Mrs. Yates' Trek

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Officer's wife treks to reunion with her husband goes awry.
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"Look, lady. If you want to get over the mountains, I'm your only option."

I looked at the kid, he was tall and lanky, wiry rather than muscular, bad haircut, and was young. Not bad looking, but not my type.

"How old are you?" I asked.


I had six years on him.

"Why aren't you in the army?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but I intend to sign up once I get you to the garrison on Timber River. That's where your husband is. He's an officer. I figure that if I transport his ever so pretty wife to him, safe and sound without a scratch, he'll be ever so grateful, he'll enlist me as something higher than a private and will ensure that I see some action."

I couldn't argue with his reasons, still, he seemed so young and inexperienced.

"Those are valid points Mr..."

"Devon Thatcher, Ma'am."

"Mr. Thatcher, I appreciate your eagerness, but you are rather young."

"I'm a man! In every way that counts. I may not be as old as you or even other trailblazers, but I was raised in these hills. I know all the trails and all the dangers. Who knows how many snipers and enemy scouts are still crawling over them? Why it is so important for you to get to the garrison so fast in the first place, Ma'am?"

"Hamilton needs me. He's a Captain. We have been apart for nearly a year. The new fort now has excellent officer's quarters, so there is a place for me by his side, where I belong. I miss him desperately as well. There is a general peace around Timber River. Hamilton feels I will be safer there."

"Sure, lady provided you are not captured or killed trekking through the mountains to make it that far. The Blue Backs are not known for their gentility."

"By the time I got Hamilton's letter, it was too late for me to join the convoy."

"Yeah, every able-bodied man is involved in mopping up operations. The older guys are maintaining the rear guard, and the old men are sitting on their porches telling everyone that if they were younger, they'd show us all how to do it properly."

That got a chuckle out of me.

"What it boils down to, Mrs. Officer's wife is that your pickings for an escort over the mountains are slim to none. I'm the slim one."

He gestured towards his lean frame.

"Why didn't you join the convoy?"

"My horse needed reshoeing and I figured there would be stragglers and thus a large payday to get the stragglers where they wanted to go."

"My but aren't you the bright one."

"Obviously! This is as good a time as any to state my fee. Three hundred. Half now. Half when we get to the Timber River garrison."

"As much as that?"

"It's a seller's market lady. There are a few other stragglers and more money for me if I take more people. But. Your husband's an officer. He'll be happy to pay me that much again upon receipt of blonde five three or four-foot pretty you. Best parcel he'll ever receive in the post."

I didn't like the way his eyes lingered on me as he spoke the second sentence.

"It's not about the money."

"Then what is the problem?"

"How do I know that I can trust, you?"

His head tipped back, and he laughed.

"I have no designs on you, lady. I want to get to that fort your husband's stationed at as much as you do. It strikes me that shepherding one straggler is easier than two or a larger group. We'll make better time that way. As for my background, my father was sheriff here for a number of years. My uncle is in the militia. Between errands for the two of them, hunting trips, and logging expeditions, I'm as familiar with these hills as anyone in the valley. I can survive there like nobody else and I am a crack shot. If you would like to read the letter of recommendation my uncle wrote for me to give to the commander of whatever regiment I end up joining, be my guest."

He reached into his satchel and removed a document wrapped in leather and oilskin. The letter was effusive about his nephew's honesty, fortitude, marksmanship, and military bearing. His uncle was only a master sergeant and not an officer, still, it was an impressive testimonial. I swallowed my doubts.

"Very well, Mr. Thatcher. I accept your offer. My name is Maria, Mrs. Hamilton Yeats. The army has packed up most of my belongings. They will be sent out with the next convoy in a month or so. After being apart for so long, I simply can't wait that long to see Hamilton once more and be in his arms. I will return to my home and get you your money and the things I will need for the journey."

"With luck, we can shave a day or two off that."

"Splendid. I'll be back in three hours."

"Make it two, so that we can make headway while it's daylight."


I hurried home. Fortunately, most of my things were already packed. I told Mrs. Mayes, the woman who cleans for us, as I handed her her final payment, that I would send word if I discovered that I had overlooked something. I promised to pay her postage in advance if anything needed to be shipped. I took the money I would pay Devon and slid it into my bodice. The rest of the money Hamilton had provided I hid in the secret compartment of the largest bag. I walked around my now-empty living room and savored the memories. Here was where the General sat when he came to dinner. This is where Hamilton's medal for valor was displayed. Here stood the easy chair where I often slid onto my husband's lap while he was reading. For a scandalous amount of time when I did this, I wore nothing under my petticoat! The memories were all good. And soon, I would be back in his arms! I felt positively tingly!

There were very few goodbyes as most of the other officers' wives had left with the convoy. If Hamilton's letter had not been delayed, I would have been among them. It was all academic now. I closed my front door behind me, picked up my ever-so-heavy bags, and scurried to the departure point.

Devon met me halfway. I was so grateful when my arms were unburdened. I put down my bags and withdrew the money from my bodice. I didn't like the way Devon paid rapt attention as I did so. I chose to ignore his unwanted glances. I could now move much faster. I was on the edge of losing my breath as we arrived at the departure depot. Three horses stood tethered in a line. The trailing horse was laden with bundles and a trailing cart. Devon secured my bags in the cart, mounted the leading horse, and spurred him into motion. We headed toward the setting sun. I thought the landscape of hills and forest quite beautiful.

We passed the limits of town, the tanner's works, the night soil man's sieves, and the militia checkpoint. Here I showed my husband's letter and Devon his pass, with a salute from the militiamen we were in the wilderness. It was hard not to consider what had transpired in these hills. The Blue Backs had come out of the west and tried to take the great fertile valley. My beloved Hamilton had seen action on the western periphery. It was a hard-fought conflict, but the Republic had held. Devon's warning me about Blue Back stragglers in these hills and beyond was quite legitimate. I took comfort in the weapons he carried. Surely, I wished the man leading me to my husband had more experience, but I took some comfort in the letter he had shown me. I felt he was competent enough. I also know that these hills would be the most precarious part of the journey. The Fertile Valley had been purged. These hills were the only place enemies could seek cover as they snaked their way west, creating mayhem as they did so. I was glad that we would be out of these hills in a few days. The Fertile Valley was mostly grassland and sloped gently to Timber River. It would be easy to cross. I've heard that the valley is quite pretty with charming villages of settlers and farmers. The first hours after sunset turned out to be quite uneventful. The sky darkened, crickets and frogs burst into song, and a chill set in.

Devon stopped the train to collect a blanket and wrap it around me.

"We'll stop in an hour or so. I hope you like my cooking."

"I am hungry. I only had a light breakfast."

True to his word, he set up camp a short time later. He made me wait until he had a fire going before he allowed me to stride off into the darkness to answer nature's call. I use water from the canteen he supplied me with to wash up afterward. Already he had something cooking in a pot. It smelled scrumptious! He set up a little tent and placed a bedroll inside.

"Where will you sleep?" I asked.

"On the ground."

"You, poor dear."

"I'm a woodsman, lady!" he said as though I had insulted him. A moment later her smiled and said,

"Dinner should be ready."

Whatever it was, it was quite good. He offered to share his whiskey. I politely declined and stuck to water. The trip left me weary and a bit saddle sore. I could not wait to go to bed. I performed my evening ablutions and crawled into the tent. I laced the flaps closed and partly undressed. I retained my shift after I had removed everything else. I even unrolled and removed my stockings. I disliked wearing clothes to bed. With Hamilton, I usually slept in the raw. I slid into the bedroll, and I was dead to the world almost immediately.

The sound of Devon banging on a pot with a wooden spoon woke me. I poked my head out of the tent.

"We need to get moving Mrs. Yates. I'll have coffee ready post haste."

I put on a new dress, combed my hair as best as I could, and made my way out to the fire. The coffee was hot, black, and bitter. Not at all how I like it. The eggs and bacon went down easier and were well-cooked. I washed my hands and face in a nearby stream. We mounted up and started off again. We followed the streambed for a few miles. The morning mist burned off. It promised to be a hot day.

I lost track of time as I swayed in the saddle. Judging by the angle of the sun, it was very late in the day. Our train of horses came to a stop.

"You have to dismount Mrs. Yates. I need to water the horses."

I complied and stood in the shade by the water's edge. I was still drowsy.

A hand appeared behind a bush. Before I had time to scream, A huge man stepped out of the shadows. He grabbed me and placed his body close to mine. "What have we here?" I could smell the liquor on his breath as he placed the point of the dagger against my throat.

"A filly," said another voice. It belonged to a stout bearded man with a livid scar on his forehead, "And a right pretty one at that."

"Take your hands off me!" I cried.

"Now why would you want us to do that, darlin'?" said the man holding me. His left hand squeezed my breast. It was disgusting.

"I told you I would deliver prime goods!" it was Devon Thatcher's voice!

"Devon?" I asked.

"Did you think I was interested in enlisting -- on your side! Hardly!"

"But I thought...."

"Exactly what I wanted you to think."

"You are a disgusting boy!"

"I'm a man Mrs. Yates. In every way that counts."

The man holding me spoke next,

"How much did she give you upfront Dev?"

"One-hundred-fifty. She's got at least that much hidden somewhere in her baggage. If she unwraps nice, and I suspect she will, we can sell her for even more down the river. Those farm boys love to have an extra body to warm their beds and help with chores. I hear they had a record harvest this year and all of them made a killing selling to both sides in this stupid war so they're floating in cash."

I went all weak inside. This couldn't be happening!

"You've got a good eye, Dev. I will give you that."

The bearded man interjected, "Enough talk, let's peel this grape."

Somehow, I found my voice, "Wait! My husband is an officer! His family has money. He'll pay all of you very well if you bring me to him. As much as you want!"

The bearded man laughed and said, "Sure we just march into hostile territory, an enemy fortification no less, and just hand you over. Your husband gives us all the gold we can carry, and we waltz right out?"

"My husband is an officer and a gentleman. He will see that you are unmolested."

"And his commanding officers will have NO problems with this. They will agree to not shoot us just because, we asked nicely, right?"

I had no answer for that.

"Yeah, I didn't think so."

He winked at me. The man holding me released his grasp but kept the point of the dagger in the small of my back.

"Let's see the goods, girl!" barked the man wielding the knife.


"Strip, you, silly bitch so that we can get an idea of what you will bring on the block."

"Please, I have a husband waiting for me."

"He'll get over it." said Devon.

At this point, I started to weep.

"Can the waterworks," said the bearded man, "Either you shut it and comply right now, or I'll hold you down while Clem here uses that dagger to cut your clothes off."

"Please sirs," I began.

"ONE!" enunciated the bearded man.

I gasped and reached for the stays of my dress. My fingers fumbled.


My dress slid to the ground. I stood in my petticoat and shift. I unlaced the petticoat and stepped out of it. No man aside from my husband had seen me so indecently attired and it was only going to get worse! I unlaced my boots and placed them next to my dress and petticoat. With a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I reached under my shift and unhooked my right stocking.

"Terrific pins!" said Clem, the man with the dagger.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I divested myself of my left stocking. That left only my shift, bandeau, step-ins and suspenders!

"Sirs, isn't this enough?"

"No, lady, it isn't. You are going to be sold stark naked. You may as well get used to that now."


"Yeah, there is a big market for prime fillies in the farmlands. Whoever buys you will probably give you something to wear." And then all three men laughed uproariously!

Through my sobs, I tugged my shift up and over my head. I held it close to my body for a long moment while I stared at my assailants.

"Drop it!" barked Devon.

I closed my eyes and opened my hands. I could just imagine what I looked like, a trim, blonde woman with long legs and a modest bust, virtually all of myself revealed. I felt my flesh warm as I turned scarlet.

"Let's see those titties, Mrs. Yates."

I gazed hotly at Devon. To think, I trusted him with my life!

I hung my head in shame as I tugged away my bandeau.



"You done hit the jackpot, Devon."

"Thanks, Vic,"

I wished at that moment that I could have turned into a bird and flown away. I prayed mightily for the Lord to smite these men with lightning bolts. I stubbornly remained a woman and the heavens delivered no rescue.

"You've come this far, gal. What're a few articles more?"

I had no idea why my prayers had gone unanswered as I tugged down my step-ins and suspenders. There I stood, a modern Eve. There was no Adam in the garden but there were three vipers!

"Turn. Let us see all of you."

I bit my lip as I performed a slow pirouette. I wanted to expire on the spot.

"Let your hair down," one of them said.

"Please!" I begged.

"Do it!"

Feeling lower than I ever had in my life, I reached up and unbound my hair. It fell around my shoulders.

"Hot damn!" exclaimed the man with the dagger.

"She will bring a fine price, Devon," said the man with the beard.

"Yeah, Vic, I figured the pickings would be good with the stragglers. The best part, is she won't be missed for at least two weeks. By that time, she will be some farmer's bed warmer."

"Please!" I cried.

"One last thing," said Devon as he approached me, "Hand over your ring, Mrs. Yates."

The man with the dagger waved it menacingly. This was the very last straw. I began weeping piteously as I worked the gold band off the third finger of my left hand. I hadn't taken it off once since the day Hamilton slid it on at the altar and now it was all over! I felt even more naked without my ring.

"Clam up!" said one of the men as he grasped my arm. A moment later. a wheeled cage with straw on the floor rolled out of the deep shadows of some trees. The door was flung open, I was tossed inside, and the cage was locked behind me. I spied one of the men police up my clothing. He inhaled deeply of my step-ins, and I fought of the impulse to wretch. The man with the dagger used it on my shift. He cut most of it away. Devon handed it to me through the bars and I hastened to put it on. Now, it exposed nearly the entirety of my long legs. Had I worn this outside at home, I would have caused a scandal. Now, however, I was grateful for any cover at all. The men hooted, shook hands all around then my wheeled cage, the horses, and the men headed off in what I assumed was a southerly direction. Between my tears, I prayed harder than I ever had in my life.

We traveled for hours and hours, even after the sun went down. The night was chilly. I shivered in my scanty garment. The wagon came to a stop. Devon passed me a chamber pot through the bars and told me.

"Go now, you won't get a chance later."

He walked away. In utter shame, I relieved myself.

The men set up camp. Clem handed me a cup of beans and a cup of wine through the bars along with a wooden spoon.

"If you know what is good for ya gal, you'll eat every mote."

Despite everything, I was ravenously hungry. Eating also gave me something to do. By the firelight, they opened my luggage. They squealed like ruffians encountering their favorite vice as they divvied up my jewelry. They noted the number and quality of my dresses, boots, and sundries and mentioned their plans to sell them at some stop along the way. Suspecting there was one, Devon tore apart my largest suitcase to locate the secret compartment. They found not only the second part of Devon's fee as well as all my savings. I had been so proud of the money I had saved being a frugal wife. I so wanted to impress Hamilton by presenting him with such a large portion of the allowance he had sent me every week. Now, that money availed me nothing. It certainly wouldn't purchase my freedom.

Having cried myself out, I was merely numb as I bolted down the last of the wine. While Devon and Clem settled themselves to sleep, Vic took the first watch. I tried the bars of my cage, rattling the chains. This caused the big man to aim his rifle at me. I moved to the middle of my cage, made as comfortable a bed as I could from the straw, and settled down to sleep. Astoundingly, I immediately fell into a deep slumber.

I awoke to discover that my wheeled cage had been in motion for some time. It appeared to be almost mid-day. The sun felt especially hot on my bare skin. I gazed at my naked ring finger and fought off tears. We came to a stop. Vic was holding court.

"The trading post is two miles over that ridge. Devon must lie low so, Clem, you need to take the lady's goods and turn them into cash. Zebulon never asks questions and gives the best rates. Come back here and we'll divvy it up even. Then we take the filly down the bend road to Junction City. We'll sell her there, divide that money and have us a hell of a time in town!"

"Sounds like a plan," said Devon.

"Junction City whores do everything, including sucking cocks and taking it up the ass!" stated Clem enthusiastically. He then turned to me and said,

"That's just what they'll train you to do, gal. The farmer's wife will see you as a godsend for her randy buck husband and farmhands!'

Then they all laughed. I wanted to die. Was there no hope for me? But a small voice inside me said, "What if you are sold to someone sensible?" If that happened, I could tell them about my husband and that Hamilton would be happy to pay more than I was purchased for, and I'd be rescued. There was no way these three men could prevent me from talking when I was out of their sight. For the first time, I thought things might end positively for me.