Muslim Boy Cuckolded by Jewish Girl


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Darville laughed.

"I wish more women would pay attention and go slow."

"Oh, I was hoping to go less slow. You see, I really want you in my pussy and now you're hard, would you mind?"

He picked me up and laid me gently on the bed. I spread my legs and I could feel much wetter than I had ever been before. I knew this was going to be magical.

"And there's one other thing, Darville. When you cum, I need you to cum inside me. As deep as you can. Is that OK?"

"That could get you pregnant, girly. Do you want my black baby?"

"Look at my left arm. I have a contraceptive rod. You're not going to get me pregnant. You're just going to leave a present for Dan."

Darville wasn't huge, which was good as it was my first time. I think he knew it, or maybe he was just a gentle, caring man who loved to help out kinky couples. I looked down to see his cock penetrate me. I could see his foreskin covering his helmet as he made his entrance. I imagined it sliding back as he penetrated me.

"You're a bit tight."

"This is my first time."

"With another man?"

"No, ever. Dan can't have me like this. Only men with foreskin."

Then I kissed him gently and brought my hands onto his buttocks. I could feel he was moving slowly, so he didn't hurt me. He couldn't have been the whole way in and I felt him pulling out. I felt a chill shiver of sadness at the thought of not having him inside me. But soon enough he pushed in again and the rhythm soon built up.

"You are so wet," Dan exclaimed. "I can see your juice on his cock."

"You're still tight, girly. I'm going to cum soon. Sooner than if you were a 40 year old housewife."

"Good. It must be inside me. As deep as possible."

I heard him grunt and then I pulled him firmly towards me. My fingers drilled into his buttocks and I felt them clench rhythmically as I felt his cock throb inside me. That triggered my own orgasm. I gasped and thrashed as I felt him deposit his seed into me. It felt so good to be inseminated. In the moment, the hormones were invisible and he was giving me a baby. A baby that everyone would know could never have come from Dan. And that triggered another orgasm before the first had even finished.

"I was going to apologise for going a little faster than usual. But I think you enjoyed it anyway."

"Oh Darville, that was the best. You were wonderful. Thank you."

And I gave him a deep, long kiss and flexed my internal muscles to thank his cock.

"Dan's waiting. Can you get off me so he can go down on me. Then maybe we can go again in a few minutes."

Dan was licking my lips clean as soon as Darville had moved away. He started with a suck, trying to get Darville's cum out. Maybe he got some but I think it was pretty deep.

"Now Dan, you know the rules. You need to follow instructions. I will tell you exactly what to do and you'll be able to lick up Darville's seed as you bring me to orgasm."

Dan did a good job. He'd probably got most of Darville's baby batter out of me by the time he'd given me my third orgasm of the day.

"You like to take control, don't you," Darville commented.

"I like it when Naomi gives instructions." Dan defended.

"Oh, that's not a criticism. Like I said, I've been with a lot of kinky couples. The dynamics are all different."

"Do you have a preference?" I asked.

"I like it when we discuss rules beforehand, like you did. What's allowed and what's not. And then as long as everyone sticks to the rules it's all good. But I do like it when I feel a woman cumming on my cock. Cumming deep inside is always better than pulling out."

"I agree with that. Now, do you think you're ready for another round?" I asked.

"Sure, I have some more in me."

Round two lasted longer as I had loosened up a bit and the remainder of Darville's cum was helping my own lube. We lasted a good ten minutes before Darville gave me a warning and then pumped another good load into me. Dan was immediately by his side and he got up to let Dan lick me as clean as possible.

Dan and I were still novices but with my help he brought me to another rolling orgasm. I felt my pussy muscles trying to grab at his tongue as he made his final licks.

When I recovered I sat up and crossed my legs. That position would have been exceptionally rude if Darville had not just filled me with cum before Dan cleaned it up.

"Darville, that was the best experience I could have had for losing my virginity. I know I probably can't live up to what you get from an experienced housewife but I hope I wasn't a disappointment."

When Darville left I knelt down again and sucked Dan. I swallowed his cum as he'd licked Darville's from me.

* * *

"So, how did last night make you feel?" I asked.

"You ask hard questions." Dan replied.

"What's so hard about that? You were there? You seemed to enjoy it."

"Of course I enjoyed it but I know that saying something like 'it was nice' isn't enough. I'm not good at these words. I was good. Can I tell you what I liked?"

"That's a good way to do it."

"It was so sexy when you knelt down in front of him and licked his foreskin. Now I understand your desire. I wanted to be beside you. I wanted his cock in my mouth, too. Then, when he said you could get pregnant, that made my stomach flip. I mean I know you can't get pregnant. You've got that rod but the idea of us walking around with a black baby in nine month's time. That was weird. Exciting. I think it's because it would be like telling everyone I like you have sex with other men."

"Wow! So it sounds like we could do this again," I started.

"Oh could we, please." He cried.

"We will. I told him. And you think it would be sexy to watch another man get me pregnant with a baby that couldn't be yours. Is that right?"

Dan got off the seat and dropped to his knees, positioning his head as close as he could to my pussy.

"You need to know that I left out some details when I told Darville about my contraceptive implant."

He looked up.

"It's not perfectly effective. One percent of women using it for a year will become pregnant. I think that means there is roughly a one-third chance of getting pregnant if I use it for the full three years. How does that make you feel?"

"That will be based on averages. If you have a lot more sex then its effectiveness might be even lower." He said.

"You might be right. If even more men pump their sperm into me then the chance of me getting pregnant with another man's baby could be even higher."

"That risk is a huge turn on." He said.


"Because if you got pregnant then you'd have a baby. And Darville's baby wouldn't look anything like me. Everyone would know. We'd go into Aldi and put the baby in the trolley seat and all the other adults would be looking at me. They'd know I like to watch other men cum in my wife."

"Well that's interesting," I said with surprising restraint.

"What's interesting?"

"You called me your wife. We haven't even discussed getting married. We've had some oral and you watched me fuck one man. Now you're fantasising about us being married."

"I looked up Chaucer to understand what you meant, before. Then I searched for cuckolding and I think it might be a good fit. Or maybe what they call a female-led relationship. Anyway, I like you being in charge and I get to act in a supporting role. You know, watching Darville trigger your orgasm when he came inside you that first time was amazing. I know I didn't make the decisions but I felt honoured to be there. Honoured to be supporting you."

"And how did you feel about cleaning me up?"

"Mostly good."

"Only mostly?"

"Licking another man's sperm from you was emotionally complex. I liked the fact it showed that you're in charge. It tasted OK but removing it was kind of sad. You probably can't get pregnant anyway and intellectually I know you don't want a baby. But I sort of felt like I was undermining myself by removing his seed."


"I don't understand."

"I don't want a baby yet. We just started. But I don't want to get into my late 20s with no kids to show for it. I want children. But the context needs to be right. You are part of the context if you want to be. One day, if you want, you can watch me get pregnant. You can even help choose who gets to do it. If you want."


* * *

Dan and I made it official by moving into a new flat together. Sharing meant we could get something a little bit better.

We made good use of the specialist dating site. We tried lots of black guys as well as white English, French, Dutch, Australian, Brazilian, Peruvian, and Greek. Most experiences were positive. We learned that we needed to emphasise that only I was allowed to give Dan orders. We also learned that Dan loved sucking other men's foreskins almost as much as me.

And our own oral skills continued to improve. Dan was much better at anticipating when giving me oral. And he was better at lasting longer when I returned the favour.

Then, I found a job working for an NGO with contracts from several different governments. It meant a bit more money and some international business travel. All in economy, of course, as it was an NGO. Nonetheless, I'd need to visit Mississippi in the US before travelling in South America and two southern African countries.

This meant career progression: more responsibility and a bit more of a time commitment. It also meant that I felt we could take the next step.

"Dan, we've been talking about marriage for a while. We've moved in together, would you like to make a bigger commitment?"

"Of course." He responded instantly. "I have wanted it for so long. I can't be a proper cuckold if we're not married. I want you to wear a wedding band, so I can see it pressing into the buttocks of the man between your legs." He'd clearly been thinking -- or at least fantasising -- about the prospect for months. "And..."

"And? Let me guess. You think that if we get married then I'll choose to remove the contraceptive. And then you can watch another man get me pregnant. You can watch as his baby grows inside me. And then you can watch as everyone sees that you couldn't have been the father. Is that your 'and'?"

"Of course that's what I want."

And that's what I wanted, too. Dan is a good man and became a good husband.

* * *

"Sweetie, I have the Mississippi trip coming up in about six months. I have to be there for about three days but there's the opportunity to extend my stay a bit and have a bit of a holiday. We haven't had a proper honeymoon, so what do you think about honeymooning in Mississippi?"

"OK. I don't know much about Mississippi other than there's a river and a dessert."

"Me neither but I'm sure we can learn. If you want to come we could post an ad on the dating site. See if we can set some things up?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. I like the way you think."

"Oh, and I was thinking of getting the rod removed soon. Maybe three months from now."

"So you'll be pregnant on our honeymoon?"

"No, I won't be pregnant then. It can take about three months for the effect of the rod to wear off. I need to do a lot of work ahead of the trip, so I think we might not have time for playing with other men. But I should be completely fertile when I arrive in Mississippi. In fact, I think I can manage things so I make sure my fertile window will be at its height when we're on honeymoon."

"This sounds like a great plan, Naomi. What can I do?"

"I want you to research Mississippi and the right place to advertise. Then draft an advert we can publish at the right time. We need to go to the right towns and meet the right men. Can you do that?"

* * *

Mississippi is hot and humid but the hotel and the offices we met at were all air conditioned. So the only problem was going in and out of buildings and cars. Everyone was glad to hear that Dan was joining for a honeymoon road trip. They asked where we'd be going and were surprised at the list of small towns.

"But what's there to see?" They asked.

"Oh, we want to see small town America," I responded. I couldn't tell the government people I'd just impressed that my husband was joining me so I could smuggle out an embryo fathered by one of their citizens.

The meetings went well. Then Dan joined me and I was free for my honeymoon.

* * *

"Naomi and Dan, right?" said a tall black man in a smart shirt and chinos.

"That's us," I said. "You're James?"

"Yes, good to meet you. I wasn't sure that you were for real. Let me show you this." He said, holding out a report showing a negative recent STI test.

"Brilliant," I replied and showed him ours. "Now the paperwork is out of the way, we should probably chat and make sure we're comfortable with each other."

"Good idea. You've done this before?"

"At home, yes. But this is our first trip to the US. Would you mind if we talk as we walk over to our motel room?"

We settled up and I braced myself for the blast of hot humid air as we stepped outside.

"Hot and sweaty," I laughed. "That's the way we like it James."

"I can help you with hot and sweaty."

"Good. Now I want to be up front. We have a coupe of limitations and I want to share them now so we can all feel comfortable. You probably have some yourself and we want to abide by your rules. We want you to have a good time, too!"

"Sounds good."

"OK. We have two rules. First, I'm the only one who gives instructions to Dan. This is a female-led relationship and he's my cuckold to command. You can make suggestions to me but I get to decide. Second, no anal. Those are the restrictions. But we should also tell you that the reason we showed each other our negative tests is that we don't want you to wear a condom. And one thing we both love is men with foreskin and if you permit it then Dan would be happy to fluff you."

"Good rules," he said as we opened the door to our motel room. "My only limitation is no race play. You and Dan are welcome to fluff me."

I closed the door to our room and turned to Dan.

"Dan, sweetie. Would you please unbutton my dress and hang it up? And then you can take off my knickers." I wasn't wearing a bra as it was hot, I was on holiday, and I have tiny little titties. "Now, James, may I undo your belt and help you remove your trousers?"

James was packing. His briefs were holding back a cock of significant proportions. It wasn't hugely long but it was thick and he had a magnificent foreskin that was actually so long it overhung his helmet by a good four centimetres. I gently massaged his foreskin slowly, revealing the pink helmet protected by the dark brown exterior.

"Oh James, this is magnificent. May I lick the tip of your foreskin?"

James agreed and I saw and felt his cock stir and I licked and tasted. Then, I handed over to Dan, who got James fully erect.

"James, we're only staying in this town for tonight. I don't have long. Can you you fuck me now and fill me with cum?"

"You want me to cum inside you?"

"Oh yes, James. I want you to cum as deep inside me as you can. Then I want Dan to see how much he can get out with his tongue. You can watch. And then, hopefully, we can all go again -- and maybe again."

James was a masterful lover. He didn't just fuck me he played me like an instrument. He would gently thrust, managing my arousal, and then bring up the pace while pounding me hard. Then he'd slow again before bringing me to an even higher state of excitation.

"Oh James," I cried, "you're so good but when are going to give me your baby batter?" I gripped him as I yelled and saw Dan looking. I knew that Dan would be watching out for the flash of my gold wedding band against James's dark brown buttocks. My cry obviously worked because James only thrust a few more times before grunting and cumming.

I kissed him as he came and embraced him as he relaxed. He was plugging me and it felt like most of his cum was pretty deep.

"I'm sorry," James said. "But when you asked me about baby batter you set me off."

"You have nothing to apologise for, James." I was quite stern. "You are a masterful lover. You gave me two orgasms before you came yourself and triggered my third. I can assure you that very few married women get that sort of loving. Now keep yourself inside me," as I massaged him with my internal muscles, "and lets let that cum sink in."

"I thought you wanted Dan to clean you up."

"Dan will clean me up. But I need a bit of a rest now and I can't think of a better way to come down from an orgasm like that than with your cum inside me and your cock keeping it there."

When James pulled out I asked him if he'd be happy for Dan to clean him up.

"Of course," he replied. And Dan was on his knees like a shot as I turned around and put my legs up.

"It's my turn now," I said as Dan stood up. I rotated and let him get to work. After so many months of cleaning me up he knew how to do a good job. But I also knew that Dan is always thrilled when I give him direction. So I talked him through his cleanup duty before turning to James and asking if he was ready for round two.

After round three I admitted that I was probably done for the night.

"James, if you want, you're welcome to stay. I know it's not a luxury suite in a fancy hotel but if you stay then we can go for round four before breakfast."

But James was a gentleman and said, "I really should give you some time together alone. But it has been lovely and I'd be very happy to play with you another time."

An hour later, Dan turned to me and said, "So do you think he knew you were trying to get pregnant?"

"He seemed pretty smart and we gave a lot away. No condoms, cum inside, him plugging me, my legs up the wall. I think he has a very good idea of what is going on."

* * *

We had one person flake on us but we had four nights of cuckold repro sex. Dan and I were both happy with the experience and the likelihood that one of the four lovely men we met had got me pregnant on our honeymoon.

Our hopes were confirmed a few days later. I took a pregnancy test and got back and got the result we wanted.

Does our little son look like James? Well, he might do but it's possible he looks more like Riley, who we met two nights later. But he definitely doesn't look anything like Dan, which is exactly what we both wanted.

Midnight feeds and changing nappies have taken a lot out of us. But Dan did turn to me in bed a couple of nights ago and ask if I had started thinking about who might father our next baby. I've now started working on a plan.

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AishoAishoabout 1 month ago

Very hot story ,

Keep up the good work .

You are very talented ❤️

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