14/2017
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All participants in the sex are over 18. This is a fantasy dealing with sexual matters between a step father and daughter. If the topic offends you, move along. This is my fantasy and there are no unwanted pregnancies or STD's in my world.

Sorry for the abrupt end to the last chapter.

Thanks for the all the feedback I have been getting. I am looking forward to your comments on this chapter. And, please vote.


It was hard to defend my activities even to myself with my daughter. Funny thing, Kim's mother was older than me. Ten years older as a matter of fact. And Kim was about the same number of years younger than me.

She and I had always been close. Not in the way you might think. I never made an improper move on her until she was over eighteen. Looking at her now, I had goosebumps on my arms and I wondered if it was at all right to continue.

Maybe we should stop.

I took my hands off her body and leaned back. I reached out for my coffee and took a swallow of the hot liquid. Kim looked at me quizzically.

I looked her in the eyes, took her by the hand and pulled her down to the couch beside me. She embraced me, moving her head closer to mine as a lead in to making out with me.

"Stop, Kim, I said. Taken aback, my daughter's arms fell to her lap.

"What's wrong?" she asked me.

"Baby, I want you to think hard about what we are doing. You're my little girl. I couldn't love you more if you were my biological daughter. That's just not possible." I paused for breath.

Kim answered me. "I know that and I love you just as much if not more. You are more my daddy than that creep could ever have been."

"I know about being your daddy and I would never want to lose these feelings,that love, that relationship. I would never want to jeopardize that."

"Me neither, Daddy."

"What we are doing could change that. It might make it difficult for us to maintain that Daddy and daughter relationship."

"Daddy, I just know I love you. I want you as my daddy. I want to be your little girl. But I want you to be my man too."

" man?"

"Yes, Daddy, my man, your woman."

"What if we can't have both? What then?"

"Then we will move on and I will be your woman."

"Kim, my sweet love, are you sure?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm so sure."

"Do you think you should give it more thought? I don't want you to think you're being pushed into this."

"Daddy, I have been thinking of this and dreaming of this for a long time. Since my sixteenth birthday."

I didn't know what to say about this revelation. My mind was twirling. Words were fighting to escape my mouth but they kept tripping.

Finally, "How about this. Let's just go to bed and think about this overnight. We can talk more tomorrow. "

Kim reached for me but I blocked her arms. "Think now. Talk and decide tomorrow."

She had a tear in her eye as she turned away to climb the stairs to the bedroom level. I was behind her after rinsing out my coffee cup. She was waiting for me at the top of the stairs. She came into my arms for a hug. I returned it sliding my hands up and down her back. There was no touching of her tits or ass.

I don't know about my daughter but I didn't sleep well that night. I did a lot of tossing and turning. It didn't seem as if Kim were having any better a night. I heard her up and down to the bathroom frequently. Once she stopped outside my door, but I resisted the urge to call out to her. Wordlessly, Kim went back to her bed.

The next morning neither child was up even though it was a Friday. I remembered it was another teacher's unjustified holiday and assumed the kids were taking advantage by sleeping in. I left for work forgoing my morning coffee opting to pick one up at the drive through at the corner.

I was busy in my office doing my end of week sales summaries and other related paperwork when Kim texted me.

"Good morning, Daddy. How's your day going?"

"Boring, just paperwork today. No clients, probably lunch with the guys."

"I thought about what you said to me all night, Daddy."

"Did you reach any conclusions?"

"Yes, Daddy."

There was no text for a few minutes. I typed, asking the simple question, "And?"

Again a couple minutes passed. "I love you as my father. You are my Daddy and always will be."

"Great, I will always love being your daddy."

There was no immediate answer. After a few moments of staring at my screen, I figured we were done and I returned to my paperwork. It was difficult to focus. I was happy at her response but, even so, I was disappointed that there would be no more of our activities. But, at least the main relationship, the original one would live on.

Another text arrived about a half hour later. "Sorry, Daddy, Stacey was at the door and I couldn't finish."

Another text: "Daddy, I love you with all my heart."

"And, I love you with all my heart as well, Kim."

"Daddy, I really do want to be your woman. "

Before I could even begin to respond, she texted again. "Do you want me to be your woman, Daddy?"


"Will you teach me how to suck your cock, Daddy?"

"Oh, baby, you know I will."

"Daddy, I want you to lick my pussy."

"I will make you cum with my tongue, Babygirl."

"I have been rubbing myself while we have been texting. I just had an orgasm imagining your tongue spreading my pussy lips, licking my juices, and sucking on my clit. Daddy, you need to come home."

Just then, one of my colleagues rapped on my door and stuck his head in. "Lunch?" he asked.

I couldn't think of a way out of the weekly ritual. A way to de-stress after a week of wins and failures. A few jokes, a good meal, and a couple beer before heading to our respective homes for the weekend. Although I could think of another way, a better way, to de-stress, I had to go to lunch first. It was almost a command performance by our sales manager. Damn.

Finishing eating as quickly as I could, I was the first to stand up to leave. Wishing the guys all a good weekend, I was soon in my car and driving home as quickly as I could. When I got there, it was to find that no one was there.

I sent my daughter a text right away.

"Where are you?"

"I'm with Tracey. She has issues."

"Nothing new there. LOL. I'm home."

"I'll be there as soon as I can, Daddy."


I was disappointed that we had to wait even longer to be alone. I needed to hope she wasn't going out with her friends tonight. Since it was Friday, the six of them could have plans. If no plans, movie night! Yaaay!

Going up to change, I decided on a nap. Peeling down to my boxers I spread out on the bed and was soon sound asleep. I have always been able to remember my dreams. This one wasn't exceptional. It was about Kim, her five friends, and me on a sex charged weekend away. Dreaming of Maya's huge D cup breasts let me wake up with a hard on.

Maybe though, the hard on was a result of the female body lying across mine. My Babygirl was kissing my neck and her hands were running up and down my arms. Once, she knew I was awake, she gave me a deep passionate kiss.

Kissing her back and caressing her back, my arms drifted up and down. My favourite spot of the moment was her ass. I continually caressed those plump cheeks. I would push my little girl's cheeks together and then pull them apart. Over and over. I tried to reach the crack between her cheeks but the shorts Kim was wearing were too tight and stiff to allow that much flexibility. Kim was grinding on my cock, however. There was no doubt I was turned on as my prick was rock hard and locked between her soft thighs.

My little girl and I kept kissing each other. Our tongues were wrestling with each other taking turns in one mouth after the other. When we would pause to catch our breath, we could hear each other muttering "I love you," over and over again.

Finally, who knows how much later, Kim pulled back and propped herself up on her elbows. My hands stayed on her ass, just cupping her cheeks and continuing to squeeze.

"I hate to tell you this," Kim began, "but the girls will be here before too long. They're picking me up. We're going out for Chinese and then to our friend's house to celebrate her birthday."

I couldn't keep the disappointment from my face.

"Poor, Daddy," my daughter said to me. "I'll be home as early as I can and we'' get some alone time then." Although still disappointed, I knew I couldn't ask her to give up her social life or her friends. Our time together had to work around her school, her social life, and my job.

"Okay, baby," I said. "When are you leaving?"

"I have to go start getting ready." She gave me a final kiss and climbed off me. As my daughter walked away, I reached out and gave her a quick slap on the ass. I watched her jump and then walk away. There was no doubting she was putting some extra sway into her walk. I couldn't give up watching that ass!

I went to the kitchen, made a sandwich and grabbed a Pepsi before sitting down on the livingroom couch. I yelled out to come in when the girls knocked on the door.

They all came in and after exchanging pleasantries, Tracey asked me how they looked. All were clad in short and tight summer dresses. Maya grabbed my attention right off because of her small frame and D cup breasts. Her dress had a halter top to it and there was no way I could avoid looking at them.

Tracey preened in front of me. She and Kim had near identical figures as well as the shape and size of their tits. And, her tits were holding up her dress. Although my daughter was definitely more attractive in the face than her best friend, I couldn't not check out her body.

Beth, the attractive long red haired babe with B cup boobs. Smaller and perkier than some of the others. Still a gorgeous babe. As were Becky and Chastity.

Of course, I assured all of them of their absolute beauty and sexiness. They all smiled back at me. Tracey asked if Kim was still getting ready and once I nodded, she went upstairs with Beth and Becky following.

Chastity walked over to the couch and used her knee in my side to nudge me closer to the middle so she could sit down. Chastity was a full fledge flirt. I often heard Kim and Tracey referring to her as the Slut Princess. One leg tucked under her and the other on the floor, she asked again if she was sexy enough for me.

Nervously I looked around the room and noticed Maya arranging her body on the couch so she could be in the same position as Chastity. Kim and Tracey often commented on Maya's use of those tremendous tits of hers to turn guys on. With the two of them, one on each side of me, and my arms trapped between us, I was somewhat helpless. A wonderful sort of helplessness. My head was on a swivel checking out one set of boobs and then the other.

Chastity must have noticed I was spending more time looking into Maya's cleavage than at hers. She asked me, "Do you think this dress shows off my legs well?" Yup, she claimed my attention as I had to look down at her long legs. Her dress was so short that much of her thighs were on display. I thought I could see a hint of her panties as well.

I often teased all of Kim's friends. We would exchange quips and I was often called a dirty old man. This night, my focus on the bodies was so intense that I was pretty much speechless. Chastity took my hand and placed it on her thigh.

"Do you think my skin is soft enough, Rick?" asked Chastity. She took my hand and rubbed it back and forth on her leg from her knee to the hem of her dress.

Before a response formed in my head, Maya pushed her wonderful boobs into my shoulder while reaching for my other arm. She was mimicking Chastity's moves on her thigh, also asking if I thought they were soft. Even softer than Chastity's, Maya wanted to know.

This had gone way past our usual, casual flirting. These two girls were giving me a hard on. Starting to shake my head no, I pulled my hands away from these two young teases. If Kim had been upset with me when Tracey kissed me the other night, this situation would make her furious.

By now, the two girls had their hands on my chest rubbing it and were nuzzling into my neck.

"No, you two! Stop it! This isn't right."

There was no argument as the rest of the girls could be heard coming towards the stairs. These two jumped to their feet and adjusted their clothing.

Once the other three were standing around their friends, my attention was grabbed by my Babygirl. Looking at her, starting at her shoes, four inch heels, and moving upwards, I thought she was stunning and told her so. The other girls tittered and giggled at me.

Finally, I was able to shoo them out the door. I leaned back on the couch and emitted a sigh of relief. Of course, I was fondling my cock through my pants while sighing. That episode had been pretty intense and had surpassed anything we had done previously. I hoped my daughter wouldn't find out. She would be livid.

Some hours later, I heard Kim's car pull into the driveway. I was sitting downstairs in my sweats and t-shirt, reading and listening to tunes on the stereo. It was an R&B station that Kim liked on the radio. New country was my favorite but I was enjoying this music too.

Kim came down the stairs. I watched her four inch heels, then her legs appear as she slowly and carefully came down the stairs. More and more was revealed to me. Her smooth tummy, her attention gathering boobs, and finally her smiling face.

A thought crossed my mind and I had to laugh. "What's so funny?" my daughter demanded to know. I had to take a deep breath and get the laughter under control.

"I was thinking about Tracey. You..."

Kim interrupted me angrily. "Tracey! I'm standing in front of you in one of my sexiest outfits and you think of Tracey. What the fuck, Dad!" She was absolutely pissed with me. She would seldom use the f-bomb in front of me.

"It's not like that, baby," I spoke quickly, trying to calm her down.

"You know how you both look so alike through the body?"

Kim stood there with her arms crossed over beautiful, beautiful, chest, with her foot tapping, a fire in her eyes and a pout on her face.

"Once I saw your shoes revealed on the stairs, I couldn't be absolutely sure which of you was coming down the stairs until I saw your face."

No change in expression or stance. Kim's eyes were still glaring at me.

"Then, I thought that if it was Tracey coming down the stairs in those shoes, she would probably go ass over tea kettle and I would certainly know it was her."

Still looking up at Kim, I saw no immediate change of expression. Gradually, I saw it mellow and the corner of her mouth began to twitch. Kim's arms fell to her sides and a huge laugh bubbled out.

"You're so right!" said Kim. We both started to laugh uproariously. It went on a few minutes before the laughter began to soften. Kim walked the three steps to be in front of me and bent down to give me a hug. The top of her dress gaped open and I had a wonderful view of my daughter's tits. I could see right down to her nipples. The view was absolutely compelling.

Releasing the hug, Kim asked where her brother was. I told her he was staying the night at Jason's house. He'd be home by lunchtime tomorrow.

My daughter sat down on my lap with her knees spread on each side. It took only moments before my wang was starting to grow.

"How was your night out?" I asked.

"It was great," responded my little girl. "Lots of dancing." To illustrate her point she began to seductively sway her shoulders causing her tits to bounce a little.

"I would have liked to be there and see you dancing," I said. "I haven't seen you dance in a long time. Uncle Dean's wedding, I guess."

"I could dance for you, Daddy. Would you like that, Daddy?"

Without waiting for an answer, Kim pushed herself to her feet. Stepping back, she grabbed the remote and turned up the volume on the receiver.

Facing me again, I was staring at her as she began to sway her hips. I was fascinated watching her hips sliding side to side. My daughter ran her hands up and down her sides pretending to graze her tits. I was getting so turned on by my little girl that when she turned around and shook her ass at me, I was fully hard. Hands on her own ass, Kim was caressing it ever so sensuously. She leaned over, cocking that ass at me, and started twerking.

Oh my fucking god! My daughter was absolutely amazing.

Turning to face me again, her arms extended downwards, she reached for the hem of her skirt and swaying again began to pull her skirt up while continuing to sway her hips back and forth. Keeping one hand on the hem of her skirt, the other reached to her breasts. Kim cupped each breast and held it out towards me. Enthralled, I forced my gaze back up in order to see her entire body and her hands caressing every part of her.

Turning so her backside was to me again, she placed both hands on her ass, cupping those firm and strong cheeks. Again, she twerked but this time pulling her dress up and further up. Soon the hem, was above her waist and standing up straight, Kim pulled the dress over her head and off completely.

My chubby was standing as tall as it gets, jerking, and demanding action. I started to stroke it. Spinning around slowly I watched Kim's panty covered ass slip and sway past my staring eyes. Kim spun around, hands covering her tits, squeezing them, yet keeping them covered.

It was all so hypnotic. I couldn't have looked away even if I wanted to. My daughter's ass, her tits, again her ass, her tits, her ass. She took a step closer to me. I couldn't help myself. The next time it was on display for me, I reached up to Kim's ass. She stopped spinning.

With my daughter, swaying gently in front of me, I began to ease her panties down, down her legs and, when she lifted each foot, completely off her. My hands returned to her cheeks. I squeezed them. I pushed them together. I separated them so I could see my little girl's crack. Without any hesitation, I leaned forward. My hands moved up her body and around. I had to gently tug her backwards another step. I was able to get my hands on Kim's luscious tits. And her ass was directly in front of my face. I stuck out my tongue and took turns licking one cheek and then the other. Kim's tits were still in my hands and her nipples were fully engorged.

I still kept on licking my daughter's fine ass cheeks. I added licking the crack of her ass from top to bottom. Kim had goosebumps all over her naked body. I disengaged from her tits and gently indicated I wanted her to turn around.

My little girl kept saying, "Daddeee, daddeee, daddeee" over and over again. Reaching up, I again took her firm and luscious tits in my hands. I rained gentle kisses all over her stomach. Moving back to clutching her ass cheeks again, I pulled her closer to me. My tongue could reach from the bottoms of her tits and all over her stomach.

She jerked in surprise when my tongue entered her navel. I pushed my tongue in and sucked on it a little before pushing further south. I was licking her thighs, nibbling them, and kissing them as I moved lower and lower.

Kim grabbed my head and pulled it closer to her when she felt my tongue lick up and down the outside of her pussy. Gawd, but my daughter tasted so extremely sweet! I pushed between her outer labia and into her pussy as deep as I could.

My daughter was grinding her pussy against my face. I held her tightly so my tongue, energetic little devil that it was, could find her clit. The little pea was outside its hood and hard as my tongue focused on licking it and tantalizing it.

My little girl was getting more and more excited. There was no way my daughter's nipples could be any harder. She alternated between holding onto me for support and crushing her pussy against her face. I knew an orgasm was about to overwhelm her.