My Hot, Sexy, Crazy Step Sister Pt. 02

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His planned confrontation was hijacked.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/13/2024
Created 02/20/2024
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For the next couple of weeks Michael grappled with a mix of confusion, guilt, and a sense of unease. The forbidden nature of their encounter weighed heavily on his conscience, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this dalliance with Destiny had led them down a dangerous path. The lack of remorse or acknowledgment from Destiny perplexed him. Her nonchalant demeanor only added to the mystery. Michael couldn't ignore the subtle hints of mischief he thought he perceived in her eyes. Was she playing a game, or was there a deeper motive behind her nonchalance?

As days fell off the calendar, Michael found himself caught more in uncertainty. He felt a palpable tension whenever Destiny was around. Their unspoken secrets hung heavily in the air, and his intuition urged him to confront her, to seek answers and clarity. Deep down, he knew he had to address the issue with Destiny. The unspoken tension between them threatened to unravel their lives, and he couldn't continue to ignore the consequences of their actions. Bracing himself for a difficult conversation, Michael resolved to confront and uncover the truth behind her enigmatic behavior. But just as he summoned the courage, Destiny sprung another surprise when he least expected it.

It was another hot day in their part of Florida. It had rained heavily the day before, and the sunny forecast on that day had pushed the humidity up to the mid-nineties. It was almost three o'clock; Michael trudged from the bus-stop down the hill from their house. He had got off his shift at the burger joint an hour before, and the humidity was making it hard to breathe as he walked uphill. He was sure the bag of fries and large burger in the brown sack he had in one hand would be soggy by now. He had long finished the drink in his cup. He just wanted to get home and jump into the pool for an hour or so. A refreshing dip in the pool will surely alleviate the heat.

As he approached the house, the sun beat down relentlessly, intensifying the already sweltering heat. The air hung heavy with humidity, making every step feel like a small effort. The soggy brown paper bag in his hand clung to his fingers, evidence of the challenging journey from the bus stop. As he reached the front door, the thought of the refreshing pool became more enticing. The shimmering water seemed like an oasis promising relief from the oppressive heat. Michael fumbled with the keys, his anticipation growing with each passing second. Finally unlocking the door, he stepped into the cool interior of the house. The contrast between the stifling heat outside and the air-conditioned coolness inside was a welcome relief. The house seemed deserted. His stepmom had gone for a conference a couple of days prior and would be away for the entire week. Dad had gone to work. He hadn't seen Destiny since she left for the gym that morning.

Michael quickly made his way to the kitchen, intending to grab a cold drink before heading out to the backyard. The aroma of the burger and fries wafted through the air, tempting his senses despite the inevitable sogginess. He decided to leave the food on the kitchen counter for the moment and headed straight for the sliding glass door leading to the backyard. He shed his work clothes, jumped into a pair of swim shorts, and headed back downstairs.

As he stepped onto the sun-soaked backyard, the sight of the shimmering pool beckoned to him. Without hesitation, he dove into the cool water, feeling the heat of the day wash away with each stroke. He let the water soothe his tired muscles and wash away the day's stresses. The serene atmosphere of the pool provided a momentary escape from the complexities of his thoughts, allowing him to bask in the simple pleasure of a refreshing swim on a hot Florida day.

"Quite refreshing, isn't it?" He heard a voice say behind him.

Michael spun around; Destiny lay on one of the lounge chairs staring at him through a pair of dark sunglasses.

"Good afternoon." she said cheerfully. She lay reclined on her forearms, her barely-there yellow bikini doing nothing to cover her curves. Michael could not help but steal glances at her; her firm thighs, the smoothness of her flat, well-toned belly and up to the delicious mounds that were her breasts as she lounged not quite twenty feet away from the pool. His dick began to throb to what his eyes were feeding his brain, pulsing slightly as it filled with blood.

"When did you get here?"

"I've been here the whole time. You were so engrossed with getting into the pool that you didn't see me."

Michael tried to drag his eyes off her body. "Oh...I didn't know you were there...sorry."

"Don' don't need say sorry. I should have let you know I was here."

Michael stood in the pool, the water just below his waist. There was no way he was getting out without her noticing how hard he was.

"It's unbearably hot today." He could feel her eyes scrutinizing him through her goggles.

"Yes, it is. Have you been home all day?"

"Not really. I went to the mall after my work out. I then grabbed some lunch and came home. I've just been here for a few hours."

She reached out for the suntan oil that sat on the pool table beside her. "Michael, would you be a darling and apply this oil on me? My skin's beginning to burn."

"S-sure..." he breathed. He warily got out of the pool and tried his best to hide his boner as he walked towards her. Destiny had by then turned onto her stomach, her firm, round arse and muscular thighs in plain view. Michael took a seat next to her, poured some oil into his hands before gently massaging it onto her back. The soothing sensation of the cool oil on her skin prompted a contented sigh from her. Turning towards him, she expressed her satisfaction with a smile. A slutty, fuck-it look crossed her face.

"Let's get this out of the way, shall we." she said. Her hands reached behind her, and she pulled on the string of her bikini, letting them fall free. Michael momentarily lost focus and just gazed at her now naked back.

"Come on, don't let me burn."

Silently pleading with his now rock-hardness, he continued to massage the oil into her muscles. She purred and moaned with pleasure as his fingers massaged down to her waist.

His heart was racing and the sweat on his forehead seemed to be coming out of hundreds of little faucets behind his hairline. He gazed over her ass for a long while as he rubbed her back. His eyes roamed down her thighs and then back up her ribs, trying to catch a peek at her breasts.

"Oh fuck, that feels good," Destiny moaned as his hands slid down her sides. He cupped his hands together, leaving the edges of them on either side of her spine. He pressed his hands down and forward, letting out a loud grunt and Destiny's back arched.

"Wow, are you trying to break my back or what?" she exclaimed.

"N-No Destiny!" he laughed nervously. "I was just trying to get every part of your body, th...that's all."

"Well, you can do that without fracturing my spine! Geez!"

His hands trembling, he squeezed oil over her hamstrings and calves in little dribbles. His fingers kneaded into her muscles, and her body writhed slightly. He noticed her contented smile. Was she getting off on this? His dick felt like it could burst at any second. His thumbs dragged along the backs of her thighs, creeping inside just a bit. Destiny spread her legs just a bit, and his thumbs accidentally brushed over her crotch. Destiny let out a sharp gasp.

"I...I'm sorry," he apologized. He immediately stood up.

"Where are you going?" Destiny asked, her eyes flying open.

"I'm done," he replied. His dick was painfully swollen now, and he needed to calm himself down. He saw her pout unhappily as he turned to head indoors.

He closed the glass door behind him, shutting out the oppressive heat and sighed. That was too close for comfort, he thought. He walked over to the fridge to get some water and swallowed two glassfuls in huge gulps. His balls throbbed with a dull ache of unrelieved pressure; he wondered if he would have to relieve some of it later. The rumbling of his stomach momentarily took his mind off his aching nethers and served as a reminder of the lunch bag he had brought home. Making his way to the kitchen table, he retrieved the fries and burger. Despite their appearance, he considered them still edible. He transferred the entire contents onto a plate and proceeded to heat them up in the microwave. Once the timer signaled the completion of the reheating process, he carefully removed the plate. He returned to the table, ready to savor the salvaged lunch. Taking a bite, he was pleasantly surprised by the flavors that hadn't diminished. He reached for his phone and switched on a video to watch as he relished the unexpected delight of his resurrected lunch.

Destiny came in soon afterwards. Her body still glistened with sweat and the oil he had rubbed into her. He tried not to meet her gaze as she stood peering down at him. Uncomfortable with the intensity of her scrutiny, he tried to focus on the video he was watching. Destiny, however, seemed unperturbed, her presence casting a subtle tension in the air. The lingering scent of the oil added an unspoken layer to the atmosphere of silence.

"What are you eating?" she finally asked.

"Lunch. Burgers and fries."

She reached out and grabbed a handful of fries from the plate. "I thought you didn't eat this junk," he asked as she crammed them in her mouth.

"A mouthful won't hurt," she replied and took the burger from his hand. She took a large bite and dropped the rest on his plate. She started walking towards the stairs.

"I'm going to take a very long, cool shower," she called over her shoulder.

"Just don't take too long...I also need to use the shower myself."

"We could use it together if you're that impatient," she said dryly.

Michael scoffed. "You wish." He said and turned back to his meal. He had already lost his appetite. He knew he wasn't going to enjoy his afternoon anymore, not with Destiny around. And with what happened outside, he wasn't going to be able to get it out of his head.

Moments later, just as he had foreseen, the peace and quiet was shattered by the bellow of a loud, wild animal.


Michael sighed and pushed his food aside. "There goes the rest of my day," he thought.

"What?!!" he yelled back.

"Get the fuck upstairs!!! NOW!!!"

He walked up the stairs and stood in front of their shared bathroom.

"What do you want Destiny?" he asked through the closed door.

"Get the hell in here!"


"Just get in here this instant!"

Something about her tone made him think this was more serious than he initially thought. He turned the knob and opened the the totally naked and wet body of his stepsister under the shower.

"What the hell Destiny!! Why didn't you tell me you were naked!" Michael yelled as he tried to shield his eyes.

"Where the hell is my shower puff?" she demanded.


"My damn sponge. My soap. Where did you put them?"

"What do I want to do with your sponge-" he began to say, but then paused. It had been his turn to clean the bathroom that morning. Michael remembered he had moved all her stuff inside one bag with the mind of placing them all back. He must have disposed of it with all the other trash he had taken out.

"Wait a moment...I hope I didn't trash it this morning-"

"You better have not."

He quickly ran down to the garage where he had placed the bag into the trash container. There it was at the bottom of the bag. He walked back upstairs solemnly.

"I...I'm sorry Desitny, I trashed it along with other stuff this morning by mistake." She was still naked.

"Why would you do that!" she yelled, a scary anger boiling in her dark, probing eyes.

"It was an honest mistake...I'll get you another, I promise."

"So what do you expect me to use to bath now?"


"You know what? YOU will have to do that!"


"Yes, you."


"No buts arsehole. You should have thought about that before making the stupid mistake of trashing my stuff."

She squirted a copious amount of body wash into his own sponge and handed it to him. Michael hesitated.

"C'mon, get in here and scrub my back!"

He found his feet moving him forward and she handed him the sponge and turned her back to him.

"Make sure you get every single inch." she prompted.

Michael started scrubbing, slowly running the sponge from her shoulders, over her back and sides to her butt. He tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand rather than on her toned, fit body. He was fighting a losing battle with his dick again. He reached for the shower head and rinsed the suds off her.

"Now, the front." She said as she turned to face him.

"You didn't say anything about-" he started to protest.

"Well, I'm saying it now." She replied. Her eyes looked down at his already wet swim shorts.

"Get the fuck out of those." she commanded.

"I can't do that Destiny."

"Why not? What are you shy of? It's not like I haven't seen your dick before. I don't know why you even kept them on!"


"Take the damn thing off!"

The tone of her voice convinced him it wouldn't be a good idea to argue with her. He slowly removed his swim shorts and tossed them aside.

"Seriously dude? Is that why you kept your shorts on?" Destiny smirked. His eyes followed hers to the now raging boner throbbing below his waist.

"Look, I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get hard..."

"You didn't mean to get hard, but yet you are." She gave it a light whack and Michael winced. " Is that what you were hiding earlier?"

Michael tried to take his mind off it and resumed scrubbing. He soaped from her neck down to her shoulders. He scrubbed her arms and armpits and took more time to scrub her breasts. He tried to avoid her piercing gaze as he slid the sponge down to her tummy.

"Stop poking me with your dick." She retorted sternly.

Michael apologized, unaware that it had been prodding her belly as he worked over her body. He bent to scrub down her thighs to her toes before discarding the sponge and rinsing the lather off her.

"So what are you going to do about that?" she asked as she gestured at his dilemma.

"I...I don't know...I'll take care of it."

Destiny gufawed. "What are you going to do?"

Michael did not reply. instead he turned to face the shower head. He felt her hands hold his waist and he jumped slightly.

"What are you doing?"

"I can help you "take care of it" with it if you want." She offered mischievously.

Michael backed away slightly. "Don't worry about it. I can do that myself."

"How?" she continued to prod.

"I don't know...I'll figure something out...don't worry."

She paused for a few moments. "If I make it cum, will it go down?" she asked boldly.

Michael stammered slightly. "I-it might, but I already told you, you don't need to-"

She moved closer and pressed her body into him, "Y'know, it's only fair I "give you a hand"," she chuckled at the intended pun, "since I seem to be the one that caused it and you, y'know... scrubbed me earlier."

She squirted some wash into her hands. "You don't have to..." he began, but moaned softly as she rubbed them together and wrapped them around his hardness.

"...and don't think I don't appreciate the "massage" you gave me outside."

"I know you are. You just don't need to show it like...**gasp**...this."

"Don't worry about that. One thing's for sure though, we need to get this thing taken care of," she opined. Her grip tightened and she began to stroke him. "Just focus on cumming."

Michael groaned; an arm wrapped around her slim waist and a hand cupped and squeezed her breast gently. She didn't seem to mind and focused her attention on her ministrations. He lowered his head to her neck and began to suck on the droplets of water running down her skin. Destiny gasped slightly. His lips found their way to her chest and began to suck her nipple.

"You're supposed to concentrate on cumming, not sucking my tits like an infant." She scolded him.

Michael moaned audibly and his dick throbbed in response. His hips bucked slightly. He tried to focus his attention on the impending orgasm, but realized he was a long way from eruption.

"This thing isn't ready to calm down," Destiny stated after several minutes of deft tugging.

"It can't...**ahh**...won't go down...the way you're...**fuck**...slowly jerking it."

Her strokes increased in speed. "Then cum for me. You're taking too long."

It wasn't that he didn't want to cum. The soap was somehow numbing the sensations her deft strokes were giving him, and as such he remained hard and just below the edge. After yet an indeterminate number of minutes, she sighed and released her grip.

"Your stupid dick is definitely not ready to cum." She stated.

"I'm sorry, but the soap..."

"I might have to..." she paused for a second, "you know what, fuck it. I'm going to suck it to make you cum. Just make sure you don't take a long time this time around."

With that she rinsed his dick of the soap and dropped to her knees. She gripped it with both hands and took the swollen glans in her mouth. Michael's knees wobbled uncontrollably as she moved her head back and forth, his meat sliding in and out of her mouth as she slurped and sucked noisily. He didn't know when he held her head between his hands and began thrusting. Saliva gushed out the sides of her mouth and drooled down her chin. He felt himself getting closer.

"Destiny...I''re going to make me cum..." he babbled.

She nodded energetically and increased her efforts. He felt his dick spasm and his hand slammed against the wall as another powerful sensation coursed through him. He felt the impending eruption approach. The sensations increased and he again tried to focus his mind on the orgasm which remained just out of reach. After about five minutes, she slipped him out of her mouth.

"You're only getting harder," she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm almost there."

"My jaw hurts," she whined.

"I'm sorry...just a few more moments and I'll cum. I promise."

Destiny sighed in frustration but put it back in her mouth. This time though, he didn't last the whole of thirty seconds.

"Destiny, I'm going to cum now..."

"Less talk, more cum," she mumbled.

"Destiny..." he warned her, but she just sucked harder and faster. Only then did it register in his brain what she was trying to do, but she had pretty much brought him to the point of no return already. His dick began throbbing intensely in her hands.

"No, no," he cried out, trying to hold back. His prostate filled with cum, his dick swelling as she finally brought it to the long-teased explosion.

"It's okay," she said. Both her hands were stroking him even faster. "Cum for me. You've earned it."

He cried out as his balls released their contents. Destiny once again wrapped her lips around the pulsating glans, and moments later her mouth was flooded. The first hefty spurt hit the back of her throat and almost made her gag. She retched loudly but managed to contain the explosion. Her cheeks bulged as a second generous burst filled her mouth with semen. She released him as he fired another generous shot, hosing down her chest with a long thick jet. Again, she just went with it, letting the next few spurts hit her throat, chest, chin, her face and even into her short hair.

"Cum for me," she cooed, stroking more of the nut from him, "let it all out."

Michael grunted and moaned as a few last spurts came out, followed by one thick rope that landed squarely on the bridge of her nose. She finally released him from her grasp and sat back on her haunches.

"Wow!" she giggled. She tried to wipe the cum off her face.