My Incestful Sex Life

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I See My Mom Topless.
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It had been almost 3 years since I started writing erotic stories.

Most of my work belonged to the illicit category of Incest, but fortunately for me, I had been receiving considerable amount of praise, and it gave me a lot of satisfaction.

More than the ratings I managed to achieve, submitting a story gave me a sense of contentment.

However, as much as I enjoyed the process, it was still a very classified activity. It was a secret I always wanted to remain one.

But, when I fell head over heels for Pooja, I decided I had to be honest with her. I convinced myself I had to tell her about my biggest passion, no matter the consequences.

14 hours had passed since I shared this very sensitive information with my fiancee. And, she had not bothered to call me, or accept my calls, all this while.

I could not blame her. I myself knew there were a lot of instances in my stories where I had crossed the line.

There were plenty of occasions where I had used the names of the women in my family, for characters in my plots.

These were women she now knew. These were women she soon was to live with!!

The majority would have found it difficult to accept my love for erotica as a simple pastime.

How much ever I tried defending my actions, it clearly would have been considered a case of indecent perversion, if the people around me got to know about it.

After waiting so long for her reply, I could now conclude that for somebody like Pooja, who grew up being pampered by her parents, Incest was in all probability a totally disgusting theme.

I was sure I was going to be hated by her.

I was preparing myself to stay strong when she says it was over between us.

I was getting myself ready to forget everything I had dreamt of.

I was hopeless, but yet pounced on to my phone, when it finally rang!!

I answered the call with a very heavy heart, and was only hoping it was not her dad who was going to lash out at me.

"I loved it, Baby!! You have no idea how wet I am. I read all your stories... All of them... You write so well, and you have a fucking dirty mind!! Hahaha!! I just cannot wait to be on the bed with you. Promise me you are going to fuck me just how Aryan did Pavithra." I could not believe she said that. It was too good to be true.

"You submitted their kinky story only last week... Haha!! I think I just know what you did there... I am certainly looking forward to experiencing all of it, My Love!!" Pooja sounded extremely excited, and I had no words to express how happy I was.

Aryan & Pavithra were characters in my latest story, and my lover was smart enough to understand where the inspiration came from - The couple was indeed based on the two of us.

"See you soon, Babbbby!!" Pooja kissed me over the phone, before hanging up.

Not only was I relieved, I felt super lucky that I was going to marry her. She was just too perfect for me, and nothing could now stop me from making her mine!!

With the phone still in my hand, I lighted a cigarette, from inside my bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, just like I did every night.

I was a chain smoker since my days in college, and it has been a couple of years that I have been unsuccessfully trying to quit. I wanted to get rid of this bad habit of mine, but I never could.

Maybe I shouldn't be saying this so early into the story, but smoking never really found a place in my list of addictions. In-fact, it was a very harmless weakness compared to my other obscene obsessions!!

That particular night, as I looked into the mirror, I saw a man in a black suit, flaunting red wayfarer glasses, and watching me, as he took the right puffs from a Parejo Cigar.

"On my way to Egypt!!" he mouthed, in a very animated manner.

I had a wide grin on my face, as I glanced back at him... It was my own mirror image - But, in that moment, reflected the man hidden inside me... The man you know me as... Bruce Wayne AKA BruceWayneEgypt!!

Bruce Wayne was initially only a pen name I used, when I published my stories online. But, now, he was a lot more to me.

He was more than just a name... He was my companion!!

I fed him with my lust... I let him grow - But, he grew so big... Bigger than me... He now had the strength to make me do more sinful things than what I had told him I was capable of.

He controlled my body, spreading all over my mind, and I was now only an obedient slave to him.

He was an imaginary sexually charged version of myself, when I first created him... But, today, I had so much of him in me, I could easily say I was the replica, and he was the original!!

That is the kind of power he had on me!!

Hello My Dear Readers...

My name is Akshay...

I am 27 years old, and this is my story!!

Before I go any further, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the support you have been giving me so far. I am really grateful for the love.

This new story can almost be called an autobiography, and is the closest you will get to know the real me.

The plot is a direct adaptation of my own life, and I hope you like it.

Please Happily Continue Reading!!

If you have been following my work, you would have at-least once guessed or felt that the incidents in my stories are inspired from real-life events - You were spot-on.

And, very rightly, there are a lot of people who deserve credit for making me the author I am today... For making me the person I am today.

Had I not modeled the characters in my plots based on the women, and men, in my own life, I don't think I would have ever made them so genuine & interesting!!

"How did we ever meet?!" I asked my celebrated alter ego, inside the mirror.

He just laughed, and walked away... Leaving me alone... Leaving my question unanswered.

"Why did I start writing erotic stories??" I wondered.

"What made me write my first story??" I very seriously quizzed myself.

It was always connected to the extreme sensual desires I had - I was certain!!

Thinking how it all began, I closed my eyes, as I lit my second cigarette.

And immediately, I felt my mind being filled with images of the very person I spent years lusting for.

The very same person who was the biggest reason for all my venereal cravings...

My Dream Girl - My Mom, Mahima!!

Even as I greatly enjoyed my wonderful sex life, I always yearned for my mother.

I was only 18 when I realized I wanted her.

I started finding complete sexual gratification only if I fapped to her.

And though it has been a roller-coaster ride, with conflicting emotions, when I look back at all those years, I really am thankful for all the hot moments my mom filled my life with.

She was not just a teasing item who demanded my attention...

She did not just make me hungry for her body...

She made me fall in love with her - In the most impossible ways!!

Truth be told, there was not another woman I knew that I so desperately wanted to have on my bed.

Yet, it was never about forcing my mother to surrender.

I had not cum for another woman as much as I have cum for my own mother.

She actually never gave the others a chance...

She was everything I ever needed!!

Though not intentionally, my mom had sown the seeds of forbidden lust, in my mind, very very early.

She had easily become her son's Cum Queen - His first and his favorite!!

It had been only three weeks since I turned 18, and I, my dad & my mom, were travelling across India, trying to find the best college for me.

We finally zeroed in on an Engineering College in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

The admission procedures were completed the very next day. But, by the time the three of us got back to our room, we were all exhausted.

Throughout the last 8 days of our college hunt, we had been sharing a room. My dad thought it was more practical that they got me an extra bed, than spending money on a separate room for me.

I was very weary, after walking around the campus, in the hot sun, and as soon as I got back to the room, I fell asleep. I do remember being so tired my whole life.

I slept well for almost an hour, until I woke up hearing the sound of my dad coming out of the bathroom, after his shower, wrapped in a towel.

I was still very drowsy, and slowly rolled over in the small extra bed, designated to me - Only to find my mother, just a couple of meters away, standing in front of the mirror, in the most unexpected condition.

I could not believe what I was seeing... I even tried convincing myself that I was still sleeping, and this was a dream - But one I was not supposed to see.

It was just too incredible to be true!!

My 37 year old mom had only a white colored cotton bra, covering her alluring pair of boobs.

She had not yet removed her white leggings, but her semi-naked upper body was enough to give me the biggest shock of my life!!

It was only an hour ago that I had seen her in a well fitting royal blue kurti, and the same white bottom, she had been wearing since the morning.

"I have told you already, Mahima... You cannot walk around like this anymore." my dad said, moving towards my mom, looking at her busty cleavage, and giving her a kinky smile.

"He is just a kid, Devan. And also, he is sleeping." my mom replied, turning her head towards the extra bed, and making sure I was not awake.

I quickly closed my eyes, and acted like I was dozing.

"But, still... This is not a sight I want him to see. Your lovely melons are a little too irresistible... Even for..." my dad replied, not completing the sentence, and clearly sounding very excited.

"Oh my... Devan!! Hahaha... Just shut up, will you?! The things you sometimes say... Haha... I will be more careful... Okay?! Don't you worry about it." my mom said, in an assuring tone.

And before my dad could say another word, she quickly unhooked her bra, and handed it over to him.

My very own mother was topless!!

And her newly turned adult son was seeing her breasts uncovered!!

"Have it... Try touching the piece of fabric that covered your wife's bust... Savor the fact that only you will ever get to do that... Just how only you will have your hands on my jugs... Hhmmm... Yesss... Just like that..." my mom moaned, uncontrollably, as she guided my dad's left hand into fondling her breasts.

He had very happily accepted her used bra, but kept it on the table, even more gleefully, the moment my mother offered him her tits - And very keenly began groping her boobs, straightaway.

"You should be in the movies... I mean, Porn!! Hahaha... You were born to make men hard!!" I heard my dad tell my mother, as she blushed.

I was so troubled by the turn of events, I just lay stunned on the bed... I could not accept this.

I was having the most scintillating view of my very own mother's naked side boobs, and more importantly, as my dad pleased her!!

I had never imagined anything like this - I had never imagined watching my parents in action.

But, even though I was completely perplexed, I could not stop myself from acknowledging the fact that my mother's long erect nipples clearly stood out.

She was obviously aroused, but I also could not stop wondering if her carnal feelings were stimulated even before my dad touched her.

Add to it the teasing conversation between my dad and mom, and I was already being driven crazy.

I was just not used to this side of them, and it was something I least expected!!

I did not know much about a woman's body, and it's parameters, back then - But, now, I know my mom has C-Cups, and her size is 34-25-36.

She has always had the same set of specifications, and I often feel proud that my mother has done well to maintain her figure so well.

9 years ago, on that eventful night, I could only leak in my pants, each time I ogled at her beautifully shaped globes, trying to guess what the dimensions of her hooters could be.

If somebody had asked me about her boobs, back then, I would have just said they were very firm and did not sag at all.

My half-naked mother, with her knockers exposed, was the definition of perfection, and she really seemed to have had the right to demand all my attention!!

With her legs still covered, she walked towards the bathroom, leaving my dad desperately longing for more, but giving me the majestic view of her glorious back - She had a very curvy body, and her hips were wide & round.

I was already extremely turned on, yet it was only that very moment I realized how stiff my manhood was.

Those few seconds had a great ever-lasting impact on my mind & body...

I could sense that the hardness of my penis was more than just an instant response to my mother's kind gesture...

The image of my mother with her bare back, still is my most treasured memory, even after all these years!!

Thinking about it, that was only the third or fourth time I ever had an erection - But, it was the first time I was hard for my mother.

And, it still continues to be one of the biggest boners I have had in my life!!

I was never a boy who spent time flirting with girls.

I was never someone who felt I wanted to have a good time watching porn.

I was never a person who was overly curious about sex.

I was always considered the most harmless and innocent child around.

But after that night, everything changed... Forever!!

As soon as my mother entered the shower, I noticed my dad move towards the table, and I watched as he took her dirty bra back, and smelled it - The expression on his face clearly indicated how much he was enjoying it.

I so badly wanted to have my own hands on my mom's bra, that very second. But, I could not do anything about it, and it hurt me.

I was starting to lose myself!!

My dad hastily looked at me, and wrongly concluding I was sleeping, licked the sweat filled cups of my mother's padded bra!!

That was more than what I could take... I was not used to anything like this... I was not accustomed to venereal actions...

However, unlike my usual self, I did not feel disgusted - All I felt was that I wanted to do it, too.

Once again carelessly checking & falsely confirming I was not awake, my dad tip-toed, slowly opened the bathroom door, and sneaked inside, with my mother's bra still in his hand, to be happily welcomed by her naughty giggle - She had been waiting for him!!

"You just love smelling my dirty inner-wear, don't you?! Here, take this as well!!" I heard my mom say, and I could visualize my dad greedily accepting her precious pair of moist panties, and digging his face onto it.

"They are soaked, Mahima." I could hear my dad say, a little surprised.

"Haha... Hasn't that always been the case, my darling husband!!" my mom quickly replied.

"Hahaha... Well... Yes... But... This definitely is more drenched than always. You have never told me what gets you so wet, in the first place... The visit to the boys hostel seems to have done you a lot of good!!" I could not believe my dad said that to my mother. He sounded so calm & normal, like every-time, and almost as if he was enjoying questioning my mom's fidelity.

"You are one horny pig..." my mom bounced back, equally thrilled, and not at all disturbed by my dad's statements!!

I knew nothing about the term cuckoldry, back then - If I knew, I would have seriously doubted if my dad was a willing cuck, finding satisfaction in making my mom a hotwife who blissfully slept around.

"Whatever it is, your juices taste extra yummy, today." my dad stressed, as I felt my erect cock, oozing precum, picturing my dad lick & swallow my mom's juices off her panties.

That very second, I wanted my mother's panties, too - I needed it so badly!!

I wanted to know how good the thin fabric smelled, after being stuck onto my mom's most private areas... I wanted to know how good the satin material tasted, after absorbing all my of mom's slimy fluids...

But, only until the moment I felt I wanted to know how good my mother, herself, would smell & taste!!

I could certainly say that it was the transition phase... I was changing - From only loving my mother to completely lusting for her!!

It was at that exact instant I felt I was really maturing... I felt greater developments in me, than I felt during puberty!!

I was learning, and I wanted to experience everything I newly gained knowledge of!!

"Get in the shower with me... We are going to be doing a lot of this once Akshay leaves home for college... Let tonight be a wonderful beginning... Fuck the hell out of your horny sex craving wife!!" I heard my mom tell my dad, in a hushed but aroused tone.

"No Way!!" I still remember how loud I gasped - I never thought my mom would say something so provoking.

But, I was also starting to be assured that tonight was indeed going to be the beginning of a very wonderful adulthood!!

It was as if I saw a portal to a new world opening up for me to enter!!

I knew nothing about erotic romance until that evening - But, now that I knew, I wanted to be more than just an insignificant spectator.

I wanted to be a part of it. I was sure I really wanted to.

Still, there was also this very strange feeling that I was being pushed to wish for the real deal.

Maybe, it was just the sensitivity of the situation, and I wanted an easy way out, but a considerable portion of me was genuinely satisfied that I was only acting on the orders of an unknown entity!!

I felt forced to imagine my bare breasted mother, standing in front of me, offering me her enticing rack.

I felt forced to imagine my mother strip fully naked in front of me.

I felt forced to imagine my mother asking me to sniff her filthy pair of used panties.

I felt forced to imagine my mother in the shower with me.

I felt forced to imagine my mother making out with me.

But, very soon, I was converted into a keen & interested participant - I no longer felt pressured into fantasizing about my mother.

I was starting to enjoy it, just how I wished!!

I wanted to see my mother's bust.

I wanted to see my mother naked.

I wanted to smell my mother's most valuable treasures.

I wanted to be in the shower with my mother.

I wanted to make out with my mother.

I wanted my mother!!

However, even as I was finding delight at the hope of fulfilling my fleshly hankering, I was also finding it more and more difficult to come to terms with the hard truth that my parents were engaging in an erotic activity, in the most unusual place.

It was, of-course, very normal and natural, and I now very well know that sex in the shower is great. But, it was all new for me, that day - I had never been subjected to anything of that kind!!

I knew my young innocent mind had been corrupted, and though my dad could claim equal responsibility, I was sure it was my mom who deserved all the credit.

There was nothing I could do about it!!

There was nothing I wanted to do about it!!

And as they say, extra ordinary times call for extra ordinary measures - I was very sure I was trapped in the most astounding universe, and the only way out for me was a door my mom had keys to!!

I was certain my stay in this alien world was not going to end, until I have my mom!!

I knew this was a phase that would exist for a long time - I knew everything was going to be different!!

Had I written this story the very next morning, I would have emphasized on how badly I wanted to maul my mother's tits, until the day I died.

There would have definitely been sentences that specified the magnitude of damage I wanted to do to my mother's mature holes.

I am not definite I am doing it right, today. But I believe I have mellowed down.

The constant confrontations I had with my excited self, over the years, have helped tame my raw unchecked hardcore passion - Or so I wish to think!!

That night, I just could not get back to sleeping... In-fact, I did not sleep at all...