My Humiliating Marriage

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Having a beautiful wife is not as good as people think.
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Billie's marriage to Kathy was the highlight of his life. He'd always been self conscious and shy around girls but Kathy seemed to take an interest in him. She was so beautiful and had a cute sexy wiggle when she walked. It was she that asked Billie for their first date and it was she who suggested they get married. With a rapidly beating heart Billie said yes both times.

She'd dated the jocks before that only wanted to have sex, so she liked Billie because he's respectful to her and he had a good job. He worked for HI-Tech Computers as a systems analyst. He's very good at what he does; it's only when he is around girls that he gets tongue tied and embarrassed, but Kathy liked that because it made for an obedient boyfriend.

The wedding and the honeymoon were wonderful. Billie had bought a house for them in the suburbs. He hoped that when Kathy saw other young wives with children, she would want children too.

Their neighbors on one side were a retired couple that kept mainly to themselves; and on the other side were Frank and Diane, who had a nice house with a backyard pool. They were not married, but had lived together for about 3 years. They came over with a case of beer. Billie didn't care much for beer but he drank some to be sociable. What he did object to was smoking. Billie didn't smoke and he'd been trying to get Kathy to smoke outside. That all went down the tubes when all 3 of them smoked and drank beer in Billie's living room.

Billie could see that Kathy liked Frank; he was friendly and made her laugh. He told jokes, some Billie thought were in poor taste, and complemented Kathy on her looks and the clothes she wore. At one point he told Kathy he would love to suck her tits. Billie was shocked and he expected both Kathy and Diane to be mad, but Diane just smiled and Kathy said, "And what do I have to suck in return?"

Frank invited both of them to his place for a pool party. "We are all good friends right? So here are the rules for the party. Girls were bikinis but only one piece, top or bottom. Billy; you and I go skinny dipping,."

"Oh, that sounds interesting," Kathy giggled.

After they left Billie was annoyed with Kathy. "How could you talk like that in front of me? It was like you were encouraging Frank to come on to you."

"Don't be silly, I was only teasing. Diane was not upset so why should you be? Now all this talk has got me feeling horny, so I want you to suck my pussy. You used to do that all the time but since we have been married, you have been neglecting your duties."

Billie didn't mind doing that because he knew she loved it, and she had spent a lot of time training him to do it right. What he didn't like was at night, once she was satisfied, she went to sleep and often he had to jerk himself off for his relief.

The following day as they got ready to go to Frank's pool party, Billie was feeling depressed. He didn't even want to go to Frank's stupid pool party but Kathy was all excited. "This is what you wanted isn't it, to make new friends?"

There was no way Billie was going to swim in the nude so he wore his swim suit and Kathy wore her bikini bottom. When they got there, Frank and Diane were already lounging by the pool. Frank was naked. "Oh," Kathy said, "You have a big one."

Frank said, "OK everyone, it's time for a swim, but give me a kiss first Diane," as he pushed her head down to his cock and made her kiss it. "How about giving me a kiss also Kathy?"

"I think you've had enough kisses for now," Kathy said with a smile.

Billie didn't know how to swim and Diane didn't want to so they sat poolside and watched. Frank and Kathy seemed to be having fun ducking each other under the water. At one point he pushed Kathy's head underwater and said, "I'm not letting you up until you do it."

A minute later Kathy came up sputtering, "You are a bad bad boy."

They got out of the pool after that and everyone sat around the pool drinking and smoking. Diane made margaritas for everyone. Billie only had one while they had several, and with everyone smoking he was getting a headache. Diane wore a beach coat now but Billie could see that she was naked underneath.

Frank asked Kathy if they would stay for dinner and once she said yes; she didn't even ask Billie, he told Diane to fire up the BBQ and cook some burgers and Polish sausage. He told Diane to take off her beach coat and put on her BBQ apron. "I love to see her in that apron, she looks so sexy." Billie had to admit she did look good. She had long honey brown hair and small perky breasts. She looked great in her small red apron that barely covered her pussy and breasts; otherwise she was naked.

While she cooked dinner she also served more margaritas. Billie had enough but the 3 of them continued to drink. Frank still lounged naked on his recliner chair and Billie noticed each time he would get Kathy's attention he would slowly stroke himself; how crude can you get, but Kathy and Diane didn't seem to be bothered by it.

Once he asked Frank a question and he didn't even bother answering, just kept on talking to Kathy. That's what bothered Billie the most, all of them seemed to ignore him. Then dinner was ready; Billie had a hamburger and Diane gave Frank a sausage.

"Come over here Kathy and I'll show you how the Polish eat sausage." Kathy got up, went over to Frank and sat on the edge of his recliner. "I start eating from one end and you the other and we meet in the centre." She had to lean over him to get her end of the sausage and to support herself she put her hand on his stomach very close to his cock and Billie could see it twitch. Of course when the sausage was eaten their lips were touching and he kissed her.

Billie had to put a stop to that so he went over to Kathy and said, "Time to join me at the table. Your hamburger is getting cold." As he pulled her away, he was annoyed to see that her hand lightly brushed Frank's cock.

A little later Diane was talking to Frank about the coming Friday night. "Maybe Kathy would help me,"

"That's a great idea Diane," Frank said and turning to Kathy, "Every Friday night my 5 buddies from work come here for a couple burgers, a few beer and we play poker. I don't want the guys getting up to get their own beer because it disrupts the game, so I have Diane bring their beer and clean the ashtrays. I think the guys like watching Diane walk away wearing only her BBQ apron. She complains that looking after six horny guys every week is too much so she is looking for some help. Would you like to come over here on Friday and help Diane?"

Billie spoke up right away. "I don't think that's a good idea since Kathy is married and all."

"No Billie, I think it's a good idea. Friday night is when your favorite TV programs are on and I get bored so this will give me something to do.

"Wonderful," Diane said. "It will be nice to have another girl to help me take care of these guys."

"And you don't have to wear an apron like Diane's unless you want to." Frank added.

"I think I'll pass on the apron but I'll wear something sexy." Kathy said with a smile.

Shortly after that Billie said it was getting late and suggested to Kathy it was time they left. When they got home Billie was very angry with Kathy. "How could you agree to go over there Friday night and serve beer to a bunch of horny drunken guys? And what was that comment about wearing something sexy?"

"Honey, I'm just helping out a neighbor," she said as she reached over and caressed his cock through his bathing suit. "Oh Billie, you have a stiffy. Thinking about me serving beer to horny men has got you all excited. I never realized what a pervert you are."

"Quit saying that. I'm not a pervert and I don't want you going over there." It was no wonder Billie had an erection. She seldom gives him any sex and after watching her topless all night and Diane almost naked, it's no wonder he had a hard on.

"Do you want me to be really, really nice to the guys and then come home and tell you all the naughty things I did?"

"Kathy, stop teasing me. I don't like it."

She laid back and started fingering herself through her bikini bottoms. "Encourage me to go to Frank's place and you can fuck me." Then she wiggled out of her bikini, spread her legs and started jerking her finger rapidly in and out of her pussy. "Oh, that feels good. I bet your cock would feel really, really good in my hot, juicy cunt."

"Please Kathy quit tormenting me; it's been over 2 weeks since you let me do it. A wife is supposed to let her husband do it more frequently than that. I lay beside you every night, and you tease and excite me but won't let me make love to you. You just want to be sucked. I know I make you cum with my tongue because I do it just the way you trained me before we got married, but now that we are married you are supposed to let me put it in."

"I know sweetie but I like to make you beg me for sex. It turns me on. If you don't get it very often it makes you a more obedient husband. A good husband should make sure his wife is fully satisfied sexually before he thinks about himself."

"But it's so humiliating to suck you off and then you make me jerk off in the bathroom because you don't want my cum stains on the sheets."

"Tell me you want me to go to Frank's place and I'll let you do it right now," as she lay back with her legs spread fingering herself. "Oh, I'm soo horny; I want you to fuck me. You might even make me pregnant because it's that time of the month."

Billie crawled on top of her and got his penis in her. It felt soo good, hot, wet, and tight and her pussy seemed to pulse on his penis giving him delicious thrills. He knew he couldn't last long and she could sense that. "Tell me you want me to do Frank's parties and be nice to his friends and I'll let you cum in me, otherwise pull out now and go jerk yourself off."

While she talked, she teased him more by squeezing him with her pussy muscles. It felt so good he knew he had to cum. "Yes, yes you can help out at Frank's poker games; just let me cum." It felt wonderful. Her pussy was like velvet and it seemed to massage his penis. This was only the 3rd time she had let him cum in her pussy without a condom. The first time was on his wedding night, and the 2nd time she told him to pull out and jerk off, but he was too far gone and came in her pussy anyway. She was so mad at him that she would not let him have sex with her for over a month.

"See," she said, "If you are good to me and do what I want, I can be good to you."

For the rest of the week, he sucked her every night while she teased him. "Diane says Frank won't like it if I wear panties because the guys like to feel us up when we bring them beer or snacks. She said to look out when the guys pull you on their lap for luck. Once a guy had his cock out and when he pulled her onto his lap he managed to get it in. Frank made her sit there and let the guy fuck her. He said it was to punish her for being careless and to reward him for being resourceful." She would say stuff like that while stroking his cock. "Billie, look how hard you get when you think about me with the guys."

"That's not true and you know it. You talk dirty to me and caress my penis. That's why I'm hard."

Friday night came and Billie felt depressed, but Kathy was in high spirits as she got ready. She wore a short skirt and a blouse with the top 3 buttons undone and no bra. "Do I look sexy enough for the party? Do you think the guys will like me?"

"What are you talking about, the party? You are there to help Diane serve drinks and snacks, that's all. You should worry less about what the GUYS think and more about what I think."

After she left he opened their bedroom window to try and hear what was going on because their bedroom faced Frank's house. It sounded more like a party to him than a serious poker game. Frank had music on loud so Billie couldn't hear any conversation, but he could hear laughter, especially Kathy's which he knew well. He lay in bed and tried to read but he was too distracted by what was going on next door. It was shortly after 2 AM before Kathy came home.

"What have you been doing until two in the morning," Billie said angrily.

"Billy, I come home in a good mood feeling happy and horny and all you can do is yell at me! I was going to let you fuck me but you can forget that now."

"Kathy, I'm sorry I got angry. It was just I was feeling jealous and left out of things. So, did you enjoy yourself?"

"It was fun. After the game we had a mini party, dancing and stuff. I'm still feeling horny, so although you blew your chance to fuck me, you can suck me while I tell you all about it?"

She stripped off her skirt and blouse and straddling his head she pushed her pussy onto his mouth. "Now I want you to do what you do best and get me off."

Billie didn't especially like doing that, but he did it to try and get on the right side of her. Since she doesn't let him have sex with her very often, this is still better than no sex at all. He started doing it just the way she liked it.

"That's so good Billie, keep doing that. Diane and I watched the poker game when we were not bringing them drinks. The guys like to feel our ass for luck. When the game broke up Frank suggested we have a mini party. Now the guys gave us drinks. I think they wanted to get us drunk so they could fuck us. He put on some good music and we danced with the guys. They liked rubbing against us making us feel their cocks through their pants. One guy, I think his name was Tommy, was dancing with me and rubbing his cock against me. I thought I would give him a thrill so I jerked him a little bit through his pants. He got so excited he came in his pants. I laughed at him and his face turned red, he was so embarrassed. Once the rest of the guys saw what happened they started teasing him. He was so humiliated he left the party and went home. I see you have a big stiffy too. I bet if I touched you, you would cum all over yourself too."

Her soft warm hand caressed his penis and though he tried not to cum, it was too much stimulation and he came in his pajamas.

"I knew it; you get turned on hearing me talk about jerking a guy off. Maybe I should fuck one of the guys so you could really shoot your load. Never mind trying to deny it; just get back to what you were doing." A little bit later she pushed him away. "You are totally useless. I should have let Rob fuck me when he wanted to. I know what your problem is. You had your cum so you could care less if I get off or not."

For the rest of the week she wouldn't let him make love to her. She said." I like to get you feeling horny and then not give you any. It makes me feel good to listen to you beg me for sex, and then deny you any relief unless you jerk yourself off.

On Thursday Frank came over. Billie never liked him the first time he saw him and liked him even less now. He always seemed to have a smirk on his face. "Hi Frank," Kathy said as she went over and kissed him. "Do you want a beer?"

"Sure, I'll take anything you're giving."

"Right now it's only beer, but later who knows?"

"I'll have a beer too honey." Billie said.

"Sorry sweetie, there's only one left. You should keep more beer in the fridge for when people drop in."

Going to Frank she handed him the beer. "I'm sorry I only have one to give you."

"That's OK, there is something else you can give me to make up for it," he said leering at Kathy.

"Frank you're terrible," Kathy said giggling.

Billie didn't like him flirting with his wife. "Is there a reason why you came over?" he asked.

"Yes; because we will be watching tomorrow nights football game, our poker game won't get started until late. Diane thought it would be nice if Kathy stayed overnight and the two of them would get an early start on cleanup in the morning. Because we watch the game before playing poker the place is bound to be in a mess, too much for one person to clean up."

"I don't think that is..."

Billie was interrupted by Kathy. "That makes sense; tell Diane I'll do it."

"Where would she sleep?" Billie asked.

"Hopefully with me, otherwise in the spare bedroom," he said with a grin.

"Stop teasing him." Kathy said giving him a playful poke. "You know jealous he gets. Tell Diane I will be happy to stay over."

With a big grin on his face Frank left.

"Kathy, you know I don't like you going over there and now you just agreed to stay overnight."

"You don't appreciate me. All you do is complain about everything I do. It would serve you right if I let Tommy sleep with me tomorrow night. The spare bedroom has a big double bed. I can't decide, I like Tommy but I also like Sammy so maybe I'll sleep with both of them. I never had a 3 way. It might be fun. When I come home I'll tell you all about it."

"Kathy, don't tease me and stop trying to humiliating me."

"OK, then show me you are willing to please me. I want you to jerk yourself off. You know I just love it when you do that for me."

"No Kathy, it's too embarrassing to jerk yourself off in front of a person."

"Fine, I'm sure I'll enjoy Sammy and Tommy fucking me tomorrow night."

"OK Kathy I'm sorry, I'll do it for you."

"No, it's too late now, and don't go in the bathroom and do it there either."

So now she doesn't want him to jerk off but she still had him suck her when they went to bed. "You are so good at that Billie, I think we should limit our sex life to you sucking me and I'll jerk you off," she told him with a giggle. She just loves to tease him and get him all excited and then deny him any relief.

The following day Billie came home depressed, but found Kathy was the exact opposite. She had bought a yellow mini dress that made her look soo sexy. She had been to the beauty salon and her beautiful blond shiny hair was now in a ponytail making her look young and innocent

"You can take me out to dinner as soon as I finish my makeup."

For a moment he thought she was doing this for him but when he went to kiss her she pushed him away saying, "No Billie, you will muss my makeup."

He took her to her favorite restaurant trying to impress her and show her how much he loved her. He bought an expensive wine from the wine list for her. She spent most of the time talking about Frank and the guys.

"You're going over to help Diane out. You make it sound like you're going on a date."

"Sweetie, you said you wanted me to go to Frank's place, remember?"

"Only because that was the only way you would let me make love to you."

"And you told me to be very, very nice to the guys."

"I didn't. I never said that."

Kathy giggled at his frustration.

At home he didn't feel like watching TV or reading so he went to bed early. It took him a long time to go to sleep. He kept thinking about Kathy at Frank's party.

It was close to noon before Kathy came home. She looked happy and so sexy in her short yellow dress. "You make my breakfast and I'll make the coffee." It sounded more like an order than a request. She didn't tell him anything about the party so he had to ask.

"The guys enjoyed the game. We served the guys beer and Frank gave Diane and I vodka and water. We didn't get drunk but we were feeling good. Every time the home team scored Diane and I would do a cheerleader dance. The guys liked looking under our dresses trying to get a good look at our pussies. Between scores we would sit with the guys. During the second half we did our dance whenever anybody scored.

"During the poker game, we drank vodka and fooled around with the guys a little. The game broke up about midnight and all the guys went home; so you see, Sammy and Tommy didn't fuck me although both wanted to.

"Diane had too much to drink because she passed out on the sofa. Frank said he would stay up with her so I went to bed. It was very warm in the spare bedroom so I lay on top of the covers wearing just my panties.