My Husband Allowed It

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I was persuaded to let them fuck me.
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The characters are:
Paula is married to Pete.
Fai is married to Stu.
Carol is married to Dan.

The young couple had gone to bed. They were naked and she was in the mood for sex although she couldn't put her finger on the reason for it. They played with each other and ten minutes later, she was ready. Paula was on her back and knew she'd come quickly as her husband penetrated her. His body moved slowly at first, his cock comfortably sliding in and out, his usual rhythm, gained in momentum. But Paula felt herself coming sooner than normal and she gushed her climax, moaned into Pete's shoulder and let the shudder of her body continue until she finished.

Pete seemed to hesitate, kissed her, then increased the speed. She could feel his body tense before he gasped and came while he pumped extra hard into her. Paula ran her hands lightly over his back, he always liked that, and then he withdrew. She watched him slide the condom off before she snuggled into his arms.

''You came harder than normal,'' he said. ''What was all that about?''

Paula thought back and whispered, ''Not sure. I was thinking about that gathering we're going to on Saturday. Then suddenly I was coming.'' She didn't want to analyse her feelings.

Pete stroked her cheek. ''Saturday? We're going to the friends we met on holiday. I'm looking forward to it.'' He paused and moved her chin to make eye contact. ''Why were you thinking of them ... the two guys?''

''No. They're well married. Fai and Carol were good fun. Two nice couples and us.'' Paula didn't know why she had actually thought of the two men in that group at the same time she was making love with Pete.

''I think Fai and Carol have a thing going on between them.''

Paula liked the way Pete ran his fingers over her chin and down her neck. She murmured, ''I told you about those two girls ... I reckon they're bi. Just a feeling, my intuition.''

''Ah ... so you were thinking of the two women and what it's like to be bisexual?''

''No,'' she said. ''I'm not that way inclined.'' She closed her eyes and let her thoughts go free.

''Which means,'' whispered Pete, ''you were thinking of Stu and Dan ... and made you come extra quick.''

Paula didn't want to dwell on that. ''The others are older than us, a lot older ... they have more money than us and ... and.'' She mentally did a shrug and lowered her voice. ''So what.''

Pete's hand drifted down Paula's tummy. ''We're in our 20s and the others are all about age 40. A difference of 15 years maybe. They're still good looking though ... all of them.'' His finger lightly touched her clit. ''You were thinking of Stu.''

''I like them both.''

''If they made a pass at you, what would you do?''

''Nothing. Anyway, I don't think either of them would be interested in me.''

''Every day you sunbathed topless. Those two guys couldn't help sneaking looks at you. I know you liked it. Our sex was so red hot on holiday. And right now your pussy is really wet.''

Her eyelids felt heavy and she imagined Stu and Dan one month ago in their bathing shorts as they stepped out of the hotel pool, the wet material of their shorts sticking to their cocks giving her a clear indication of their size. ''Even if those guys were interested in me, I wouldn't respond to a grope from either of them,'' she lied again because she didn't want to reveal anything to her husband.

''Imagine you're in their arms as I frig you.'' His fingers kept up a slow rotation of her pussy.

Was she alarmed at the suggestion her husband had just made? she wondered. ''Do you want me to be in their arms?'' Her body gave a spasm from the finger-work Pete was doing.

''I don't see them as a threat to our relationship because both guys are happily married.''

''But you said they admired my tits.'' She thought of herself standing beside the pool, no top on, just bikini bottoms, her well-formed breasts, teardrop-shaped, as in less full at the top and enough at the bottom to make them swing a little when moving. She had noticed the many glances during the holiday.

''They wanted to suck your nipples.''

''I wouldn't let them touch me, Pete.'' She gave a soft moan.

''I told you I wouldn't mind. You have sex written all over you. So long as you're mine, I'm ok with those two guys.''

''Both together?''


The climax swept through her sending a judder through her body. Pete took his hand away to let her cool down.

Paula looked sideways at Pete. ''The trouble is, a fondle or a kiss with them will lead to something else. So I wouldn't let it happen.''

Pete leaned on one elbow and kissed her. She felt secure, happy and trusting of her husband. She watched him slide off the bed, chuck the condom into the waste bin and stroll to the bathroom. He blew her a kiss and disappeared to have a shower. As Paula got up she admitted she was looking forward to next Saturday. The full-length mirror confirmed her all-over suntan except for the small bikini-bottom V in the front which was white. At 5' 4'' in her bare feet she looked good. Her small waist and strong legs accentuated her boobs and their slight swing. Dark eyes and dark hair contributed to the sultry look she could display when she wanted to.

The following Saturday they were greeted by Stu who came out of his front door into his driveway to open the car door for Paula. As she swung her legs out of the car to stand up she was grateful for her choice of skirt, knee length, otherwise, Stu might have glimpsed her panties. Stu's scent smelt divine, not too much, just a hint. He shook hands with Pete and in no time they were inside the 4-bedroom house. They were the last to arrive and the others greeted them with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Dan handed her and Pete their drinks and they all made themselves comfortable in the lounge.

The conversation drifted to the holiday where they'd all met for the first time. Fai and Stu, the hosts, had printed photos of the group by the pool, on the beach and sitting at meal times, the 6 of them having a really good time. There were a number of photos showing the topless sunbathing of the girls and Paula was a bit embarrassed at the smouldering look she sometimes gave the camera.

More drinks came before they went to sit in the large kitchen at the rectangular table and ate dinner. It took Paula back to the experience she had felt on holiday where they had got on so well. This time, though, she was more aware of both Stu and Dan, their glances in her direction, and sometimes eye contact, held two seconds too long. It appeared Fai and Carol didn't mind or didn't notice. Paula was glad of the firm bra under her white shirt, a sort of protection to stop any touching from the men.

Afterwards, they sat on sofas and armchairs in the lounge with more drinks. Dan brought along three more photos he had taken by the hotel pool. ''Take a look at these,'' he said. ''Which one do you like best?''

They examined each one, each photo a single shot of one of the women in just a bikini bottom. Paula was surprised at how sexy she looked, particularly in her bikini with the side tie-ups. Stu exclaimed, ''Would that bikini, Paula, really fall apart if I had pulled the ties?''

She laughed with the others. ''Yes, it would have done, Stu.''

''Damn,'' said Stu. ''I wish I had taken the opportunity to do that.'' Fai smacked his leg in fun.

Dan said, ''How about you women taking your tops off again.'' Carol came over and playfully covered his mouth up. ''No way!'' she laughed. ''The only person going to take her top off is Paula because she is by far the most gorgeous person here.''

Everyone agreed except Paula who covered her mouth with her hands and didn't know what to say.

Pete said, ''I suppose logically we've all seen your boobs.'' He came alongside Paula and put his arm around her shoulder.

She felt nervous and unsure. The men continued a light banter at how lovely she had been on holiday. Pete said he would stand by whatever his wife wanted to do. A feeling of being trapped engulfed Paula and, on the verge of crying, she broke away to walk into the kitchen, away from all the chatter. She took deep breaths to ward off the tears.

A gentle hand on her arm and Fai lowered her voice, ''Don't be pushed, darling. We're on your side.'' Paula turned to find Fai and Carol in the kitchen, the door closed. Carol came and hugged Paula and Paula shed a few tears, dabbed her eyes from a tissue handed to her by Fai.

''Sorry,'' said Paula as the other women held her. They offered reassurance and encouragement, saying it was a compliment, in a way, for her to be asked to show her naked top. Fai said, ''Even I want to admire your breasts, they're so beautiful, aren't they, Carol?''

Carol agreed. ''Mine don't hang so well.'' She giggled and stroked Paula's back.

''Give us a hug,'' said Fai which made Paula feel better. Carol also wanted to hug and the three of them rocked each other. ''Tell you what,'' said Carol, ''let's have Paula dress up in holiday mood, something that'll stun the guys but keep your top on.''

That appealed to Paula, although she couldn't understand why, and it was agreed that Fai would take Paula upstairs to help her dress while Carol went back into the lounge to tell the others.

Upstairs, Fai took out clothes from her wardrobe and displayed them on her bed. ''Right, let's get you undressed and sit here in front of the makeup mirror.''

Paula still felt unsure about this but Fai enthused at how lovely Paula was and it gave her extra confidence. In no time, Paula sat with just her bra and knickers on. Fai applied touches of makeup and it gave Paula a boost while Fai told her of the time she used to work for one of the TV companies as a makeup artist.

Paula liked the attention of an expert and stood for Fai to dress her. As Fai unclipped the bra she remarked at how lucky Paula was to have firm breasts, not too large but big enough to swing. Paula felt her nipples harden. ''One day,'' said Fai, ''I'm going to have you to myself ... you know I'm bi, don't you?''

Paula nodded. ''I guessed. But I'm strictly into guys.''

''Put your shirt back on.'' Fai did up the buttons, her fingers grazed Paula's skin, making Paula's naked nipples protrude more through the fabric. Fai had selected a mini skirt, black and helped Paula put it on. As Paula looked in the mirror she watched the flared-out design of the skirt and the way it flowed with her body movements. Fai knelt, fiddled with the hem and admired the way Paula looked. ''The guys are going to love you,'' murmured Fai. ''Your knickers could be more alluring ... want to change them?''

''Into what!'' Paula already looked stunning. ''Anyway, I'm not going to show the others my panties.''

''Trust me, when you sit and cross your legs you will show for a second your knickers. The slower you cross your legs the more everyone will see. My advice? Wear these.'' Fai produced a pair with the label still attached. ''These white ones are from Agent Provocateur, I've been saving them for a special time, try them.'' As she said this, Paula let Fai slide her old panties down and she automatically stepped out of them. Fai cut the price tag on the new pair, knelt down again and Paula stepped into them to let Fai pull the panties up.

''Oh my God,'' said Paula. She felt the silky texture, the lace lightly in touch with her pussy. ''They're far too sexy! Look at my bush, you can see through the lace.''

''Hey, darling Paula. Nobody is going to see your beautiful pussy unless you want them to. Love the way you have a one-inch landing strip.'' Fai giggled and stood. ''Here ... let's have a hug.''

Paula felt better. ''Suppose the guys want to hug me? Or want me to take my top off?''

''You're in charge. My husband will drool ... so will Dan. Ha ha. Look at how your nipples press against your shirt.''

''Oh my, I can see the outline of my boobs. Is this going to be ok, Fai?''

''I'll be with you. Besides, I know you want to show off your body.'' Fai picked up Paula's discarded knickers and looked at the damp area. ''It doesn't lie.'' Fai laughed and threw the knickers on the bed. ''Let's go and flaunt it.''

They entered the lounge, Fai holding her hand and conversation stopped for a couple of seconds before everyone spoke at once. There was much cooing and compliments as she hugged Carol first, then Stu and Dan, and finally Pete. He held on extra long and whispered how fabulous she looked. ''Are you sure, Pete? I'm doing this for you, darling.'' She didn't understand whether her words were the truth or a need to have Pete support her. In the background of her mind remained a simple truth that upstairs, as Fai transformed her, Paula wanted it. Was it the admiration of the others that she craved? she had debated to herself upstairs. But why had her knickers, discarded on Fai's bed, told its own story, gave away her inner feelings, her desires, her needs? Downstairs, as the centre of attention, she leaned on Pete and promised she'd do nothing without his support.

With drinks in hand, they all made a toast - ''to the lady who made our holiday'' - although Paula couldn't believe they really thought that. The guys, including Pete, had their phones out to take photos. Dan wanted her to undo the button of her shirt to ''reveal a bit more'' he said. She covered her mouth in embarrassment but let Carol intervene to stand in front of her, a quick released of the button, followed by Carol's hands on her shoulders and a kiss on her mouth. ''Couldn't resist that, Paula.''

The kiss lingered with Paula. She ran her tongue along her upper lip and the guys took photos. Fai and Carol looked on from the side. They held hands. Pete winked his approval at the attention she was getting. It felt good. Pete knelt and had his phone low to take an upward shot. She twirled and knew the skirt would flare out to reveal her panties. They all laughed.

''Hey,'' said Stu, ''come and sit here ... on my lap.'' He had flopped down into one of the upholstered armchairs, supported with a couple of cushions. His hands opened out in an invitation. With more time she would have debated whether to do that but she heard Pete say ''good idea'' which gave her encouragement.

She perched on Stu's knee, her legs together. Dan asked her to lean back but Paula knew that she shouldn't be going this far. It would show her panties. ''No way!'' she laughed with the others but Stu was rubbing her back, her neck, an area she loved - how did he know? She almost closed her eyes but Pete must have seen her wavering for he was there in front of her, leaning in to kiss her. His lips were strong and she opened her mouth to him. Nothing was said in the room as the others watched. Stu's hands came around to her ribs and gently pulled her back. It seemed easier to break the kiss with her husband and melt fully back into Stu's lap. Pete had one hand on his phone to take a photo while his other hand eased open her legs.

''Oh wow,'' exclaimed Pete. ''You have somebody else's panties on.''

'' Let's see,'' said Dan.

Paula chuckled at the two boys in front of her, ogled between her legs. Fai came and sat on the armrest next to her and put her hand on Paula's shoulder as she snuggled up to Stu, her husband. Fai's hand gently kept her in place, unable, unwilling to move as Fai kissed Stu. She said to him, ''You're a naughty man ... but I love you.'' Meanwhile, Paula's eyes settled on Pete who was stroking his hands up her bare, suntanned thighs while her legs moved of their own accord wider. What did she care? she thought. Later, Pete could take her to bed. Paula felt so sexy aided by Stu's hands as they held her under her breasts, his thumbs rubbing through the shirt cotton. Looking down, her nipples were clearly enlarged, straining at the shirt, Stu's fingers were dangerously close to the darker area around her nipple, the areola.

Pete appeared to be transfixed by the lace covering her pussy and she had a silent bet that her husband was longing to touch it. Dan took another photo. Without knowing why Paula spread her legs to give the guys an eyeful. Pete gasped, ''It shows everything ... you're damp as well, darling.''

''Oh, alright then,'' said Paula. Did it matter that the whole room knew she was aroused? Relaxing into Stu's lap, she felt her whole body less tense, less formal to the point where she didn't mind if her legs stayed open. ''I guess you guys have seen my bikini bottoms for two weeks - what difference does it make?''

Fai's small fingers pulled aside Paula's dark hair. Paula looked up at her. Before she could wonder if Fai's kiss was as good as Carol's a few minutes ago, she watched and, as if in slow motion, Fai lean down and stroked her lips along Paula's. An invitation to open her mouth was there as Paula breathed in. She knew her hips had been moved and presumed Pete must have pulled her towards him - and this would show all her panties but her senses at that moment were on Fai. Opening her mouth was easy for Paula and Fai responded. How long they kissed, she couldn't tell, their tongues exploring, exploring teeth, exploring lips. The room had gone quiet.

Other senses came to the fore - Stu was undoing all the buttons on her shirt and pulled it from under her mini skirt to expose her breasts. Without needing to see, Paula felt the open air around her boobs. Was Stu holding them? She preferred not to look as someone's hands caressed her. Sucking Fai's tongue was Paula's wish, although she'd never kissed any other woman or even thought about it.

Paula felt lips against the gusset of her panties, licking through the lace. Pete was there, it had to be him doing this so it must be ok. Fai's hand cupped Paula's chin and whispered, ''May I kiss your breasts?'' They looked into each other's eyes, the intense desire showed in Fai's eyes. It only took a nod from Paula and she felt Fai shift her position to kneel next to the chair.

''Pete.'' Her voice sounded strange laced with sex. ''Is this ok?'' It was still possible to untangle herself, to quietly pull the others away, to stand, to straighten her skirt. Pete appeared in her vision, leaned over and kissed her. ''Yes.'' His tone had authority in it, an unspoken requirement to trust him. They looked at each other without moving. Dan - it had to be Dan now - was kissing the inside of her thighs, holding her right leg higher off the ground.

Without breaking eye contact she said to Pete, ''Dan has his fingers touching my butt, my ass hole, I know it, Pete.'' She blinked, then a spasm hit her as Fai sucked her nipple. The ache for more pushed her head back against Stu, her head next to him, his hand on her chin turned her to face him. The closeness of their faces made it easy to kiss, a slight twist of her body and Stu was French kissing her. She bucked in reply to Fai's attention to her nipple.

An out-of-body experience took over Paula. Her panties were being pulled down her thighs but the rougher hands of Dan were now replaced with smoother, softer hands, and longer nails which scrapped delightfully along her inner legs, such that Paula knew it was Carol. Paula was past caring about anything. She wanted them, all of them, including Fai and Carol.

And Carol had exactly the right technique to spring an orgasm on Paula. As Paula kissed Stu she felt Carol's face between her legs, Paula's skirt up around her waist, those fingernails of Carol penetrating Paula's outer folds but it was the casual lick of her pussy that set her off. She cried into Stu's mouth, held down by Fai who sucked her nipples and all Paula could do was climax. Did she squirt, she couldn't tell. Stu broke his kiss to give her air.

She expected to find everyone still dressed but Pete and Dan were naked, both with erections. Carol came into vision, blew Paula a kiss and reached for Pete's hand. Paula wanted him to enjoy himself. Dan came over and took Fai's hand - they stood and kissed before he started to undress her.