Mrs. Hardison Ch. 04


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"Mr. Duarte," she commands with absolute superiority. "I require you for a social function this Friday evening. I will arrange transportation for you at seven thirty five. It is a black tie affair. You will be expected to perform the normal functions; this is an unpaid activity." I rise up and look at Mrs. Hardison.

"Of course Mrs. Hardison," I respond. Mrs. Hardison turns and strides away like the Queen of her Domain and a wonderful stride it is too.

When she is out of earshot Sadri whistles,

"So that's your mistress," she snickers. "That's a real tiger you have there, Tiger Cub."

"Who says I'm not the one in charge?" I lay on the false bravado.

"Eddie that was the clearest case of a girl marking her territory I've ever seen. You are her bitch and she wants everyone to know it," Sadri explains.

"The Bitch's bitch; how does that work?" I scoff.

"Usually with a strap-on," she grins wildly which makes me groan, sit down and put my head on my desk. "I have to ask you something; why did she choose you?" she asks.

"Fuck," I groan once more, "does no one believe I'm sexually irresistible?" Sadri finds that hysterical.

"Eddie, you are a nice guy, but hardly what a girl wishes for when she wants to get hammered all night long. You are the type of guy a girl calls up when her boyfriend has dumped her and she wants someone to hold while she eats ice cream and watches sappy movies," she instructs me.

"Why didn't you hit on me after your break up then?" I counter.

"Oh, I was going to but I wanted you to finish your sensitivity training first then you got shot and now you've been marked for death by the Queen Bitch so I guess we aren't going to happen," she smiles compassionately.

"Well thank you for that; you and I getting complicated is the last thing I need," I sigh.

"And the best thing yet is that this still doesn't answer the question of which woman shot you Eddie," she adds. "I swear I should get hazard pay just for working next to you."

"Funny like a crutch Sadri now let's finish up these last few calls and go home. I feel like crying into my pillow tonight," I groan.

(Wednesday evening)

I'm working my way through some Chicken Parmesan when Gloria comes gliding into the place. There is not bustling around the living room or standing in the doorway looking at me; she walks up behind me and wraps her around me from behind as she likes to do.

"Smells good," she sighs breathlessly to me.

"Does this mean all is forgiven?" I hope.

"Not a chance," she whispers softly into my back.

"So, are you going to call in sick for our date?" she then inquires.

"I don't have the proper suit," I divert the question.

"It is in your closet," she says in an exasperated tone. "Haven't you looked at any of the clothes I bought you?"

"Not really; I am still uncomfortable with you buying me things. I wanted our relationship to be on a more even keel," I explain.

"Do you want to spend more time with me?" she asks.

"Yes, of course," I answer.

"Then wear the clothes and go out with me," she tells me. I hate her logic because now I feel like I'm abusing our relationship.

"What am I going to have to do Friday now besides shut up and look pretty," I accept my fate.

"Talk up people Eddie. You are a lot better at it than I am. As I told you when I first assigned you your latest project, you know people and they like you. You take the cold hard facts I know about my department and make them presentable," she outlines and I am yet again reminded how her mind works; nothing goes to waste.

"So you were going to use me this way all along?" I question her.

"As I said, from the moment I gave you your new assignment I was looking at this. I knew you were strong were I was weak. You have real passion Eddie where I am cold and demanding at both work and at home. I have to have you living by my rules but I can't stand the idea of losing you," she tells me as she turns me around and looks up into my eyes.

"You are such a bitch," I respond to her but with more compassion than heat. She can't help what she is and for years it has worked for her. Now she finds this annoying inconvenience in her life and she's totally unprepared for it. I go back to dinner and she preempts me by kissing me before I ask. As she compliments me on the meal and helps me put the dishes away I ask her.

"When you get over being angry with me I'm going to make love to you for twenty-four hours straight," I state casually.

"Be prepared for a long wait," she says haughtily.

"I'll give you until Saturday," I reply. Gloria thinks about it but says nothing.

(Friday evening)

Gloria isn't kidding; at the Gala function being stuck next to her is considered the kiss of death. Finally one woman, a trophy wife of some bigwig, decides to talk with me and we hit it off famously. We abandon any thought of highbrow talk and concentrate on Entertainment Weekly and People magazine as well as a handful of popular blogs. I make a stand against political discussions; I'm still trying recover from my gun wound after all. That earns me some laughs.

"Is it true you were found wounded in a room with a woman?" one of my new female friends questions playfully.

"Didn't she shoot you?" a man asks. I wonder how people learn about this stuff.

"I prefer to think of it as defending a woman's honor," I grin rakishly. Gloria takes that moment to wrap an arm in my arm.

"Gloria, was it your honor this young man was defending?" a co-worker asks.

"I would hope if he was defending my honor he would have been doing the shooting not getting shot," Gloria smiles evilly.

"Well, I can't tell you how scary it is to shoot another person but I can't recommend being shot," I chuckle.

A few of the women are forward enough to rub my wounded shoulder and tell me how brave I am. The 'defending a woman's honor' line doesn't cause me any harm either. When Gloria and I split off to get some drinks I feel Gloria's gaze on me.

"Gloria, is there something wrong?" I ask.

"Other women find you attractive Edward," she says evenly then I realize she's never seen me work a room. I'm hell at parties but it is something I've always been good at.

"There is only one woman I'm interested," I squeeze her hand. I can't imagine it is insecurity but more a matter of our surroundings and a concern about me.

"Mr. Duarte," I hear Joyce Cook's voice. "Mrs. Hardison." We turn and look at her together. Were Gloria looks elegant in a strapless black full length gown, Joyce is dressed in a halter topped silver gown which is molded to her curves. I pity the married men in the audience.

"It is good to see you both here today," she tells us.

"It is more surprising to see you here Ms. Cook," Gloria says with a hint of steel.

"I have a very true friend I wanted to see," she smiles back. Ouch.

"I think Mrs. Hardison and I need to be getting some drinks," I hurriedly say. "It is nice to see you Ms. Cook." I drag Gloria away not because I'm afraid of either woman doing anything but of people noticing the stand-off.

"How dare she even talk to you?" Gloria seethes.

"You win by doing nothing Gloria," I whisper. "There is nothing between us." She doesn't look at me but she squeezes my hand. We get drinks and head back to our little crowd. I notice a skilled operator drawing Gloria's attention away while another man approaches me.

"Hi; I'm Roland Iverson. I'm not sure we've met before," he gives me a false smile. Mind you, I have no idea who this guy is but his little game is getting under my skin. "You are Edward Duarte, Executive Assistant Director of Special Projects. What is it that you do exactly?"

"It is a new position Mrs. Hardison has created to implement her new streamlining initiatives," is all I can come up with since I have no idea who he thinks I really am. I am so full of bullshit.

"Mr. Duarte, what are you and Director Iverson discussing?" Gloria says serenely. Director? Oh fuck! Why can't any peons pick on me?

"Oh, he was giving me a hint of your new streamlining initiatives Gloria," Iverson responds cautiously.

"I'm seeing what works in Administration before going to the Board with my results," Gloria answers. Technically she isn't lying; my recent project is a streamlining measure.

"I look forward to your report," Iverson nods before slipping away.

"What was that about?" I ask her softly.

"Don't worry about it. That was the Director in charge of New Product Development," she whispers, "snooping around for information."

"Why does he think I'm anything but a cubicle grunt?" I respond beneath the level of conversation.

"Don't worry about it," she pats my arm. We go back to the function and though I know Gloria is bored out of her mind she keeps us there for several hours. Only when we are driving home does she turn to me and smile.

"That was my most productive function in some time Eddie," she confides in me.

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself," I smile.

"One or two functions like this and I'll make VP of Operations then I'll crush Joyce Cook so hard she can't get job as a garbage collector," she gloats.

"Huh?" I mutter.

"Eddie, I am going to make her pay for you and for Vance," Gloria says vindictively. "Trust me; she will never hurt anyone ever again."

"Stop the car," I insist. When she seems reticent to do so, I open the door anyway. She stops before I find out what rolling from a moving car feels like.

"Eddie," she hisses. I get out and look back into the car.

"I'm walking home. Learn how to not fuck up a good time by going nuts over a lady who clearly isn't in her right mind," I snap then slam the door. I cover half a block before she finally moves the car.

When I get home Gloria is on the sofa waiting for me. She gets up and meets me in the hallway.

"How dare you stand up for her," she growls over my stand with Joyce.

"I have to live this life by your rules but I don't have to like it. If you are going to treat me like shit I love you enough keep going," I express sadly. "Now you have nothing to say I want to hear so get out of my way, I'm going to bed."

"You don't get off that easy," Gloria persists.

"Gloria, you disappoint me," I sigh. I couldn't have had more effect if I've slapped her. She sputters as I step around her. I'm almost in my room when she catches up with me.

"I don't need your approval!" she snaps.

"I know. I don't care. Go away," I respond then shut the door.

"Don't you dare," she states coldly as she opens up the door behind me. I get ready for bed.

"Talk away; I'm not obliged to listen," I respond idly. Gloria trembles as the realization hits her. She can throw me out and win this one victory. My only tool is our love, she has all the other cards just the way she likes it.

Gloria is smart enough to not argue. I've got her; she's got one option left. She goes to bed only to return early the next morning. Her presence wakes me up once more.

"You can't treat me this way," she says in a distant voice.

"Don't let this eat you up then Gloria. I can't protect from yourself if you fight me on this hate," is my exhausted reply. I can tell this is not what she wants to hear.

"Let me slide in next to you," she asks in a manner that tells me she hasn't had much sleep too.

"No," I mutter.

"No?" she mutters.

"I would rather sleep in your bed; it smells like you and I can't think of any place I'd rather be," I respond.

"Do you have to win every argument tonight?" she sighs.

"Only the ones that help me get closer to you," I comfort her as I get out of my bed and go down the hall to her room.


I lie down with her leg raised up in a triangle, knee up and fool resting on her knee. I rest there looking into her pussy at the moment of arousal. I run a finger along crest of her lips, right at the opening. She is moist, but not wet; that is to come. My finger moves along, up and down, until she becomes damp enough to draw a steady line along the lips.

At this point her lips begin to puff out and darken and I get her first muscular reactions. My next path brought out the first droplets of true juice and it slowly coats the tip of my finger. It is a warm lubricant that I edge up to her semi-engorged clit, running that finger along her until I circle to the top and leaves a perfect pearl of her fluid on tip glistening there in the light.

I blow on that chosen point and Gloria moves her head off my cock long enough to sigh. It had been a long time since she'd given a blowjob -- fifteen years at least -- and she was taking it easy because of that. As my own activities were heightening her arousal she began messing up a little, sucking too hard or touching with teeth.

In the current state of our relationship I am hardly going to criticize her technique. She is trying and is showing real passion as well as her incredible ability to learn quickly. By the time I let my tongue touch her slit for the first time she is learning to bob up and down and stimulate with the her tongue at the same time.

I slip one finger in on each side labia, pulling her lips apart so I can dip my tongue in deeper. Surprisingly the trembling of my weaker arm causes Gloria to moan. I begin to studiously tongue-fuck, causing her to twirl her hips and push down on me. She gets me back by pulling enough of my cock into her so that it touches the back of her throat. Gloria gags but I can feel her smiling at me as I gasp.

We are serenading one another sexually for some time before a combination of Gloria's attentiveness and my own fatigue has me warning her I'm about to cum.

"Aaahhh, what do I do?" she panics.

"I can shoot on your chest," I suggest.

Gloria hesitates then I feel her suction latch onto my head once more. She doesn't take much in but the touch is enough to make my body stretch like a bow and shoot down her throat. She chokes and sputters but keeps sucking until my body returns to my control.

"Thank you," I gasp as I take a peek down to where she's licking her lips and looking oh-so proud of herself.

"Put that tongue back to work," she purrs and I hasten to obey.

Finished, we are laying back in bed my head resting on her stomach as she rubs her finger along my forehead to the bridge of my nose when Gloria rocks her hips and asks me,

"Where do we stand?"

"I think we are stronger; you have forgiven me a bit more and I understand how much you really care for me," I try to explain.

"I wish sex would somehow make everything better," she sighs wistfully.

"No you don't; you are far too smart for that, Gloria. You want things to make sense and that is something I love about you," I point out. "You don't throw your body at problems; you reward your body when you solve problems."

"What about you?" she asks. I stifle a quip and think about my reply.

"Do you doubt for a second I'm a better man for having known you?" I answer.

"No, but it is good to hear you say it," she murmurs happily.


I come in and find Sadri standing in our shared cubicle. I am about to joke to her about getting to work when I realize that that we have no chairs to sit down in. That's not so bad because we also have no phones and not computer stations to work from. We've been vacated.

"Eddie, what the hell did you do to the Bitch because this is the weirdest form of pink slip I've ever seen?" Sadri jokes poorly.

"Hold on," I tell her. I slip over to a co-worker's phone and call Kelly in facilities and see if she knows what's going on.

"Yeah, we came in at seven and moved you up to 542," she tells me. Wow, that's a floor up I think. "Where is Sadri Gupta?"

"She's in the same office," Kelly chuckles. "I think you've been promoted."

"Thanks Kelly. If you need anything let me know," I say before I sign off. "Sadri, come on; we have a new office."

"Weeee!" Sadri sings out. "I'm not fired!" After a moment she adds, "And it's good you have a job too."

On the fifth floor we make our way to 542 which turns out to be a small converted conference room, but it is still heads-and-shoulders above what we have started. Most fantastically there is someone working on the door.

"Executive Assistant Director of Special Projects" is being stenciled on the door.

Sadri looks it over, sets herself up and comes back to the door.

"Is that you or me, and if it is me, where is my raise?" she snickers.

"I think it is me," I groan.

"No raise, eh?" she sighs. "Well, we still have work to do."

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Hugo999Hugo9994 months ago

Still enjoying this series thx

Diecast1Diecast14 months ago

Nice story, next chapter. AAAAA+++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

While the first 2 were not anything groundbreaking, they were good enough. 3 and 4 are a big WTF moment. The story is all over the place, A LOT of things make no sense. And while Gloria's personality was kinda cute and interesting, now I feel like I'd avoid her like plague if she was real. Don't just write for the sake of it.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Bonkers bug I like it. 5⛤

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