Mrs. Campbell's Citronella Candle

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Elderly widow's flame attracts the man next door.
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A story that is part Mature and part Romance.


Prospect Road is a dead end street just outside of Albany, New York, and at the end of the row of modest bungalows was the residence of Esther Campbell. Esther had lived in the same home for most of her 62 years, but since the passing of her husband Henry three years ago Esther had been there alone, The place, like its owner, had seen better days but it was paid for and Esther had no interest in packing up and moving at this stage of her life.

On every evening when weather permitted, after dinner the petite grey haired senior would step out to her tiny back porch where her rocking chair had been for decades, and there she would sit with a cocktail and look out to the woods which lined the back property lines the length of the road. The Campbells' had always feared that some developer would buy the land and build a new development but that had never happened so it remained as it had always been, a patch of nature which came alive at night. The sounds of the nocturnal creatures along with the sparkle of fireflies in season was much more interesting than reruns on TV to the elderly lady.

Esther had always lit a citronella candle to keep the biting insects away as well as a little beacon to any raccoons or skunks that might have been tempted to visit her as she gently rocked the evenings away, but in recent times that candle had served to attract a different kind of visitor, one of the two legged variety.

It hadn't been her plan for the man next door to slip over uninvited and socialize after dark, but when Andy North began to stop by Esther did nothing to discourage the visits. It was clear from the start that while Andy was married he was as lonely as the widow was, proving that you can live with someone and still feel alone. Esther never probed for information, but over time the 29 year old accountant opened up on his own.

Too much information? Esther thought so but she listened and consoled when Andy would tell her that his wife was having an affair with her boss, and when Andy told Esther what his soon to be ex-wife said after he confronted her the elderly lady's heart went out to him. Now it was just a case of Andy's wife waiting for her boss to dump his wife and she would be gone, off to a much nicer house where she would be taken care of by a much better man, or so Diane North claimed.

Esther thought Andy to be a very nice fellow, from what she knew of him. He was clean cut and boyish looking despite being on the cusp of 30, and while Andy might not have been the most manly of men he was a sweet and mild mannered man who appeared to be very considerate. Esther wasn't sure what Andy's wife was looking for, but she knew that a gal could do much worse than Andy North.

The last few visits Andy made got much more intense, and as for the previous evening, Esther was so embarrassed at the behavior that she was tempted to go down to the church for spiritual guidance. It hadn't been Andy's disturbing behavior so much as her own because she knew how boys were - even though Andy was 29 years old - but what she had done herself in retrospect was shocking to the widow.

Andy had made his attraction to Esther clear in both words and deeds, and while the elderly lady was flattered she was also confused. Esther had always taken care of herself but the fact was that she was more than twice the young man's age, and while they may be having problems, Diane North was a very attractive woman with the body of a gal in her 20's. The very petite silver haired Esther felt she looked every bit her age, no matter what the sweet talking neighbor said.

Esther had passed on stopping by church, but until the sun set she was determined to stay inside for once. Esther even hoped for rain, the one thing that kept her inside, but the evening was warm and inviting, too inviting for Esther who found herself back on the porch with a vodka and club soda. She lit the candle and as she looked over at the North's house Esther hoped Andy had come to his senses overnight like she had, though she knew in her heart that if she didn't want his company she would have stayed inside and not lit the candle.

Hearing the familiar creaking of the screen door as it opened, Esther didn't have to look to know that Andy North was walking over in his pajamas and slippers, the solitude of their properties at the bottom of the dead end street giving them a degree of solitude that permitted such things, and as the scuffing of his feet got louder she reflexively clutched the top of her bathrobe together while her heart raced.

"The irresistible lure of Mrs. Campbell's candle," Andy chirped happily as he did every night he stopped by while waiting for Esther's reply, but on this night she broke with custom and didn't say something about how the candle was supposed to discourage pests butinstead just smiled nervously and said hello.

"Wasn't sure whether I would be welcome here again," Andy shrugged.

"Look dear, I think what happened was just a case of two lonely people..."

"Please don't tell me that you're sorry," Andy interrupted as he said down at the top step of the porch, right next to Esther's feet. "I could tell that you enjoyed what we did."

"I think I made my cocktail too strong.," Mrs. Campbell mumbled.

"And I meant what I said about us moving in together after Diane serves me with the papers," the young man insisted. "We can move in together, either your place or mine, and if you feel badly about living in sin we can get married."

"Andy honey, can you imagine what people would say about that? I'm old enough to be your mother," Esther reminded him before shuddering when she felt his hand on the bare skin of her leg just above her ankle socks.

"I don't care. After all these months of talking and getting to know you, I love you so much it hurts when I have to leave each night."

"I'm very fond of you Andy. You're the sweetest fellow I know."

"I want you to take me inside so we can make love," Andy blurted out.

"I've told you many times that I'm not a homewrecker," Esther said, and after he reminded her that he had no home left to break she was adamant. "Still, you would be cheating on your wife. Regardless of what she's done to you, it's not right."

"What about what we did last night?" Andy asked as he lightly rubbed Esther's shin.

"That was wrong."

"Your legs are so smooth," Andy deflected as his hand glided up to her knee and back down.

"When you get as old as I am, the hair stops growing," Esther replied as the hand went up and down like it had the night before.

"Diane started going to the beauty parlor to get waxed. Everything from the neck down," Andy admitted. "I told her it looks horrible but she said she didn't care what I thought because Connor wanted her that way."

"Honey, please..." Esther pleaded as the hand went up to her knee, causing that side of the robe to fall to the side.

"I was so happy to find out last night that you aren't that silly," Andy added as he lightly squeezed the petite woman's skinny thigh. "Are you not wearing panties like last night?"

"Andy!" Esther hissed as she looked over to the North's house which was still dark. "What if Diane should see us?"

"So if she did I'll tell her. I'll tell the world that I love you," Andy declared as his hand went further up, and when he discovered that his neighbor was again naked under the robe he moaned with pleasure as his fingers raked through Esther's pubic hair. "You have a lot of pubic hair, don't you? I love that so much. My Mom was like that too."

"What?" Esther mumbled as she set her glass on the table because her hand was shaking so much the drink was splashing out of the tumbler. "Oh my."

"So soft, and just like last night you're a little wet down here," Andy noted as his finger slid along the insides of her labia, and perhaps involuntarily the woman eased towards the edge of the rocker that had become motionless. "Let's go inside."

"Can't. Mustn't," Esther insisted because she knew her will was weak and her desire growing stronger with each of her neighbor's visits.

"Is it because last night I showed you how small my penis is?" Andy retorted. "I know Diane is that superficial but I hoped you were different. I would try really hard to pleasure you and I know I would make you happy."

"It has nothing to do with your - you know - and fellas always make too much of that sort of thing," she managed to say, and as the widow recalled her shock the night before when he had dropped his pajama bottoms and showed her his erection she lied and added, "and it's not all that small regardless Andy."

"Diane said..."

"I don't care what Diane says," Esther said as she squirmed, realizing that this night was going just like the night before and she was powerless to stop it. "And for your information I was married to the most wonderful lover for over 30 years and he was not built much differently than you."

"Really?" Andy asked, and the elderly woman confirmed the lie with a nod while holding onto the arms of the chair for dear life.

"Besides, I haven't been with anyone since Hank passed so with no activity down there for so long I'm afraid I would get split in two if I ever tried to have intercourse with you or anybody else."

"But I thought you told me that you pleasured yourself?"

"I do, but not with anything but my finger," Esther choked out as the finger began to probe.

"You don't have a vibrator, or a dildo?" he asked, and the older woman looked at him like he was insane.

"I would be gentle," Andy promised as he tried to peek under the robe which was parted up around her upper thighs, the incredibly pungent scent making the hair on Andy's neck stand up. "I will be gentle. I know we will make love soon. I loved watching you orgasm last night - holding onto to the arms of the chair with your face like you were on a roller coaster. Want to see that again. Cum for me Esther."

Esther was unable to speak as the lad's fingers danced inside her, and she shifted when his touch was missing the mark to correct it. Soon she was whimpering, her legs spread wide open as she submitted to Andy, and when her orgasm came she nearly slid out of the chair as her petite body convulsed wildly.

"No honey - no more," Esther finally said after she calmed down and found his finger still inside her, and after he reluctantly pulled it out he brought the wet digit to his lips and began to suckle on it loudly.

"I want to go down on you Esther," Andy said but she shook her head no briskly, getting a sad puppy dog look in return.

"Stand up honey," Esther responded, and the young man scrambled to his feet and assumed a position at her side.

The elderly woman could see the tent that had formed in the front of his pajamas, and despite her better judgement unsnapped the bottoms and carefully lowered them to his knees, glancing towards Andy's house as she did while the married man shifted his weight from side to side.

Andy's penis was pointing at her, actually up over her head because of the way the prong curled upwards, and because she was prepared for what she was seeing she remained placid, smiling as she looked up at Andy who was watching her excitedly.

"Always so hard," Esther sighed as she looked at the pale arching penis which was not much larger than her thumb, an organ which Andy's wife had told her she could not feel when he entered her, and while there was no contesting that Andy was not very well developed it wasn't like he had any control over that.

Besides, Esther mused to herself as she brought her hand up to him, Diane had married the guy knowing full well everything about him so she was just being cruel. Esther's fingers surrounded the base of Andy's stem, the skin smooth because it seemed the fellow had shaved most of the tiny patch of hair around his dick in a futile effort to make it look bigger.

As Esther leaned over she happened to notice something she had missed the night before but happened to see because of the way his tool was curved and the candlelight being at a different angle. She brought her hand underneath the penis and instead of taking hold of it she cupped his wrinkled hairless scrotum in her palm, and it was striking to the elderly woman how large Andy's balls were, especially compare to the rest of him.

"These are so full of your seed Dear," Esther exclaimed as she rolled the meaty orbs in her palm, and when she heard Andy moan she asked, "Does this feel good to you?"

"Oh yes!" Andy chirped.

"Not hurting you am I?"

"Omigod no," Andy insisted as he squirmed when the tiny hand started to squeeze and knead the pouch, causing a bead of pre-cum to leak out of the gumdrop head.

"Last night when you - you know - ejaculated?" Esther heard herself asking, cursing her lack of restraint that she had promised to show. "I was stunned at how much you had. I used to pleasure my Henry and it was never like that. You kept squirting into my mouth so much."

"That's because you sucked my dick so great and I was so horny for you. Way better than Diane used to. I would rather have cum in your pussy though," he suggested but got a cross look in return.

"This will have to suffice Andrew," Esther informed him using her most tone.

"Mom used to call me Andrew when she was mad at me," Andy told her just before his dick disappeared in his neighbor's mouth, and just like last night Esther didn't move her lips up and down the modest organ but just wrapped her lips tightly around the base and began to suckle on it hard like it was indeed a thumb. "Oh no - not yet - I'm going to cum!"

This night Esther was ready for the barrage that followed Andy's warning and what didn't trickle out the sides of her mouth went down her throat without a problem. Unlike the previous night however, the widow kept sucking after he went soft, even grabbing his butt and pulling him close as she sucked away.

"Esther..." Andy's whimpered as he ran his hands through her silver locks. "I came."

Esther fought back a laugh at the thought she hadn't noticed his copious orgasm, some of which was hanging on her chin. For whatever reason she kept her mouth on the spent peanut, determined to bring it back to life. She took one hand off Andy's ass and used it on his balls, doing everything but twisting them into a knot, and after her neighbor had spread his legs a bit she moved her hand around from his balls and up between his buttocks.

"Esther? What?" the young man mumbled, but his words were cut off when the elderly lady's wrinkled index finger not only found his anus but penetrated it, forcing him to grab the back of Esther's rocking chair to keep balance.

A minute later Andy was cumming again even though his dick was only half hard, but he spurted a healthy load into Esther's mouth and he finally had to pull the woman off him when she showed no signs of stopping.

"I'm sorry Andy," Esther said as she looked up at her neighbor who was responsible for all the semen on her chin and the front of her robe. "I don't know what I am but I'm not a very nice person."

"You're great Esther!" Andy insisted as he knelt to hug and kiss her, and as they embraced he leaned over to the silver haired lady's ear and whispered. "When the divorce becomes final you'll invite me in so we can do what we both want to do,won't you?"

"Yes Andy," Esther heard herself say, and she barely got the words out before the young man's lips covered hers, kissing her with a passion she hadn't experienced since she was young.

I can't wait," Andy answered as he stood up. "Tomorrow night?"

"Lord willing," Esther replied, and as she watched the boy go back to his home the senior wondered whether she would have the nerve if Andy was actually serious.


Summer passed and as fall arrived Esther spent fewer evenings outside while the temperatures dropped. Andy would still come over whenever she lit the candle and they would do what they always did. The elderly woman grew to savor the taste of her young stallions seed whenever he stopped by and many nights while half-watching TV she wished that she could just let him inside, but she resisted because she thought it would be immoral.

"You must be losing it Esther," she told the TV set one night while thinking of Andy. "Talking morals when you've done things to him already, but hell. Clinton said it wasn't sex so..."

One morning in October Esther was making coffee when she glanced over to the door and saw something had been slipped under it. After she got up to retrieve it she unfolded what seemed like some sort of legal paper and felt her heart race, and while she didn't read the entire decree the front page told it all.


Soon after the sun went down Esther went out to her rocker and lit her candle, wrapped up in her heaviest bathrobe in an attempt to ward off the evening chill and hoped that Andy would look over quickly because she was freezing. The candle had barely started to burn when she saw the shadowy figure cut across the yard, and when she saw the beaming face of the young man who was carrying flowers she couldn't help but smile.

"Did you?" Andy started to say before Esther cut him off and motioned for him to come inside with her.

"This is just like I'd pictured your home," Andy said as Esther put the flowers in a vase. "So neat and quaint with everything neat as a pin."

"Not much else for me to do all day," Esther told him, and after she looked at the flowers she cooed, "They're beautiful honey. You shouldn't have spent your money though."

"Diane is gone," Andy said softly and Esther nodded, mouthed the words "I know" and then held out a weathered hand to the young man who offered his sweaty one.

"This way," Esther said and with that she made her way down the hallway to her bedroom on legs that felt like rubber, and when they got there she stood by the bed looking at Andy whose eyes seemed to be filling up.

"Be kind," Esther said softly in a voice so shaky she didn't know if he could hear, and then she did what was the most difficult thing she could remember doing. letting the bulky robe fall off her and then squirming so her plain white nightie, which hung on her these days, slipped off her bony shoulders and went to the carpet.

Esther stood there naked, and while there was a time 40 years or so ago when she would have posed there proudly the senior knew what time had done. She was aware how her breasts no longer stood out straight but hung downward in a concession to age and gravity, and even though her doctor urged her to gain a few pounds there was that soft tummy sitting there. This in front of a young man who - despite it all - was used to looking at a woman not much beyond her teenage years.

If young Andy North noticed any of these things there was no sign of that because he had already shed his clothes and his level of excitement was plain to see as he came over to Esther and hugged her.

"You're even more perfect than I had imagined," Andy said as he brought her down to the bedding, and the rest was a blur to the senior until the room spun and her orgasm made her cry out like she hadn't in decades.


The sun was coming up when Esther awoke, and as her head cleared she remembered what had taken place, which explained why the senior was resting at Andy's North's hip eye level with the young man's penis, whose modest endowment when limp was even more startling and slightly disconcerting than it was erect. The ache between Esther's legs told another story, a testimony to Andy's endurance and excitement, and then there was that taste in her mouth.

Esther had told Andy that after all his fevered lovemaking, despite her mind being willing her body was not used to such activity and she was starting to hurt, so she pleasured him the way she had all summer, and that was how they feel asleep.